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Fandom What Remains (Survival Multi-Fandom) Sign-Up

I had dropped Ultron earlier but he was still on my roster so Particle made the CS before even looking if the character was taken...
Im sitting down at a counter, not paying any mind to my phone, I can hear vibration, This I know means discord is at work....
Names: Ashley Williams (Ash/Strange One/The Hero From the Skies/El Jefe)

Fandom: Evil Dead/Army of Darkness

Age: 31

Gender/Sexuality: Male/Straight



Personality: Ash is snarky, arrogant, and brave to a fault. He gladly charges headlong into hordes of demons and deadites, ready to plug shells in their heads indiscriminately. Despite his apparent enjoyment of killing the Evil Dead, Ash would much rather enjoy a quiet, simple life. The life he had before these demons reared their ugly heads into his life.

Backstory: It all began one faithful night in a remote cabin in the woods. Ashley J. Williams and his girlfriend Linda came out to this deserted place to get away from it all and spend a romantic weekend together. Their little vacation turned out to be anything but. The cabin actually belonged to the late Professor Raymond Knowbe, who came out to the forest to research his latest discovery. The Necronimicon Ex Mortis. Roughly Translated; Book of The Dead. Inked in blood and bound in human flesh, the book contained demon summoning rituals and bizarre burial rights. Knowbe was never heard from again. While investigating the cabin, Ash found an old tape recorder which contained Knowbe's last recordings before he died. The tape played Knowbe's voice reciting the forbidden passages of the book of the dead. It awoke something...dark in the woods. It got into Linda, twisting her into something...less than human. It got into Ash's hand and it went bad, so he had to cut it off at the wrist. Ash was forced to kill his own girlfriend, as she was possessed by the evil that lurked the woods.

Later on, Knowbe's daughter Annie came to the cabin, hoping to reunite with her father, but what she found was Ash, covered in blood, a crazed look in his eye, holding a shotgun, and her father was nowhere to be seen. After a short misunderstanding, Ash was able to convince Annie that he wasn't the one who killed her father and that he had simply come to the cabin by accident, and that the Evil Dead were responsible. Annie had been studying the Necronimicon with her father, and thus was able to read its passages. While she searched through the book to find a way to send the evil back, Ash armed himself, modifying a chainsaw so he could attach it to the stump of his arm, and sawing off the barrels of his shot gun, making it easier to wield. They were ready to fight back. Annie began reciting the expulsion ritual while Ash fought off the Deadites. Their efforts were successful, but there was one major problem. Annie was killed by Ash's possessed severed hand before she could finish the ritual, and thus the portal that was summoned to send the evil back to where it came from began pulling things into itself indiscriminately, taking Ash along with it.

Ash was sent back to the year 1300 A.D., when the Evil first manifested. According to the Necronomicon, Ash had unwittingly fulfilled an ages old prophecy of a hero who would come from the skies to deliver humanity from the terror of the Deadites. Ash was soon taken in the custody of the local Lord Arthur, who didn't trust him one bit. The Wiseman, Arthur's trusted adviser, convinced Arthur to let Ash live, for he believed him to be the chosen one destined to defeat the Evil once and for all. Ash unwittingly goes on the quest to dispell the evil for good. Once he reaches the resting place of the Necronomicon, Ash was told to recite the ancient spell Clattu Virata Nicto. It went about as well as you would expect. Ash immediately forgot the magic words, and improvised. As a result, he had accidentally awakened an army of the dead lead by his Evil Half. Once he returned to Arthur's castle, Ash convinced the people to stand up and fight back. And so the final battle against Evil began, with Ash leading the charge. After their victory, the Wiseman concocted a potion that would send Ash back to his own time. They asked Ash to stay with them, to teach them, to be their King. Ash however knew where he truly belonged. He drank the potion, said the magic words, and was sent back to the present. Actually, about those magic words...maybe Ash didn't say every single, tiny little syllable, but he basically said them, yeah. As a result, the deadites are still around, and will torment Ash and those around him until he can find a way to defeat them once and for all.

  • Marksmanship
    • Ash is a surprisingly adept marksman, skilled with any type of firearm, especially close range rifles.
  • Engineering
    • Ash has basic knowledge of mechanical and scientific engineering, able to make crude weapons and create chemical reactions such as gunpowder if he has the right materials.
  • Craftsmanship
    • Ash can turn just about anything he finds into a weapon, so long as he has the proper tools to do so.
  • Quick Wit
    • Despite his Bull-Headedness, Ash has quite the wit, coming up with one liners and insults on the fly to throw his opponents off.
  • Situational Awareness
    • Shoot First, Think Never. This is Ash's motto, and it has served him well in the short time he's spent as a demon hunter. He's able to come up with strategies and plans on the fly, usually by charging in and making it up as he goes.
  • Resistance to Evil
    • Ash has the acute ability to resist demonic possession. Should a demon try to possess him, he can easily fight it and throw it out of his mind.
  • Bad Ash
    • When the Necronomicon's incantations were spoken aloud, it awoke more than just the deadites. While Ash was defending himself from the demonic hordes, he came face to face with his greatest enemy. Himself. Bad Ash is the manifestation of Ash's negative emotions, namely his aggression, and the guilt he feels over those who've died around him. Bad Ash is manifested when Ash is feeling particularly hopeless or like he is backed up against a corner. Once he appears, Bad Ash will stop at nothing until Good Ash is killed.
  • Only Human
    • Despite being able to dispatch deadites with ease, Ash is only human. He can still be hurt, he can still get tired, and he can still be killed.
  • Ego
    • Ash is quite full of himself. Due to his overconfidence in his own abilities, Ash has a tendency to rush headlong into fights without a game plan or strategy.
  • Forgetfulness
    • Ash does not have an eye for detail. If he is told to memorize something down to the letter, chances are he'll forget it right at the moment when that information would be useful.
  • Thick-Headedness
    • Ash is quite stubborn and very lazy. If there's a choice between an easy plan that might not work, or a complicated plan that has a better chance of success, chances are he'll go with the easy plan just because it sounds like the quickest way to get to the solution.
  • Chainsaw
    • A modified chainsaw that Ash can attach to his right wrist, using it as a weapon.
  • Boomstick
    • A double barreled sawn off Remington shotgun. S-Mart's top of the line.
  • Axe
    • A single bladed axe, perfect for chopping wood. And cutting off the heads of Deadites.
  • Shovel
    • Serves as a good melee weapon should he be out of bullets or if is chainsaw runs out of gas. Also uses it to dig shallow graves for fallen allies and/or deadites.
  • Iron Gauntlet
    • Forged in the middle ages, this gauntlet serves as a prosthetic hand, and packs quite a mean right hook.
  • Necronomicon
    • Full Name: Necronimicon Ex Mortis. Roughly translated as 'The Book of the Dead'. Written in blood and bound in human flesh, the Necronomicon is an evil book written by a group referred to as "The Dark Ones". It contains unholy burial rights, demon summoning rituals, and all sorts of other spells. Ash cannot read the passages and requires a translator. He is however familiar with one phrase. "Clatu Virata Nicto'. The effects of this spell are completely random, mostly due to the fact that Ash can never remember the proper pronunciation of the words. Evil is drawn to the Necronomicon like moths to a flame.
Quotes: "Alright, you primitive screwheads, listen up! See this?! This...is my BOOMSTICK!"
"Shop Smart! Shop S-Mart!"
"Hail to The King, Baby!"
"Gimmie some sugar, baby~"
"Shoot first! Think never!"
"For God's sake! How do ya stop it?!"
"Name's Ash. Housewares."

Theme Song:

Names: Kurt Wagner, the "Nightcrawler"
Fandom: Marvel Comics~Earth 616
Age: None specified, though I imagine somewhere between his 20's to 30 tops.
Gender/Sexuality: Male; straight.
Personality: Nightcrawler has a knack for the spontaneous and exciting. He sees himself as a swashbuckler, usually comparing himself to Errol Flynn. He is, despite his looks, always charming and gallant, and several storylines contain Kurt's love life as a conflict to his religious nature. His days in the circus make him a gifted performer and showman. Kurt is also a jokester. He has a great sense of humor for someone in his situation. He always plays pranks on people; some even call him "Trickster" because his combined teleporting abilities and playful disposition enable him to play quite the joke.
Backstory: To shorten all of the confusing storylines and universes, Kurt Wagner worked in a circus for most of his child and teenage life (because his mother Mystique abandoned him) until the X-Men found him and he became one of them.
Yeah, that's basically it.
Skills: [Skills are listed in the Powers/Abilities by mistake.]
  • Teleportation: Ability to teleport himself, the clothes he is wearing, and within limits a certain amount of additional mass which is in contact with him. He teleports by displacing himself into the Brimstone Dimension, traveling through it, and then returning to his own dimension at a certain distance from his point of departure. He consciously determines his point of return. The entire process occurs so quickly that Nightcrawler is unaware of being in the Brimstone Dimension at all. Nightcrawler guides himself through the Brimstone Dimension by a subconscious, natural direction-finding sense. Although Nightcrawler controls his teleportation ability with his conscious mind, his power to teleport is not psionic. Rather it is the result of an unknown biochemical/biophysical reaction which he triggers mentally.
When he disappears in teleporting, Nightcrawler leaves behind smoke with a stench reminiscent of burning brimstone. This is a small portion of the atmosphere of the Brimstone Dimension that escapes while the aperture is open. His teleportation is invariably accompanied by the muffled sound of imploding air rushing to fill the vacuum left where Nightcrawler's body was, creating his signature *BAMF* sound.
Nightcrawler's powers automatically displace liquids and gases when he arrives in the course of a teleportation. His powers will not displace solids, however, putting him at risk for materializing inside solid matter, causing serious injury or death. As a consequence, Nightcrawler typically teleports only to places he has been to before or knows the layout of, or line-of-sight teleportation (even though his actual range is much further). Kurt's intuitive spatial awareness allows him to track his movements instinctively and with greater precision than the average person, helping him to pinpoint locations for a "blind" teleport.
  • Micro-Suction Discs: Nightcrawler can stick to objects with the surface of his hands and feet. This enables him to scale surfaces.
  • Flexible Bone Structure: Nightcrawler's bone structure allows him great flexibility. He can remain in a crouched position for a long time and perform contortionist type feats without causing any damage to his spine.
  • Prehensile Tail: allowing him to grab onto objects with relative ease. His tail is strong enough to not only support his body weight but also lift an adult man completely off the ground. It is deft enough to fight with like a sword or blunt object.
  • Night Vision: Nightcrawler's always glowing eyes grant him a marked degree of heightened night vision as well.
  • Superhuman Agility: Nightcrawler's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels beyond the human body's natural limits.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: Nightcrawler's natural reaction time is enhanced to a level beyond the human body's natural limits.
  • Aviator: He has served as the team's pilot and, with Wolverine, has also been the mechanic of the X-Men's Blackbird jet for a long time.
  • Medic: He has been the team medic when no more qualified X-Men were around to do so.
  • Multilingual: Nightcrawler is fluent in various languages due to his youth travelling around Europe as the star performer in a circus and knowing the language of wherever they were that week was very handy. He speaks his native German along with English, French, Spanish, and Italian. Professor X has downloaded both Russian and Japanese into his students minds.
Weaknesses: Wagner's ability to teleport is limited, as he can only teleport to places he's been to before and remembers, and places that he can physically see. He can also risk death if he were to accidentally teleport in a wall.
Gear: In various occasions, Nightcrawler possesses a fencing foil.
Quotes: "Poot?! Oh, no! I went 'Poot' and I didn't teleport! Where's the Bamf?"

Names: Poe Dameron
Fandom: Star Wars (Sequel Trilogy)
Age: Never clarified, though he's in his 30's, definitely.
Gender/Sexuality: Male, and while people like the whole "FinnxPoe" thing, I'm not one of them, so straight.
oscar_isaac_poe_dameron_star_wars_the_last_jedi_4k-wide.jpg poeintensestare.gif
Personality: Due to be raised with the Rebellion and through the Resistance, Poe has a strong will to do the right thing, even it means going against protocol. He can and will cause a mutiny and be the leader if necessary to beat the bad guy, but he's mostly out to blow up bucketheads and possibly hook up with an alien lady along the way, though the Resistance comes first! Jeez, it's like a religion to him.
Backstory: Dameron is the son of a Rebellion pilot and trooper, which greatly effected his young life, as his parents were out fighting for good (He was born 2 years before the Battle of Endor.) He grew up along the Resistance, becoming one of their most faithful and daring pilots. When tasked to retrieve the map to Luke Skywalker, he was captured, but luckily stored it away in his BB unit before his arrest. He held out during torture until Ren stepped in and was forced (eh, ehhh?) to give away the location of the map. After being rescued by Stormtrooper FN-2187, or Finn, there was this huge story on how he got back to D'Qar in a LEGO Game or something, and boom. He's back, and he's in an X-Wing.
Anyway, I won't spoil the Last Jedi, but basically he flies some more X-Wings with BB-8.
Skills: Poe Dameron is "one helluva pilot" though that's about it. He's a great leader given a squad he knows personally and can definitely beat you in a race.
Powers/Abilities: Nope, no. Definitely not.
Weaknesses: Well for one, he's just a regular guy. Punch him once and he's probably already down. He's pretty much useless against superpowered characters, though he's mainly a support guy anyway. Though his will to fight can often get ahead of him (Ex: Last Jedi).
Glie-44_blaster_pistol.png il_570xN.993029380_mtmt.jpg RM1825-2.jpg BB8-Fathead.png
Quotes: "We are the Spark that lights the fire that burns the First Order down."
Theme Song:

Names: Captain Phasma
Fandom: Star Wars (Sequel Trilogy)
Gender/Sexuality: Female, and most likely straight. Never necessary in the films.
Phasma is outwardly fiercely loyal to the First Order and believed that a stormtrooper's loyalty was only to be given to the First Order as a whole, not to any group or individual. Phasma saw herself and her stormtrooper divisions as extensions of the will of Supreme Leader Snoke and looked down on sympathy in her ranks. Phasma, privately, also believed that the meddling of politics ultimately led to ineffective ranks among the past stormtroopers of the former Galactic Empire, and sought to ensure herself that only the best soldiers were worthy of joining the stormtrooper ranks. She believed that the First Order was stronger than the Empire, and was proud of the crucible of tests she and her compatriots endured to achieve that strength. Phasma disapproved of Agent Terex's indulgences, which included keeping alien slaves and drinking Wookiee-brewed brandy with Kessel spice.

The captain considered herself a perfectionist and kept herself in peak physical shape. She routinely walked dozens of kilometers while on patrol on Starkiller Base in any typical day and was an expert in combat, particularly with all First Order small arms. Phasma also always insisted on fighting alongside her stormtroopers on the forefront instead of remaining in the comfort that could have come with her elevated rank. As well, Phasma took it upon herself to memorize all of the serial numbers of the stormtroopers under her direct command, such as FN-2187. Terex complimented her on always being accurate to a fault.

Backstory: I nearly fell asleep reading Phasma (the book on her), so I'll just sum up her past. She nearly killed her brother, watched her parent's die, and was trained a fierce warrior. She does basically anything she wants, FO doesn't argue with her. She's like Boba Fett, but she had a cool fight scene in the Last Jedi.

Skills: Pretty muscular under her shiny armor, and she's a good military strategist. She also knows how to utilize spears and guns. Yeah, that's basically it.
Powers/Abilities: N/A
Weaknesses: Shrug~She's a perfectionist. Though basically anyone with actual super strength or super powers can beat her. You're screwed if you don't though.
Gear: A Sonn-Blas F-11D blaster rifle (to me, just another blaster), her shiny armor (which can deflect weak blaster bolts), and a staff baton seen in the Last Jedi. Also her FN troop. (10 troopers.)
(Also, since I forgot to add this to Kylo Ren, here's Ben Solo's Command Shuttle.)
Quotes: "You were always scum."
Theme Song:
Name: Axel

Fandom: Kingdom Hearts

Age: Unknown, most likely somewhere between 20-25 biologically as a Nobody.

Gender/Sexuality: Male/Heterosexual


Personality: Initially cold, stoic, and detached, Axel changed drastically after his meeting with Roxas.
He felt like he finally had a heart (the soul of the Kingdom Hearts universe), and became more laid back, sarcastic, and a bit sassy. His abrasiveness gets offset around his friends, for which he shows a more caring and warm side of himself.
As a nobody he occasionally tries to suppress emotions, as he doesn't believe he should have them, as Nobodies aren't supposed to be able to feel emotions.

However, when his personality changed, nobody was able to read him. Underneath the joking demeanor, he is rather cunning, even if he does avoid eye contact when he lies.

Hailing from the World known as Radiant Gardens, Lea (as Axel was known then) lived rather close to the place where Keyblade apprentices were trained by certain masters. A mischieveous boy, he broke into Ansem the Wise's castle, the place where the Keyblade Wielders were trained, multiple times with his friend Isa. At some point, during on of their break-ins, they encountered Xehanort, who was gathering hearts to create vessels for his own heart.
Lea was then inducted into Organization XIII as the eighth member, or VIII. Along with Xehanort's seeming obsession with the letter X, Lea was then given the name Axel.

Axel soon came to command his own lesser Nobodies, and went on to mentor the newer members of Organization XIII, Roxas (XIII), and Xion (XIV).
This is the point where he began to feel emotions.
Soon afterwards, he was sent to Castle Oblivion (The remnants of the homeworld of his true counter part, Radiant Gardens.), where he was told to stop a coup d'eiat formed by a few of the members.
Following this order given to him by Saix, Isa's nobody, Axel would go on to scheme and take out members of Organization XIII, at which point he met Sora.

After a series of events, Axel soon found out that his newfound (and close friend) Xion had left to figure out what to do with herself (Xion was made as a replica of Sora, to take his place and resume Xehanort's plan) and found out Xion's true nature.
He then lied to Roxas about this, but regardless, Roxas too left after confronting Xion, who wished to reunite with Sora.

Axel then lost all memory of Xion (as a replica, she didn't even have a heart. Even Nobodies have some form of heart.) as she perished after her confrontation with Roxas. However, he still knew he had to find Roxas under Xemnas' orders. (Xemnas was Xehanort's Nobody, and the leader of Organization XIII). After finding Roxas, he attempted to bring him back but was defeated. He then tried again, and was stopped.
Knowing that by this time, his friend was "long gone", he knew the only way was through killing Roxas. (The Order was to either bring back or destroy Roxas, or be destroyed.). He then failed, but disappeared, risking dying himself to spare his friend.

After Roxas reunited with Sora, Axel formulated his plan. Kidnap Sora's friend Kairi, draw him out, and defeat him to turn Sora into a heartless again to bring back Roxas. However, Saix apprehended Kairi instead, on orders simply to give Axel something to really worry about. Axel then expressed remorse for his actions. On their way to The World That Never Was, Sora and his friends were ambushed by many, many lesser Nobodies. Axel joined the battle to save Sora, killing himself by using his own essence in an attack, wiping out the army of Nobodies.

With his dying breath, Axel confided to Sora that he only wished to see Roxas again, as Roxas made him feel human again. Strangely, he said, Sora did as well.
After being consumed by the flames, however, Axel quickly woke up in an unfamiliar world in trouble. What was about to happen, he didn't know.

A good liar, despite his obvious tics surrounding it.
Not much else besides his knowledge of how to use his Chakrams.

Fire manipulation
-nothing on too big a scale, but can summon and manipulate some fire.
Command over lesser Nobodies
-despite his status as an ex-member of Organization XIII, Axel can still summon a few Dusks, though they aren't very powerful against magic. However, against any conventional weapons such as unenchanted melee weapons, guns, and the like, Dusks are immune.
Darkness manipulation
-Only used to travel between worlds, Axel can use this to get anywhere, provided he knows where he's going. he doesn't have to have been there, but a picture or a description of the place helps.
Magic user
-only comes into play with some attacks, but generally helps Axel in fights, enabling his fluid attacks

Weaknesses: Very soft for Friends, and will often disobey orders to protect them. Unlike most others, Axel wears literally no armor, relying on his abilities as a nobody to avoid and dish out damage.

Two Chakrams, named
His Organization XIII coat.
A popsicle stick with the text "WINNER" on the side, a memento of his friends.


"Why do I always get stuck with the Icky jobs?"

"Man, talk about blank with a capital B....The Roxas I knew is long gone...."

Names: Gong Draco
Fandom: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Guardians Gijinka(DeviantArt RP Group)
Age: 17
Gender/Sexuality: Male, Straight as a Dick.
An outspoken and feisty guy who generally wants to become a hero like his father. He's generally a mean bean cussing machine, but he makes it up with his desire to help people. Which brings us to his negative personality; his recklessness. Most occasions, he would charge in without giving a crap about his own safety, which is dangerous for a man his age.
Gong is born in a Pokemon World where Pokemon and Humans had a 5 year war against one another due to PokèAbuse. Obviously, the Pokemons won and realized how stupid this war really is, so they took on the form of humans(aka Gijinkas) in order to honor the former residents of this world. Along with it, the three Pokemon Guilds of Voyage Village, where Gong hails.

Gong was born into these circumstances as a Druddigon, a Dragon Pokemon that is known for it's brute strength and well, being a flightless Dragon. He is the passionate young leader of an Explorer Team known as Team Draconis along with his Step Sister, Blaise Pele-Draco where they get to explore places the war ravaged through.
Skills: (fighting styles, good at driving, ect)
-Leadership skills
-A Slash, Scratch and Blow fighting style(Liek a dragon)
As a Druddigon, he possesses many traits of being a Pokemon, like possessing inhuman strength and magical capabilities. Such as being able to spew purple flames(Dragon Rage) or projecting a large Claw to enhance his own strength(Dragon Claw) as well as being able to understand Pokemon like him.
As a Dragon Type, he is naturally weak to Ice and Fairy(In this case, Holy) moves. Exposure to these conditions would weaken him to an extent.
Gear: Gong's claws(and abs) are his weapons.
"Welcome to Draconis, pal! The name's Gong Draco, pleasure meeting ya."
Theme Song: (optional)
7101C3C3-5F3A-47BF-8333-C32380821ECA.jpeg Names: Cortova Black “The shadow woman”

Fandom: Doctor Who OC

Age: 26

Gender/Sexuality: Female/Heterosexual


Personality: On the surface, the shadow woman is cold and calculating, patient, and extremely dangerous. She won’t kill without good reason, but given that reason, she won’t hesitate. She is respectful, if not quite polite, and she has a massive sarcastic streak.

She’s also an adrenaline junkie in the purest sense. Frankly, she would have to be, to do some of the stupid things that she’s done up to this point. There’s a level of insanity one needs to form this kind of relationship with the Vashta nerada.

Which now that I think of it, I should write something for them too. The Vashta nerada have very simple motivation. While they’re very intelligent, their one goal is survival. They need food, which Cortova is more than happy to provide, if they work with her rules. That said, they don’t completely trust Cortova, or her them. Each one has contingency plans should the other turn on them. The mutually assured destruction makes them more confident that they won’t be betrayed.

Backstory: Cortova grew up on Canarath a planet renowned for fierce warriors and bounty hunters. It’s one of the best places in its galaxy for if you need mercenaries, assassins, or bodyguards. Cortova took to the profession well, beginning her training at a young age.

When she was twenty two, she took a contract that would change everything for her. It was a simple thing, or so she thought. Her employers were worried about a certain planet, which had been converted to the largest library to ever exist. Communications had stopped, and they were thinking a pirate gang had attacked. They wanted her to go check it out.

When she arrived at the planet, she was confused. It was so very quiet, and not like one would expect in a library. She literally could not find anyone. Well, anyone living, at least. Finding the door to the security office locked, she broke it down. There were at least seven skeletons, picked to clean white bone. She stared, absolutely stunned. There was no way. Communications had gone out less than two days ago. There was no way the bodies could be this decomposed.

She reached for her communications device, panicking. “Alright, I don’t know what’s happening, but I think it might be a kind of bioterrorist attack. Some kind of flesh eating bacteria, or something.” She said in the most calm voice she could muster. She sees a book sitting in front of one of the skeletons, and takes off her helmet to get a good look at it. Maybe it can give her some clues. She furrows her brow. The shadow that devours… She thinks to herself.

After a few minutes reading, and a check of the security guard’s latest entries, she nods, setting her jaw. She picked up the book, and began walking back toward her shuttle. She got in, and took it up to her main ship, doing her best not to show signs of fear. Once at the main controls, she started keying in a command

“So, here we are.” Her voice was strained, but calm as she could make it. She takes out her radio, and places it on the table. “I know you’re here, so how about we have a little chat.”

The conversation after that involved a lot of negotiation, a few threats, and a lot of questions on both sides. Eventually, they came to an agreement. Cortova will keep this small swarm fed, and they will help her with her contracts. It’s mutually beneficial.

She is often confused as having a partner, who she refers to as Queen. This is, in fact, the queen of this swarm, who the other vashta nerada convinced her to go back and get as part of their deal. Queen resides inside her exosuit with her at all times, both for communication and for both of their continued safety.

Skills: Good shot, good pilot for her ship, hacking.

Powers/Abilities: Other than those granted by her gear and the Vashta nerada, no. That said, the Vashta nerada are extremely lethal. This swarm is rather small, but capable of taking out an organic humanoid in seconds, eating it to the bone.

Weaknesses: The Vashta nerada are lethal, but they’re still a swarm of insects. So airtight seals will keep them out/in, and killing them doesn’t require much more than a simple poison spray or pesticide. Fire works too. They also avoid bright light, but that’s a choice on their part, and it won’t harm them. Cortova is just a human, tech aside. Killing her isn’t hard assuming you get past her armor.

Gear: Pretty advanced single pilot ship, with rooms for cargo and passengers, an infirmary (nanos are always the answer!) and a small arboretum for the Vashta nerada to nest in.

She also has a pressurized Exosuit and a blaster, as well as some simple tools.

Quotes: “And this is my problem… why?”
“Oh god damn it Queen!”
“Yes, I know, you’re hungry! Shocker right f’cking there!”

Theme Song: 7101C3C3-5F3A-47BF-8333-C32380821ECA.jpeg
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Names: Kaladin Stormblessed
Fandom: Stormlight Archives
Age: 20
Gender/Sexuality: Male/Heterosexual

While he wouldn't mind going to war and winning honor, Kaladin wants to travel, to see what other lands are like.[7] He doesn't really want wealth, titles, or armies. He wants to protect the men who trust him.[8]He has a constant desire to help people, no matter how they treat him. He acts with honor and admires those who also act with honor. He has a deep mistrust of lighteyes due to his treatment from Brightlord Roshone, Brightlord Amaram and Highprince Sadeas. He continues to persevere and attempts to save those around him, even when the odds are stacked against him. Recently though, he is revising his opinion of lighteyes, having realized that Dalinar truly cares about his men.

He once helped others because he didn't want to fail. A meeting with Wit - his first - changed this.[9]

Kaladin seems to suffer from depression. His depression flares most dangerously when he feels he has failed at protecting those he promised to keep alive. At one point, he even contemplated suicide.[10]Having lived with these feelings, he generally finds ways to overcome them, either through his discipline learned as a soldier, or from responsibilities to still others. His spren, Sylphrena, is a large help as well, often being the voice of reason in his bouts of melancholy.[citation needed]

Kaladin naturally exhibits the traits of the Alethi Codes of War. This can be seen when he's a bridgeleader, as he insists that each man wear his vest at all times during their bridge shifts (readiness); when he practices carrying planks of wood to inspire his men (inspiration); when he allows himself to be beaten up by soldiers to avoid further trouble (restraint); when he insists on running at the front during every last bridge run (leadership); and when he risks his life and spends resources to take care of injured bridgemen (honor). As these traits come naturally to him, many people - both lighteyed and dark - have compared him to lighteyes, as it is often assumed lighteyes naturally exhibit such traits as well. Kaladin protests these comparisons, refusing any connection to lighteyes.
Backstory: Kaladin is the eldest child of Lirin and Hesina, darkeyed Alethi of the second nahn. He and his brother, Tien, were raised in the town of Hearthstone. In his youth, Kaladin went by a shorter version of his name, Kal. He stated that he did so because he thought that Kaladin sounded too much like a lighteyes name.[1] Lirin was the town's surgeon, and Kaladin was studying under him as his apprentice. Once Kaladin turned 16 years of age, his father wanted him to travel to Kharbranth to study to become a real surgeon.[7]

Kaladin had dreams of becoming a soldier and joining the war against the Parshendi on the Shattered Plains. On one occasion, he practiced fighting with a staff and thought that it felt right in his hands. Ultimately, however, he decided to become a surgeon. However, when General Amaram came to Hearthstone to recruit new soldiers, Brightlord Roshone required Tien be conscripted into Amaram's forces in an attempt to punish Lirin for failing to save his own son, Rillir, from a mortal wound received when hunting. Attempting to protect Tien, Kaladin volunteered - against his father's wishes - to join the army as well.
served first as a regular soldier in Amaram's army. Later, during a bloody battle in Kaladin's first year as a soldier, Tien was killed by a lighteyed officer. This caused Kaladin to work harder to protect the ones he cared about. Subsequently, he learned how to use the spear very well. Within four years, he was promoted to squadleader, and led a team of twenty-five soldiers. He made a practice of paying for barely trained youths, such as Cenn, from less competent commanders. Each youth reminded him of Tien, and he tried to make up for the failure he felt when his brother died by protecting them. He would also get runners to take his wounded men off the field, often through bribery, or would treat the wounded himself. With a combination of his own skill with the spear, superior training and care for his men, and unusual tactics, his squad took so few losses that he became known as Kaladin Stormblessed.[11]

In battle with another Alethi lord - a Shardbearer came after Brightlord Amaram. Kaladin killed him by slamming a spearhead through the eye slit of the Shardbearer's helmet,[12] thereby winning both the Bearer's Blade and Plate. Kaladin felt sickened at the idea of becoming like one of the lighteyes by accepting the Plate and Blade and gave them to one of the few survivors of his original squad, Coreb. Amaram asked to see the few remaining survivors of Kaladin's squad in private. After asking why Kaladin didn't want either Blade or Plate, Amaram ordered the remaining four squadmembers to be killed, taking the Shards for himself. Amaram spared Kaladin's life, branding him as a slave instead, because he had saved Amaram's life and because he knew the truth behind Amaram's acquisition of the Shards. This stoked Kaladin's hatred for lighteyes, and he began to adopt the outlook that lighteyes were corrupt, selfish, and deceitful.

Kaladin was a slave for several months, sold and bought by several slave owners. Through his early months of slavery, he led several unsuccessful escape attempts, each one resulting in a high cost to his master, and had usually involved many more armed slaves. He was eventually branded with a shash glyph, meaning "dangerous". Roughly eight months into his slavery, he was bought by the slavemaster Tvlakv, to be sold at the Shattered Plains. It was here that the spren, Sylphrena, first met Kaladin face-to-face, though because she was unbonded, she appeared to be little more than a windspren.[13] He was eventually sold to Highprince Sadeas's army to serve as a bridgeman.[14]

As a bridgeman, Kaladin served on Bridge Four under the watchful eye of Gaz. During his first bridge run, Kaladin was positioned in the front, facing waves of Parshendi arrows. Despite this onslaught and the death of many other bridgemen, Kaladin survived. He expected to die on each of the runs he made, but always returned relatively unharmed. It was during these first few weeks as a bridgeman that Kaladin and Syl grew close - Kaladin out of desperation for someone to share his misery with, someone who would talk to him, and Syl out of her bond, though this fact was unknown to them at the time. One day, however, Syl said she had to leave, citing that she couldn't watch this anymore and that she might be gone for a while. Kaladin begged her not to go, but was unable to convince her, and so she left, leaving him even more depressed. That night, thoughts of the bridge runs and of the bridgemen they left dying or dead on the plateaus, began to leave an impression on Kaladin that, despite anything he could do, he and the other bridgemen were destined to die on plateaus, alone and discarded as fodder by everyone else. In particular, he lamented over the death of a young man that reminded him of his younger brother, Tien. He hadn't even learned the youth's name, and the youth had died on the very day he joined the bridge crews, his eyes staring sightlessly up at the sky, blood pooled in them.

Unable to deal with this existence any longer, he walked to a chasm - the Honor Chasm, named from being the place bridgemen chose to commit suicide, one of the last decisions left only to them - where he contemplated throwing himself down to end his life. He only stopped when Syl returned, holding blackbane, a poisonous leaf. Mistaking it for something precious, she offered it to Kaladin in the hopes it was what would bring him out of his depression. For Kaladin, his perspective shifted. Before, he began to connect the deaths of those he loved with their association with him. Simply by being close to them, he endangered them. He rationalized this with the fact that he still had not died, yet had seen the deaths of so many before him. These bridgemen were in better hands if he was the one that died this time. Syl, however, asked him to really try one more time. These men were already dead, she argued. What more could Kaladin do to them? But if they were going to die, couldn't he at least prolong their life, to enrich it until death finally claimed them? Kaladin acknowledged her point, and felt hope for the first time in a long time. He was no longer Kaladin Stormblessed, as he was long ago, but he was no longer the wretch that waited to die in his misery. [10] Upon returning to camp, he threatened and bribed Gaz into allowing him to become the bridgeleader for Bridge Four, thus giving him some small measure of command over the rest of the bridgecrew. He forced each man of Bridge Four to give him their names, and swore to remember them, to protect them.

The the next day, Kaladin treated the bridgemen as members of a squad, forcing them to line up in ranks outside their barracks in the mornings for the daily schedule. Though the bridgemen were all but insubordinate - mocking him openly or glaring at him while refusing to obey even the smallest orders - Kaladin wasn't deterred. He forced himself to train for the duties of a bridgeman by walking and running with a board balanced on his shoulder, in an effort to build up strength and stamina. Bridge Four mocked him for this as well, believing he was finally mad, selfishly wanting them to work harder than necessary, or attempting to earn favor with his superiors.

On the plateau run directly after his night at Honor Chasm, Kaladin finally earned the respect of at least some members of Bridge Four. During the final assault, Kaladin's position of bridgeleader gave him the most coveted position of a bridge run: the back. Instead of taking it, however, he insisted on the bridgeman at the very front and center - Rock - to switch places with him. Rock protested only once before obliging, commenting on Kaladin's supposed stupidity. The final assault was brutal, yet left Kaladin uninjured. In the ensuing chaos, Kaladin also saved the lives of several wounded bridgemen. Kaladin learned that he could earn money on stone-gathering duty with collected knobweed sap, selling it to an apothecary illegally, at the same time gaining antiseptic. The extra money is used to buy medicine and bandages, as well as better food. The traditional meal of stew before turning in begins, and the men of Bridge Four begin to open up, feeling for once in their lives a hope they had long thought crushed. During chasm duty, he lost himself in a kata, stunning the bridgemen in his skill with the spear. Over the course of several battles in which Kaladin saved lives, as well as defied death numerous times, most of the bridgecrew began listening to his advice, even to the point of worship, save Moash. Through Kaladin's training, Bridge Four actually became the safest of the bridgecrews, whereas previously, it had been known as the one least likely to have its members survive. Kaladin saved a few lives from other bridgecrews as well.

Trying to save lives, Kaladin taught Bridge Four to use a side-carrying method, causing an unprecedented defeat for Sadeas's forces, saving Bridge Four but dooming all else. Through this, his handler's handler, Lamaril, is condemned to execution, while Kaladin is sentenced to brave the highstorm exposed. In a dream, a voice speaks to Kaladin and calls him "CHILD OF TANAVAST, CHILD OF HONOR, CHILD OF ONE LONG SINCE DEPARTED."[5] He survives, prompting Teft to realize he is a Surgebinder and he used the Stormlight of the sphere in his hand, which was drained after the highstorm, but Teft keeps this quiet. Kaladin is then hailed a miracle by all, but begins to believe it futile to fight after understanding that bridgemen are just bait for the Parshendi.

Kaladin's depression returned, as it seemed as though the world was weighted against him and his crew. Kaladin decided to train the rest of the bridgecrew to use spears so that they could fight their way out of slavery.[15] At the same time he trained his abilities with Teft, learning to infuse Stormlight and realized that Sylphrena is part of the reason he is able to do so.

On a bridge run to the Tower, Sadeas betrayed Dalinar and after much contemplation, Kaladin lead a willing Bridge Four to sacrifice their freedom while saving Dalinar and his army. With his father's voice in his mind, it is here that he speaks the Second Ideal of the Windrunners.[3]

After Kaladin and his bridge crew were set free by Highprince Dalinar, they joined his warcamp and later accepted the position as his Honor Guard, with Kaladin as their Captain. Most of the bridgemen also freed by Dalinar, who didn't take up his offer of money and freedom, joined as his spear company, led by Kaladin. Kaladin was only promoted to Captain because naming him higher would have caused problems. Dalinar gave Kaladin the cloak he'd worn in battle that day, washed and patched, with the glyphpair of khokh and linil sewn into the back in white embroidery.
Skills: Spearmanship, Leadership, Military Training, Basic Horsemanship, Basic Swordsmanship, Bridge carrying,
Powers/Abilities: Kaladin is a Windrunner who can use the three lashings to fall different different directions. (etc: fall up) bond objects together, and have objects become attracted to other objects. He also has a Shardblade. When he has storm light he will have advanced senses. Also he has increased healing when he has stormlight.
Weaknesses: You can break him psychologically by killing his squadmates. If he runs out of storm light he will be as strong and as powerful as a normal soldier.
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Names: Tony Stark/Iron Man

Fandom: MCU

Age: 45

Gender/Sexuality: Male/Heterosexual



Before his kidnapping, Tony was a self-centered, arrogant person and war profiteer who didn't truly care for many people other than his closest friends. However, Tony's alter ego as Iron Man have lead him to reevaluate his life, thus Tony now strives to use his inventions in a more responsible and considerate way.
However Tony still known to be a self centered person with no to little regard about his teamates opinion as seen when he created Ultron without asking permission from his fellow avengers and when he quickly decides a position about the accords that eventually leads to the Avengers Civil War. When dealing with villains Stark have a no mercy policy and often will not hesitate to kill his enemy.

Tony Stark is the only son of Howard Stark and Maria Stark which both killed by the Winter Soldier in 16 December 1991 leaving Tony to run his father company at a very young age helped by Obadiah Stan his father trusted friend. However Stark later on stopped the company primary production, weaponry after he was captured by a terrorist organization the ten rings. He then made the Iron Man suit to destroy every weapon made by stark industries which falls into the wrong hand. Later on it was revealed that obadiah stane was the one that arranges most of the terrorist plot and later emerges as the Iron Monger which Tony defeated by using the big version of Arc Reactor Beam. Tony latee revealed to the press that he is the super powered hero Iron Man.
As Iron Man Tony has battled numerous enemy from whiplash, Loki, Aldrich Killian, AIM, HYDRA and Ultron, the latter being his creation that aim on the destruction on humanity itself. Tony also serve as the head of the Avengers along with Captain America which later he battled in the events of The Sokovian Accords and after knowing that Cap best friend Bucky was the one that killed his parents. After losing from Captain America, Tony serves as the mentor of Spiderman, alias Peter Parker to make him a better version of himself.

~ Genius Level Intelligence : Stark is one of the most intelligent person in the MCU Earth, managed to enter MIT at the age of 15th and graduated as the top in his class, he also a fast learner capable to understand all of Dr Erik Selvig experiment in a single night and understand chitauri made technology in a mere hour.
~ Richness : Tony Stark posess one of the greatest company in the whole Marvel Earth, Stark Industries which he inherited from his father Howard Stark. This richness allows him to continuously develop the Iron Man Armors, replacing it and pay for all the avengers monetary needs.

None, His Iron Man Suit that gave him power, he himself just an ordinary genius billionare, playboy, philantrophist

Weaknesses :
- Without the Suit Tony Stark is just an ordinary man and can be hurt with anything that can hurt a human
- Tony's suit has been shown vulnerable to shrinking enemy as seen in Civil War when Ant Man use this weakness to his advantage and managed to disable some parts of the suit.
- Albeit durable, Tony's Suit is not invulnerable and can be destroyed by an extreme amount of force, Thor was capable to crush the armor gauntlets with his bare hand. Captain America also managed to break the armor with his Indestructible Shield.

~ Arc Reactor :
The Iron Man Suit self sustaining source of power that makes its energy almost unlimited. Powered by a new element found by Tony Stark himself when he was studying his father previous invention about the arc reactor
~ Iron Man Armors :
The source of his power, Stark suit is able to use repulsor rays, Unibeam, various type of missiles, jet powered flight, copies enemy fighting style, and are resistant to both EMP and Temperature based attack. The Iron Man suit also shown to be extremely durable as it can stand blow from the God of Thunder and withstand tank attack with ease.


"Everyone creates their own demon"

"If we can't accept limitations, we're no better than the bad guys."

"My armor was never a distraction or a hobby. It was a cocoon. And now I'm a changed man. You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys. One thing you can't take away... I am Iron Man."

Theme Song:
Name: Take Yoshihiro

Fandom- OC (Senshi and Shimazu's Universe)

Age: 35 years in actuality, 200 years old in tradition.

Gender: Male/Heterosexual

Boom.jpg Under his mask is a stern face, with a small beard, blue eyes, black hair and a ponytail. Despite his appearance, he is actually rather well built under his armor, even holding a good majority of muscle in his stomach. He bolsters a scar that marks his face from a battle he felt made him who he was. He can be mistaken as Roadhog if looked at from a certain direction. He stands 7'5

Personality: Despite his mountainous size, and intimidating appearance, Take is actually rather child like out of combat. He is cheerful, peaceful, and rather contempt with things and how they happen. In combat he is silent, imposing, and studious. He is sluggish, but can pick up the pace when he needs to. When fighting Take either, takes the first hit, tricks someone into hitting him, or launching an unprecedented attack. His child-like tendencies show such as if h would get an itch, he would use his weapon to scratch his back, if he is happy he would use his weapon as a balance so he may jump in the air and click his feet together. It is not very easy to make friends due to his size, but he manages. Typically he can be found sleepi..err meditating or walking around and enjoying the scenery (whatever it may be.)

Take was born to the Yoshihiro clan, a monk clan known for their large brutish guardians that they breed to protect temples, fortresses, or camps. Take was no exception to the rule, despite his more academical and peaceful agendas at an early age. Take went through the process of being bulked up by means of harsh training, large intakes of food, and constant worshipping of the Yoshihiro shrines. Despite all this it never curbed his curiosity and childish tendencies, instead as he grew he grew more open-minded. Take's mother, had seen these tendencies, she feared for his legacy and his life, Take had assured her that he would be leaving a man. The leaving part was correct, as he was cast from the mountains he once trained and lived. Alone with his teachings in mind, he began to wander, he had dreamed of this day as he had purposefully shown his childish tendencies during initiation so he may be free. His mother of course was heart-broken, she had worked so hard for Take to be there, only now for him to be cast away. Take had one exception, he would be allowed to wander with his armor in exchange to be nothing more than a fruitless mercenary, rather than one of his brothers who would be helping the allies of the Yoshihiro.

For days on end Take had traveled far, he had no idea where he was going, he simply followed the path that fate had made for him. On the path Take had stumbled across a luxurious town, he had walked a path as many stopped and stared at him, seeing what a Yoshihiro Shugoki truly was. Some stared in awe and amazement, others stared in fear and intimidation. Take was met by the townsguard who ordered him to follow them, he was brought to the townshead who had asked a favor of him. The decorated, pompous townshead asked Take to follow their Merchants path for there was a bandit upon it. The townshead offered a handsome reward for the bandit's head, Take accepted. Take followed the path, and after a while he had come across the bandit who had immediately recoiled in fear, he had asked Take if Take was here to end him, Take simply nodded. The bandit had explained himself, stating that he was once a soldier in the town's army garrison, after he had fought a large battle with his comrades, a battle which he and the garrison army lost, they were immediately denied access to the town due to the townshead's demand. The survivor had stated that townshead could not have such a defeat staining his name, going as far as sending his personal guard after them at night to try and execute them all whilst they slept, only the survivor made it out alive. Take with this information nodded to the survivor once more before walking back towards the rich village. As he approached the gate the guards halted him, looking for a head. Take immediately grabbed a guard by his head, and with an incredible force, smashing it allowing the limp body to fall. With his bat he blocked the other's guards yari before grabbing the yari, dragging the guard towards him, tripping him with his bat, and then sitting on the guard, crushing him.

Take walked to the palace, finding a yaire pike wall awaiting him, only for him to do a full swing knocking the guards out of the way that dared to oppose him. Soon he was upon the townshead, the townshead pleading for mercy, stating that he would pay any price. Take simply looked at him before telling him to accept his defeat. The townshead simply accepted, but as Take was turning around to leave the townshead grabbed a sword from a unconscious guard threw it at Take, Take turned quickly only for the blade to cut his face through his mask. Take laughed, stating that not only is he a spineless leader he is also a cowardly one. Take was getting ready to kill the townshead when an idea shot through his head, instead he took the townshead, tied him to his throne, got a large piece of wood, and tied the townshead and his chair to the wood. He then sent the townshead down the stairs he had journeyed up. Take laughed for every bit of it, falling over from it. Take had left the village hearing the soldier he avenged had become the new townshead. Take felt some pride in his work, rather than money he got back satisfaction.

Skills- Take is large, each strike he throws can be painful, or lethal. He makes up for his slow fight style with a high pain tolerance
and a wide area for his attacks, he is also very good at mixing up strikes, and has a large amount of strength to give. If he was to reel his heavy up, he can smash through just about any block.
+Very strong
+High Damage in wide area attacks.
+Average Mixup
+Good Breakthrough
+High Pain tolerance

Powers/Abilities- Being a Shugoki, he is trained to have a form of Ki energy which is used defensively or trap wise due to his low speed.

Hyper-shield- Take is able to form a shield of Ki around him which can bounce any melee attack, weak energy attacks, fire attacks, and arrows. It only lasts for a single hit depending on how much energy he put into it, and it takes a bit before he can charge it again.

Demon's embrace- Take is able to grab an opponent, and take energy from them. This drains their stamina, and adds Ki back to Take. The ability itself is rather difficult as it requires a dazed opponent ( requires permission from person to do to their character, meaning they must acknowledge they have been grabbed before it can happen. If they do not want it they can simply dodge it.)

Demon's charge- Take is able to form a shield around him as he runs towards an opponent or opponents. It increases his speed in a small burst, and with his weight, knocks down opponents who were not ready for the attack or are too weak to withstand it.

Ki concentration- With Ki, Take can heal himself or others as well as increase certain outputs of physical strength in body parts. Unlike his skinnier counterparts he can not form projectiles.

Weaknesses: Take is very large, making him a hard target to miss, he is sluggish making his combat more difficult as he more so needs to lure someone into his strike. His Ki is not very powerful, he tends to only run an ability for a few minutes. He has terrible Stamina management and usually runs out of breath on a drawn out battle.
-Weaker Ki
-Slow in Combat
-Childish tendencies get in the way of goals.
-Bad Stamina Management
-Lure attacker

Equipment: He bolsters his armor, his bat, his mask, a Yoshihiro clan coin, a grind stone, a flint and a strike. He also carries with him a bag of Sake.

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Names: Patricia "Peacock" Watson

Fandom: Skullgirls

Age: 13

Gender/Sexuality: Female/Heterosexual

Personality: Nothing sates Peacock's boredom more than a good cartoon and laying waste to anyone or anything in her sight. Brash, combative, and impatient, Peacock is easily the most outspoken and infamous member of the Anti-Skullgirl Labs, as well as the most prominent. Peacock is also, for the most part, optimistic and light-hearted, and considers imminent threats more of invitations to brawl. Her tendency toward violence is a reflection of both her tragic past and near-death experience as well as the cartoons she cherishes. Despite having a damaged psyche, Peacock does not attack people out of sheer randomness or without provocation.

Backstory: Patricia once lived with Marie in an orphanage, which was originally a nobleman's house, in Rommelgrad. Having to make do with what was available, both girls used to dress in maid outfits that they found within the house. At some point, they were captured by slave traders, but because Patricia was too defiant to be a slave, she was mutilated as an example to the others: her eyes were put out and her limbs chopped off.

One year prior to the events of Skullgirls, Lab 8 teamed up with Lab 0 and the Last Hope to infiltrate the Medici warehouse said to be containing Rommelgrad's refugees. Although Valentine and the rest of her gang safely rescued the refugees, there was very little Valentine could do to repair the damage done to Patricia's body and was even willing to abandon her as a casualty of war. Big Band, however, believed that Dr. Avian would be help and took the girl back to the Anti-Skullgirl Labs. The doctor informed him that Patricia would adapt well to her new eyes and that she would be walking in no time. Patricia became insistent on becoming an ASG soldier after the impression left on her by Lab 8's team. Despite that, Avian was wary about giving her too much power, while admitting her compatibility with the Avery Unit is strong.

After some tests, Patricia's Argus System and Avery Unit were completely installed, and the combination proved to make her more powerful than the scientists had anticipated. Instead of being able to bend only space, Patricia could also bend other aspects of reality, spawning Tommy and Andy during her training. Eager to sign up for Lab 8's team, she assigned herself the name "Peacock".

She later vanished into the city with her gang, causing Lab 8's crew to worry immensely about her safety and condition after her surgery, and Stanley insisted that Big Band find her as soon as possible. Following her trail, Big Band stumbled upon an ice cream stand from which Peacock and her gang ate all of the ice cream except for Rocky Road. He considered this a clue, but later assumes that she was merely stress eating due to all the strange new occurrences happening to her all at once. He finally arrived at a movie theater, where he found the "clown car" that Peacock was said to have driven away in. As the vehicle appeared damaged, he burst into the theater, assuming that the Medici may have returned for her. Peacock is revealed to be perfectly fine, having gone around the town because she felt she needed a break from the labs. The two begin to hit it off; although Big Band tells her she could have taken a break without causing property damage, they begin to connect through what they like most in a movie.

Skills: One would truly stay away from this cute little abomination. A dirty fighter and a sharpshooter, but her true strength lies in her trickery from her arsenal, from herself to her own gang.

Powers/Abilities: With Peacock's physics-bending arsenal, nothing is sacred. She is a kind of character that will exploit any opportunity to its maximum and get away with it. No enemies of hers last long against her sharp eyes and sharper gun...blades. Her opponents last even shorter against her array of flower pots, baseballs, bowling balls, combustible toy cars, and countless other hazards that fill the air. Peacock never plays fairly, and isn't afraid to call in her goons to fight with her. In the rare occasions when Peacock can't topple her opponent, she can simply stall the battle until the timer runs out.

The Avery Unit has the power to “distort” which is a side effect of Peacock’s insanity. She can’t create things out of thin air, but rather modify Lab 8’s range of specialized arsenal. There are certain limits and her summons are only temporary. Her power is still growing so she may be able to summon more things in the future.

Weaknesses: Despite being such a force to be reckoned with, there are some faults. First off, she is capable of aging, and that some of her parts needs to be re-fitted. Because of her demented attitude, or being such a psychopath, she lacks the ability to socialize, though she does talk to her gang members as if like 'imaginary friends'. As stated above, her summons are only temporary when needed.

  • Argus System: A Synthetic Parasite created in ASG Lab 8 that replaces Peacock's arms and eyes which gives her her namesake. Appears as two slender metallic "arms" with metallic "eyes" placed at intervals on each arm. In addition to providing 360-degree sight, the "eyes" are able to fire Z-rays fine-tuned to combat the Skullgirl. Peacock is able to remove this parasite, akin to an action figure.

  • Avery: Peacock's other Synthetic Parasite is a remote parasite appearing as a small peacock garbed similarly to its partner. Avery lives inside Peacock's top hat, often appearing to aid her in combat. Its primary purpose is to provide a spacial link between Peacock and Lab 8's, or in this case, SHIELD's, weapons cache for her usage. There is a limit to what can be summoned though as Peacock is unable to literally produce anything out of thin air, since they are modified arsenals. Since her powers are still growing however, she might be able to summon more things in the future.
Quotes: "Soitenly!"
Names: Patricia "Peacock" Watson

Fandom: Skullgirls

Age: 13

Gender/Sexuality: Female/Heterosexual

Personality: Nothing sates Peacock's boredom more than a good cartoon and laying waste to anyone or anything in her sight. Brash, combative, and impatient, Peacock is easily the most outspoken and infamous member of the Anti-Skullgirl Labs, as well as the most prominent. Peacock is also, for the most part, optimistic and light-hearted, and considers imminent threats more of invitations to brawl. Her tendency toward violence is a reflection of both her tragic past and near-death experience as well as the cartoons she cherishes. Despite having a damaged psyche, Peacock does not attack people out of sheer randomness or without provocation.

Backstory: Patricia once lived with Marie in an orphanage, which was originally a nobleman's house, in Rommelgrad. Having to make do with what was available, both girls used to dress in maid outfits that they found within the house. At some point, they were captured by slave traders, but because Patricia was too defiant to be a slave, she was mutilated as an example to the others: her eyes were put out and her limbs chopped off.

One year prior to the events of Skullgirls, Lab 8 teamed up with Lab 0 and the Last Hope to infiltrate the Medici warehouse said to be containing Rommelgrad's refugees. Although Valentine and the rest of her gang safely rescued the refugees, there was very little Valentine could do to repair the damage done to Patricia's body and was even willing to abandon her as a casualty of war. Big Band, however, believed that Dr. Avian would be help and took the girl back to the Anti-Skullgirl Labs. The doctor informed him that Patricia would adapt well to her new eyes and that she would be walking in no time. Patricia became insistent on becoming an ASG soldier after the impression left on her by Lab 8's team. Despite that, Avian was wary about giving her too much power, while admitting her compatibility with the Avery Unit is strong.

After some tests, Patricia's Argus System and Avery Unit were completely installed, and the combination proved to make her more powerful than the scientists had anticipated. Instead of being able to bend only space, Patricia could also bend other aspects of reality, spawning Tommy and Andy during her training. Eager to sign up for Lab 8's team, she assigned herself the name "Peacock".

She later vanished into the city with her gang, causing Lab 8's crew to worry immensely about her safety and condition after her surgery, and Stanley insisted that Big Band find her as soon as possible. Following her trail, Big Band stumbled upon an ice cream stand from which Peacock and her gang ate all of the ice cream except for Rocky Road. He considered this a clue, but later assumes that she was merely stress eating due to all the strange new occurrences happening to her all at once. He finally arrived at a movie theater, where he found the "clown car" that Peacock was said to have driven away in. As the vehicle appeared damaged, he burst into the theater, assuming that the Medici may have returned for her. Peacock is revealed to be perfectly fine, having gone around the town because she felt she needed a break from the labs. The two begin to hit it off; although Big Band tells her she could have taken a break without causing property damage, they begin to connect through what they like most in a movie.

Skills: One would truly stay away from this cute little abomination. A dirty fighter and a sharpshooter, but her true strength lies in her trickery from her arsenal, from herself to her own gang.

Powers/Abilities: With Peacock's physics-bending arsenal, nothing is sacred. She is a kind of character that will exploit any opportunity to its maximum and get away with it. No enemies of hers last long against her sharp eyes and sharper gun...blades. Her opponents last even shorter against her array of flower pots, baseballs, bowling balls, combustible toy cars, and countless other hazards that fill the air. Peacock never plays fairly, and isn't afraid to call in her goons to fight with her. In the rare occasions when Peacock can't topple her opponent, she can simply stall the battle until the timer runs out.

The Avery Unit has the power to “distort” which is a side effect of Peacock’s insanity. She can’t create things out of thin air, but rather modify Lab 8’s range of specialized arsenal. There are certain limits and her summons are only temporary. Her power is still growing so she may be able to summon more things in the future.

Weaknesses: Despite being such a force to be reckoned with, there are some faults. First off, she is capable of aging, and that some of her parts needs to be re-fitted. Because of her demented attitude, or being such a psychopath, she lacks the ability to socialize, though she does talk to her gang members as if like 'imaginary friends'. As stated above, her summons are only temporary when needed.

  • Argus System: A Synthetic Parasite created in ASG Lab 8 that replaces Peacock's arms and eyes which gives her her namesake. Appears as two slender metallic "arms" with metallic "eyes" placed at intervals on each arm. In addition to providing 360-degree sight, the "eyes" are able to fire Z-rays fine-tuned to combat the Skullgirl. Peacock is able to remove this parasite, akin to an action figure.

  • Avery: Peacock's other Synthetic Parasite is a remote parasite appearing as a small peacock garbed similarly to its partner. Avery lives inside Peacock's top hat, often appearing to aid her in combat. Its primary purpose is to provide a spacial link between Peacock and Lab 8's, or in this case, SHIELD's, weapons cache for her usage. There is a limit to what can be summoned though as Peacock is unable to literally produce anything out of thin air, since they are modified arsenals. Since her powers are still growing however, she might be able to summon more things in the future.
Quotes: "Soitenly!"
I remember playing as her in an old RP, she's a fun character.

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