What's wrong with you...?

Alice returned Carter's smile then waited for everyone to get on the van. She wondered how far away the place was that they were going. It must be pretty expensive, since they not only flew all the students out here, but then had to transport them to the retreat and also pay all their living expenses. They must have had a lot of sponsors to be able to afford it all. She impatiently waited, leaning her head back against the window and looking out. She hoped the ride wasn't too long, with everyone in here it seemed a little claustrophobic.
June remained outside the van, watching the kids board the large green vehicle. She'd been about to direct Erabella to the front seat, remembering the note on her forms about carsickness, but the girl beat her to it. She smiled encouragingly, letting her know she was right to sit there. "Hurry up, everyone, we need to get back soon, you all want time to unpack and settle in before dinner, I'm sure" she prodded lightly. They needed to get the show on the road here

Carter heard her mention dinner and his stomach flipped. Food after flying...Ick. He sighed and looked at the other kids, wondering if he was the only one who felt like that. But then, he thought, maybe he was the only one with a long flight. Maybe everyone else had been on shorter flights? Either way, it didn't matter. Normally, he could, and would, eat anything. But not right now. the thought alone made him nauceous
((It's only a few pages, it would be easier if you just read it than me trying to explain it all. Long story short they're on the van going to the retreat))
Erabella waited as everyone got in the van. She returned June's warm smile and twirled a piece of hair around her finger. She was getting a little impatient. She hadn't eaten all day and was starving. The mention of dinner made her stomach make that dying whale sound it sometimes does. Her hand flew to her stomach and she blushed with embarressment.
Lauren looked up from her lap when she heard the growling of Erabella's stomach. She looked to Erabella and began to chuckle a little as her stomach made a loud growling noise.
Alice became excited when she heard something about eating. She was really hungry. Her flight was just long enough to feel like forever but just short enough that they didn't serve any food on it. She wouldn't have eaten it anyway. Airline food is awful. She hoped that dinner would be something really good. She hadn't had really good food in awhile. Her mother usually didn't cook, leaving Alice to try and make something herself. Which wouldn't be all that bad, except that her mother also never bought any groceries other than milk and white bread. Alice hadn't had an actual meal in weeks; She'd been living mostly off snacks she could scrounge up. Over the past few weeks this had caused her to lose a significant amount of weight. Often people gave her weird looks. If they didn't know about her eating habits, many people would say she was anorexic. But she wasn't starving herself. Her mother was. Alice looked at everyone else to see their reactions. Some people looked hungry, and she noticed Carter in particular looked sick. She rested her head back and waited for them to leave, starting to get really impatient now that she knew what was waiting for them at the retreat.
Carter couldn't help laughing when he heard stomachs growing. "Sounds like the dinner idea's a hit" he commened, smiling. |He knew he wouldn't be eating, but that didn't put a damper on his mood. He'd probably crash for a while when everyone else was eating

June smiled. "Come on, Monique, you're holding up the whole show here" she said with a gentle teasing. "In you get, then we'll go get you uys settled. For dinner, would you guys rather go out so you can see some of the town, or stay in and I'll cook?" she asked the group

([MENTION=1488]xJobozx[/MENTION] we kinda need you here :) )
Erabella laughed as everyone else commented about her growling stomach. She waited for the last girl to get in the car and rolled her shoulders back. She had been having terrible back pains ever since she had started going to her older brother's gym. She bit her lip as she thought about her family. Would little three year old Electra be okay without Erabella to take her home from daycare after she got out of school. Would Musetta be okay without Erabella to help her with piano? Would Shadow be okay without Erabella to help him do the monkey bars? Questions like these ran through her head as she sat there.

Name: Ashton Myles

Age: (14-18) 17

Psychic Power: (Give us a brief description) Telekinesis. Ashton always had weird experiences that had to do with things moving around crazily and out of nowhere. She always brushed it off as a stress factor or tired eyes. But she realized it wasn't just her seeing these things happen. Several times when she was angry at whoever, she was able to break or throw something without reaching for it with her hands. Even her brother, Daniel, has mentioned it. He says that she has to get an anger check-up because it causes herself to have delusions.

Bio: Ashton....the girl who cuts herself. The girl with strange tendencies of finding SOME way to get her life to suck more. She doesn't want to fit in, she wants to stand out. But she can't find any way to stand out without screwing up more. Her dad is an alcoholic, her mom occasionally getting arrested, her brother always being Mr. Popular... Will she ever catch a break?

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Name: Daniel Myles

Age: (14-18) 18

Psychic Power: (Give us a brief description) Telepathy. Daniel occasionally found that he heard random voices in his head. Some of girls, others of boys... And sometimes they shouted answers to problems to him. He found it strange but he realized that most of them were correct. He never told anyone how he got answers mostly correct and why he sprung out of D's and C's to almost strait A's. He never told because he, himself, did not know the answer.

Bio: Daniel had to deal with the same things that Ashton did, yes, but he turned out different. Maybe it was because he was boyishly handsome and made his way into popularity at a young age. Often getting in fights with his sister, he feels he 'hears' her real thoughts rather than what he can see her lips saying. He never questioned it, nor did he bother even thinking about it. But when the voices get louder and more irritating, he starts to take different reasons why into consideration...

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[MENTION=2110]Ashton<3[/MENTION] You're good to go, but after this, no more psychics may join, we're reached our 8. You can just jump in like your guys are late getting to the airport, or meet them at the retreat, or whichever way you want to make it work.
Lauren looked out the window then grabbed her backpack and sifted through it, grabbing her metallic green ipod. She untangled the earbuds and pushed them into her ears. She scrolled through the songs and put on "Breath" by Breaking Benjamin. It was her and her dad's song. She sighed a bit and looked out the window again, pulling her hood up. She didn't like to talk about him with anyone.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Carter leaned back, letting himself drift. He thought back to his mother, how much she'd fussed when he'd left. He sighed to himself, trying to think of something else. His mother, heck, his home life, was something he hoped to get away from while out here. That meant keeping those thoughts out of his head. At June's question, he opened his eyes. "I don't know about anyone else, but I'm way too tired to go out anywhere"
(Sorry, my laptop broke and had to get the emergency computer outta the attic xD )

Monique had been stood silently the entire time, thinking endlessly. About what June had said about borrowing the van, was this true? Monique knew of her powers of course, she had been training and improving them since she could remember, but what about the other kids here, did they have something special too? Monique grazed her skeptical eyes over them all, stopping at June. People could easily take one or her looks and think it meant nothing, might even be funny, a little girl who looked younger than she was - at first sight - giving them looks of skeptisim as if she could stop them from what they wanted to do, but it was simple for her, just a touch of concentration and the left wheel on the front of the car could freeze to the point of no movement or burst into flames and render the van incapable of moving. She kept her eyes on June the entire time she was thinking, before nodding finally and climbing into the van, taking the empty seat. Where else could she go? She lived with people who weren't her family, not related to her in any way, her mum was dead and her dad gone, what did she have to lose?
Ashton yawned and got out of her bed. She got ready for the day, a slow but worth it process. "Mail.." She heard her brother come in and say. He slapped a letter down on her desk and she immediately grabbed it up. "What's this...?" She said, slowly reading it. Daniel shrugged as he pulled one out and said, "Same place you got yours from." Ashton tore open the letter and read it twice. She threw it on the ground. "It must be a prank or something... There's no way they'd want me to go somewhere with you.." Then she added quietly, "Mr. Perfect..." He scowled and walked off reading it.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Ashton picked up the letter again and sighed. She read a section of it one more time;

You, Ashton Myles, are showing signs of being one of us. Have you ever had any weird occurrences when things moved with no physical contact? Have weird things happened when you were angry or stressed? If you have, please take the time to come to the address listed on the front of the envelope. Your presence would be greatly appreciated. Thank you...

Ashton bit her lip lightly. Maybe she should go...just in case. She didn't bother telling anyone she was leaving as she threw her leather jacket over her shoulder.

"Ashton...you forgot your bag." Daniel said as he met her outside, as she was getting in the car. She shook her head. "I'm not going to school today..." She arched an eyebrow. "And you can't stop me." He gave her a confused look. He thought about the letter. "Oh....can I go with you?" He asked. Ashton licked her lips, sighing. "Fine...get in." He tossed both of their bags in the back and got in. They drove to the retreat.
((So are the people in the van meeting Ashton and Daniel at the retreat or are we waiting on them to go through the airport or what?))
(I'm not 100% sure, [MENTION=2110]Ashton<3[/MENTION], you're going to need to rewrite your opener there. I think though, to keep things moving, we're going to meet your guys at the retreat, k?)

June checked everyone over quickly/ "We all in and buckled up?" she asked, npt waiting for an answer before continuing. "Good. Let''s get going, we're already behind schedule. I'm sure you must all be starving" she smiled, getting behind the wheel. "We're only about twenty minutes away"
((Hey guys I'm not gonna be on for a few days, my fiance is coming home from the army for the weekend so I'm going computer free for awhile. So when the group is doing something, just have Alice being herself not saying much and I'll try to catch her up with everyone in a few days. Just don't talk to her cuz I can't respond haha.))
Erabella pulled her phone and earbuds from her pocket. She plugged the earbuds into her phone and popped them in her ears. She flicked through her music and eventually tapped on 'Defying Gravity' from Wicked. She hummed quietly along and smiled.
(( Hey it's Ash Autopsy, I normally log in through facebook and the option isn't showing so I have to post here until further notice from the mods. ))

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