My biggest red flag is when there's any semblance of political correctness or SJW mentality. "oH, I hEaDcAnOn DeKu As An FtM tRaNs" or "[some character] iS a Nb LeSbIaN". Sorry to get a bit political, but fuck off. I don't mind headcanons; hell, they can be fun, but they have to make sense. I simply cannot begin to fathom what kind of mental gymnastics one has to go through to be able to imagine (for example) that a character who has no reason or likelihood of being trans, is trans. It simply baffles me, as a person who operates on a mindset of logic. I don't like people who project their identity and sexuality onto characters, especially if it's bullshit like "I'm trans so therefore this character I like is, too". The most problematic fandom when it comes to stuff like this is MHA, which is kind of infuriating to someone who enjoys the show for what it is rather than being a politically correct moron using the show as a soapbox to push their liberal insanity. Drives me up a damn wall.
To add to this - characters whose only personality trait is being queer. I have seriously seen this more times than wholesome queer characters with personalities that don’t evolve around their gender/sexuality.
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