Viewpoint What makes you nope out of a search thread?

That first one frustrates me a lot because while I can understand getting really into your character (I, personally, do like inserting a bit of myself into every character, even if that bit is different every time) but if you basically see your character as yourself but a werewolf or an angel or a cop or whatever than you have a priblem because your character is not yourself and you shouldn't take offense at insults directed towards them in roleplay (I enjoy playing characters who do Spider-Man-Esque battle banter so my characters end up making a lot of jokes directed towards other characters) or constructive criticism towards them out of roleplay. It's just frustrating.

Thank you for coming to my slightly off topic TED Talk.
Tiny fonts and overly excessive rules. I rest my case. Those two bug me the most.
Well, some of these might be legit pet peeves, and some might just be nitpicking, so don't feel too bad for me.

- Attitude. I know it's been stressed/mentioned several times in this thread, but I can't really stress this enough. Seriously, partner searches/group searches already almost feel like dating profiles especially for the former. I don't get the whole "I'm only here to RP, we don't need friendly banter ugh" attitude. I get internet anonymity makes us feel tougher, but there's always two choices in life and it's be a jackass or don't be a jackass. I get being formal in interest checks, but downright acting condescending doesn't really get the creative juices flowing.

- tiny fonts and rainbow colors. I already noped out of light mode for most of the sites I frequent because my eyes burn when I see them. Not on RPN, but hot diggity do I see tons of rainbow fonts on different forum sites with RP.

- Over excessive rules. Look, I get age rules and whatnot since those are preference, but when I feel like the RP is going to be extremely controlling in terms of the plot and whatnot. Collaborative fiction might be a better fit than RP in this case.

- "I wanna RP!" okay yeah you want to rp, but what plot? what ideas? fandom or original? what are you interested in??? THEN WE'LL TALK ABOUT RP! If you got theodd1sout reference, you get a free virtual cookie from me.
For me, it's most of the above (a couple FeralFront users I know had tiny, dark-colored text on the default navy blue backdrop, so very fun to read) but what also grinds my gears is poor grammar. And by "poor grammar" I mean "super messy one-liners where even the simplest of words are misspelled".
i usually "nope out" if the person immediately requests "fxm only" or doesn't use any form of proper grammar! it's just not a good match!
i usually "nope out" if the person immediately requests "fxm only" or doesn't use any form of proper grammar! it's just not a good match!
Everybody nopes out if there isn't proper grammar.

And before anyone looks at my history and realizes what a hypocrite I'm being let me tell you that I try!

And I'm getting better at it. Pretty good, actually.
My biggest red flag is when there's any semblance of political correctness or SJW mentality. "oH, I hEaDcAnOn DeKu As An FtM tRaNs" or "[some character] iS a Nb LeSbIaN". Sorry to get a bit political, but fuck off. I don't mind headcanons; hell, they can be fun, but they have to make sense. I simply cannot begin to fathom what kind of mental gymnastics one has to go through to be able to imagine (for example) that a character who has no reason or likelihood of being trans, is trans. It simply baffles me, as a person who operates on a mindset of logic. I don't like people who project their identity and sexuality onto characters, especially if it's bullshit like "I'm trans so therefore this character I like is, too". The most problematic fandom when it comes to stuff like this is MHA, which is kind of infuriating to someone who enjoys the show for what it is rather than being a politically correct moron using the show as a soapbox to push their liberal insanity. Drives me up a damn wall.
My biggest red flag is when there's any semblance of political correctness or SJW mentality. "oH, I hEaDcAnOn DeKu As An FtM tRaNs" or "[some character] iS a Nb LeSbIaN". Sorry to get a bit political, but fuck off. I don't mind headcanons; hell, they can be fun, but they have to make sense. I simply cannot begin to fathom what kind of mental gymnastics one has to go through to be able to imagine (for example) that a character who has no reason or likelihood of being trans, is trans. It simply baffles me, as a person who operates on a mindset of logic. I don't like people who project their identity and sexuality onto characters, especially if it's bullshit like "I'm trans so therefore this character I like is, too". The most problematic fandom when it comes to stuff like this is MHA, which is kind of infuriating to someone who enjoys the show for what it is rather than being a politically correct moron using the show as a soapbox to push their liberal insanity. Drives me up a damn wall.

This. So much this. On some sites it's been nearly impossible to ship my heterosexual characters because all the others are gay. frustrating.
Hm... it's something basic but if an interest check has no sign of BBCode I usually step back.

I don't need pretty BBCode with an actual UI like what Alteras does (themadman) but if the GM doesn't care for his interest check it's usually make me wary.

It's not too much effort to make the title and subtitle bigger than the body text! RPNation has a nifty shortcut for it, too! If the GM doesn't even bother to do that, I don't have much hope for it~
My biggest red flag is when there's any semblance of political correctness or SJW mentality. "oH, I hEaDcAnOn DeKu As An FtM tRaNs" or "[some character] iS a Nb LeSbIaN". Sorry to get a bit political, but fuck off. I don't mind headcanons; hell, they can be fun, but they have to make sense. I simply cannot begin to fathom what kind of mental gymnastics one has to go through to be able to imagine (for example) that a character who has no reason or likelihood of being trans, is trans. It simply baffles me, as a person who operates on a mindset of logic. I don't like people who project their identity and sexuality onto characters, especially if it's bullshit like "I'm trans so therefore this character I like is, too". The most problematic fandom when it comes to stuff like this is MHA, which is kind of infuriating to someone who enjoys the show for what it is rather than being a politically correct moron using the show as a soapbox to push their liberal insanity. Drives me up a damn wall.
I take it you've met the Harry Potter fandom?
Yeah, it's really prevalent in there and seriously annoying.

Well we all know Harry was a non binary pansexual? Right? Right?

In fairness JK Rowling would write something exactly like that on Twitter. She regularly changes her own canon for abitrary reasons.

So that being the case I’ve reached a point where I’m like “well apparently we’re just all pulling shit out our asses now” so sure why not.

I mean Harry clearly uses gendered pronouns in the books , but fuck it Nagini was clearly a snake and apparently that’s changed now so go for it.
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In fairness JK Rowling would write something exactly like that on Twitter. She regularly changes her own canon for abitrary reasons.

So that being the case I’ve reached a point where I’m like “well apparently we’re just all pulling shit out our asses now” so sure why not.

I mean Harry clearly uses gendered pronouns in the books , but fuck it Nagini was clearly a snake and apparently that’s changed now so go for it.
I can't help but feel that she's gone insanre.
I haven’t had extensive interactions with them, but enough so to make me dislike them.

Yeah, Harry is a [made-up gender] [made-up sexuality]. Makes sense???
Non-binary technically isn't a gender. It's the absence of gender. Kind of like Atheism isn't a religion. It's the absence of religion.
I can't help but feel that she's gone insane.

Non-binary technically isn't a gender. It's the absence of gender. Kind of like Atheism isn't a religion. It's the absence of religion.
Setting aside the fact that, as far as I know, it’s biologically impossible for humans to not have a gender, I guess that makes sense.
Setting aside the fact that, as far as I know, it’s biologically impossible for humans to not have a gender, I guess that makes sense.
It's a mental thing or something. People have tried to explain it to me and I don't quite understand but who am I to judge. They're not hurting themselves.

Plus I've met some very nice Non-Binary people.

I generally consider anything on google didtionary canon to this universe.
My biggest red flag is when there's any semblance of political correctness or SJW mentality. "oH, I hEaDcAnOn DeKu As An FtM tRaNs" or "[some character] iS a Nb LeSbIaN". Sorry to get a bit political, but fuck off. I don't mind headcanons; hell, they can be fun, but they have to make sense. I simply cannot begin to fathom what kind of mental gymnastics one has to go through to be able to imagine (for example) that a character who has no reason or likelihood of being trans, is trans. It simply baffles me, as a person who operates on a mindset of logic. I don't like people who project their identity and sexuality onto characters, especially if it's bullshit like "I'm trans so therefore this character I like is, too". The most problematic fandom when it comes to stuff like this is MHA, which is kind of infuriating to someone who enjoys the show for what it is rather than being a politically correct moron using the show as a soapbox to push their liberal insanity. Drives me up a damn wall.
This drives me freaking insane. I loathe it. If someone wants to create some sort of AU in which a character is trans and then explore how they’d deal with that and how the world around them would react to that, then hey, that’s fine. Not my type of thing at all, but whatever. At least it’s not completely idiotic like actually trying to say that the canonical version of Izuku is trans.
Just no. Stop.
I’ve seen this for other fandoms too - “oh i headcanon that this character is gay and trans and nonbinary!!!” and it’s like... where? Where do you see even the slightest hint of that? It’s ridiculous.
On that subject and moving on to less controversal but slightly related things: Canon characters. I don't want to play them. I don't want to play with someone who plays them. I highly doubt either of us can do them justice (I think I make a wonderful Tony Stark, though). Ijust can't.
Also that's literally impossible so what the hell fandoms!
It’s pretty annoying.
I feel like some people are really quick to hop onto the headcanon that certain characters are trans. If a guy shows even the slightest “”feminine”” traits, then some of the fans are like, “He’S a TrAnS GuY! HE uSed tO Be fEmALe!!”
And honestly... isn’t that insulting? Isn’t that putting people into a stereotypical little box? Apparently guys can’t have any supposedly effeminate traits, because then that means that they actually WERE female at some point.
That seems really narrow-minded to me. Let people have their personalities without immediately thinking they’re trans or something just for showing traits that some people might say are abnormal for their gender.

That got a bit off topic... but yeah, if someone acts like that type of person in their search thread, I’m abandoning ship ASAP.
Kind of worse with films and tv. Most companies aren't stupid enough to have trans characters who aren't played by trans actors.

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