What's wrong with you...?

Lauren took out a pen and began to draw all over her skin. She drew hearts, names, pictures, and random crap.
Upon arriving at the retreat, June parked the van and got out. "Alright, kids, you've got two hours to unpack, settle in, and explore. After that, dinner, then you'll receive a tour of the facilities. You will have tomorrow to yourselves, after that, your testing program will be put into place. Each of you will have a different set of test, as you each have different input to give us" she explained with smile

Carter sighed in releif when they arrived. He just wanted to lie down for a while and sleep off the jet lag. He hated flying. HATED it. he grabbed his duffle bag and hopped out of the van, barely listening to June's little speech. He'd deal with the testing when h got to it. He was sort of curious though, what type of tests? More stuff like they;d done the day he'd been 'selected'?
Lauren took her headphones out and rolled them up and threw it into her backpack. She got out and grabbed her duffel bag. She walked inside and began unpacking.
Monique listened to June silently, without a word she clambered out of the van and headed inside, giving a glance to her surroundings before heading up to her designated room. She looked around with a small smile, the beige and white bed looked extremely inviting with it's fluffed up pillows and decorative patterns and the wooden oak wardrobe looked just about the right size for her amount of clothes. She placed out her suitcase on the floor and opened it up, pulling out all of her clothes and hanging them up neatly in the wardrobe before taking out the hidden, picture perfect white mac laptop. It was her life. She sat down on the comfortable bed and opened it up, logging in at the speed of lightning and immediently hacking into the CIA's database - making sure to cover her tracks of course so that the CIA and anyone else wouldn't even know she had gotten through their secruity - and searching up the name 'June' She scrolled through the almost endless list of people before she found a picture to match the June she knew. She smiled lightly and clicked on it, scanning over the information and almost sighing when she found nothing out of the ordinary, all seemed to match up. She turned off the computer and hid it in the wardrobe, checking the time to see it had been an hour. An hour left to memorize the layout of this 'retreat' She peered out the window and frowned at the bright sun, she had forgotten to pack sunglasses. That stunk. She took a glance of the room and spotted a pen laying on the desk by the wall, she grinned and focused on it, watching as it transformed to a nice pair of black sunglasses before she swept them up and put them on. She left her room, heading outside to take a look around.
Erabella grabbed her bag and headed to the large house. She smiled and turned to June "This is amazing." She said and raced up the steps leading to the door. She waited until June unlocked the door before heading towards the hallway. She peeked into each room and finally settled on one of the larger rooms. She leaned her neon green and black suitcase aganst the wall.
Carter quickly found his way up the stairs and to a room. It was a light green colour with darker green trim. Not his first choices of colour schemes, but hey, he was just sleeping in here, not living in here, so it could have been worse. Much worse. Could hve been pink. He chuckled to himself at that thought and tossed his ba on the floor so he could dig out his MP3 player. even if he couldn't sleep, he could relax and listen to music for a while

June watched the kids file though the door and up the stairs. "If anyone has any questions, I'll be in the kitchen!" she called after them. She went to her room, which was the only bedroom on the main floor, and put her purse away. After exiting her room, she went to the large, well stocked kitchen and began preparing dinner
Alice walked quietly into the house, looking at her surroundings before going to look for a room. She eventually found one that was plain white, from floor to ceiling plus white decorations. She loved it. She sat her things down and began to unpack. She wondered what June had meant about the whole 'specialized testing' thing. Did it have something to do with her gift? It couldn't. No one knew about it, and she intended to keep it that way. It was a great power to have and all, but if it was used in certain ways, it could be dangerous and even deadly. She sighed and sat down once all her things were settled, looking out the window that overlooked the retreat's property. She eventually decided to wander the house and find out where everything was, starting with the second floor that her bedroom was located on.
Erabella finished unpacking and yawned. The jet lag was getting to her. She shook her head and headed back downstairs. She didn't really want to leave the calm, cool blue and brown bedroom. She walked into the kitchen and rifled through the fridge. She grabbed everything she needed to make a salad. She turned to June “Where are the knives and cutting boards?“ she asked as she began rinsing vegetables and things in the kitchen sink.
June smiled. "Oh, sweetie, you don't have to do that, you're welsome to enjoy your free time with the others if you like" she said. "But I do appreciate it, thank you" she pulled out a cutting board and opened the drawer where the knives were kept. "So what do you think of the retreat?"

Unable to sleep, Carter sighed to himself and sat up, tossing his MP3 player on the bed. Maybe he'd wander around nd get the lay of the land. And maybe he'd try to get some readings off of some of the other people here. June confused him. Mostly because she just seemed so normal and open. And happy. Who could be tht cheerful all of the time? It was unnatural. He put his hand over his mouth to stifle a yawn and headed out of his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. He hoped everyone here ws honest, he didn't like the idea of people going through his stuff
Lauren unpacked all of her things, including a torn but taped photo of her and her dad when she was little. She threw her clothes into the dresser and forced it shut. It wasn't the worst place, It was a place where she could forget about things for a bit. She sighed and walked out of her bedroom and into the kitchen with everyone.
Carter made his way down to the kitchen nd peeked in. "You guys got this covered, or do you need some help?"
Alice's exploration eventually led her downstairs to the kitchen. When she got there, she saw that almost everyone else was down there too, either getting ready to make food or just hanging out. She wondered if she should go somewhere else. She didn't want to get in the way. Instead she decided to sit down on one of the chairs in the dining room, gazing out the window and only half listening to what the others were talking about amongst themselves.
(Hey, Kait, can I be a witch and ask you to change the colour of your font? I'm having a really hard time reading it. Please and thnk you)

June smiled. "Well, I might almost think you lot were hungry" she laughed. "I just put the burgers in the oven. Normally I'm big on keeping things healthy, but for now, burgers are quick and easy. All the condiments are in the fridge, get out whatever you'd like while I get plates and utinsels out, okay?" It was clear she was used to being in charge
Alice looked over shyly at June. She was a vegetarian and therefore couldn't eat hamburgers. She looked over at the girl who was making salad. She hoped she'd make some for everyone, but just in case, Alice strode over to the girl and offered to help.

((No problem lol. It was pretty hard to read so I'll use this from now on.))
June noticed the look on Alice's face and smiled. "don't worry, dear, I've got a couple veggi burgers in there, I thought one of you might be vegetarian" she opened the fridge to pull out condiments. "There's usually one on every group" she explained

(Thanks, Kait. That's waaaayy better)
June smiled warmly and nodded. "No problem, sweetheart. I like to accommodate everyone when I'm cooking. Now, is there anything else anyone would like to eat?" she asked the group
(( That makes me want a burger so bad.. xD ))

When Lauren heard burgers, her mood quickly changed. Burgers were the absolute best food in the entire world, drowned with ketchup, lettuce, and slices of tomatoes. "Is there anything I can help with?" She looked at June, shyly.
Monique had spent about half an hour outside and eventually trailed back in, she pulled off the sunglasses and placed them in her pocket, she heard people in the kitchen, picking out nearly everybody's voices. She trailed over to the door and peered in, almost everyone was in there, she was pretty sure only one was missing, the guy with the brown hair was it? (Mason =D)

Without saying a word she entered the kitchen, walked over to one of the cupboards and swung it open, pulling out a bottle of juice like she owned the place and knew where everything was already. She pulled out a glass from another cupboard and glanced around at all the others, speaking for the second time since she met them all, her sweet little voice shocking in the brief silence, "Does anyone want a drink?"
Alice smiled at Monique, the only girl who seemed just as shy as herself. "Yes, please." she said, getting out a glass of her own. Monique acted as if she already knew her way around the house, had she explored it already while the others were unpacking? Alice glanced around, realizing that all of the students were here except one. She wondered where that one had trailed off to. She shrugged it off, thanked Monique for the juice, helped the other girl finish making a salad for everyone, then returned to her seat in the dining area, not quite ready to be surrounded by so many new people.
Carter got out a glass. "Could you pour me some while you're at it? Please and thanks" he smiled at the smaller girl.

June smiled at the shy girl. "Well, you could cut up some cheese for anyone who wants to make their burger into a cheese burger" she suggested. "the cheese is in the top crisper in there"
(How would you guys feel about a time skip? either to the next morning, or to the first day of the "testing"?)

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