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Fandom What Remains (Survival Multi-Fandom) Sign-Up

Names: Sora

Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Series

Age: 15

Gender/Sexuality: Male/Heterosexual

Appearance: Sora_KHHD2.png

Personality:Sora has a typical brave and heroic personality, meaning he'll willingly risk his life for people he doesn't even know yet, as shown when he tries to save Ansem the Wise from the explosion, to no avail. He's extremely loyal to his friends, and has been shown to be extremely forgiving to Riku, even forgiving him for the times he has tried to kill him, and very protective of Kairi.

Sora is highly optimistic person, choosing to think positively throughout his journeys. He is an upbeat and brash person, and although he is simple minded at times, he has a strong sense of justice. He is also very soft spoken and sensitive as over time, he had grown to care deeply about all of his friends and desires to maintain a strong relationship with all of them even when some of them act in a bad manner towards him. Sora has matured over a year's time, for instance, when battling enemies in the game, he seems to have a more serious expression on his face. Sora is more confident than before and takes charge of his group. He is also quite caring and reassuring to his other-world friends such as when Beast quits after Xaldin steals his rose. Sora reassured him that they would get it back.

Backstory: A boy who wields a Keyblade. During their childhood, Sora, Riku, and Kairi often wonder about what lay beyond their small world. By the time they reach adolescence, they decide to build a raft, in the hopes of sailing to other worlds. The day when they start construction, Sora dozes off on the shore of the beach, and has an odd dream where he travels through an odd, dark realm and battles a massive dark creature. Sora is awakened by Kairi, and he goes to help get the provisions for the raft. However, the night before they set sail, a storm ravages the island along with a strange, dark force. Riku succumbs to the force, claiming he is not afraid of the darkness it so clearly embodied, while Sora tries and fails to save his friend from the darkness.

However, it is during the tempest that Sora first unlocks his potential as a Keyblade wielder, summoning the power of the Kingdom Key to battle the Heartless that now infested his home. He makes his way to the Secret Place where he finds Kairi, who disappears when their bodies meet, forcing Sora to battle the same dark creature from his dream. Sora defeats the monster, but he is swept off the island and thrown into a Corridor of Darkness, which lands him in a world called Traverse Town.

In Traverse Town, Sora meets Donald Duck and Goofy, the respective Royal Court Magician and Captain of the Royal Guard of Disney Castle. Under orders from The King, the pair are searching for two things: a mysterious 'key' and a man called Leon. As the King has disappeared in his own quest, Donald and Goofy accompany Sora and they start searching for their respective friends. In addition to that, Sora finds that his Keyblade might perhaps be the mysterious key the King had asked them to find.

Sora discovers that Riku is also searching for Kairi, though neither of them can find her. Maleficent sees her chance and tells Riku that Sora had replaced him and Kairi for Donald, Goofy, and the Keyblade. With this false knowledge, he sets out to find Kairi on his own as Sora travels to a number of worlds to stop the Heartless. From there, Sora locks the Keyholes out from the reach of the Darkness to protect the worlds' hearts.

His quest allows him to make countless new friends while the power of his heart increases, which also improves his Keyblade's power.

Upon reaching Hollow Bastion, Riku confronts Sora and reveals to him that Riku himself was the true Keyblade master, explaining that Sora "was just the delivery boy". Riku then claims the Keyblade for his own. Despite their guilt at doing so, Donald and Goofy are forced to abandon Sora because of the King's orders: to stay with whoever has the Keyblade. When Beast pulls himself up to continue to the castle, Sora tells him to be careful due to his injuries. However, Beast shrugs off Sora's worries, saying that he would not leave before he completed what he'd come there for; to find Belle. When asked what he came for, Sora realizes that he needs to show the same attitude as the Beast, and continues with him into the entrance hall of the castle.

There Sora meets Riku, Goofy, and Donald once more. Feeling guilty, Donald and Goofy return to Sora's side. Riku then asks Sora, "How do you intend to fight without a weapon?" to which Sora answers, "I don't need the Keyblade. I've got a better weapon. My heart!". Riku taunts Sora, calling his heart pathetic and weak. Sora proceeds to tell him that his friends strengthen his heart. At this, the Keyblade realizes that Riku has turned to darkness, and Sora's heart is far stronger than Riku's, so it returns to Sora. Enraged, Riku fights Sora and loses. Furious at his weakness, he makes the mistake of listening to a mysterious man. Opening his heart fully to darkness, he allows himself to be possessed by this man.

After this, the party encounter Maleficent and defeat her. Using a Keyblade born of six of the Princesses of Hearts' hearts, Riku unlocks the darkness in her heart before stepping away through a Corridor of Darkness. She transforms into a black, fire-breathing dragon from the proliferation of darkness in her heart, but is again defeated and the Heartless swallow her heart. Further into the depths of Hollow Bastion, Sora encounters Riku once more, and he calls himself "Ansem, Seeker of Darkness", who intends to find Kingdom Hearts itself. Although it is difficult fighting his best friend, Sora emerges victorious in the struggle.

Kairi is revealed to be one of the Seven Princesses of Heart who possess the power to open the Final Keyhole that leads to Kingdom Hearts, but because her heart laid within Sora, it cannot open, as explained by "Ansem". In order to return her heart and wake her up, Sora uses the Keyblade of People's Hearts to remove both their hearts, sacrificing his humanity and becoming a Heartless, unknowingly creating Roxas and Naminé, the Nobodies of Sora and Kairi respectively. When he manages to reunite with Kairi after a brief stint as a Heartless, Kairi uses her light to restore his human form.

After regrouping in Traverse Town, Sora decides to return to Hollow Bastion to seal the Final Keyhole while he tries to reclaim Riku from the clutches of "Ansem". Kairi gives Sora her lucky charm (Oathkeeper's keychain) since he insists that she should stay behind, even joking that she would be in his way.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy set sail to Hollow Bastion and seal the Final Keyhole after a battle with a powerful Heartless. The six Princesses of Heart then inform him of a new darkness approaching, and the trio travel to End of the World, the "Heartless world" of all the worlds that fell into darkness, where they confront and defeat "Ansem" once and for all. "Ansem", defeated, calls forth to Kingdom Hearts to fill him with the power of darkness, but Sora proclaims that Kingdom Hearts is not darkness, but light, and "Ansem" is destroyed by the said light.

However, Heartless begin to swarm inside of the door and Sora, Donald, and Goofy rush forward to close it. As they attempt to close the Door to Darkness, Riku and King Mickey appear on the other side of the door and together, King Mickey and Sora seal it from both sides with Sora's Keyblade from the Realm of light and Mickey's Keyblade from the Realm of Darkness. However, Mickey and Riku become trapped behind the door as it closed shut. Riku's last words to Sora before it closed are "Take care of her", referring to Kairi.

As the worlds begin to restore themselves, Sora sees Kairi on a platform of sand that is drifting away. Kairi and Sora are separated with Kairi going back to Destiny Islands. Sora promises to return to her as soon as he finds Riku and King Mickey.

After being separated from his friends, Sora wanders down on a long, meandering path with Donald and Goofy searching for a way to find Riku and Mickey, encountering Pluto on the way. When they reach a crossroad and call it a night, a mysterious man in a long black hooded cloak appears and informs Sora, "Along the road ahead lies something you need. However in order to claim it you must lose something that is dear to you". The man disappears and only one path remains. The trio follow the path which leads them to a mysterious castle known as Castle Oblivion. They enter the castle hoping to pick up some clues as to the whereabouts of their friends only to discover, as they ascend the floors of the fortress, they are beginning to lose their memories and become more and more uncertain of what they are truly after. Even Jiminy's journal has been erased of its entries.

Little do they know, their memories are being manipulated by a mysterious organization that seek to capture and manipulate Sora. To do this, they use Naminé, a young "witch" who could rearrange the chains of memories in a person's mind and create new links between them. In order to make Sora forget Kairi, Naminé begins to replace his memories of Kairi with herself, partly because she is Kairi's Nobody and so is unable to completely erase her from Sora's memories. Meanwhile, a conflict between the members of the Organization lead to several encounters between Sora and Riku, whose memories of Kairi have also been replaced with ones containing Naminé.

The trio's uncertainty builds up to a point where they end up in Twilight Town, a place that Sora is fairly certain that he has never been in, and thus should not exist in his memory. Organization member IV, Vexen, reveals that it is a place that exists on the other side of Sora's heart, but is eliminated by Axel, another member of the Organization, before he can explain anything.

Axel ends up betraying Marluxia, the lord of Castle Oblivion, revealing that Marluxia and Larxene, the newest members of their group, intend to use Sora to overthrow the Organization. Axel manipulates Naminé into doing what she believes is right. Donald and Goofy try to reason with Sora about the whole situation later, but he is so stubborn that he separates from them to go on his own.

On Destiny Islands, Sora is touched to have finally found Naminé, who tries to make him remember who was truly important to him. After taking one look at the lucky charm, it returns to its original form and Naminé takes the temporary form of Kairi. Sora escapes the memory-based Destiny Islands and confronts Naminé, who reveals that she never existed in Sora's memory and that she has been replacing the person most important to him. Riku appears to them again and is again defeated by Sora. When Sora tries to help the injured Riku, he attacks Sora and gains the upper hand. Having left no choice, Naminé uses her power to break Riku's memories, and it causes him to collapse. Larxene comes forth to eliminate Sora and Riku, who is revealed to actually be a Riku Replica, created by Vexen.

When Larxene is about to eliminate Sora, Donald and Goofy catch up to save him. Although Sora had been a jerk to go on his own, they quickly forgive him and state how they would always stay together. Together, they defeat Larxene and Sora forgives a regretful Naminé for her actions. She promises to restore the memories of the trio once they reach the 13th Floor of Castle Oblivion, where Marluxia is waiting for them. Axel attempts to destroy Marluxia himself, but then Marluxia uses Naminé as a human shield. Sora steps in and defeats Axel. After finally catching up to them, Marluxia orders Naminé to completely erase Sora's memory so he could make Sora his puppet; Naminé refuses, but Sora orders her to do so in order to protect her from Marluxia's wrath. Fortunately, the Riku Replica, its true memories returned after his false ones are broken, arrives and saves Naminé before she was able to do so.

Then Sora, Donald, and Goofy step into the thirteenth floor's dimension where they fight Marluxia in an incredible battle.

Once Marluxia was defeated, Naminé asks that they step into Memory Pods that would rearrange their memories back to the way they were at the cost of breaking the links she created. She also informs him that the process will take some time, during which Sora, Donald, and Goofy would sleep as their memories are slowly restored. While they know that they would forget Naminé, Sora promises her that while she was forgotten, she would remain somewhere in his heart, never lost. And when he wakes up, they would become friends for real.

Right before he went to sleep, Naminé informs him that some of his memories are unreachable and asks him to remember Kairi, because his memory of her is the light that would bring them all back. Sora then uses most of the power of his memories to remember Kairi before going to sleep for real.

One year later, Sora, Donald, and Goofy awake in the basement of the Old Mansion located in Twilight Town with their former memories restored, although they cannot remember what happened in Castle Oblivion. But before they awake in Twilight Town, Roxas comes to see Sora and eventually fuses with him. Continuing their journey to find Riku and King Mickey, they set out traveling across new worlds, meeting old friends and enemies from their original adventure while also making new friends. They continue the battle against the Heartless and now a new threat, the remaining members of the Organization they encountered in Castle Oblivion.

Soon after exploring Twilight Town, Sora and company head off to the Mysterious Tower and Sora obtains new attire—on the advice of master sorcerer Yen Sidconsidering Sora's first game outfit to be "too small"—from Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. The new outfit enables Sora to transform into his Drive Form and attain special powers for each of them. The source of the clothing's magic is linked to Sora's heart, which is connected to everyone Sora had befriended including Donald and Goofy. Sora was referred to as the "Key that connects everything" by Yen Sid which is how Naminé's memory manipulation works.

Sora expresses his determination to bring Riku back home with him to Destiny Islands, where Kairi is waiting for them. The quest gets more complicated when Kairi herself gets kidnapped by Axel. Pete (who works for the resurrected Maleficent) and Organization XIII are causing trouble in the other worlds, and King Mickey refuses to give information regarding Riku. Sora must also discover why some of the members of Organization XIII address him as Roxas even after he clearly states his name is Sora. He travels to other worlds to find Riku and the King, help the worlds and stop Organization XIII. His new journey brings him to meet up with some old friends and make new ones.

At one point in the storyline, Donald and Goofy's homeworld becomes infested with Heartless, which is rather unusual considering their world's protection, and Sora visits their castle for the first time. While Donald and Goofy set out to warn the castle's residents about the danger, Sora escorts Queen Minnie to the audience chamber where the Cornerstone of Light is hidden under. He finds out that Pete and Maleficent have found a doorway to Timeless River, a past timeline of their world before the castle was built. With some help from Merlin, Sora, Donald, and Goofy travel through time and manage to stop Pete from destroying the Cornerstone of Light in the past, which also saves the castle for good.

Sora, with the help of the Hayner, Pence, Olette (three friends of Roxas in DiZ's simulated Twilight Town), and Axel (who sacrifices his existence), manages to find the route to the World That Never Was: which is the stronghold of the Organization, where Kingdom Hearts, created by gathering the countless hearts from the Heartless slain by Sora's Keyblade, resides. Soon after entering the world however, in the area of Memory's Skyscraper, Sora's group is ambushed by Samurai Nobodies and Sora is forced into a showdown with an Organization member, who turns out to be Roxas (disguised in his former Organization XIII cloak) on a platform of Awakening.

As Roxas is above and Sora below, he sees the picture of Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy (as the platform's design). Roxas then says, "I see, that's why.", and continues the fight. Roxas knocks the Keyblade out of Sora's grasp, and as he goes to retrieve it, Roxas pins it down with his own Keyblade. Sora then reaches out for his Keyblade, which disappears and reappears in his hands, after which Sora quickly strikes while Roxas stands shocked, not knowing how that happened.

Ultimately, Sora's control over his Keyblade gave him the edge over Roxas, who collapses and reveals his face. As he and the scenery disappear, Roxas says to Sora "You make a good other." Sora reappears next to Donald and Goofy, who tell him that while he disappeared, they had to fight some Nobodies, and they continue towards the massive castle where Kairi awaits them.

Afterwards, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey storm the Castle in search of their friends. They meet Saïx at the Hall of Empty Melodies, who tells that Kingdom Hearts is near completion, and it only needed "one more dose from the Keyblade Bearer." He summons hordes of Shadows and disappears to go after Maleficent and Pete who were also in the castle. The Heartless overpower Sora, but are destroyed by a rain of laser bullets. Sora then engages in a battle with Xigbar and soon defeats him. He finds Kairi and Riku (with the appearance of Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, which is the price he paid to help Sora wake up).

Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy make it to the Proof of Existence of the Organization, in which there are only two places to go. They enter one of the odd pathways only to encounter Luxord. Although Luxord traps everyone but Sora in cards, he is still defeated by the Keyblade master. Next they enter Addled Impasse where they find Saïx staring up at the moon. Saïx points out that only Roxas could have made it this far in one piece and Sora gets angry and prepares to attack him. Saïx blows Riku and Kairi away and uses the power of the moon to fight. After one of Sora's most difficult battles, Saïx is finally defeated. Sora then questions who Roxas is and why he was constantly being called by that name, when Riku finally reveals to Sora that Roxas is his Nobody.

With the mysteries of Roxas's identity finally solved, they continue on. Fighting their way up the winding paths of the Castle That Never Was, Sora, Riku, and the others encounter King Mickey and DiZ, now revealed to be the former ruler of Radiant Garden, before it was taken over and renamed Hollow Bastion, Ansem the Wise, who was trying to absorb Kingdom Hearts into his machine and encode it as data. Xemnas appears to see who is tampering with Kingdom Hearts and finds his old teacher. Then Xemnas finally tells Sora and the others of his true plan, to make a Kingdom out of hearts. One that he would rule.

Unfortunately, Kingdom Hearts proved too strong for Ansem's machine, and with his final words, he tells Sora the rest is up to him and tells Roxas, "Roxas, I doubt you can hear me but, I am sorry", before the machine explodes, taking Ansem with it. The energy released in the explosion destroys a good deal of Kingdom Hearts and reverts Riku's appearance to the way it was.

Near the pinnacle of the castle, Heartless appear in vast hordes. Maleficent and Pete show up and stall them while the party heads toward their final battle. When they reach the Altar of Naught at the pinnacle of the castle, they confront Xemnas, the leader of Organization XIII. After a short conversation with the Nobody, Sora is taken by Xemnas to the front of Memory's Skyscraper for a one-on-one battle. After an intense fight, Sora defeats Xemnas and is transported back to his friends.

However, Xemnas appears again and, despite the protests of the group, enters and absorbs Kingdom Hearts. The party was in luck though, and by the will of the worlds a door to Kingdom Hearts is made. Sora, Riku and the King open the door with their Keyblades, breaking the barrier separating them from Xemnas. The party enters but Sora, Riku, Donald and Goofy become separated from King Mickey and Kairi because of Xemnas.

Inside, they discover that Kingdom Hearts was made by the Superior to look like the World That Never Was. They charge through and quickly get to Xemnas and battle him, with Xemnas in armor using the tactics of the rest of the Organization. After they seemingly defeat the Organization leader and return to the Altar of Naught, Roxas emerges from Sora's body to speak with Naminé before she fuses with Kairi. Before this, Naminé opens a door to lead them out of the World That Never Was. He informs Sora that whenever he and Kairi are together, Roxas and Naminé will be together as well. Naminé then joins with Kairi to complete herself, while Roxas returns to Sora's body making Sora whole.

Unfortunately, before Sora and Riku can enter the Corridor, Xemnas attacks once again on the Captain's Seat of an enormous Dragon Nobody. In an epic air battle they manage to defeat this form of Xemnas as well. Riku is injured by Xemnas, who strikes at both with his Ethereal Blades. Falling through the air on the brink of defeat, Sora grabs Riku's Keyblade and batters Xemnas with both. Returning it to Riku, they use a bolt of light and dark energy to finish off Xemnas.

Afterwards, Sora must help Riku walk, as he sustained a heavy injury from one of Xemnas's Ethereal Blades. They wander through the eternal abyss, and eventually come to a dark beach under a pale moon, the Dark Margin. Resting at the shoreline, they discuss their adventures and friendship, and come to the conclusion that they did what they set out to do, and agreed that "If worlds are made of light and darkness, we'll be the darkness." The Realm of Light was safe, and they could now sit and let peace envelop them.

As they listen to the waves, a bottle containing a letter that Kairi wrote washes onto the shore. Riku picks it up, and, after reading it, gives it to Sora, believing him to be the proper recipient. After Sora reads it, the door to light appears, and both Sora and Riku use it to return to their home world: Destiny Islands.

Having brought Riku back home and reunited at last with all his friends in one piece, Sora is finally able to return Kairi's lucky charm to her, saying "We-We're back!" and Kairi corrects him saying "You're home". Kairi extends her arm to Sora, and he grasps her hand while simultaneously returning the charm he kept for her all this time.

Some time later, Sora is walking around in the Secret Cave. He smiles while looking at all the pictures he and Kairi had drawn over the years. He glances down at the picture of Kairi and himself. He sees that Kairi drew the other half of a paopu fruit, and smiles to himself, mimicking Kairi's actions from a year ago.

Much later, Sora asks Riku what he thinks the door to light was. Riku replies that it was Sora's heart; "It's always closer than you think". Kairi runs up to them breathlessly and gives them a bottle she found, containing a letter from King Mickey. The trio reads the letter.

Yen Sid tells them about Master Xehanort and that both of them should become Keyblade Masters in order to face this new threat. Sora claims that even without taking the Mark of Mastery exam, no one can beat the two of them. Yen Sid then sends them to the Realm of Sleep.

Sora wakes up in Traverse Town, noticing the change of his outfit, which he presumes is "more of Master Yen Sid's magic". He immediately goes searching for Riku, though he runs into Neku Sakuraba instead. Neku explains the concept of Dream Eaters to Sora and leads him to the Third District, where a hooded figure attacks them. Sora attempts to help Neku, but eventually falls asleep.

Sora later wakes up and chooses to find Neku, discovering new areas of Traverse Town that he's never seen before. He meets Rhyme, who helps on his search for Neku; when they find him, Neku apologizes to Sora. Rhyme suddenly disappears and more hooded figures appear, only to summon a giant Dream Eater, which Sora defeats. Sora then sees a transparent Riku, who disappears into Young Xehanort. Joshua then appears with Rhyme and Neku, and Sora realizes that he and Riku are parallel to each other.

Sora travels to La Cité des Cloches, where Judge Claude Frollo stops him. He wonders if Sora is a gypsy, because of his unusual clothes and appearance. When Phoebus comes to tell that there are monsters on the loose, Sora runs to fight them and eventually meets Quasimodo, who saves Esmeralda. Sora and Phoebus follows them to Notre Dame's attics. After sometime, Sora meets Phoebus and Quasimodo again and they travel to the Court of Miracles, where Sora gets knocked out by a Dream Eater, while Frollo takes Esmeralda away. Sora wakes up and travels back to city, where Quasimodo saves Esmeralda. Sora destroys a Dream Eater and sees how Frollo falls to his defeat, while Phoebus saves Quasimodo from the same fate. In the cathedral, Sora says farewell to Quasimodo and the others. When he is about to leave, Young Xehanort appears and calls him a hypocrite for freeing one prisoner but keeping another. Vanitas's image also appears besides Young Xehanort, making Sora confused as the villain vanishes to darkness and Keyhole of Sleep appears. Sora unlocks it and wonders what Xehanort meant by saying his heart is a prison.

Sora then travels to The Grid, where he meets guards. When introducing himself, guards try to take him prisoner, but Sora escapes. He meets Rinzler first, then is introduced as well to Kevin, Sam, and Quorra, who inform him that Rinzler is actually Tron. Believing that Tron remembers him, Sora is determined to meet him. With Quorra's help, Sora finds Rinzler and tells him to try and remember him; however, Rinzler attacks him and Quorra before fleeing. Young Xehanort then reappears, this time with Xemnas. Xemnas tells that Sora he has so many memories that can't be his alone. Sora is then sent away by strong wind, while Xemnas and Xehanort disappear. When meeting again with Rinzler and CLU, CLU tells Sora that he will turn Rinzler back to Tron, if Sora hands over his Keyblade. Sora tells that he will not give it up since it gives him the "chance to make everyone happy". CLU then sends Rinzler to attack Sora. After a battle, Sora tries to remind Tron again, but CLU throws his identity disc at Sora, causing Rinzler to push Sora to safety before falling out of sight. CLU leaves to retrieve Rinzler, and Sora unlocks The Grid's Keyhole of Sleep.

When Sora arrives at The World That Never Was, where he lands near Memory's Skyscraper and encounters Xigbar. Xigbar explains that Ansem, the brown robed man, had contact with Sora when he first entered the Sleeping Worlds from Destiny Islands, allowing the Organization to track Sora through his dreams and lead him to this world. Angered, Sora blames Xigbar for what happened and prepares to fight, and Xigbar notes that he is glaring at him like Ventus always did, even calling Sora as "Roxas". He then jumps above Sora and fires twelve arrows around him, eleven of which spawn unknown hooded figures, and the remaining one spawning Young Xehanort, who offers his hand and tells Sora to come with him. Sora then immediately drops.

Sora wakes, realizing he is at Destiny Islands, where Young Xehanort is sitting just next to him. They watch the other Young Xehanort, who meets "Ansem", who grants him abilities to time travel. "Ansem" then approaches Sora, who shouts in fear. In the next scene, Sora and Young Xehanort are still on the islands during nighttime. They see Sora running into the secret cave and they talk a little until Kairi steps out from the cave towards Sora. The next scene shows Sora falling from the air with other Soras. The real Sora lands on his feet and sees the Sora copies moving about Traverse Town. Young Xehanort talks to him about his journeys through Traverse Town.

Sora then wakes up at Dark City back in his Kingdom Hearts II attire. He immediately sees Naminé, who tries to run away from him, but Sora grabs her arm. Namine then turns into Xion. Sora is unaware of her identity, yet unconsciously sheds a tear as she runs off. Sora runs after her, only to meet Roxas. Roxas tells Sora that they should share all memories and emotions, but Sora denies this by saying that Roxas is just Roxas and they are not the same. He also thinks that Roxas should be able to exist by himself. Roxas is surprised, and shares his painful memories with Sora before vanishing. Sora starts to blame Organization XIII for what they have done, but then he hears Riku's voice that warns him about chasing after illusions.

Sora later meets Kairi and Riku who turn into Aqua and Terra. Sora then turns into Ventus and stares at them. Aqua and Terra turn around and walk away and Ventus is trying to reach them, but he slows down and turns back into Sora. Sora then watches as Riku and Kairi vanish, changing into Terra and Aqua for a second. He then remembers his meeting with Aqua, a long time ago.

Sora meets Xigbar and Xemnas again and they have a conversation, where Xemnas reveals that Organization XIII was created in order to form the Thirteen Hearts of Darkness, which Master Xehanort could use in the future. Kingdom Hearts was created in order to move pieces of Xehanort's heart into thirteen vessels. However, Xemnas discovered that Nobodies actually can cultivate new hearts, so he and Xigbar left the others in the dark about this fact to maintain their loyalty to their cause. Xigbar then reveals to Sora that he is chosen to be the final vessel of Xehanort's heart, after which Sora summons his Keyblade, saying "Connected hearts are my power." Then Kairi, Riku, Roxas, Xion, Ventus, Aqua, Terra, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy appear behind him as illusions, stunning Xigbar, who tells Xemnas to take care of Sora. After a fight, Sora is completely tired and lies on the ground with darkness surrounding his body. Young Xehanort then appears, telling him that his clothes, bearing a sneaky Recusant's Sigil, feed the darkness within him, since, unlike Riku, Sora never made any protection against his inner darkness.

Sora is then seen sitting at Where Nothing Gathers. Riku and Mickey are attempting to save him, when Master Xehanort attempts to split Sora's heart and make him one of his incarnations. Though Xemnas and Ansem subdue them, Lea appears and blocks Master Xehanort's attack. After that, Master Xehanort, along with his new Organization XIII, vanishes. Riku, Lea, and the others return to the Mysterious Tower, where Yen Sid sends Riku into Sora's heart in order to save him from falling into darkness. Whilst there, Riku discovers that Roxas, Ventus and Xion still reside within Sora's heart, as does a copy of Ansem the Wise.

After that, Sora wakes up and he, Donald, and Goofy have a tea party; Riku wakes up and Sora hugs him, relieved his friend is okay as well. Yen Sid then tells them that only Riku passed the Mark of Mastery. Sora, however, does not appear to be sad at all, and he even congratulates Riku. Lea then reveals that he also has a Keyblade and that he will help them in the near future. Sora then returns to the Realm of Sleep in order to thank all the Spirit Dream Eaters he had become friends with.

As he is returning from the realm of sleep The Multiverse Collision happens and he is sent to an unknown world. Having no choice he begins to explore the new world.

Skills: Sora has become very powerful over the length of the series, being able to slay over a thousand Heartless in a single battle without rest, showing only slight fatigue afterwards; fight and defeat all but a few members, who Riku, the Riku Replica, and Axel defeated, of the powerful Organization XIII. Sora is also able to hold his own against legendary swordsmen such as Cloud, Leon, and even Sephiroth (although, in their encounter in the second game, Sephiroth seems uninjured after the battle, even though he supposedly lost and admits that Sora is "very skilled"), defeat other highly skilled Keyblade wielders, such as Riku, having defeated him on several occasions even when Riku gained a large increase in power when possessed by Ansem, and defeated Roxas who was at full power and before Sora himself gained his full power; and fight and defeat the countless Disney villains that have faced him (even gods like Hades and Chernabog).


Magic: Sora is very skilled in various basic magic spells (such as Fire, Blizzard, or Thunder), even more so after training with Merlin. These spells allow him to weaken or outright destroy Heartless that are more vulnerable to certain elements or resistant to physical attacks. He can also use Cure to heal himself and his allies from injuries as well as restore HP and revive fallen party members.

Flowmotion: It allows Sora to traverse the surrounding environments with great ease when he interacts with certain environmental elements. Using Flowmotion, Sora can jump off of walls, grind rails, leap great heights, and dynamically attack opponents.

When Sora uses Flowmotion, he is enveloped in a violet-colored aura, and he is sometimes accompanied by two orbiting lights of the same color, that trail light behind him.

In his later adventures his basic combo is much stronger and he gains the Drive Form ability after obtaining new clothes, which give him more mastery over his strengths, speed, magic, and Keyblade. In addition to the abilities that each form grants him, Sora's speed and strength are also increased.

He has also learned to use Limits with party members to form a strong, special type of attack which takes all of his MP.

With a summon charm in hand, Sora learns to the ability to summon a specific character and temporarily aid him in combat. Each character has a special power that makes them helpful.

Weaknesses: Sora is nearly helpless without his Keyblade.

Gear: His Keyblade Kingdom Key

Quotes: My friends are my power!

Theme Song:
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Name: Nei Rin

Fandom: Star Wars

Age: ???

Gender/Sexuality: Female and heterosexual



Nei Rin is a master shaper of her species, the Yuuzhan Vong, who were defeated by the Imperial Remnant and the newly formed Galactic Alliance a century ago. She is basically a good-natured Yuuzhan Vong, believing that one day, the galactic community could change their perspective towards the Yuuzhan Vong but she will attack if she got provoked by an enemy. After the death of Kol Skywalker in the hands of the One Sith, she dedicated her life protecting the Jedi legacy. She is a faithful and responsible woman because of her rank within the Yuuzhan Vong society. She is also a traditional woman as customs and ritual were very important to her.

Backstory: The Yuuzhan Vong female Nei Rin lived in the years leading up to the Sith-Imperial War. She was a member of her species' shaper caste and ascended to the rank of Master Shaper prior to 122 ABY. The Yuuzhan Vong were a species that regarded mechanical technology as religious blasphemy; as a shaper, Rin was a highly-regarded crafter of biotechnology among her people. An unsuccessful war of conquest I nitiated by the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong against the galaxy in 25 ABY had left the species largely hated and feared by the galactic community for nearly a century, but in 122 ABY, members of the New Jedi Order approached Yuuzhan Vong across the galaxy with an offer of redemption. The Jedi hoped to use the Yuuzhan Vong's advanced terraforming technology to restore many of the planets that had been ravaged during the war. The Yuuzhan Vong agreed, and Rin was appointed the Master Shaper of the project.

The project was championed by Kol Skywalker, a leading member of the Jedi Council.[8] Skywalker believed strongly in assimilating the Yuuzhan Vong into galactic society[9] and hoped that the project could transform the galaxy's perception of them. As such, Rin came to greatly admire him for his vision and his efforts. In 122 ABY, the project was tested on a desolate portion of the planet Ossus, where the Jedi housed their primary academy, and barren terrain was successfully transformed into a landscape of lush flora. Other star systems began vying for the opportunity to have their worlds restored,[10] and Rin and Skywalker convinced the Galactic Alliance to allow Yuuzhan Vong shapers to terraform one hundred additional planets in what became known as the Ossus Project. Rin set to work shaping yorik coral seeds, which grew into Yuuzhan Vong plant life on various worlds and helped restore entire ecosystems. Her efforts saw her work closely with Jedi such as Skywalker and the healer Hosk Trey'lis, as well as scientists from the Galactic Alliance.

In 126 ABY, Rin and Skywalker arrived on Wayland, a world whose surface was still pocked with plasma-spewing Chom-Vrones from the war. Wayland was home to the Myneyrshi, some of whom had refused to leave the planet and had been living on its devastated landscape without hope for decades. Rin crafted new coral seeds and worked with Skywalker and other shapers to restore the world to full floral health. Skywalker brought two Jedi Padawans to Wayland—his son, Cade, and the Twi'lek Shado Vao—and one day walked hand-in-hand with Rin through Wayland's new greenery as the children played. The Mynersh chieftain Roax thanked them, and Skywalker shared his belief that the will of the Force had brought them to the planet to give hope to its people.

Searching for answers
Six months after Rin and Skywalker spoke with Roax, agents of the One Sith sabotaged the Ossus Project. The Sith had been hiding for nearly a century and were aware that many in the galaxy still distrusted the Yuuzhan Vong; they hoped to frame them for the sabotage and manufacture a cause for galactic war. Wayland was their first target and was corrupted by the Sith scientist Darth Maladi as well as the renegade Yuuzhan Vong shaper Zenoc Quah. The coral seeds that Rin had shaped began to mutate, and the Myneyrshi became infected with a plague that caused coral growths to sprout from their skin.[2][13] None of the Yuuzhan Vong or Jedi on-world were affected,[16] and the Myneyrshi blamed the mutations on them. Mutant creatures and vines began to attack those who were on-world; Skywalker, the Jedi Master Wolf Sazen, and several Yuuzhan Vong warriors battled the flora and fauna back from Rin and the children while clearing a path to an escape ship.

As Rin and Skywalker stood on the ship's loading ramp, a furious Roax demanded Rin's blood as retribution for what he believed to be a curse she had placed upon them. Rin suspected sabotage, and Skywalker Force-pushed Roax and his warriors off the ramp before promising to return and right the wrong that had been committed. Sazen and Cade pilotedthe ship away, but damage inflicted by the vines left it stranded in orbit. Shortly thereafter, Moff Nyna Calixte of the Galactic Empire received their distress signal and brought their ship aboard her Star Destroyer.[13] Similar situations began to occur on other worlds that had been terraformed and caused lethal mutations to their populations. Rin was shocked,[6] and when every terraformed world save Ossus became infected, she struggled to understand why. She returned to Ossus with the Jedi and began to tend to some of the infected beings.[2]

The Jedi convinced the Galactic Alliance to back the Yuuzhan Vong[10] in the face of public outrage,[4] but the Empire called for retribution and declared war on the Alliance.[10] Jedi and Yuuzhan Vong alike began to be hunted,[4] and Rin was assigned two Yuuzhan Vong warriors as bodyguards[2]Choka Skell and Liaan Lah, who were both fiercely dedicated to protecting her and saw everything else as secondary to her survival.[17][18] As none of Rin's preliminary experiments on Ossus had shown any signs of mutation, she dedicated herself to discovering what had gone wrong and why.[2] One year into the war,[19] the Sith emerged from hiding and entered the fighting on the side of the Empire.[12] Rin immediately suspected that the sabotage had been at their hands. She stayed on Ossus with the Jedi and attempted to determine how, hopeful that the truth could discredit the Sith and end the war.

Protector of a legacy
In 130 ABY,[20] Rin, Skell, and Lah left Ossus to perform field research pertaining to their investigations.[6]The war concluded while they were away,[20] and the Sith attacked the Jedi Temple.[6] Many Jedi died, and the rest were scattered across the galaxy.[12] When Rin returned, she found dead Jedi as well as Yuuzhan Vong warriors and shapers strewn about a burning temple. Skywalker was among the dead, and Rin and her warriors gave him a proper funeral.[2] They performed similar services for all of the fallen Jedi.[6] All three Yuuzhan Vong felt indebted to the Jedi[6] and gathered every remaining Jedi artifact they could. They brought the treasures deep beneath the temple[2] and dedicated their lives to protecting what they saw as the Jedi's legacy.[21] While living in the temple's sub-basement, the Yuuzhan Vong serviced the astromech droid R2-D2, who had served the Skywalker family for decades, in honor of Kol Skywalker.[22] Rin also fitted Skywalker's lightsaber, which she had recovered from the battlefield, with a lambent crystal of her own shaping.[2] Lah's[23] coralskipper starfighter remained hidden with the Yuuzhan Vong in case they needed to flee, but they chose to remain and protect the Jedi treasures. They avoided detection whenever starships of the Galactic Empire, now under the rule of the Sith Lord Darth Krayt, patrolled Ossus and scanned for signs of life.

During her time under the temple, Rin found proof that the Sith had sabotaged the Ossus Project. The revelation freed her of her guilt, and she began to hope that she could one day clear her people of any blame.[6] Seven years after the Sith's attack on the planet, several Jedi returned to Ossus and began to train Cade Skywalker, who had been working as a bounty hunter for the past seven years, in the ways of the Force. Cade and Shado Vao crashed through the temple's floors during a sparring session and were attacked by Skell and Lah[1] until Rin realized that the two were Jedi and ordered her warriors to stop. Rin recognized Masters Sazen and K'Kruhk but not Cade, who had grown into a young man; Cade did, however, recognize her. Rin then told the group the story of how she and her warriors had come to protect the Jedi's legacy on Ossus. When Sazen revealed Cade's identity to her, Rin was pleased that she could pass the legacy over to Kol Skywalker's son. The younger Skywalker was stubborn and independent and refused the responsibility; he offered to sell the artifacts before storming away. Rin wondered if the Jedi's honor had sunk so low, but Sazen assured her that Cade's actions were not representative of the Jedi Order.[2]

The following morning, Cade prepared to depart Ossus in order to rescue Hosk Trey'lis, whom he had captured during his bounty hunting career, from the Temple of the Sith on the galactic capital of Coruscant. He asked Rin to allow K'Kruhk to care for the Jedi legacy, and she agreed. She presented Cade with his father's lightsaber before he left, and K'Kruhk assigned R2-D2 to him as a mechanic.[2] K'Kruhk, Sazen, and Vao remained with Rin and her warriors over the next several weeks,[24] and concealed their presence in the Force when an Imperial patrol arrived at the planet.[23] When several Imperial stormtrooperssearched the temple on foot and discovered the hidden chambers below, Vao used a mind trick to persuade them to leave. The troopers reported no signs of life to their superiors, but the Imperial StarDestroyer in orbit bombarded and destroyed the temple regardless.[24] K'Kruhk used the Force to hold back the collapsing rubble as Rin, her warriors, Sazen, and Vao escaped to even lower levels, and he was severely injured in the process. Rin attempted to heal the Jedi Master but was unable to sufficiently treat him, even with the aid of bacta. K'Kruhk then told Sazen and Vao about a Hidden Jedi Temple on Taivas, and the two took him there to be healed by other Jedi.[25]


- Linguist: she can speak 8 languages including her native tongue.
- Acrobatic fighting technique: whenever she got provoked physically, she will use her acrobatic fighting technique to fight against enemies.


- Highly skilled shaper: She is able to terraform a land that is devastated from the war or natural disasters. Able to restore ecosystem of devastated lands and landscapes.


- Can't terraform by herself: She can't terraform a devastated landscapes by herself. She needed experienced scientists and researchers to do terraforming

- Relying on her bodyguards: Despite having her own fighting technique, she can't that fight well, meaning she relies on her powerful bodyguards, mainly Yuuzhan Vong Warriors.

- Can be Killed/Injured: She can be killed or injured if she is hit by a bullet, blaster, lightsaber, etc.

Gear: Her shaper hand, her personal villip (translator) and her personal bodyguards consist of 4 Yuuzhan Vong elite warriors.

Quotes: The Jeedai championed us so the galaxy would accept the Yuuzhan Vong. We could do no less to honor such as Kol Skywalker. We gathered what remained of the Jeedai artifacts and brought them here… to protect the Jeedai legacy.

Theme Song:
Names: Minako Arisato
Fandom: Persona 3 Portable
Age: 16
Gender/Sexuality: Bisexual

Minako is a very bubbly, funny, upbeat, and cheerful girl. Her dialogue choices exhibit a broad spectrum of emotions, ranging from sarcasm, joking tones, utter seriousness, and otherwise depending on the player's choice. She is a sharp contrast to the male protagonist who is very reserved and concise where she, on the other hand, is not afraid to interject into conversations where her brother, Minato Arisato, would remain silent.

She is also said to be dependable and tough, just like how a leader should be. Although she seems to be always in high spirits, she hides her suffering and burden, which is why everyone, mostly Junpei Iori and Akihiko Sanada, worries so much about her.

Minako is an orphan whose parents died on the Moonlight Bridge during a fatal incident a decade prior to her moving to Tatsumi port island at April 7 of 2009 and has awakened to her abilities the following night when a Shadow attacked the dorm. The following week, she became the leader of a small group of Persona users known as SEES. She has met and bonded with many people in her time at SEES, but she seemed to have taken more of an interest into one man; Shinjiro Aragaki, who was shot into a coma. Minako offered her very life to him, and she didn't even let him know that she was dying until she lost her life force right in his arms, becoming the Seal of Nyx...
Skills: (fighting styles, good at driving, ect)
Pole-Arm/Staff wielding
Tennis Player
Tactical Prowess
Powers/Abilities: (super strength, super speed, ect)
Due to the influence of the Dark Hour, Minako has gained a large amount of stamina.
Persona - These are the Masks that react to external stimuli that serves as the basis of our Personality. In his world, Personas are invoked using a tool known as the Evoker. She is also a candidate for the Wildcard, meaning he is able to evoke multiple Personas.


In Greek mythology, Orpheus was the son of Thracian king Oeagrus and the muse Calliope (some versions have Orpheus' father as the god Apollo). Apollo, fond of Orpheus, gave him a small golden lyre, which he quickly mastered. Taught to sing verses by his mother, Orpheus was so skilled at making music that he was called "Master of Strings" and "Father of Songs", capable of such music that even rocks and animals would be compelled to dance.

Upon the death of his wife Eurydice, Orpheus was so distraught that his mournful singing brought nymphs and gods to tears. Traveling to the underworld, he used his music to soften the hearts of Hades and Persephone, who allowed him to bring his wife back to the upper world on the condition that he walk in front and not look back until they had both arrived on the surface. In his anxiety, Orpheus forgot his warning and looked back when he alone had reached the surface, and saw his wife vanish, this time forever.

At the time of his death, Orpheus had become an apostate, spurning all gods save for Apollo, whom he thanked for his golden lyre. For this he was ripped apart by Dionysian Maenads (although according to other versions, he is ripped apart for refusing to participate in their drunken (and often cannibalistic) orgies, on account of remaining committed to his lost lover), only his head and lyre remaining. His head floated down the Hebrus, continuing to sing sad songs until it was buried on the island of Lesbos, while his lyre was carried to the sky by the muses and placed among the stars.

He has become the Initial Persona that heeded Minako's awakening. He is able to invoke Fire spells, use his harp to heal people via Cadenza or whack the shit out of enemies with it. He is weak against electricity and Darkness(Or Curses)


The Greek god of death, he is the son of Nyx and the brother of Hypnos. He is depicted as a young man with an inverted torch and wreath or butterfly in his hands.

He is well versed in Physical, and Dark attacks, appearing to be brutal during times when he is summoned. He can rebound dark attacks(Curses) and is weak to Light(Holy) attacks.



Appears before Judgment Day to save the virtuous. He is a universal figure, appearing in myth around the world. Many stories involve his death and rebirth.

Messiah is the result of the fusion between Orpheus and Thanatos, and is the Trump Card in Minako's Trio of Personas. Messiah is the only persona in his arsenal that can utilize Almighty attacks such as Megidol He has a resistance to all kinds of attacks, but can only be used for a limited time.

Using Personas can drain one's stamina. Personas also have direct link to theircounterparts, meaning that whatever damage her Persona takes she'll be able to feel no matter what.
Aside from that, she is only human. One well placed shot would surely kill him.
Gear: (weapons and such)
A Naginata
Quotes: (optional)
Theme Song: (optional)
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Names: Miu Iruma
Fandom: DanganRonpa V3
Age: Mid to Late Teens
Gender/Sexuality: Female/Pansexual


Miu is described as an oddball, having an overly confident, loud personality and a frighteningly sharp tongue. She considers herself a beautiful genius, and every time she opens her mouth she spews a parade of reckless vulgar remarks and insults, strongly putting pressure on others and looking down on them. In the original Japanese, she even uses the Japanese word "ore-sama" to refer herself, which is considered very arrogant and more traditionally masculine. She also tends to give other characters insulting nicknames.

However, Miu's arrogant personality seems to be only a mask which can drop fairly easily. This often happens when her festival of coarse language and dirty jokes actually get replied or ignored. Then, her personality quickly changes into a timid weakling, who is terrified of other people being angry with her. Because of this, she has the charm similar to an innocent child.

As an inventor, Miu is skilled but also an eccentric who treats her failed projects with the idea that "I transferred the rights to the company, so it's got nothing to do with me". She has made all kinds amazing conveniences both inside and outside of the game, but only deems her inventions as a success when they help the user to perform a task while sleeping (it's possible this is because she suffered from a coma in the past). She also has a habit to make very bizarre, seemingly pointless inventions which are very sexual in nature, including a "Hookup Counter" which tells how many people you've had sexual intercourse with, an "Auto-Puncher that Punches You for Telling Terrible Dirty Jokes", and a "Goin' Commando gun" which can teleport underwear and only underwear. Even seemingly innocent inventions such as Electrohammers and Electrobombs can have dirty innuendos, as in the Japanese version the word "elect" can also be read as "erect". Nevertheless, Miu has also used her remarkable talent to make very useful inventions as well, though in most cases they were concepts created and requested by other students or something she created because she was bored. It is also shown that as an inventor, she firmly believes in science and finds Himiko's insistence in magic and Angie's talk about Atua very annoying.

Miu appears quite perverted and openly says bizarre, obscene things during her arrogant mood, meaning almost constantly. She often claims that she says them to lighten up the mood, but they are very much disliked by the other students. Despite often trying to act dominant and appear sadistic, Miu is also masochistic and into BDSM, and acts very different during her weak-willed moments. Despite her usual arrogant behavior, she seems very uncomfortable if other people actually act very submissive towards her, like when Kaede and Shuichi begged for her help and she begun to sweat nervously and agreed just to make them stop (though she later claimed that the situation turned her on). She has many kinks, some of which she seems to casually admit, including bondage and hot wax (which is also seen in her official art). She also seems way too interested in her own feces. She appears to have some sort of fetish for machines as well and at one point she is seen acting very suggestive towards a computer, and she is also very much attracted to K1-B0. Furthermore, in her last free time event with Shuichi, she tries to give him a pie with her hair in it. She also baked cookies with her fingernails and made chocolate with her blood as ingredients. Disturbingly, she says that she wants the person she loves to eat a little piece of her.

Miu has a very cowardly and self-centered personality, immediately looking for excuses to be absent from the Class Trial after being reminded that she would be executed with everyone else if they reach the wrong conclusion. Also, despite her amazing inventive genius, she is rather dumb when it comes to other matters, being usually ignored by the other characters during the trials. During investigations and trials, she generally spouts out whatever theories come to her mind at the moment without thinking them through, and she can make rather unwise decisions and actions. Because of this, Himiko has described her as "really smart, but also really, really dumb". She is generally not liked in the group, and according to Kokichi, she is the least well-liked student after him. During her trial, many students admitted that they probably wouldn't have been friends with her even if they had met outside the Killing Game.

Despite her timid personality, she genuinely believes her bragging, to the point she is willing to kill Kokichi because she believes the world needs her while claiming to have no personal grudges against him. Though, it should be noted that she seemingly wished to help the world and its people with her inventions (which are proven to be very remarkable) after learning about the meteors and how bad the situation on Earth supposedly is. During her Free Time Events, it's revealed that she is convinced she is an augmented human as a result of surviving a coma and a surgery, which supposedly explains some of her behavior. In a flashback conversation with Kokichi, she is also shown to suffer from trust issues and fear of betrayal after everything that's happened in the killing game. Her Love Suite event implies she might suffer from abandonment issues. The aforementioned event and her behavior towards Monotaro might also indicate that she likes children. According to Kaede, Miu may have trouble with communication because she has never had any friends. According to K1-B0, Miu is a good person and has natural innocence hidden deep inside her, despite how she appears on the outside, and it's implied that she acted more like her true self in K1-B0's company.

Miu Iruma was a normal talentless high school girl who participated in the 53rd Season of Danganronpa, a famous worldwide reality show made by Team Danganronpa. Based on what little is seen of her before her false memories were implanted by the Flashback Light, she seemed rather brash, much like her personality in the killing game.

During her time in high school, Miu attended Shinmei Industries High School (神明工業高校). However, it is unclear if this memory of her is a part of the fabrication made by Team Danganronpa or if it was genuine.

Miu is a very skilled inventor, and she has created lots of ground-breaking products, her first invention being "Eye-Drop Contacts".

Miu also invented many useful products such as a product that can help one to type on the keyboard, reading manga and understand it, and eating meals all done while the user is sleeping. She makes automatic sensor cameras at Shuichi Saihara's request and several items for Kokichi Oma, such as the machine-disabling Elect Hammers and Elect Bombs, a remote-controller than can hijack Exisals and a vacuum cleaner that can capture and release Monochicchis. Her Elect Hammers prove very useful when her friends manage to complete the tunnel dungeon in Chapter 5.

Expert programmer: Miu can make a virtual reality game that stimulates the 5 senses... got her killed in the canon of the game.


Being a normal human.
Doesn't know how to communicate well with people.
Being the "Ultimate Inventor" when she is actually a competent inventor

Tentacle Machine

"Huh? S-Seriously? You don't... know who I am? I'm the gorgeous girl genius whose good looks and golden brain will go down in history! I'm the one, the only, the legendary Ultimate Inventor herself - Miu Iruma!"
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"I don't 'try' and I never stop. You won't see me coming and you won't feel a thing." Zsasz warns Gordon.

Name: Victor Zsasz​

Fandom: Gotham

I don't know, possibly late-20's?

Male and heterosexual

Whilst a sociopath and cold-blooded killer, Zsasz demonstrates loyalty to both Falcone and Cobblepot in turn and seems very willing to be directed by a boss, as long as he is let off the leash at regular intervals. He appears to view his killing as a form of art, planning meticulously in many cases, always prepared with an escape route, and happy to confront multiple gunmen head-on. He demonstrates a substantial degree of discipline and professionalism when carrying out his tasks. His formidable combat skills and natural wits make him one of the deadliest and most feared killers in Gotham. He shows neither remorse nor empathy at any point. He also has a morbid sense of humor.


Working for Carmine Falcone

Victor Zsasz is sent by Carmine Falcone to the Gotham City Police Department to collect Jim Gordon. Two women in black leather accompany him. When Jim refuses to go, Zsasz demonstrates the power and fear he commands by ordering the police officers to leave. He then attempts to assassinate Gordon. However, after a pitched firefight, a wounded Jim escapes when Renee Montoyaand Crispus Allen arrive on the scene. Victor Zsasz then kills a female police officer that he had shot during the firefight, and marks it on his arm as his 28th kill. Later on, he is seen keeping an eye on Barbara Kean (who had attempted to negotiate with Falcone to drop his hit on Gordon) at the time when Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock arrived to bring in Falcone, after picking up Mayor Aubrey James. Gordon and Bullock drop their plans in exchange for Falcone having Zsasz release Barbara.

Zsasz provides the pep talk that turns Don Falcone's thinking around when the mob boss is planning to give in to Fish Mooney's coercion. Zsasz is later seen discussing with Falcone about Fish Mooney's ploy, Liza who he then finds out was sent in by Mooney. Zsasz then accompanies Falcone when he kills Liza and overthrows Mooney's club.[2]

After Fish Mooney and Butch Gilzean return to the club, finding Oswald Cobblepot trying himself as the head of the club, Zsasz arrives under orders from Falcone and engages in a gunfight with Gilzean, where he shoots Butch in the leg after he kills one of Zsasz's henchwomen. Mooney and Butch try to block off the hit man but he follows them down into the basement, where Butch helps Fish escape out a window, but Zsasz catches Butch and discusses what to do to him, whether he should kill him or torture him.[3] With Penguin struggling to manage his new nightclub, Zsasz gives him Butch who is brainwashed by order of Falcone.[4]

Working for Penguin

After Falcone retires from the criminal life, Zsasz begins working for Oswald and helps him threaten Commissioner Gillian Loeb to reinstate Gordon at the G.C.P.D. and resign his position as commissioner.[5]

Zsaz is sent by Penguin to kill Mayoral candidate Randall Hobbs. He enters and says he was there to volunteer. He singlehandedly kills all five of Hobbs' security guards and then chases the candidate out of the building. The Strike Force arrives outside and tries to stop Zsasz. A gunfight ensues and they bring the candidate to safety. Zsasz gets shot and shoots a fire hydrant on his way down, allowing him to escape unseen.[6]

After Butch is freed from his conditioning by Theo Galavan and his sister Tabitha and betrays Oswald, Zsasz, and his crew, are sent to kill Butch who has set up his own gang and hanging out at a bar. The gang retreat and Gordon and Bullock are forced to hold the fort until reinforcements arrive. Zsasz retreats after a barrage from heavy machine gunfire.[7]

Zsasz was present at a meeting along with other members of the Cobblepot crime familywhen Oswald (now the mayor of Gotham City) stated that he wanted the leader of the new incarnation of the Red Hood Gang dead and his head on a stick for destroying a statue of his late mother. Zsasz later took part in a scheme with Oswald's chief in staff Edward Nygma to expose Butch (now working with Oswald again) as the culprit for instigating the attack. During a party celebration held by Oswald at a nightclub The Sirens, Zsasz and Nygma convince Butch that they want to break off from Cobblepot and try to convince him to execute him wearing the Red Hood mask. But when Butch is skeptical, Zsasz reveals his underlings have his former lover Tabitha Galavan hostage in the kitchens, which pressures Butch to commit the act. Wearing the red hood Butch shoots at Oswald when he is on stage, but it turns out the bullets are blanks. Zsasz sneaks up on Butch and shoots him down, and Nygma unmasks Butch, showing him it was all a setup and convincing Oswald Butch has turned on him. Tabitha manages to break free and attacks several goons and allows Butch to attack Nygma, however Oswald knocks Butch out who is subsequently arrested and taken away.[8]

Zsasz is called in by Mario Calvi who tells Zsasz to hold Gordon at gunpoint. After holding Jim prisoner for a couple minutes, Zsasz tells him that he is free to go, as he was only instructed to keep Jim occupied for a few minutes. Jim asks Zsasz for his weapon back, but Zsasz declines. Jim then knocks Zsasz out, retrieving his weapon and sets off after Mario.[9]

Zsasz later visits Jim Gordon after Mario Calvi's funeral where he has a message. When Gordon least suspects it, Zsasz will avenge Mario on Carmine Falcone's behalf. Before leaving, Zsasz tells Gordon "Nice shot on Mario. I never liked him." While trying to follow Dwight Pollard, Gordon and Bullock are ambushed by Zsasz and his henchwomen. While behind some garbage cans, Gordon tells Bullock that Falcone placed a hit on him. Gordon makes a run for it in order to draw Zsasz' firepower away from Bullock. Taking the fight to the kitchen, Gordon ends up in a shootout with Zsasz which resulted in both of his henchwomen getting shot. Gordon then fights with Zsasz and manages to subdue him. After recovering, Victor Zsasz raids Gordon's apartment at the time when Bullock was visiting. As Gordon, Bullock, and Zsasz have each other at gunpoint, Carmine Falcone shows up stating to Zsasz that the job is cancelled. Zsasz then takes his leave.

Penguin's licenses
In the aftermath of the Tetch Virus outbreak, Oswald Cobblepot and his crime family played a major role in restoring order to the city, though their methods were controversial to say the least. Cobblepot and his men dealt with criminals with violence and deadly force, but did manage to cut the crime rate in half. The next step in Penguin's plan was to create a system of unionized crime by issuing "licenses of misconduct" that allowed only chosen criminals to commit crimes in exchange for a portion of their profits. Anyone who committed a crime without a license was dealt with using deadly force. Cobblepot even went so far as to legitimize this new arrangement by making a deal with the city government. He referred to his new regime as the "Pax Penguina."

When Merton, Grady Harris, and their fellow gang members interrupt a wedding reception and demand cash and jewelry, they are stopped by Victor Zsasz. He tells them that they must be licensed by Penguin to commit crimes. After the gang refuses to back down, Zsasz shoots Merton's finger off, telling the rest to leave the loot behind. The bride and the groom then run to Zsasz to thank him, but their joy quickly vanishes, since Victor allows another gang operating under Penguin's licensing to rob the wedding guests.

After the crime license business is actually implemented, Zsasz is sent by Penguin to hunt down any criminal not abiding to this rule. In this position, Zsasz tracks down Tabitha Galavan and Selina Kyle and infiltrates their apartment. Despite holding guns, Zsasz claims that he has come in peace. He states that the two were hard to track down, and, looking over the run down apartment, asks Tabitha why she lives like that when she used to be richt. Tabitha reminds him that Penguin stole her club and Zsasz replies that Tabitha killed his mother, so they should just call it even. Tabitha asks Zsasz why he has come and Zsasz reminds Tabitha that every criminal in Gotham now needs a license from Penguin. Zsasz invites Tabitha to come to the opening of Penguin's new club the next evening. where she is supposed to "kiss the ring" and get her license. Zsasz then leaves the apartment after implying that Tabitha doesn't really have a choice. Once Zsasz is gone, Tabitha claims that the two need to find a new place immediately but Selina stops her and convinces her that it is in their interest to join Penguin. When Selina heads to the opening alone to swear loyalty to Penguin, Zsasz confronts her and asks her why she has come alone. To the surprise of both, Tabitha reveals herself and tells Zsasz that Selina has not come alone after all.

Together with Zsasz and other henchmen, Penguin stops a gang of thugs from deploying fear gas onto the guests. When Zsasz asks whether he wants the gang executed here or downstairs, Penguin then claims that he has an entirely different idea. Zsasz then watches as Penguin presents the captured gangsters to the guests downstairs. When suddenly the lights go out, the gangsters free themselves. Zsasz draws his gun and tries to shoot the gangsters but cannot do so, as darkness and the chaos prevent him from getting a clear shot without harming the guests. While Zsasz tries to aim, [[Tabitha Galavan|Tabitha|| knocks him out from behind and takes one of his guns. When Zsasz gets back up, he aims his gun at the nearest combatant who is revealed to be Alfred Pennyworth. While he aims his pistol into Alfred's face, Alfred in turn points his shotgun at Zsasz. Both men lower their weapons as the situation is defused.[11]

When Penguin visits Barbara Kean's weapons dealership, Zsasz accompanies him. Zsasz is overjoyed to see all the different guns and rifles and takes one of the rifles with him when they leave. Before they leave, Penguin threatens Barbara that he will send Zsasz to end her with her own merchandise should he hear even rumors about Barbara attempting to make moves to contest him.[12]

At the Iceberg Lounge, Penguin is informed by Zsasz that some thieves tried to robb one of Penguin's shipments. Penguin is outraged but Zsasz tells him that Zsasz men managed to scare them off before they could steal anything. Penguin tells Zsasz that the shipment is required for a black market auction he is holding for Gotham's elite this very night, so the items have to be safe. He orders Zsasz to bring him to the warehouse the items are located; he wants to make sure they are all accounted for. After the two have left the Iceberg Lounge, a woman breaks in and starts melting Edward Nygma out of the ice block. When Penguin and Zsasz return, they find Nygma gone and Penguin screams and rages. Penguin furiously orders Zsasz to find the culprits, kill them and have Nygma back at the Iceberg Lounge in time for the auction. Eventually, Zsasz returns and informs Penguin that there is no sign of Nygma anywhere in Gotham. He reveals that he believes that it was an inside job and Penguin orders him to kill whoever is responsible for hiring staff for the Iceberg Lounge as this person hired a traitor.

Eventually, the trail leads the two to Myrtle Jenkins. Although Nygma has already fled Jenkins' custody, Penguin and Zsasz turn up at her place and interrogate her. After learning that Nygma cannot even solve the simplest riddle, Penguin orders Zsasz to make an example of her and Zsasz executes Jenkins by shooting her in the head.[13]

After Penguin had arranged a dinner meeting with Sofia Falcone at the Iceberg Lounge, Zsasz arrived to inform him that Sofia will not come. Surprised, Penguin asked why but Zsasz claimed that he has no idea, as he was not really listening. He then sat down next to Oswald and started eating, claiming that the stuff would go to waste otherwise. Penguin was annoyed and ordered Zsasz to follow Falcone to find out where she is. Zsasz followed Sofia secretly and witnessed a dinner between mayor Burke and Falcone. He also found out that Falcone then headed to an abandoned hotel, which she apparently bought, and met with the zoning comissioner. Zsasz informed Penguin of this and he decided that Falcone must be killed. However, the two eventually learn that Sofia was merely building an orphanage.

At the end of season 4 chapter 1, Victor betrayed the Penguin and is now working for Sofia Falcone.

Enhanced agility
Advanced shooting skills
Expert at all of modern weaponry
Hand-to-hand combat

Power/Abilities: No.


Although he doesn't have weakness in general. He can be shot causing him to be wounded or get killed.

Dual desert eagle
Nokia 3380 phone

Theme Song:

Names: Yu Narukami, Sister Complex King-Pin of Steel
Fandom: Persona 4
Age: 17
Gender/Sexuality: Bisexual

Yu is a confident, and affable person who may be a little random and perhaps strange at times. He is more commonly known for his polite and kind demeanor and his friendly attitude, most notably his habit of shaking people's hands whenever he first meets them.

Yu seems to take value in the bonds he makes, even going as far as risking his very life for his teammates in the Investigation Team. And when separated from his friends, he loses confidence which he learnt to overcome.

He has a dry sense of humor and is somewhat perverted, but is mature enough to not show it in public.

He seems to be quick to learn various new things such as dancing and even playing instruments he had never played before.It is also prominent on his tactical prowess during the events of P4 itself.
Yu Narukami is a high school student who moves to the countryside of Inaba to live with his uncle Ryotaro Dojima and cousin Nanako Dojimafor a year as a result of his parents working abroad, and attends Yasogami High School. During his time there, he awakens to his Persona, Izanagi when he and his two earlier friends, Chie and Yosuke accidentally fell into the Junes TV. Ever since then, the three have made a connection between the TV World and the recent murders that had been going on and formed an Investigation Team to save those who fell victim to it. Over time, he gained more and more allies and more and more friends until he eventually finds the killer, in which he and his friends put a stop to a Goddess that threatened to fill the entire town of Inaba with deadly Shadow Fog.

When Yu had to leave, he knew that he'll never be alone in his life...
Skills: (fighting styles, good at driving, ect)
Sword Wielding
Basketball Player(Gotta love 'em balls)
Paper Crane Making
Tactical Prowess
Powers/Abilities: (super strength, super speed, ect)
Due to the influence of the TV World, Yu has gained a ginormous amount of Stamina which he uses in his day to day life.
Persona - These are the Masks that react to external stimuli that serves as the basis of our Personality. Yu had gained the ability to summon Personas by making a blue card appear above him and crushing it with his palm. A distinct blue mist is show while doing so.

Izanagi, the Mythucal God of Japan, is Yu's first and only Persona. It is by far the Persona which has grown powerful due to his use. Izanagi wields thunder and lightning as well as his varying Almighty based abilities such as Megidolaon as shown in P4 The Golden Animation. His large blade is used to channel this electricity as well as his use for a weapon. Despite being a God, Izanagi has a strange weakness to strong winds. When hit with an attack with a Wind affinity, Izanagi will break, causing his user to be stunned temporarily.


If needed, Izanagi will evolve into Izanagi-No-Okami, which is channeled with the bonds of his allies. It seemed to be the most poweful since it has gained a strong resistance to every affinity(Except Holy and Curse) and can conjure up an attack known as 'Myriad Truths' which is used to dispell illusions and grows with each bond he forms. However, using Izanagi-No-Okami would completely drain his energy, so using him would be of last resort.

A Katana
A pair of glasses which can see through fog
Quotes: "Anyone can do it. As long as they open their eyes and look around, they'll see it. They'll see the truth. If there is a fog, they just have to embrace the truth to get rid of it. This is what's right, and this is the path that I choose to follow!"
Theme Song: (optional)
Names: Minity, The Dragonborn, Dovahkiin, Harbinger, Archmage, Thane of Whiterun, Champion of Meridia
Fandom: The Elder Scrolls/Skyrim
Age: 50
Gender/Sexuality: Female, homosexual
Minity has red eyes, dark brown hair that stretches to her back and is braided and the war-paint on her face is a dark green.

Personality: Minity is a rather proud woman, not of her heritage but rather of her actions. To say she is smug however would be false, only that she holds each threat defeated and each person she manages to save to a high standard, especially when looking back on her life.
She is a caring person, having a "weak spot" for the young (especially children) and the elderly but also cares for animals, preferring not to kill wolves and wild dogs unless it cannot be helped. She became even more in touch with wolves and dogs after gaining the ability to turn into a werewolf.

She is honourable and will not turn down a legitimate challenge, nor turn away from somebody in need. She also takes her titles very seriously, taking a large amount of responsibility for her roles as the Dragonborn, the Harbinger of the Companions and the Archmage of Winterhold. She helps her students and will often assist fellow Companions in combat when called, even volunteering herself for an experiment at the College despite the risks.

She holds life in a high regard, only trapping the souls of those she deems wicked in soul gems and sparing animals, those under the influence of mind control and those forced into fighting her. Despite being skilled in Conjuration (which includes raising undead thralls) she sticks to summoning Atroaches and weapons rather than raising the dead.
She has been to Sovngarde itself and has spoken with godly beings, giving her a strong outlook on the afterlife and on the soul.

Minity and her two brothers grew up on the stories of heroes such as the Hero of Kvatch and Nerevarine. While her elder brother was a blood relative, her younger brother was an adopted Redguard boy. She saw him as blood, even though he was treated more like a servant than that of a son by her parents.
She disliked the hold the Thalmor had over her people and, upon learning that her elder brother had been chosen to become a Thalmor agent she and her younger brother left home. They performed good deeds where they could over Tamriel like the heroes they had read about over the next few years, but were separated when trying to cross the border into Skyrim.

With her brother missing, and the Thalmor wanting her dead back home for treason, Minity believed her luck had fully run out when she was brought to the chopping block...Only for Alduin to reveal himself.
She fled the town with a Stormcloak soldier named Ralof and from there her adventure began...
She discovered she was the Dragonborn, a hero of legend and the only one who stood a chance at stopping the dragon threat.
Along the way she was cursed with Vampirism but was cured of the disease by becoming a Werewolf while on her Companion missions.

She ended up getting wrapped up in the Skyrim Civil War but managed to have Whiterun (a town she considered her new home) remain out of it due to the dragon crisis.
She became the Archmage of the College of Winterhold, the Harbinger of the Companions and a Nightingale among other things along her quest, not just to kill Alduin, or to find her brother but to help the people of Skyrim.
Due to her hatred of the Thalmor, she supported the Stormcloaks during the Skyrim Civil War, ending with Ulfric Stormcloak taking Solitude and the Imperials being driven out of Skyrim.

Lord Harkon and Miraak would follow after the death of Alduin, and of so many other evils that would threaten Skyrim. It was during Minity's quest to defeat Harkon that something would change. She met his daughter, Serana who had been asleep for thousands of years.
The two became close friends over the fight with Harkon, and eventually the two would become lovers.

She accompanied Minity on several more adventures, before she decided to settle down in Heljarchen Hall, building a house and adopting two orphaned children named Lucia and Sofie. Although the two were her daughters, Minity did allow Heljarchen home to become a halfway house for orphans affected by the Civil War, the dragon crisis and other issues to affect the region.

She studied, hunted and trained her children and the other orphans to defend and provide for themselves.
Over six years on from her near-execution Minity walked into Whiterun to do some shopping when she was met with a challenge. A man simply known as the Ebony Warrior who saw Minity as the last foe challenged her to a final battle to the death. He was tired and old and wanted to travel to
Granting his request and meeting him at the Last Vigil, the engaged in a fight to the death. Upon pulling his helmet off she saw that the Ebony Warrior was her adopted brother. She had wondered why he was able to perform dragon shouts and even fought like her brother.

She retired back to her Homestead where she remained until the fall of the Multverse.

It was all hands on deck when the darkness descended upon Skyrim, with Minity picking up her sword for the first time in years. Defending the local villages first before fighting alongside the Companions, the Stormcloaks and allies from the College of Winterhold as well as many old friends.
The fighting was intense, but before she was overwhelmed Minity and the province were transported to Gladius.

Minity was not with them however, for she woke up beaten and bloodied from battle on an unknown part of the planet. An impostor, who claimed to be the Dragonborn had used the chaos to take her place and was keeping her alive in order to learn more about the land. He promised not to harm her children but in return Minity would cooperate.

Minity specialises in two handed combat, going for a one handed sword in her right hand while using her left for casting spells. She is an expert in light armour, one-handed combat, archery, sneaking and smiting another other skills.
She received an education as a child and is rather well-spoken despite being a warrior.

Minity knows the ins and outs of all schools of magic, but specialises in Destruction, Conjuration, Restoration and Alteration.
With Destruction, she uses mostly Shock and Fire spells
With Restoration she focuses on Quick Healing spells for herself and spells to heal her allies
With Conjuration she specialises in summoning such as Flame Atronaches, Frost Atronaches and Bound weapons such as one handed swords and bows.

While in the Soul Cairn, she also gained the ability to summon a skeletal horse named Arvak
With Alteration she can cast spells such as Oakflesh, which increases her defence and Clairvoyance which shows her the path to a current goal.
She also has a spell that allows her to breathe underwater, but due to her enchanted ring she hardly uses it anymore.

Ancestor's Wrath: A natural Dunmer/Dark Elf ability. She is engulfed in a flaming aura for one minute, dealing fire damage to those that come into contact with her. She can only cast this once per day though.
Werewolf Form: Allows Minity to turn into a Werewolf temporarily. While in this form she can howl to attract wolves and even some werewolves in the local area to fight alongside her.


Weaknesses: While in her Werewolf form she can't cast spells and becomes a lot more aggressive, making it possible for her to lose control.
Behind her armour and spells she is weak and can be killed via most methods.

Gear: Amulet of Talos: Decreases the cooldown on Minity's shouts
-Absorbs health and stamina from those it hits, and grants it back to the user.
-Deals fire damage to targets and if used against the undead there is a chance it might create a fiery explosion that will destroy or turn nearby undead. It was granted to Minity by the Daedric Prince Meridia after destroying a Necromancer and his minions.
-Glowing dark red with fire magic. This sword was one of many items Minity crafted and enchanted herself. Due to it's magical properties it deals fire damage.
- Another weapon Minity enchanted herself. It has the spell Soul Trap, which after killing a target traps their soul in a soul gem. It glows a dark purple due to the enchantment
-As well as dealing armour piercing damage, this crossbow also deals fire damage due to Minity enchanting it. This was the weapon to deal the final blow to Lord Harkon.
-Allows Minity to fire arrows faster than the standard bow. It was given to her by a Nord ghost named Katria while the two explored Dwarven ruins. Minity took the bow and then gave Katria's body a proper burial, letting her spirit rest.
-A full set of Glass armour Minity enchanted to act as her heavy armour. It's enchantments focus on boosting her mana pool, which is used for casting spells and resistance to frost damage. It's heavier than her Nightingale armour and so she only wears it in very intense battles, such as against the Ebony Warrior and the other Dragonborn known as Mirrak.
Nightingale Armour (see appearance): Increases Minity's stamina, resistance to frost damage, muffles her movement, and increases the effectiveness of her illusion spells.
Ring of Waterbreathing: Does what it says on the tin. This was another item Minity enchanted herself.

(Note: Due to the carry weight of these items, Minity will not carry all of them at once. This not only makes her less overpowered but also is more accurate to my Skyrim playthrough)

Notable Followers



Serana is an ancient pure-blood vampire and the daughter of Lord Harkon and Valerica. She is known as one of the "Daughters of Coldharbour," for she is one of the few pure-blood Vampires known to exist. Pure-blood vampires are individuals who are granted vampirism directly from Molag Bal, the creator and patron deity of Vampires. Serana gained her vampirism through a ritual in which members of her family pledged themselves to Molag Bal. Females like Serana and her mother, Valerica, who survive the horrific ordeal are dubbed "Daughters of Coldharbour."

She focuses on shock and frost spells in combat, as well as life draining spells that come naturally to a Vampire. Personality-wise she is enterprising and friendly, but also lonely due to her troubled childhood and her mother's self-exile, which is why she confided in the Dragonborn. The two became close friends and eventually, lovers after the death of her father.
It was due to this bond that she was able to see the false Dragonborn for what he was.


Aela the Huntress is a Nord, thief and member of The Companions. She is one of five members of The Circle. Residing in Jorrvaskr with the other Companions, Aela offered lycanthropy to the Dragonborn and has acted as a fierce friend to her for many years. Additionally, she is an expert level Archer, fighting with her bow most of the time but also being skilled in hand to hand combat with an axe and a shield.
Like those in The Circle, Aela is a Werewolf and has mastered control of her other form, choosing to hunt in it fairly often.

Quotes: "Skyrim belongs to more than just the Nords." -To Ulfric Stormcloak
"You may have his blood, but that does not make him your father. You're better than him." -To Serana
"I am the Dragonborn. Not sure what that means, I'm still figuring that part out." -Early into her career

Theme Song:
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Names: Celty Sturluson ("Black Rider," "Headless Rider," "Setton")

Fandom: Durarara!!

Age: Unknown

Gender/Sexuality: Female / Heterosexual




Personality: Celty's personality is, ironically, one of the most normal and down-to-earth compared to most of the other cast. Although she was fairly emotionless in her early life, she has since developed a much more defined personality as she spent more time with humans. She is generally a confident and optimistic individual although she is not without her insecurities. Chief among these are her concerns about how people will react to her monstrous nature. In the start of the series, Celty tends to avoid most people as they usually react negatively to realizing she has no head. However, she has recently begun opening up more to people as she encounters others who are not only accepting of the paranormal (such as with Shizuo or Anri) but seem to revel in it (such as Mikado or Izaya).

Aside from developing a more human personality, she has also developed a few human interests. She is shown to enjoy watching movies and playing video games but has developed an odd phobia of aliens, something that has been used for comic relief throughout the series.

Celty is a Dullahan, a being from Celtic lore who guides souls to the afterlife. Not much is known about her early life. The earliest point in her history that is known is the day she woke up to find her head was missing. She remembered her name, her abilities, and what she was but not much else. Celty still felt a faint connection to her head and used it to travel across Ireland in pursuit of it. Eventually, her search required her to cross the sea to Japan and so she stowed away on a ship bound to the small island nation. She is eventually discovered by a young Shinra Kishitani who promptly brought this to the attention of his father, Shingen.

Celty and Shingen worked out a deal where he would keep Celty's secret while she would allow him to perform a full autopsy. Celty agreed and went through with the procedure but eventually passed out from the pain. Once she arrived in Japan, Celty would continue her search while acting as Shinra's caretaker when Shingen was away. As she continued to spend time with humans, it allowed her to develop more as a person and cause her to develop close bonds with unique citizens of the city.

Skills: Good at driving, mad bike skills, fighting prowess


  • Shadow Manipulation-- Celty has the ability to materialize and manipulate the shadows around her at will. Her scythe and jumpsuit are made from shadow-like energy

Weaknesses: Without her head, Celty's senses are limited and she can only communicate through her phone.


  • Shooter-- Celty's bike or Cóiste Bodhar, a spirit familiar that usually takes on the from of a Dullahan fairy's headless horse and carriage.
  • Shadow Scythe

Quotes: "Maybe the world isn't as cruel as you think."

Theme Song:
Name: Yuri

Red Alert 2

Age: Unknown

Male and heterosexual


Yuri is an intelligent, loyal and brave. He is expert at the use of his abilities in the field. Typical tactics for Yuri include using mind controlled civilians to hunt for enemy forces, turning enemy troops on their own allies, and working with Crazy Ivan saboteurs to produce exploding kamikaze cows. He is a ruthless and doesn't show no mercy at all although he loves his own nation and the Soviet people, he doesn't tolerate traitors at all.


Much of Yuri's past remains unknown. He is of Romanian ancestry and inherited a castle in Transylvania from his family. During the Second World War, he took part in Stalin's secret project, whose aim was to create an army of psychically-gifted soldiers to guarantee victory. However, the war ended with the Soviet Union's defeat and Stalin's death, although this likely did not stop Yuri, who single-handedly continued it. It is possible that his implant is the original World War II model initially created by Soviet scientists.

Following the war, Yuri joined Premier Romanov, whom he helped in rearming the USSR, developing psychic technology and forming the backbone of the Psychic Corps.

Yuri's story (very perplexed and complicated]

The story ends in Yuri's Revenge.

Combat training
Proficient at firearms
Skilled at stealth
Survival skills
Driving skills

• Mind control
• Telepathy
• Psionic wave
• Psionic field


• Relies on his gifted powers
• His powers need recharge after being used several times
• Can be killed/injured although it needs hundred of bullets to kill him since he will use his psionic field upon getting shot

Armored coat, radio, modified Makarov pistol

Quotes: It's too late, comrade. The entire world, and all of its history, is mine to command and conquer!

Theme Song:
Names: Prowl
Age: Over a Million
Gender/Sexuality: Male/Pansexual

Pragmatist. Calculating and cold. Rule-bound. Prickly. Just some of the words used to describe Prowl.
Prowl is a believer of "the Ends Justify the Means" and would do whatever it takes to aid the Autobot cause.
Prowl will keep at a task for as long as it takes. Strives to find reason and logic in everything. A listener, not a talker.

Prowl of Petrex was constructed cold. He learned to appreciate rules and discipline during his formative years in Petrex, a strictly functionist town where saying anything bad about your alternate mode could get you thrown in jail. He eventually made it into the Iaconian Mechaforensic Division, where he became famous for his tendency to order a full body autopsy during practically every investigation. This is exactly what he did when he and his partner Tumbler were assigned to investigate the assassination of Senator Sherma, seemingly killed by Decepticons, leading to the discovery of cerulean glass on the victim's body. Following the trail to Translucentica Heights, the duo ran straight into another body: that of Senator Momus.
As Tumbler went after the killer, Prowl investigated the crime scene and found that Momus had in fact been a Decepticon himself... and also that there was a second killer, who promptly attacked them. Inexperienced in combat, Prowl could do little to fight back, but the two were rescued by a fellow cop named Orion Pax who believed the Senate to be targeting Decepticons. Pax suggested that they avoid reporting their findings to their superiors, but Prowl ignored him in favor of regular police procedure, which much to his chagrin led to his preliminary report being quoted as fact on the news. Sent by Pax to investigate a nearby Relinquishment Clinic, he and Tumbler not only found proof that the killers had been using borrowed bodies, but also a complex dedicated to researching brain modules and a list of known Decepticons. While Tumbler, Orion Pax and several others believed that the clinic was the Institute and that the Senate was planning to use it to brainwash the Decepticons, Prowl rejected this as a far-fetched conspiracy theory.
He refused to have any part in Pax's plan to stop the Senate's evil plot, but worried about his partner's choice to join in. He asked Pax to keep Tumbler out of danger, and in exchange he wouldn't tell anyone what they were planning.

Prowl's most sophisticated logic center of all Autobots. Able to analyze and advise on complex combat situations almost instantaneously. Fires wire-guided missiles.

Prowl has the ability to transform into a Cybertronian Police Car.

Prowl tends to over analyse everything down to the tiniest detail, leaving him open for sneak attacks.
The unexpected can often scramble his circuits.
Prowl's calculative predictions fail to include any outside elements.
Prowl's a Prick.

Prowl is equipped with two missile launchers on his shoulders.

Quotes: We're not winning this war, and I'm tired of it. Tired of crunching stat after stat, formulating workable strategies for achievable victory. Prime listens--to a point--then gets restless and changes tack on a whim. The average Autobot default setting is daredevil maverick. That's not us, Perceptor. We can subdivide this war into its purest mathematical form and generate solutions all we want, but unless we happen to be surfing on a meteoroid at the time, no one will pay attention.
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Names: Vladimir
Fandom: OC
Age: 100
Gender/Sexuality: Male, straight
Despite his age, Vladimir looks like he is in his early twenties. Wearing an Adidas tracksuit woven with Stalinium. Which gives him great protection. His tracksuit is also modified to be able to hold several weapons and ammunition. He also wears a ski mask to hide his face. On top of his ski mask, he wears a Ushanka with the logo of the USSR.
On his back wearing a hammer and sickle in the same way as on the flag of the USSR.
Vladimir is a fierce warrior and bloodthirsty. Having worked hard in the Red Army, a patriot of the USSR. Having a hatred for anyone who isn't Russian. Believing that everyone else is a western spy, even though the Cold War ended, in USSR victory. Having much trust in the survival of the Motherland against any would-be invaders or capitalists. And his caution paid him off when the remnants of NATO made their daring attack to take over the USSR in a civil war.
Vladimir is born in 1922 in the Soviet Union. Being taught its values under the leadership of Joseph Stalin. He joined the army at the age of 18 and eventually joined a secret project made by the USSR for its elite forces. To enhance its soldiers with a new alloy created by the USSR named Stalinium. An incredibly strong metal, three times as strong as titanium and as light as aluminum. Yet it could be used in more ways, if combined with Lenium it could give strange properties to people. Giving the affected superpowers, yet these were not perfect as it came with an extremely high fatality rate. Being the only one to survive out of a thousand men and women. Yet, this gave him many powers which he used to fight the enemies of the people. Along with new weapons, he fought hard against the Axis, driving them all into the sea along with the Allies. By 1950, all of Europe was in hands of the USSR and the Cold War between America and the Comintern started, now the Warshaw Pact.

During this, scientists found a way to counter US nuclear weapons from being deployed against the Warshaw pact and start to aggressively expand into Africa, conquering it with high casualties due to the extreme differences in weather conditions. Despite this, they inflicted even worse casualties on American forces. By the end of 1965, USSR troops arrive at the most southern point of South America and start to fight their way up to Canada. This part takes at least 30 years before the last part of America was conquered. After the fall of America and the last parts of NATO, Jarick used his later times to train soldiers. Continuing the project he was part of. Creating a special forces division for the new order he created. Eventually reaching the highest top as leader of the new world. Armed with his army of super soldiers, he prepares for an impending invasion. And the invasion did come.

After years of planning, remnants of NATO hid everywhere and started a civil war among the people. However, this was quickly being crushed by the special forces under the command of Vladimir. However, as they attack the last bastion of NATO, something happens. They find themselves on Planet 1. After dealing with the last NATO resistance in surprisingly the Soviet Union itself, the USSR was transported to Planet 2.

Vladimir is trained to use bolt action rifles and submachine guns. He is also very experienced in close combat with his hammer and sickle.
He is not the smartest person, but he makes up for it with strength and the determination to never give up. Even in the darkest hours.

Super Human Strength: He can lift up to 60 tons
Super Human Speed: Max 300 km/h, however, the harder he runs the harder it is for him to steer and the time to stop increases too.
Super Human Durability: Anything smaller than artillery (around 150 mm) can't hurt him. However, he can still drown and suffocate as easy as a normal person who had military training.
Flight: He is able to fly but is restricted to the amount of oxygen available, he cannot survive the vacuum of space. While able to go there, it's suicidal.
Transformation: If needed, Jarick can transform himself. Taking the form of Vladimir Lenin, increasing his powers a lot. His transformation also ends with a mushroom-shaped cloud.
Reduced aging, Vladimir ages at a much, much slower rate than a normal human being.

Lightning based attacks, due to the Stalinium and Lenium inside his body he is more susceptible to lightning. While it can't kill him, it can incapacitate him for some time. The longer being attacked, the longer he is incapacitated. He also has nothing to resist with when being shot by lightning based attacks.

A modified Adidas tracksuit. Formerly a NATO project was later taken by Vladimir to suit his needs. It's been woven with Stalinium and holds many places to hold weapons.
A modified AK-47, this AK has been reinforced with Stalinium as well as increased accuracy. It has a 35 round magazine. In the AK is the symbol of the USSR engraved.
Hammer and Sickle. These are Vladimir's most used weapons, forged from Stalinium by the best smiths in the USSR. These are enchanted with the power of fire (Hammer) and ice (Sickle).
Quotes: (optional)
Theme Song: (optional)
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W.I.P., Maybe, I guess

Names: Cy-Kill
Fandom: Gobots
Age: Ancient
Gender/Sexuality: Male, Probably Heterosexual, just a bit Flamboyant
Pick your poison


Personality: Cy-Kill is a standard Saturday Morning cartoon-type villain, usually coming up with plans to take on the heroic guardians. That aside, he's very loyal to the Renegade cause and very close to his troops.

"Notorious Cy-Kill, the evil GoBot mastermind who turns into a menacing motorcycle, is the leader of the pack of Enemy GoBots. He plans to take over the earth."
At least, that's the long and short of it.

Cy-Kill was once a guardian at the rank of High Protector. His didn't feel he had been getting the proper appreciation. Fed up with the bureaucrats and statesmen surrounding him and jealous of the success of Leader-1, he switched sides and joined the Renegades. This lead to many zany escapades, several of which happened on Earth. They involved things like shrink rays, time machines, and giant Zods.

  • Leadership
  • Combat
  • Musical Theater
  • Basketball
  • Gobot Physiology
    • The ability to be a Motorcycle
      • Removable wheels
      • Capable of reaching upwards of 158 mph, possibly higher
    • Flight
    • Laser blasts
    • Larger than a human
      • Stronger than humans from sheer size

  • High-Loss Ratio: Blame his luck, his hubirous, or 80's Hannah Barbera writing, Cy-Kill tends to lose
  • Schemer: Cy-Kill can hardly pass up taking advantage of a situation, making up some kind of plan when it seems like an opportune time.

  • Gobian Ax: Short, but handy in a fight.
  • Removable Wheels
  • Communication Device

Quotes: "And since the renegades are the greatest threat, the greatest Gobot should fight them! Naturally, I volunteer."
Theme Song:
Names: Celica Lima
Fandom: Fire Emblem Echoes
Age: 18
Gender/Sexuality: Straight but married

Personality: Celica is a kind and polite person, who is often bold yet refined, but she holds herself back emotionally to an extent after a series of traumatic events and familial loss; as a result, she can come off as cold and stoic, and normally maintain a aura of polite distance, as shown her body language in cutscenes and sprites, which is subtly guarded and closed-off. She usually regrets showing her raw emotions, especially in the rare moments that she lashes out in anger, bitterness, or even sentiment. Celica feels the need that she has to set aside her emotional candor in order to fulfill her responsibilities as royalty. She is a firm believer in bringing peace without fighting, believing that fighting between one another is not the path towards peace and will always try to resolve conflicts peacefully. However, she is more than willing to put her life on the line and fight with her comrades in order to protect them. She also has been shown to be clumsy, possibly a trait rubbed off on her by Nomah, and enjoys studying and reading.
Backstory: Celica was the result of a union between Emperror Lima of Zofia and a priestess that Lima found and made her marry him. For a short time Celica lived a sheltered life until Lima angered some people and said people burned her families home killing her Mother and supposedly little brother. Celica was saved by General Mycen who took her to Ram village where she met and formed a deep bond with a boy named Alm. But one day one of the men who killed her mother and Brother found her. Mycen yet again intervened and saved her. But told her she had to leave.

Several years later Celica who had lived at a Monestary heard news of the state of Zofia. Not being able to stand to the side anymore Celica traveled around Zofia hoping to find Mila. And she had a chance encounter with Alm but split ways with him for a small time due to a dissagreement. Eventually Celica found out that Mila had been taken by Emperor Rudolf. And she was left with one choice. Jump into Rigel, and find Duma's temple.

Celica was confronted by one of Duma's followers. A man named Jedah who told her he had Alm in his sights and made a deal with her. Give her soul to Duma and Alm would live. However Jedah took her soul and intended to use her body to kill Alm. Eventually Celica encountered Alm as he tried to get Falchion. But this time Duma had control over her and had her fight Alm. And in an act of desperation she was stabbed by Falchion. Only for the blade to revive her and return her own soul. Now reunited her and Alm fought Duma and ended the age of the gods.

After the events Alm asked Celica to be his wife and queen to help rule over the New Valentia. She accepted and the two married with all of their allies supporting their cause.

But with news of something disturbing in the neigbouring kingdom of Archenea Celica followed Alm into the danger ridden Thebes Labrynth. Learning the story of an Alchemist who sought to make the perfect being. They then found the man succeeded as they encountered an unholy dragon. With no other choice Alm and Celica fought the beast and drove it back into sleep. But for how long, they did not know.

Expert Spellcaster
Has trained with the sword
Has Healing magic.
Powers/Abilities: Nothing Special. Just well trained in magic.
Weaknesses: She can't take as many hits as Alm and is largely frail. Her magic can sap her stamina as well.
Gear: Seraphic Ring, Blessed Blade
Quotes: (optional)
Theme Song: (optional)
Names: Yosuke Hanamura, Captain Ressentiment
Fandom: Persona 4
Age: 17
Gender/Sexuality: Heterosexual

Yosuke is a clumsy transfer-student who arrived six months before the protagonist. He is often the target for jokes about his lack of muscles and body strength, and fights with blunt, double-handed objects such as wrenches, but moreso knives and kunai. The protagonist first sees him crashing his bike into a garbage can, the first of many times, but he doesn't introduce himself to the protagonist until he helps Yosuke by getting him out of a garbage can.

He cares deeply about Saki Konishi and fell into depression after her death. Much of his character development stems from his feelings for Saki, and dealing with the hurtful possibility that Saki probably never felt the same way about him that he did for her.

Yosuke doesn't usually think before he says something, which results in him sticking his foot in his mouth, and unintentionally insulting someone. He has occasionally exhibited some homophobic and insensitive behavior in regards to Kanji Tatsumi such as questioning if Kanji will molest him in his sleep, although Yosuke intends this to be more "playful teasing or joking" than something coming from hate or malevolence towards gay people. He displays genuine regret after these instances, however, apologizing or offering to make it up to them. However, regarding Kanji, no one ever calls Yosuke out for this in the original Persona 4and it never goes beyond more than Kanji telling Yosuke to shut up.

He tends to be a bit of a wannabe ladies' man and has a fascination for girls, forcing the girls to enter a beauty pageant they can't back out of. But beneath most of that (more so in the original game), he shows great insight with decent deducing, and is often on task of the situation on hand, and can be very serious at times. He also tends to keep a good face in order to make sure the team is in their best spirits and he cares a lot about the protagonist, as well as having a strong sense of justice. He's good with people's emotions, offering assistance at Junes. He can also be a bit of a pushover. He has a strong vision of the future and displays uncanny deductive reasoning. A notable gag is that Yosuke seems to be at odds with Chie Satonaka several times.

His biggest insecurities are boredom and loneliness. He feels the town has nothing comparing to the city and that his life in the city is the reason for his unpopularity. By the end of the game he has grown to love the town and has made friends with the rest of the Investigation Team and feels accomplished in having a notable contribution to the group.

Along with that, he is described by the other members of the Investigation Team as too nice, even from his own words. This is evident in Persona Q (Persona 4 route in one of the strolls) and by himself in the Persona 4: Dancing All Night storyline (in the pre-story chapter, after Rise is doing her entry). Regardless, his skills in deduction and reasoning place him as the second-in-command of the Investigation Team, as it is hinted that he often discusses things with Yu the most times regarding the team's final decisions.
Yosuke Hanamura is a clumsy, awkward student who attends Yasogami High School. Much like Yu, Yosuke had also moved from a big city to the small rural town of Inaba.

He was one of the first person Yu interacts with when arriving Inaba, even treating him to the department store his father's managing called 'Junes' and was one of the first people to witness Yu's awakening and the first person to gain a Persona by confronting his Shadow and accepting his own flaws.

Upon rescuing Chie from going after her friend alone, he was one of the persons who suggested to form the Investigation Team, making him second-in-command of the party.
Skills: (fighting styles, good at driving, ect)
Much like most Persona users, Yosuke relies on both his combative skills and usage of his Persona. His fighting style heavily relies on speed and agility rather than overwhelming strength.
Kunai usage
Persuasion skills?
Being a store clerk
Powers/Abilities: (super strength, super speed, ect)
Due to the influence of the TV world, Yosuke had gained tremendous amount of stamina, similar to most Persona users.
Persona - These are the Masks that react to external stimuli that serves as the basis of our Personality. Yosuke had gained the ability to summon Personas by making a blue card appear above him and crushing it with his palm. A distinct blue mist is show while doing so.


Yosuke's Persona is called Jiraiya, a japanese ninja of myth who is know to shapeshift into a giant toad. Jiraiya's primary ability is to generate strong gusts of wind with a distinct green color. Aside from that, he's also able to provide speed boosting to Yosuke and his allies via Masukuja. Aside from that, Jiraiya's yellow stars on the palm of he's hands are used similar to shurikens in order to take care of opponents from afar. It has a resistance to it's own affinity but can be struck down with lightning.
A Persona is a direct manifestation of the soul, and is therefore, connected to it's user. If it's struck by the Persona's weakness, it would immobilize it's user briefly. Other than that, Yosuke's merely human. A well placed shot would surely kill him.
TV-World Glasses(Can dispell fog)
Quotes: "I'm going to live. Without lying to myself, without deceiving myself... Days like today, days like before when I did nothing... They're all important days... They're all days you didn't live to see... I'm going to live them here."
Theme Song:
"The Junes Hero"

Vampire Form


Human Form

"I will become the President of this country so that we will rule the mortals and those who are against us using our iron fist!" - Sandrino's speech toward his vampire followers.

Sandrino Villalobo (former name/true name)
Sandrino Imperial (current name)
Gilbert Imperial (human name)

*I'd rather call him Sandrino Imperial*

• also called as Supremo by his vampire followers and his enemies (LLU, Moonchasers and independent vampires)

• also called as the 'Cursed Ink' according to the prophecy

La Luna Sangre

Unknown, ageless. Possibly in mid-20's.

Male and heterosexual

Before he was converted into a vampire thru witchcraft by his mentor; Barang, a Mage-Vampire hybrid, he was considered a good-natured human who live on the forest peacefully with his mentor. He was kind, compassionate, helpful and warm. He also met a woman name Rica who was going to give birth to one of the most powerful vampire's child which it is Sandrino's step-brother. He dedicated his life to protect Rica so that she could give birth to the child safely however one night, Rica's husband name Tony Toralba, a former Luna soldier, burned Barang's hut because Barang was a hybrid with vampire blood. Barang was hurt and Sandrino's perspective to humans were changed from good to evil.

After he became a powerful vampire with abilities similar to a mage, he became ruthless and shows no mercy at all in order to follow the steps of his father; Magnus Imperial, who was the most powerful vampire that ever lived in PH. He dedicated most of his life to establish a nationalistic ideology of the vampires as he believes himself as the savior of the vampire race situated in the Philippines. He shows his authoritarian and cold personality towards to his followers and most of his followers feared him due to the unique abilities he have, rule with an iron fist and his ruthless personality. He only show his good side towards to his family only and to his very close friends. He hates traitors and cowards, especially werewolves and humans.

He is also a cunning and clever person, especially using his third persona Gilbert Imperial, able to use a mortal human as a toy of his.

He has three personas. He was born Sandrino Villalobo to Maria Villalobo and Magnus Imperial, who raped Maria to sire the chosen one, spurred by Barang's false prophecy. Sandrino suffered a lonely and violent childhood, despised by his mother as a reminder of her rape. Maria called him a monster and kept him imprisoned. Deprived of food, starvation led him to feed on live chickens and drink animal blood; Yaya Narsing was the only person who showed him kindness. In a fit of rage, he accidentally killed Maria when she attempted to push him off the balcony. He escaped into the forest with Yaya Narsing, but Barang took him away and raised him as her own son. Sandrino grew up into a kind young man and took care of Rica Sison, a Luna who had loved and became pregnant by his father Magnus. They were attacked by Luna comrades led by Antonio Toralba who found the trio in the forest. Fearing for her child, Rica resisted them but Tonio killed Sandrino as he fought to get Rica. Barang, who believed that Sandrino was the savior of their race, sacrificed her own powers and chanted the incantation from the Ancient Book of Cursed Spells (“Aklat ng Gabay”), and cast upon Sandrino the power of invincibility; a protection from all weapons used against vampires by mortals and werewolves, symbolized by the cursed ink on his left arm; she bit him and transformed him into an extremely powerful vampire. Armed with the resilience from his new powers, he assumed the leadership of his race and became Supremo, the King of the vampires, ruler of a world without werewolves; where humans existed solely as their food source. Prophesied to die in the hands of the “New Chosen One” prompted him to hunt Malia, however, the prophecy changed a decade later when Jethro saw a new vision that the Supremo survived the war.

His third persona, Gilbert Imperial, Youtopia's founder and CEO, has set the wheels in motion to execute his plans for a perfect world of vampires by running for President of the Philippines with the help of a political strategist named Jacintha Magsaysay. Falling in love with his strategist stirred his humanity, awakened his heart and weakened his powers. Unfortunately, the weakness was temporary. Barang, with her strong maternal influence, kept a tenacious grip on his evil nature. Distraught over her death, he discarded the last piece of humanity in him, embraced evil. He escalated his evil plans; he stepped up the infrastructure for the Blood Farms; he killed his sister Samantha, crippled the Moonchasers, abducted Tristan (his step brother) and used him as ransom to entrap anyone coming to rescue him. He became aware that Tristan was his brother at his first battle with Malia when she rescued Tristan; he noticed Tristan’s arm glowing with the same mark he possessed in his arm. Sandrino confronted Tristan with the truth about their kinship as brothers, but Tristan refused to ally with him.


Hand-to-hand combat
Master strategist
Master of deception


Conversion: He can convert mortals into a powerful vampire due to his vampire blood inheriting the most powerful vampire in the Philippines whom he never met personally since his father died decades ago.

Stasis wave: He can unleash a stasis wave which he can freeze his enemies on sight, he only do this power when he encountered a large group of werewolves/vampires but it depends on him anyways.

Various telekenisis form: He can lift/push/choke his enemies easily, especially to mortals, ordinary werewolves and ordinary vampires although this power is useless towards very powerful supernatural beings (such as the Red Lady).

Superhuman endurance: Due to the fact that he is one of the very powerful vampires in the modern era. His strength is enhanced because of the blood he inherits, meaning superhuman endurance even when he is on human form.

Enhanced strength: Although he doesn't have a superhuman strength, his strength is enhanced, making him one of the deadly hand-to-hand combat fighters even when he is on a human form.

Regeneration: If he got shot by an ordinary bullet, bitten by a vampire, or get stabbed, his wounds will be quickly healed thru regeneration, making him immortal (not likely).

(He can also not use regeneration which he can fake his own death by turning into an ash and would likely to spawn somewhere using his strategy.)

Superhuman speed: As any all other LLS vampires, either ordinary or powerful, he has superhuman speed in order to retreat from powerful opponents, large group of powerful opponents, espionage or an adventure.

Anti-Sunburn II: Since he is one of the most powerful vampires in the vampire history and inheriting the blood of the most powerful vampire literally, the sun doesn't destroy his eyes nor his body, having a rare and enhanced ability called Anti-Sunburn II.

(Anti-Sunburn I doesn't destroy the vampire's body but their eyes can be destroyed if they are not wearing sunglasses. Vampires who have Anti-Sunburn I ability, always wear sunglasses if it's daylight although most of the vampires in LLS have already adapted Anti-Sunburn I ability.)

Duplicate: He can create his own duplicate although there is always a limitation; he can only create only five duplicates of himself.

Gray Tornado: As been shown on the show where he decides to kidnap his step-brother's comrade, he used a gray tornado in order to get the comrade without being hitted by enemies although he rarely use this power.

Hypnotize: He can only use this power to a mortal only by commanding them to do things and such. This is similar to a Jedi mindtrick but only effective to mortal humans.

• "Differentiate the Sense": He can differentiate the sense between a werewolf by its bad odor and a vampire when the heartbeat isn't ongoing but still alive.


Silver Bullet/Wolf-teeth Knife: If he got shot by a silver bullet or got stabbed by a wolf-teeth knife, he will surely get injured or wounded.

Energy Bullets: Energy bullets like plasma bullets are one of Sandrino's weakness. When his step-sister, Samantha, a powerful vampire, used a plasma gun, Sandrino was wounded but it can be regenerated. Whenever he got shot by energy bullets, he'll endure the pain because of the heat.

Fall In Love: If he fell in love with any girl, like a literal romance, his heartbeat will become alive which he will lost all of his vampire abilities and immortality.

Facing a Very Powerful Opponent: Fighting a very powerful opponent, very powerful than him, will led him into a defeat and retreat.

Ancient Book of Cursed Spells: This book is one of Sandrino's weaknesses. If the book fell in the wrong hands and decided to drain Sandrino's powers by chanting the ancient language correctly (Filipino), he is surely fucked.

Without drinking blood for days, he will starve and lose energy.


• iPhone 10
• Philippine paper money
• Cool glasses
• Currently wearing a business casual attire

Theme Song:
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Names: Xanthous King Jeremiah

Fandom: Dark Souls/Soulsborne

Age: Unknown; physically about thirty.

Gender/Sexuality: Male; Asexual


For someone so scholarly, and so keen to uncover the truth behind things, Jeremiah himself has few secrets to hide.

The Xanthous King - founder of the order of the Xanthous Scholars, before he fell to his own lust for knowledge - is a teacher at heart. Even as he sought the forbidden truths to his forbidden questions, and even as his very mind was warped into something nigh beyond recognition from its original state, his love for teaching remained a constant.

Yet, more than a teacher, Jeremiah is a hot-headed, unhinged mess of a man, more than happy to place his lust for knowledge ahead of any other need - save for, perhaps, those who he loves. And whether it be to acquire more knowledge, or to protect the few he does love, Jeremiah is a capable warrior - seemingly contrary to his nature, Jeremiah, in a fight, is prone to entering a state of seething rage, relying on emotion to lead him through battle - ostensibly, as is the wont of those who collect knowledge only for the sake of knowledge.

Jeremiah thinks very highly of himself, even as he remembers little of his own past due to his own corruption; he is likely to attempt to take charge of a situation, for better or worse, and will ignore the will of anyone who he does not respect. A highly emotional man, relationships of any kind are arbitrary to him (no matter how good they are).

Of course, though, this can all change on a whim. This is the nature of those afflicted by the Chaos Flame.

Jeremiah remembers little about his past - and indeed, in this faltering multiverse, it matters little, as well. All he is certain of is that he was once a scholar (of great renown, he may lie to himself), responsible for founding the order of the Xanthous Scholars, a collection of people who sought knowledge as he did. Indeed, he was the Xanthous King. Yet he delved too deep, and was imprisoned in a cold, lonely painted world for uncovering the Chaos Flame - the Flame he still holds dearly to his heart.

That, and the memories of a few friends he left behind, however murky, however unclear.

Apart from the sheer ability and willingness to learn, about the only thing Jeremiah would readily consider himself to be good at is at fighting. Not skilled in a martial art of any kind, Jeremiah is wild and unpredictable in combat.

Anyone who would touch his left hand may remark that his skin is incredibly hot, almost to the point of scorching. In this hand, his dominant hand, he is capable of pyromancy, and a wide range of pyromancy-based skills, at that. From throwing fireballs, to spewing lava from his hands, to generating (through much effort) a powerful firestorm, it is his left hand that is the most dangerous part about him. This spectacular gift at pyromancy is his main crutch in battle.

Jeremiah is emotionally unstable and physically weak (thankfully, a whip doesn’t exactly require much arm strength). If properly provoked, he can easily be lured into very unfavorable situations. It would only be fitting for a man such as he that his greatest boon - his mind - would also be his greatest bane.

  • In his right hand, he wields a notched whip - thorned, to rend the flesh of any foe which may draw his ire. Though his weapon is hardly lethal under normal circumstances, it is a personal favorite - he can’t seem to remember why. He has to admit that it’s at least a little bit fun to use, not to mention its… practicality in getting what you want from someone.
  • The most obvious feature about him, at first glance, is his glaringly bright xanthous clothing - more specifically, the ridiculously large wrappings around his head. His decorated outfit is made of mere leather and silk, not to mention that he wears no underwear under that skirt of his. And of course, his bloodied silken Xanthous Crown weighs about thirty pounds, and impedes his vision, with only two small slits at the front of the crown granting him sight.
    No one can say for sure why Jeremiah wears the thing, but he ostensibly likes how it looks.
Quotes: N/A

Theme Song: N/A

I'm taking some major liberties with this nonspeaking minor character form Dark Souls.
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Christine Royce

Fallout: New Vegas (Dead Money)





Christine doesn't talk much (and that isn't just because of her broken vocal cords). Christine acts seriously and tries to get the job done with the best of her abilities, even if sometimes she gets distracted by her fears or passions. (Sorry if this isn't that good. It is pretty hard to create a personality for someone who barely talks and mostly just communicates via hand motions).

Christine Royce was a scribe in the Brotherhood of Steel and a knight of the Circle of Steel in the Mojave Desert. When the former elder of the Brotherhood of Steel, Father Elijah, left the Brotherhood, leaving a trail of crime behind, Christine was dispatched to go after him. She had a personal grudge against him when she was being kept apart from her lover, Veronica, by him. She eventually found him at Big Mountain but was hurt in the process of attempting to apprehend him, giving her brain damage. She was helped by a man named Ulysses and Christine resumed her quest to find Elijah at the Sierra Madre casino, where she was captured and equipped with an explosive collar. She and three others (The Courier ( Donder172 Donder172 ) , Dog/God, and Dean Domino) were forced by Elijah to perform a heist in the Vault in the casino. There, she was trapped in an auto-doc by Dean, which broke her vocal cords. She was later healed by another auto-doc which gave her the voice of a former star, Vera, which would help her open the voice activated vault of the Sierra Madre. After the events in the Sierra Madre, she remained there becoming it's warden. The ghosts saw her as just another hologram and there she stayed.

Guns, melee weapons, energy weapons, unarmed, explosives, computers, and sneaking


Unable to read or write due to brain damage and claustrophobic

Her old explosive collar from her journey through Sierra Madre and reinforced Sierra Madre armor

"Love makes people do strange things. Won't argue that. It can drive you crazy sometimes if you can't... Connect."
"He said people were like couriers, sometimes never understanding the messages they brought."
"Christine, her mission complete, found new purpose as the Sierra Madre's warden. She watched over it silently - by choice. Over time, the ghost people came to see her as one of the Holograms. They would watch, silently, as she walked among them. At times, Christine thought of the Courier, who had kept Elijah's hand from her throat. The Courier reminded her of the other courier she had met in the Big Empty, and wondered if the two had found each other at last. She did not think of them again until she heard the legends of the Divide. The Divide, where the two messengers, the two couriers, fought beneath an ancient flag, at the edge of the world."
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Names: (Include nicknames)
Fandom: Marvel
Age: 35
Gender/Sexuality: Male, Won't say anything other than Heteorsexual


Personality: A man of faith, Prentiss will try to help people whenever possible. His faith is strengthened by the existence of every other faith he can think of, and of the multiple Hell Lords.

As a youth, Andrew Prentiss was tricked into searching for a being known as the Wumpus. Instead, he found power from his faith, and God himself. This lead to many zany adventures (which, in reality, were only three issues, but let's see where I can take this.) These included:
  • A meeting with Spider-Man, like every other hero
  • A team-up with fellow Catholic Nightcrawler, as they fought El Conquistador
  • A bad time with Moon Knight and the Punisher
In a majority of major Marvel events, he didn't participate directly, but had adventures.
  • Regrettably, Andrew bumped into Spidercide on a trip to New York (Clone Saga)
  • Illuminator was briefly jailed by the alien community (Maximum Security)
  • Scarlet Witch forgot about him, so he stopped existing for a while (House of M)
  • Abstaining from Civil War, Illuminator traveled the world and tried helping whoever he could (Civil War)
  • The Wumpus came to him, and in turn, Prentiss helped it find God. (Heroic Age)

Skills: (fighting styles, good at driving, ect)
  • Flight
  • Light Projection
    • Light Blasts
    • Forcefields
  • Super Strength
  • Other Faith-related powers
Gear: (weapons and such)
Quotes: "I found the Wumpus, and the Wumpus found God."
Theme Song:


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Appearance continued- Under his mask he has a buzzcut hairstyle with some scarring from training and his pupils have become a reddish color due to physical enhancements. He sports a clean shave as well as a Charles Bronson looking face , he stands 6'8 and is rather well built with obvious scars and injection sites of his genetic enhancements.

Name: Adokore Breawick

Age: 30 years

Fandom: OC

Gender: Male/Heterosexual

Personality: Adokore was always quite an interesting operative, during his intense stages of training he had always kept a form of comradery and humility, never truly letting go of the side that made him Human, especially after his physical enhancement. Adokore had always remained thought driven which is what helped him stand out from the rest of the death troopers. His kindness and humanity was also shown during times when hunting the jedi down before the start of the Galactic Civil War, when he knew of a transport that harbored jedi both old and young but did not allow any of his fellow squad mates to know, reporting back that all ships were clear.

In his humility he has understood not to underestimate anybody, not even simple rebels. In doing so he had survived a scrap with two jedi, one being more skilled than the other. He had simply kept himself closer to the more poorly skilled jedi keeping out of the reach of the more masteful jedi. In doing so he had managed to escape them and rejoin his squad.

In his early years before the battle of Scarif he often had let some refugees or "criminals" to the empire go or escape never truly catching them for the empire as he understood fully what awaited them if he did capture them. He never openly rebelled against the empire however, everything he did he did with secrecy and made sure it was never high risk. Adokore needed to remain on the Empire's good side as his family was in the heart of Coruscant, only a heartbeat away for the Empire's grasp.

Bio: Adokore Breawick was born in 30 BBY on the planet of Coruscant where Humans tend to be from. His father was an astound member of the Senate and an ambassador to certain galactic council members such as that of Naboo or Coruscant. While Adokore was growing up he dreamed of service, his heart sang in correspondence with propaganda and his mind swelled at the glory of service. He watched as his father had entered service to the republic as an Admiral and Adokore adored him for it. HIs father would sometimes smuggle him some battle reports that were considered "Confidential" and Adokore would read and learn from them, adopting some tactics used by the Clones and continuing with his own form of training.

Finally in 14 BBY Adokore was allowed to enlist into an Imperial Stormtrooper academy on a basis of a 8 month long training course. Adokore was seen to pass with flying colors in certain areas, and excel in others. His trainers were quite impressed reporting his skills for quick adaptation and even using some old Clone tactics that, despite being old, were still quite effective. This report was looked over by the High Command of Imperial special forces and in 13 BBY he was taken into the highly experimental Death Trooper program.

Adokore could recall the program being brutal, harsh, and without rest saying that the Empire only wanted results for the program and never truly cared about those whose lives were at risk during the program. Adokore and his small squad of hand selected individuals were put through rigorous and brutal training, being put into hostile exotic environments and training over deadly courses, having painful and excruciating experiments and genetic enhancements performed on them to see an increase in performance and time on each course. Even though the program lasted for a few months, it was the longest few months of Aodokore's life.

After the program Adokore and his squad were deployed as a counter insurgency unit, attacking or raiding black markets and pirates as well as traffickers. He felt as if he was doing the universe a service by wiping out this threat until finally came the fateful day where he was ordered to fire upon civilian targets to draw out a Jedi refugee in a small town. There is where he had seen the Empire's true colors and although he and his squad followed through with it, they did so reluctantly. This action had brought his faith for the empire into questioning, finally he had decided that the empire wasn't always right. He had met a young jedi who had managed to escape his other squad mates, the jedi believed himself to be clear until he looked to see Adokore who instead of engaged to take down the Jedi just motioned with his head to "Move along" which the Jedi ran away albeit confused but didn't stop to question it. Adokore felt some form of dignity in this action as he had saved a young person from a cruel and terrible fate.

Finally came the battle of Scarif, Adokore and his squad fought viciously against the attack but he knew soon they would be overrun by the Rebel forces. He decided it would be best to give up the station and in doing so he lead his men to the flank, lying to them about a Rebel force attempting to weaken their defense of the base from the western flank and so he and his men had went towards the beaches where there was some Rebel forces helping to make his bluff seem all the more real. After his squad had crushed the Rebel scouting group and their reinforcements they were informed that the station was lost and the death star plans were stolen. Adokore was blamed for the failure of the bases defense of the destruction of an entire Death Trooper squad that he had left to fend for itself. Instead or executing or discharging Adokore however, it appeared that the rebel forces were cut down considerably during the battle so his squad was demoted to a Guard/Garrison group to replace Krennic's destroyed guard.

+High Pain Tolerance
+Increased Physical abilities (Endurance, Stamina, Strength)
+Trained strategist
+Heavy blaster specialist
+Support class specialist
+Special forces and survival training
+Trained in Infiltration and Scouting
+Trained in Assault/Breaching
+Adaptable suit
+ Good situational awareness (With helmet on)

Enhanced Physical Capabilities- An increase in endurance, stamina, strength, and regeneration. Though is not necessarily anything superhuman, it still a point of loss for his Humanity. Thanks to an increase in endurance and regeneration he has a higher pain tolerance than the normal stormtrooper and his increase in strength and stamina allows him to excel in certain fields where Stormtroopers may have trouble.

Suit enhancements- His helmet has a built in sensor, night vision, and built in targeting (has an ability to mark targets at range of him) Binoculars, he also has a build in filter and rebreather allowing him to sustain himself for a decent amount of time in a burning building, a deadly gas cloud, underwater, or in space. His suit itself is built to withstand a great amount of pressure such as that of a normal modern diver suit, it also has a polymer spray known as reflec which warps electromagnetic signals making it difficult to spot him on radar, video, or even sensors (heat, motion, laser, etc).

- Still pretty much Human
- Armor can't stop Military standard weapons.
- His emotions or even powerful force users can influence his actions or make him hesitant and indecisive.
- Is still susceptible to being outsmarted
- May be confused or completely unable to fight certain foreign power.
- His incapability to fear death can lead to his downfall.

His suit,
His DLT-19 heavy blaster with overcharge capability (Suppression, think MG-42 fire rate),
an SE-14r light repeating blaster pistol
a canteen,
2 radios (Internal comms radio built into the helmet and the external radio he uses for hijacking channels, listening in on enemies, or as a long range/back up communications radio),
3x2C fragmentation grenades,
2 stun grenades,
a stun baton,
combat knife,
blaster cartridges for SE-14R (DLT-19 has 2 self charging magazines),
A spare pair of targeting Binoculars (In case the one in his helmet gets damaged),
and his ID (DT-3558)​

"If I had to choose between the current regime or the possibility of being executed for a new peaceful government, I'd take the latter."

"You can count the men you've killed and have a laugh with your buddies about it, but when it comes time to rest that number keeps running in your head."

"If you open your mind up in combat your gonna be seeing a whole plethora of options, and only a few of them are going to work."


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Names: Sienna "Squigly" Contiello (And Leviathan)

Fandom: Skullgirls

Age: 28 (Died at 14)

Gender/Sexuality: Female/Heterosexual

Personality: Squigly is graceful, calm and well-mannered, but tough and determined to complete her mission. Her past experience with a Skullgirl gives her a unique perspective and a greater understanding of the situation over most.

Leviathan is a very loyal parasite to Squigly through and through as well as honorable. He has shown guilt whenever he felt like he put Squigly in a dangerous situation. He is said to be a gentleman, but sometimes, he has a dry wit when talking to his opponents. He also has a feral side since one of his attacks has him biting his opponents multiple times while dragging Squigly along.

Backstory: After reawakening in New Meridian, Squigly sees Marie attacking an airship containing a fleeing Lorenzo Medici with part of a building. Her musings on Marie's apparent desire to protect the innocent bystanders while focusing her rage on the Medici Mafia were interrupted by the arrival of Parasoul and the Black Egrets, who (somewhat correctly) identified her as one of the Skullgirl's minions. After fighting Parasoul off, Squigly fled the scene, but not before using an apparition-like copy of herself to suggest that the Canopy Kingdom princess focus her attention on Marie and her active minions.

After making her escape, Squigly noted that her powers seemed to have become stronger since she last used them, which Leviathan admitted was a sign of his imperfect ability to block the Skull Heart's influence. Squigly assured her Parasite that he was doing an admirable job by simply allowing her to live after death, but then discovered - much to her horror - that someone had sewn her mouth shut during her "sleep". Realizing that the Medicis were to blame, Squigly and Leviathan set off to find Lorenzo and exact vengeance for the insult.

Squigly is the last "surviving" member of the Contiellos, a famous line of opera singers and long-time clients of the Medici family.

Fourteen years ago, tragedy befell Squigly’s family when the Medici Mafia came close to obtaining the Skull Heart. Lorenzo's top assassin, Black Dahlia, was ordered to murder Squigly and her parents by the Mafia - the very people who seemed to be some of their family's closest allies. It was during this incident that she became one of the Skullgirl's undead minions. Once the threat had been defeated, only Squigly’s body was recovered, and she was buried in a service provided by himself.

Squigly was not resurrected during Queen Renoir's transformation into a Skullgirl, as the Queen was currently in another land at the time and her powers did not extend back to the Canopy Kingdom's dead-and-buried.

Fast forward to the present: Bloody Marie's emergence has awoken Squigly from her long sleep. As part of the Skullgirl’s undead legion, Squigly should have become nothing more than a mindless servant of the pale maiden. However, thanks to the powers of her Parasite, Leviathan, she is spared this fate.

Having been passed through the Contiello family for generations, Leviathan is refined and dotes on Squigly like her father and previous host did. This long familial history has made Squigly's bond with Leviathan deeper and more fundamental than that of most Parasites, and allows them to work harmoniously both in and out of battle like synchronized dance partners. Their unique circumstance also seems to have given them abilities beyond this world, as well.

Skills: Like Filia, Squigly let's Leviathan do the fighting, though it is less frequent as most of the time they 'sync' their attacks in quick succession. She is also an excellent singer, with some of her attacks requiring her to do such.

Powers/Abilities: She and/or Leviathan use long-range attacks to prevent close range combat. Whereas Filia and Samson have limited cooperation in the attacks, Squigly and Leviathan synchronize their attacks to move fluently.

Squigly uses her voice (with the assistance from Leviathan) in battle to not only have the screen focus her and drag opponents towards her for her advantage, but also to produce a big projectile that resembles a musical note to deliver damage. She can also charge her moves with stances so they can become more damaging or last longer. The stances can be canceled into different attacks to throw opponents off their guard.

Like Filia, Squigly does very little of any actual fighting, merely acting as a vector for Leviathan to lash out with his attacks.

Beware of her 'Shun Goku Saltsu'. It is a move where she does not kills the opponent with Leviathan's flames, but the many sins the opponent has done. The greater the sins, the more painful the death will be.

Weaknesses: Much like Filia, if her Parasite is removed, she and the said Parasite will die.

Gear: N/A

"(Squigly) Ready?"

Rhaegar Targaryen

Fandom: Game of Thrones

24 years old

Male and heterosexual

Rhaegar was a wise, kind, and well-educated man, greatly loved in the Seven Kingdoms before his alleged abduction of Lyanna Stark. He was everything that could be hoped for in a future king, and very popular with lords and commoners alike - in contrast to his increasingly erratic father. Aerys's descent into insanity and paranoia greatly troubled Rhaegar, which led to him often brooding on his inner turmoils. Rhaegar's honor and intelligence made him very charismatic, earning him the honest support of his followers. Neither Rhaegar's allies nor his enemies could ever explain in later years why such a promising young prince would suddenly abduct Lyanna Stark, as it didn't seem in his character.

Despite the superb skills he displayed while participating in the great Tourney at Harrenhal, Ser Barristan Selmy (whom Rhaegar had unhorsed in the final joust) described Rhaegar as a peaceful man who much preferred singing over fighting and killing. He was highly skilled at playing the harp as well, and would often go out into the streets of the capital city disguised as a common minstrel to play and sing for passers-by.

Rhaegar's sorrow at the behavior of his father (and his treatment of Queen Rhaella) gave him compassion for the suffering of others. When he went out to sing in Flea Bottom, he would usually give away any money he had earned from it - sometimes to the next minstrel on the street, or to an orphanage (one time he used it to get very drunk with Barristan, though that might also be an example of him treating his friends well).

After the Baratheons overthrew the Targaryens in Robert's Rebellion, history became biased in favor of the victors: Rhaegar became remembered as a villain second only to his insane father the Mad King, who brutally abducted and raped Lyanna Stark and left her for dead. Even the Martells, who weren't sure what happened with Lyanna and didn't specifically care, were still upset that in either scenario, Rhaegar left Elia for another woman (albeit theirs was an arranged marriage and not for love, this is actually the norm for nobles in Westeros). Had the Lannisters not butchered Elia Martell and her children by Rhaegar, the Martells might have kept that view, but the Lannisters' needless brutality drove a wedge between Dorne and the new Lannister-funded Baratheon regime in King's Landing. Targaryen loyalists, meanwhile - such as Rhaegar's own younger brother Viserys, in exile - developed their own skewed remembrance of events, that Rhaegar was the perfect Crown Prince, a tragic figure, and Robert was the villain of their story.

Ultimately, Rhaegar still remains a controversial and perplexing figure as his star-crossed romance with Lyanna Stark inadvertently led to his insane father sparking a war with half of the Seven Kingdoms. Thousands died due to Rhaegar's actions (or inaction), ending in his death, the overthrow and exile of what was left of his family, and (indirectly) resulted in the murder of Elia and their two children together, a similar tragedy that ironically befell Lyanna's nephew Robb Stark nearly two decades later. What could possibly have motivated Rhaegar to not only elope with Lyanna, but fight a war to keep their marriage a secret, remains unknown. Rhaegar valued his forthcoming child with Lyanna so much that he even left champions of his Kingsguard behind in Dorne to defend her - living legends who could have tipped the balance if they had fought by his side at the Battle of the Trident.


Prince Rhaegar Targaryen was the eldest son and heir of King Aerys II Targaryen, by his sister-wife Queen Rhaella Targaryen. For three centuries, the Targaryens had continued to incestuously marry brother to sister to keep the bloodline pure in the tradition of their Valyrian ancestors. Over time, this massive inbreeding led to a strain of insanity appearing in the Targaryen bloodline - culminating in Rhaegar's father, Aerys II, who is best remembered as the Mad King.
Aerys II's reign began with great promise, but as the years passed, he slid deeper and deeper into insanity and paranoia. The shift was gradual and he frequently recovered: by the time it became severe, Prince Rhaegar already showed such great promise as the future heir to the throne that most were willing to simply put up with Aerys's eccentricities, to wait out the remainder of his reign until Rhaegar succeeded him. Rhaegar was brave, kind, and wise and most looked forward to the golden era that would assuredly begin when he took the throne. Greatly troubled by Aerys II's growing insanity, Rhaegar was torn between whether to act against him or not, but could not bring himself to turn against his own father. Like the rest of the realm, Rhaegar hoped to simply wait out the rest of his father's reign, and that his bouts of insanity would remain manageable by his courtiers.[3]

Rhaegar had good reason to think that the Small Council could keep the realm together despite his father's madness, as it was very capably led by Tywin Lannister, who served as Aerys's Hand of the King for nearly twenty years. Tywin was not only able to keep Aerys from tearing the realm apart, but managed royal affairs so well that he brought two decades of peace and plenty for Westeros, to the point that most people throughout the realm were unaware of the king's madness until the final years of his reign.

Because Aerys and his sister-wife had produced no daughters for Rhaegar to wed, he had to look outside the family for a bride. Many assumed that in reward for Tywin's long and distinguished service as Aerys's chief advisor, the bond between the Targaryens and Lannisters would eventually be solidified with a marriage-alliance between Prince Rhaegar and Tywin's daughter Cersei (particularly, Cersei herself, who for a time was quite infatuated with Rhaegar).[4] Yet Aerys surprisingly spurned the match, saying that Tywin was still just a servant and shouldn't try to elevate his family above its station, as such a match was beneath Rhaegar. It was later believed that Aerys did this in a fit of paranoia that Tywin was trying to usurp him. Despite everything Tywin had done for him in two decades of loyal service, Aerys had grown resentful and fearful that many people throughout the realm whispered - accurately - that Tywin was the real power behind the throne by that point. Alienating his longtime Hand, Aerys instead agreed to an arranged marriage between Rhaegar and Elia Martell, a princess of Dorne, daughter of the ruling Princess of Dorne (who was a distant cousin of the royal line through intermarriage a century before). Rhaegar and Elia's marriage was happy according to all accounts. Oberyn Martell, Elia's younger brother, says that his sister loved her husband. Rhaegar and Elia had two children: first a daughter named Rhaenys, and then a son named Aegon.

A few years later, the great Tourney of Harrenhal was held, where all the prominent lords of Westeros assembled. During the feast, Rhaegar played a song on his harp so beautiful and sorrowful that it moved even the wild she-wolf Lyanna Stark to tears. The exact events that happened in private are unknown, but the public events at the tourney's final joust are known to all: Rhaegar faced off against Ser Barristan Selmy in the final tilt, and won. Instead of then giving the victor's wreath to his own wife Elia Martell, however, the entire crowd of hundreds of people fell silent as he rode past her and gave it to Lyanna Stark, to name her as the tournament's Queen of Love and Beauty. This was doubly controversial, as Lyanna was herself already betrothed to Robert Baratheon. At the same tourney, King Aerys announced that he was naming young Jaime Lannister to the Kingsguard. While he was a very skilled swordsman, Aerys really appointed Jaime to the order to rob Tywin of his eldest son and heir (as the Kingsguard foreswear all right to inheritance), and treat him as a glorified political hostage at the royal court, should Tywin ever turn against him. Tywin was infuriated, as he had been grooming Jaime for years to succeed him as ruler of House Lannister, and by law, Jaime's removal meant that the next in line to inherit Casterly Rockwould be Tywin's hated dwarf son Tyrion. Tywin promptly resigned as Hand of the King, and withdrew from King's Landing back to Casterly Rock.[8]

About a year after the tourney, under as-yet unknown circumstances, Rhaegar allegedly abducted Lyanna Stark.[9] Unknown to all, Lyanna had actually wanted to leave with Rhaegar, and they ran off together to the Red Mountains of Dorne. They stayed at a relatively small castle Rhaegar named the Tower of Joy. Rhaegar arranged for the High Septon to grant him an annulment from his marriage to Elia Martell, then personally officiate his secret marriage to Lyanna the same day.[10][2]

Lyanna's eldest brother Brandon then rode to King's Landing to demand the return of his sister and the death of Rhaegar, a rash thing to do according to others. King Aerys imprisoned him, and when their father Rickardwent south to ransom his son, he was imprisoned as well. The Mad King then brutally executed both of them by burning Lord Rickard alive with wildfire in front of the Iron Throne and baited Brandon into strangling himself to death in an effort to save his father. Afterwards, King Aerys demanded that Jon Arryn send him the heads of Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon. Jon Arryn refused, and instead, raised his banners in revolt, Eddard Stark and Lyanna's betrothed, Robert Baratheon, joined him to overthrow the Targaryen dynasty.[11]

This war became known as Robert's Rebellion(or the "War of the Usurper" to Targaryen loyalists). To the confusion of many, Rhaegar's location remained unknown during most of the war, which lasted about a year: as Robert Baratheon's rebel army fought its way up from Storm's End through the Reach and the Riverlands, and then up to the Trident, Rhaegar was nowhere to be seen. For months, it seems he stayed in seclusion with Lyanna at the Tower of Joy in Dorne. During this early phase of the rebellion, Aerys II continued to think of Robert Baratheon as just an outlaw lord, but after he defeated all of the local royal armies thrown at him and crossed north of the Trident, Aerys finally realized that this was the worst revolt the Targaryens had faced in over a century.

Around the same time, Rhaegar suddenly returned to the royal court at King's Landing to lead the crown's armies. Both sides now mobilized the full might of their forces: Robert led his rebel army south (composed of Baratheon, Stark, Tully, and Arryn forces) while Rhaegar led the royal army north to meet him (composed of the Targaryen armies raised from the Crownlands, supplemented by another 10,000 from Dorne). Accompanying Rhaegar were two of the Kingsguard, Barristan Selmy and Lewyn Martell (uncle of Rhaegar's wife Elia). On the way, Rhaegar privately confided to Barristan that after they won, there would be "many changes" at the royal court upon his return - alluding that he intended to depose his father for his crimes and instability, and try to restore peace with the Great Houses of the realm.

Rhaegar and Robert's forces finally clashed at the climactic Battle of the Trident, at the crossing of the Kingsroad over the river (not far from the Inn at the Crossroads). Rhaegar's army was fresh and slightly larger, but Robert's was more battle-hardened, and they slowly gained ground. Rhaegar and Robert spotted each other across the battlefield and rode out to fight, resulting in an epic duel which raged for hours as the battle dragged on around them. Robert finally killed Rhaegar with a mighty blow from his war hammer, which caved in Rhaegar's breastplate. His armor had been studded with red rubies, which where sent flying through the ford in the river - which ever since became known as the "Ruby Ford". Their leader killed, the Targaryen army collapsed, and the rebels were victorious.


Skilled swordsman
Hand-to-hand combat


He is a normal human being, he can be killed in many ways

Blackfyre sword

Theme Song:

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Names: Stanley Ipkiss/The Mask

Fandom: The Mask the animated series

Age: Mid 30’s

Gender/Sexuality: Male/Heterosexual


Personality: Stanley Ipkiss: Stanley is a shy, meekish and good-hearted person who is usually unlucky and mistreated by people around him. Stanley hopes of one day finding the perfect girlfriend, but just like his Mask-persona, he's unlucky of getting one as a crazy event, usually involving the Mask and his enemies, ruins a date between him and his girlfriend.

The Mask: The persona of the mask is different depending on who wears the mask. Ipkiss' Mask persona is a zoot-suited, green-faced, grinning, bizarre, wacky trickster with an energetic, wacky, and wild personality who possesses powers with cartoonish, Tex Avery-style movements and humor. His famous catchphrases are "SssssMOKIN'!!" and "Somebody Stop Me!".

Backstory: Stanley Ipkiss was just a normal nice guy that worked at Edge City Bank as a Bank Teller. He lived alone with his faithful companion of a dog Milo. Due to how nice he was. A lot of people walked all over him. That all changed one night when he found the mystical Mask of Loki. With it he could transform into the wacky and wild green faced one man army crime fighting dynamo, The Mask. Accompanied by his loyal pet and best friend, Milo the Jack Russell Terrier, Stanley Ipkiss/The Mask fights off the criminals and super-villains who threatens his hometown of Edge City. With the Mask and Milo in tow he finds himself far from home after the Multiverse Collision.

Skills: He’s a Bank Teller. When in a situation that doesn’t need the mask. He can count on his dog Milo for help.

Powers/Abilities: As the mask He can use cartoon physic like abilities similar to Tex avery Cartoons or the Looney Tunes.These consist of

Superpower mimicry

Shapeshifting: powers include elasticity, self transmutation, duplication, biological manipulation and size-shifting

The Mask also travels in a similar way to Taz from Looney Tunes by propelling himself in the form of a mini tornado.

Weaknesses: Without the mask, Stanley Ipkiss is powerless

Gear: The Mask of Loki

Quotes: SssssMOKIN'!!

Somebody Stop Me!

Theme Song:
Names: Krillin Sanchez/Baldy/Space Duck

Fandom: DragonBall Z Abridged

Age: Mid 30’s

Gender/Sexuality: Male/Heterosexual


Personality: Krillin is a largely joyful person who is quick to show his happiness and entertainment in the situations he is involved in. One of Krillin's most notably traits was his fear, which he expressed when being kicked off of Kami's Lookout by Mr. Popo, multiple times when recounting rules taught to him during his training with Mr. Popo, encountering Freeza after using the Dragon Balls. In instances where this emotion is dominant he has been shown to speak uncontrollably in revealing critical information to enemies.

While cowardly, he has also proven to be brave on occasions. Unfortunately for Krillin, due to his being relatively weak when compared to most threats, his increase in bravery does not compensate for a lack of physical strength and rarely ever does his input in battle have any desirable result, the sparse exceptions including destroying the Saibamen and permanently removing Freeza's tail.

Due to Krillin's lack of strength, even the smallest victories cause him to gloat.

Backstory: Krillin is a human punching bag. He is also the best friend of Goku and a Z Fighter who is short, bald and baby-faced, and provides comic relief during tense moments. Once a fierce rival of Goku, he quickly became his best friend while training under Master Roshi. He also is close to Goku's son, Gohan. Krillin is known for being very cunning during his fights often relying on tricking his opponents to defeat them.

Skills: Power Suppression: Because of his low power compared to the other Z-Fighters (minus Yamcha), Krillin can suppress his power to almost undetectable scales. This gives him an advantage in both reconnaissance, and sneak attacks against stronger foes. Krillin affectionately calls it "Stealth Mode".

Senzu Bean: A running gag in which a character is either injured, humiliated or destroyed, Krillin yells "SENZU BEAN!" and tosses a Senzu Bean at them.

Powers/Abilities: Owned count: a counter known as the "Krillin Owned Count", which records all the times Krillin has been physically or verbally abused, humiliated, or "owned".

Kamehameha: Taught to him by Master Roshi, Krillin can charge an amount of ki in his hands, and fire at his opponents. Despite knowing the technique, Krillin rarely uses it.

Scattering Bullet: Krillin fires a singe blast that spreads out and attacks multiple enemies with great power.

Multi-Form Technique: Krillin can create copies of himself togain an advantage, but it also cuts his Power Level in half in the process.

Kienzan: Krillin's signature attack. He charges a ki based disk and launches against his opponent. The big problem with it is that he can't control it's direction after throwing it. It's been a running gag that Krillin doesn't use the Kienzan in dire moments, either because of low energy, or that he forgets about it.

Solar Flare: Borrowed from Tien, Krillin blinds opponents with a blinding light while also giving the victim a disturbing image.

Weaknesses: He’s Krillin

Gear: Senzu Beans

Quotes: Woohoo! Not me!

Theme Song:
Names: Jean-Pierre Polnareff
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Age: 36
Gender/Sexuality: Straight?

Personality: Jean Pierre Polnareff is a boastful but honorable and well-meaning Frenchman.
Polnareff's most defining trait is his honor. His first appearance has him handicap himself on purpose by explaining his ability and fight his opponent Avdol in a terrain more suitable to the latter. Polnareff's honor is such that even under the control of DIO, he refuses to do something as dishonorable as attacking someone from the back. Adopting a chivalrous mindset, Polnareff is reluctant to flee from a fight or use dishonorable tactics, although he can be persuaded. He is in fact somewhat happy to see Chaka challenge him directly. Polnareff is also very eager to avenge his fallen loved ones, for instance traveling the world to search for the one to have killed his sister Sherry. Polnareff is well-meaning and will also sacrifice a potential romance so his enemies won't harm an innocent woman, the most notable case with Maléna, whose kindness towards him when Alessi's Stand caused him to shrink into a child moved him.
Likewise, Polnareff comes off as arrogant, confrontational and can be rather impulsive. He is very proud of his Silver Chariot, with good reason as he trained hard with it, but his overconfidence unfortunately means that he is poorly suited to fight the cowardly Stand users on his path, as he doesn't expect their moves and leads him into a number of disadvantageous positions, notably against Hol Horse's Emperor or Anubis. Polnareff has trouble seeing his own faults, and thinks of himself as better as he really is, having once noted the carelessness of throwing a lit cigarette butt on the ground, a cigarette he threw and which caused a fire. During his journey, it isn't unusual for Polnareff to argue with his companions or run afoul of various people he meets. He also initially held a poor view of Avdol, as he fled DIO instead of fighting, and had an argument which severed his relationship with him. Likewise Polnareff attacked Iggy upon their first meeting.
Polnareff is also the least serious member of the group. He is maybe the one who bonds the most with his companions, casually joking with Kakyoin, Joseph, and even Jotaro. Being very extroverted, he has no problem expressing joy or sorrow, thus is the most compassionate of the group, being the one who mourns his comrades openly. This trait pushed the other members of the third Joestar Group not to reveal Avdol's recovery to him as they feared he would spill the secret. Polnareff is somewhat easily distracted and repeatedly finds a way to lighten the mood, cracking a joke in sign language with Kakyoin while the submarine they were in was being sunk, being willing to taste a homemade baby food from Joseph and somehow coming to believe in Judgement's power as a genie, asking for becoming a comic book artist greater than Disney. In fact Polnareff references pop culture icons frequently, such as Tom & Jerry, or The Exorcist. He can be unintelligent but in battle has shown surprising intellect, strategy and instinct.
Polnareff fancies himself a ladies' man. This is in part due to having mild narcissism, often considering himself a handsome man and takes special pride in his hair. A woman's good looks are always enough to distract him from even the most serious subjects, leading to Joseph commenting that Polnareff thinks with his crotch. Indeed, even his infant self was already delighted to bathe with a beautiful woman. Usually a very perceptive fighter, being able to sniff out Devo, Chaka, and Alessi, he seems to be unable to think that a woman would ever be evil, like with Nena and Enya. Polnareff is very friendly with the women, giving love advice to Nena and trying to bond with Enya (though it unintentionally enraged her).
As a "sophisticated" man, Polnareff cannot stand filthy places, especially filthy toilets.
Interestingly, Polnareff's best friends during the course of the series are Avdol and Iggy, neither of whom he could stand when they first met. In fact, no character mourns the deaths of his companions like Polnareff does, and no other character is as dedicated to avenging them.
Polnareff was born in the French countryside with his Stand, though he would not realize he had it until some time later. His mother died when he was still young, leaving him a very lonely boy. This aggravated when, three years before events of Part 3, his sister was ambushed, raped, and murdered by J. Geil, sparking Polnareff's desire for revenge. Subsequently, Polnareff trains constantly with his Stand to avenge his sister and kill J. Geil. His Stand powers attracted DIO, who lured him with Jonathan Joestar's Stand and brainwashed him afterward.
Under DIO's influence, Polnareff attacked the Joestar party in Hong Kong. He was confronted by Avdol and defeated after some difficulty. While Polnareff conceded his defeat, Jotaro sensed DIO's cells in the man's forehead and removed the implant. Afterwards, Polnareff joined the Joestar group in their quest to destroy DIO, with his ultimate goal being to find his sister's murderer.
During the journey Polnareff is often careless, falling victim to his enemies multiple times. In one of these moments he was attacked by Devo, but managed to take care of the enemy.
He got his shot at J. Geil, his sister's murderer, and successfully avenged her death. Unfortunately, during the battle with J. Geil and his partner Hol Horse, Avdol was seemingly killed, saving Polnareff's life. Avdol's death weighed very heavily on him.
At one point, Polnareff became attracted to Nena, believing her to be a woman tricked by Hol Horse, until Joseph managed to defeat her Stand.
Polnareff almost crashes his car when deceived by ZZ.
He becomes friends with Enya the Hag, unaware that she was pretending to be friendly to avenge her son J. Geil, until she attacked him with Justice. She then forced him to lick a toilet.
Polnareff was of great help against Steely Dan, helping Kakyoin into freeing Joseph of The Lovers control.
Polnareff was later almost killed by Mannish Boy's Death Thirteen, but was saved by Kakyoin at the last moment.
He also was tricked by Cameo's Stand Judgment into wishing for his sister Sherry and Avdol back to life. These clones attacked Polnareff as clay golems, but the real Avdol reappeared and saved him, having survived Hol Horse's attack after all.
After the defeat of Midler he, as a womanizer, decides to take a look at her, but laments after noticing that her teeth were knocked out.
Polnareff unintentionally helped the group against Oingo's orange-shaped bomb plan. He kept asking Oingo to do things only Jotaro knew, making the enemy nervous with the possibility of them finding out his real identity.
After fighting the controlled Chaka and Khan, Polnareff was possessed by Anubis, once again falling under DIO's control, but was freed by Jotaro a second time.
In Luxor, he is turned into his younger days by Alessi and his Stand Sethan. Afterwards he befriends Malèna a woman who was kind to him when he was turned into a child and defended her when Alessi turned her into a fetus. Later with help from Jotaro, he pummeled Alessi to a pulp.
Polnareff challenges Daniel J. D'Arby to a guessing game and bets his soul, but loses thanks to Daniel's cat and is saved by Jotaro once again.
Polnareff once again fell victim of Hol Horse, who held him at gun-point and followed Tohth's weird predictions before they backfired (heh) at him.
During the invasion of DIO's mansion, Polnareff was warned by Avdol that he would need to be careful, because his friends couldn't save him again. Polnareff agrees, but is almost killed by Vanilla Ice and saved at the price of two friends' lives. Both Avdol and Iggy died in the battle against Cream, the latter protecting Polnareff until the end. To avenge them, Polnareff forces Vanilla Ice into the sunlight, finally killing him.
Polnareff becomes the first to confront DIO. Later, he skewers DIO's head as he prepares to sever Jotaro's head. However, since he did not apply enough force, he did not manage to kill DIO. DIO took this opportunity to attack Polnareff, knocking him injured and unconscious. Before DIO could sever his head, Jotaro saved Polnareff by diverting DIO's attention towards him (Jotaro was pretending to be dead but moved his fingers to have DIO question if Jotaro died or not).
After DIO's ultimate defeat, Polnareff tearfully parted with Jotaro and Joseph, remembering the three friends who had died on their journey.
  • Polnareff's training with Silver Chariot and an off-hand comment about Chaka's amateurish sword stance suggests that Polnareff himself is a skilled swordsman. His skill is somewhat demonstrated when, after being possessed by Anubis, he himself is able to overwhelm Star Platinum.
  • He is a very perceptive fighter, and his experience enabled him to be able to figure out Cream's weaknesses and King Crimson's power, devising a mildly effective counter to its time erasure.
Powers/Abilities: S I L V E R C H A R I O T
Easily one of the fastest stands, it's blistering speed combined with its power makes Silver Chariot a deadly foe. It's pinpoint accuracy also makes Silver Chariot a formidable enemy, seeing how it is so precise, it can skewer flame itself.

Weaknesses: Polnareff is easily manipulated when the topic of his murdered sister, as shown in his interaction with Cameo. Otherwise, he is only a human. He is able to be killed by conventional means.
Gear: N/A
Quotes: "I'm gonna turn you into a pincushion!"
Theme Song:

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