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Graded [West Empire] A Legendairy humiliation, among other things...

Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao remained rather silent in the talking back she received from Saoirse, eventually suddenly having her legs collapse from beneath her as she was kicked into falling over from a sudden strike to her knees from her annoyed master. Grumbling softly, she added on quietly.
"Well, I am bigger and stronger than you, plus it just means to head on your way it's not like it means anything bad. I think you're just a little self-conscious about it... " the minotaur quietly added, slowly getting back to her feet as she was left a little confused by what followed after.
"But I don't use whipping weapons, I used a mace remember?... " Lei-Cao mentioned, wondering if the little haregon was truly so forgetful about such easy-to-remember details. Who would forget such a perfect and amazing weapon which could withstand any trial and test of time... except Melia's sword perhaps but that's besides the point.

Looking to her companion slave Ryuuji who had suddenly gotten vocal over how she was acting in response to Saoirse, Lei-Cao wondered where such an angered side had sprouted from all of a sudden before hearing him talk endlessly in such defensiveness about his mistress. She didn't take him wholy seriously as she shrugged and briefly answered.
"Well she asked me and followed me here to do so, aaand I signed a papeeeer, and she hasn't trained me at all yet soooo... " she said, her expression not really changing or taking him seriously.
"She hasn't made me a champion," she once again briefly added the next time he had mentioned it, growing tired of him as she mimicked his talking with her hand like a sock puppet and wordlessly mimicking his speaking with her own mouth to go along with it. Waiting for him to finish and giving him an unamused glance, she answered back.

"Come on, it's just a tiny little rabbit, you sound like you kiss the soles of her shoes on a daily basis for fun. It's nice that you learned to find your voice in such a short span, but you're not really that scary when you're talking about her like she's your first and only ever girlfriend who nobody else respects. If you think you're so big and strong, then hit me yourself, I would love to see you do so. Or, do you require crying and begging for the assistance of little bunny and whats'er-face to bail you out of your mistakes every time your little heawing can't save you? I don't care how much you brown-nose your little rabbit-wannabe queen, I am Lei-Cao and I will truly do as I please when I please" she argued back in a hushed tone to Ryuuji since Saoirse and Kahatrina were talking, not wanting to take a single thing from whatever Ryuuji had to say.

"Ah no, it is fine Miss Desrosiers, I can only assume she will prove a most difficult one. Although, not to denounce your capabilities or such but... I think you are potentially overestimating yourself to handle this one. She's proven rather... untrainable, to be responsible or do good" Kahatrina answered in thought, giving a look to the minotaur in question who gave an annoyed stare back upon hearing such a thing.

"Hey, stop making false lies, you don't know anything! I'm the greatest warrior you'll ever know!!" she retorted back in annoyance, only earning a little smirk and laugh from the woman in general. Looking back at the cart she came from before to Saoirse, she continued.
"I can only wish you luck in your... attempts, that one only knows trouble and suffering. Believe me, she causes everyone eternal suffering whether it's intentionally done or not. But I can only guess the old man she did work for is gonna be thrilled to hear she's never coming back, he was probably worried for her safety but I've never heard him more relieved that her clumsiness wasn't causing him problems. I came to check in since he got a batch of new... fresh recruits, per say, at the butchery to see if any of them were worth it. I already grabbed two out of his stock before he was done with them, but maybe there's something left if that's the kind of broken messes you apparently like dealing with. Hopefully the rest you got with you aren't... well, like the brainless buffalo there, pardon for such words on your own newly-found fresh meat" Kahatrina continued and giving a small gesture to Lei-Cao, who shook her fists.

"COW, NO- LEI-CAO, IS A MINOTAUR, NOT A BUFFALO!" the slave-beast further agitated at such comments.​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

She was a tad surprised when Ryuuji went to give the cow a speech. Whereas Melia and Jastira had decided to keep tactically silent for the moment being, Ryuuji did not. She chuckled a bit, surprised by how much of a good boy he was, even though it was likely a lost effort on the cow. That one seemed like she'd need different methods to learn, which she'd deploy soon enough, but not right now.

“You're forgetting I own you know. Your strength and size are nothing when they're mine to command. Besides, if you fall over from a kick like that, I've clearly yet to train you lots.” She scoffed, displeased. “You'll find out soon enough.” She promised, with regards to the whipping. In that regard, she decided to ignore the cow's mooing towards Ryuuji, as it was far below her to humour the hubris of a slave for much longer than she'd already done.

She had to agree with Kahatrina. “I don't mind a challenge.” She'd respond, in regards to the untrainable nature of the cow. “Especially not if it can help showcase my talents.”

Upon hearing about the butcher, she started to wonder. Did the cow have family? Friends? Acquaintances? A smile started to form. If she could buy up some folk the cow cared about, she had the perfect leverage to make the cow obey. The benevolent mistress taking care of those the cow cared for in exchange for the cow actually allowing herself to be trained? That sounded like a good deal. She'd possibly have to take on some dead weight, but c'est la vie.

“Well then, let's go meet up with the butcher and apologise for taking a premium cut of steak off of his hands.” She'd state, somewhat serious, somewhat joking.

Jastira Veidi


Jastira, having listened in, would lean in to whisper to Ryuuji. “Is it true that they eat slaves here? I don't think even Dranth would ever do such a thing.”
Ryuuji Kamimurara
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

With the new comer Ryuuji would ignore the ignorance of Lei-Cao after that point. He had no desire to waste his breath beyond what he did when it was apparent she wasn’t going to be receptive to verbal reasoning. As a result he stonewalled her verbal retaliation, a face of cold indifference taking hold as he side eyed her before looking back to the conversation with a serious neutral face like usual. It looked like Saoirse’s actions were what would need to speak to her later if she couldn’t even understand the premise that there was a whipping which was going to occur. Hopefully the chuckling he heard from Saoirse was a good thing that supported his decision well enough.

As he listened to the conversation he gathered there might be something worth getting involved with concerning the butcher as far as business went. Regardless he was sure if the opportunity arose Saoirse would have an idea to seize it.

He’d give another bow. “<Understood Miss Desrosiers.>” Ready to roll out once again when it was required of him. When he wasn’t so low he came back up and answered Jastira’s question
Softly looking to her.

“It is to my understanding that there is a minority in the West Empire who do not have qualms about eating those who are more sentient. I would not say it is something regularly practiced however, as those who do partake are seen to be on the more extreme side of..culinary activity. However the gnolls who were to purchase me if the mistress did not certainly did,I believe they were from that minority.” That assessment seemed accurate. While not widespread it wasn’t illegal and there were definitely some even if a relatively small population who partook.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao gave an annoyed glance to Ryuuji, wondering why he had so suddenly stopped talking. Despite the fact that he was to likely just start ignoring her, the minotaur decided to just take it as a way which boosted her own ego the most.
"Ohoh~, you're terrified now? You stopped talking now?" she asked with a smug grin forming on her face, not really thinking about the fact she was owned by (and probably getting on the nerves of) Saoirse now.
"Yeah, that's what I thought, scared little boy. You shouldn't talk if you don't have the makings of a true champion, hm? Isn't that what you and the mistress said after all, that I was being graced and honored with such an opportunity? Clearly, I've been noticed for such a thing, but what of you? Does she just find you cute, what with your little dancing together and all?" Lei-Cao questioned, humming a soft and quiet chuckle to herself as she just found desire in trying to tempt such further anger and hatred out of Ryuuji. His annoyed behaviour was being caused by her chaos, and it was fun to revel in.

"Well, good luck with all that... " Kahatrina muttered over the prospect of Saoirse's determination to train such a... well, individual.
"Pager, go check that all of our stuff's ready to go, I trust you can handle that?" she asked of the construct accompanying them, in which they had gave a small nod.
"Yes, milady" they had briefly answered, turning to go and see to that the contents of her carriage were in order and their transportation was prepared to go. The beastkin gave a look to them as they went over, before looking back to Saoirse.

"I'm sure he'd be more than happy for your assistance. Well, I'd best let you get to that, I've got to get going soon enough, it's been nice to meet you Miss Desrosiers" Kahatrina hummed softly as her attention was distracted by one thing.
"Pardon, but there's at least one thing I simply must do for my own entertainment before I leave" she voiced, turning her attention.

Meanwhile, Lei-Cao wasn't focusing on the conversation between Saoirse and Kahtrina at all as she gave an annoyed side-stare to Ryuuji and Jastira.
"Why are you two whispering? Stop whispering, stop having secrets, stop having fun. What are you doing, talking about the bunny behind her back? Do it aloud, stop being scared about it-" Lei-Cao was rambling in annoyance, commenting and being annoyed that they were having their little slave-friends interactions before feeling a sudden sharp pain from the hard pulling of her tail. Looking to Kahatrina who simply just had to grab ahold of the minotaur's tail and give it a sharp pull before she left, Lei-Cao yiped a rather bovine-ish yelp as she suddenly covered her mouth and pulled her tail out of Kahatrina's hold.

"Don't do that, it hurts" she grumbled with a huff, but the other didn't take her seriously.
"Well, it's been nice. Good luck with your impossible death-wish, Miss Desrosiers, I hope none of you end up being the death of one another, or your other follower friends!" she gleefully gave a wave, before heading back to her own carriage to return to her own matters that needed to be attended to.

From this point, the next place to go was likely the butchery Lei-Cao had been intending to go to... if she was to actually begin directing. Which she wasn't. She was just, rather pouting and being annoyed at the other slaves and not wanting to talk to Saoirse since the rabbit was continually getting annoyed with her so she decided to just not speak a word to her for the moment.​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“<Hmm. Your beastial's getting better. Well done.>” She told Ryuuji, realising he didn't so overly 'human' as she expected he would, when he tried to pronounce things.

Saoirse would normally get angry at someone messing with her property, but the tail-pull she could forgive. If anything, she was surprised by the cow's reaction. “I believe a mighty warrior shouldn't have such a severe reaction to such a simple action. That'd be a death sentence in battle.” She stated, surprisingly serious due to being partially in 'trainer-mode' already.

She clicked her tongue. “Right. Cow, here's your first training. You're going to learn tolerating sudden pain until you can get your tail pulled without flinching. True warriors can handle such pain without even showing a single sign of it. Ryuuji, Melia, Jastira, feel free to help her train by pulling her tail whenever you can catch her off guard. Cow. Start learning to not even flinch when someone does it. Act like nothing happened at all.”

Having given those instructions, she'd wave off Kahatrina. “Come find me again and I'll have proven you wrong.” She stated, still surprisingly eager to train this cow. Perhaps even more so now that she knew she was being challenged for it.

Melia Hayward

“Yes ma'am!” She'd reply to the task of pulling the cow's tail. She was ever serious, especially when it came to helping another warrior train.

Jastira Veidi


“Yes mistress!” Came a very similar yet highly different reply of someone eager to fulfil a potentially fun and satisfying task. Getting back at Beasts was high on her list.

“That is.. concerning.” She'd reply to Ryuuji, having one more reason to stay in line and impress the bunny. She'd turn to the cow next. “We were merely discussing steak recipes, but it seems the mistress has a different use for you after all.” (Deception F).

Saoirse Desrosiers


She looked at the Cow again. “Well, move. Show us the way. The longer you wait, the more awkward this is going to get and the less time I'll have to train you.” She gestured for the cow to start going. “Or do you want to wait until I'll have no more time left to buy you a new weapon? Or some armour perhaps? If so, then we can wait all day and have you run around in damaged gear without weapon for the next month, but I doubt you'll train well without it.”
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mention: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Perhaps Unfortunately for Lei-Cao he simply continued to stone wall her, only looking back with a blank unresponsive gaze, of a face that read as apathetic. Perhaps he’d get some satisfaction in annoying Lei-Cao back when he shut her out despite her efforts.

Ryuuji bowed low toward Saoirse after the praise. “<Thank you for your kind words my Mistress.>”Ryuuji responded diligently.

This beastial stuff wasn’t so bad when it reminded him in some ways of Japanese. Even if Lei-Cao was going to try to goad him, he was pretty good at keeping a level head, that much had been shown when he just rolled with the hits.

Ryuuij smirked a bit at seeing Lei-Caos reaction to getting her tail pulled, and Saoirse’s follow up comment.

“Yes Miss Desrosiers.” Ryuuji gave another low bow to show respect. While Melia and Jastira were quick to pull the tail

After Jastira gave her reply, he nodded “Certainly not the most pleasant prospect, but I do have a good feeling about what we’ll be able to achieve.” He figured he’d be truthful as far as that went to Jastira, not everyone had perfect pitch like she did, and there certainly were not many humans running around with componentless magic like he was. Before giving a knowing smirk toward Lei-Cao after the steak comment.

Unlike the one who had grabbed Lei-Cao’s tail, touching his mistress's property, Ryuuji figured he’d take the order literarily, For his first pull he would only go in to attempt a tail pull at some point when Lei Cao started to go on the move to lead them whoever that butcher of interest was when the timing seemed right.
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Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

"Are you suure? You don't seem like the kind of people to know anything about cooking. You seem like you eat... bad, poor stuff for non-powerful champion peoples" Lei-Cao considered, not believing in the 'steak recipes' that they talked about. Mumbling quietly to herself, she shrugged.
"Well it can't be helped, it's only for people like me who get to dine such glorious banquets. It is why I am powerful and strong, and you are flimsy like toothpicks" she claimed with a small, smug smile. Though, after hearing her first given training by Saoirse she immediately looked to the small haregon.

"What?? I don't need that training, don't pull my tail, that's not an important way to go about things that's just silly. What about real warrior training, or are you unable to do that or something? Also, you're still calling me a cow, I thought that would be over by now. You must be getting mixed up, my name is Lei-Cao, not cow" she answered, hearing each of the other slaves agree to assist with such training and becoming more visibly concerned when each agreed to do so.

"What, no, you don't want to do that. It's rude to do that, are you creepy weirdos or something? Why would you wanna do that? Don't do that" Lei-Cao answered, her hand moving to her tail just to make sure there wasn't any pesky hands reaching for it, hearing what else the slavemaster had to say.

"You wouldn't do that, what would be the reason for doing that? Right, oh, right, the way... " she mumbled, going ahead and leading the way.

After a while of navigating turns and passing people moving about their days, on more of the edge of the Capital lied a quiet and quaint butchery albeit a rather sizeable one that clearly saw success. For the time being it was quiet and empty, though there was an 'Open' sign.
"Well, here it is, hopefully it'll be fast it shouldn't be much of a problem. I'm sure that they'll miss me but I'll just have to quit and that's that, because I have real champion warrior stuff to do" she said as she gestured to it, she had forgotten about the tail-thing by this point so it was clearly in the open if anyone desired to cause her such suffering.​
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Ryuuji looked at Lei-Cao and simply said cooly, "I can assure you we eat more than adequately." However he couldn't help but continue to smirk some when it was clear how much this tail training pulling proposal bothered Lei-Cao.

"If I were you I would trust the process which your mistress has set before you. You have seen first hand how strong Melia has become by trusting herself fully to her. She is correct that a warrior mustn't give into pain in a combat situation, it's the quickest way you'll end up dead, you must learn to manage pain and continue to fight through it if need be to survive."

He figured he wouldn't get into arguing with her, but instead speaking what he knew to be true in a very calm and matter of fact way, and only on specific points, that was probably the ideal strategy here.

From that point Ryuuji would continue to travel rather quietly unless someone decided to speak to him or address him, walking near Saoirse no doubt as he frequently did. He paid attention to those around them who were walking about, and the buchery which looked well off. He could only assume it was selling high quality meat that for the most part didn't literally come from types like Lei-Cao.

Ryuuji would see his opening as she gestured to the building and spoke right at the end of her sentence, Ryuuji would quietly move up and attempt to pull Lei-Cao's tail swiftly, and without hesitation, giving it a firm tug, trying to imitate what he had seen that first person do earlier. He then backed off and didn't say a word, going back to being near Saoirse.
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

She waved away Ryuuji's thanks, as giving honest compliments was part of the training. No need for low bows there.

The cow earned herself an angry glare. “Are you eager to stay weak and useless? So much so that a simple tail-pull can make you loose a battle, if not your life? Are the others right about you being useless? Really? If you can't even get something as basic as pain resistance down, there's nothing worth training to begin with. We start at the basics.” She'd state firmly and (intimidation E) strictly. “A warrior worthy of having a name for herself wouldn't flinch from a simple tail pull. Until you've confirmed you can withstand it, you're nothing but a cow.” She'd add.

Leaving the slaves to 'train' the cow at this stage, something Ryuuji seemed to take to heart before the others could, she looked at where the cow had led them. “How quaint.” She'd state, before entering. It did say it was open, after all.

Jastira Veidi


“Let's hope you're right.” She'd reply to Ryuuji, still not happy with her situation, but slowly starting to accept the status quo as being far better than with Dranth and possibly far easier to get used too overall.

She'd scoff at the cow. “Weren't you the one considering to eat grass just moment ago, until the mistress took pity on you and fed you a sandwich?” This cow was more brain-dead than some of the harpies she'd met in this Empire, which was saying something.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Despite the insistence that she should put trust into Saoirse's teachings, she didn't feel like there was yet reason to do so. At least not until she saw results or reasonable convincing, it felt like the tiny rabbit was just trying to boost her pride and ego by telling people what to do which wasn't what she signed up for. About to let Saoirse go ahead since it was clearly their time they were wasting, she felt a sharp pull of her tail once again and abruptly jumped and wildly swinging a hand to get whoever did it to stop. Having believed herself that it would remain a joke and be forgotten in a mere few moments, she glared to Ryuuji who had done so.

"You're not supposed to do that! You're lucky I don't hit you back for that, next time you'll regret it" she answered in retort, annoyed and trying to keep her tail away from being grabbed again as Saoirse added on with more comments about her incapabilities.
"That's not true, a lot of warriors would hate it and be annoyed by it! I'll show you that I can be better than any cow, and that'll prove you so wrong, I am and always will be the greatest warrior forever. You'll see. Stupid, dumb little rabbit person... " she answered as she mumbled the last bit, grumbling and pouting to herself with a quiet huff. Her ear twitching at Jastira's added mention of eating grass, she tapped her hoof on the floor getting rather annoyed by such comments.

"No, I wasn't going to eat grass, I was making a point, stop saying things like that! I know what I mean and what I'm talking about and I'd be a cow if I said I'm a cow, which I'm totally not, I'm a minotaur, because I fully know that! And minotaurs are big, and strong, and amazing warriors, and EVERYONE knows that!" she answered whilst Saoirse was going ahead with going inside. Said minotaur silently hoped to herself that everything would just go fine and there would be no problems, it shouldn't be too long anyway and Saoirse and her slaves had no reason to be here. Though, whoever worked the desk had came out of a back-room around the same time the haregon did. As he had gave a quick look over to the four who entered the shop, there was clearly one very standout individual among them who he did recognise.

"Oh, it's you. Again. And you've bought friends... " he sighed, a very strong tone of absolute disappointment the moment he began speaking.
"Hello, it's me, Lei-Cao, it wasn't my idea to bring them I-" Lei-Cao immediately tried to say, though the beastkin who walked behind the counter only released an even louder audible sigh to the minotaur's talking, giving a small gesture to lower her voice as Lei-Cao eventually hushed and gave up talking. An awkward silence held in the air for a moment before he looked to the other three.
"If you're like her, I don't think I'll be able to help you, unless you're here to actually look for something. Business has been much better since I got rid of her and I unfortunately am not doing refunds on... that one, so you'll have to find them another home" he answered, Lei-Cao stuttering quietly as if she desperately wanted to say something. The beastkin glanced between them for a moment, and noticed a rather interesting collection of races between them and theorised two-and-two in his mind. Plus, it hadn't been that long ago since he had interacted with another of said kind.

"If you're looking for live folk instead, a lady came in here not recently and took her pick of what's in the back. Though, most of the rest is already broken and unspirited, though that's how they always end up here. Somehow sick people get a twist off sending their unwanted pawns to the grave here, which probably makes me sicker for one of the few who handles that. Though, it's free earning in a way, and I'd be damned to turn that down by now. Especially now that I don't have to deal with the likes of that, things haven't been bad at all recently" he said, sounding rather cheerful that Lei-Cao had been out of his life for a while. He wasn't entirely secretive at all about what he did possess, rather advertising it a little when it felt like there might have been another coming looking. It wouldn't seem too weird that slavers would show up at similar times in potential of new product that came in, at least before it got repurposed for something else.

"Riight, you're just joking and saying that, don't worry, I'm back to-" Lei-Cao laughed nervously and tried to spoke, yet he gave a dead-pan stare towards her.
"I'm not. Stop speaking, cattle" the man answered blatantly, turning his attention to the others for apparently some intellectual input and conversation. Lei-Cao just winced and squeaked quietly at being called a cattle, feeling like everyone was just bullying her today. She was a super-serious and amazing warrior, why won't people understand??​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Saoirse shook her head when the cow told Ryuuji off. “Are you sure you want to become a warrior? Your guard is totally down if he can pull your tail like that and your pain resistance is nearly non-existent. It makes me doubt if you've even started any warrior training at all during your life. You're free to prove me wrong, but we're going to keep up this training until you've actually done so.” She'd state, deciding to ignore the mumbled insults as there was already a punishment planned for later.

Saoirse was instantly insulted. “Like her? Me?!?” She scoffed. Would this pig-brained bastard assume a gentry like her was on the level of this dumb cow slave? She'd almost want him made into pork-chops. “I'm not like her, nor do I want refunds. She's going to become proof of my training methods.” She'd reply, still a tad angry at the earlier insult.

“Yeah, I met her.” Saoirse replied, figuring she knew whom he was talking about. She shrugged at the mention of unwanted pawns being sent the butcher. “It'd not be my first choice, but it is what it is.” Considering it was all perfectly legal, she didn't mind too much. She just believed it was a waste in most times. Especially knowing someone as useful as Ryuuji might've ended up mere gnoll food. That'd have been the biggest waste of it all.

She was somewhat curious to see what was in the back, but she decided not to say it. Not yet, at least. After all, she wanted to know what the Cow was planning to do here. Most of all, she wanted to know how she could use that in the Cow's training. “No, I'm curious. What was the cow even wanting to come here for?” She'd ask pig and cow alike.

Jastira Veidi


“If minotaurs are big, strong and amazing warriors, you're definetly a cow.” That was all Jastira deemed worth replying to the cow. Upon approaching the butchery, she'd look a bit concerned. “Would you please give mer permission to wait outside, mistress?” She'd ask, polite and almost with a begging undertone. “Very well.” Saoirse would reply. “Melia, keep an eye on her.” She'd add, allowing the two to wait outside.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Ryuuji was receptive giving a nod when she waved his low bows away. Saoirse only spoke the truth on the Minotaur, if she couldn’t learn to handle pain what was the point of becoming a great warrior. Supplementing magic for pain reduction wouldn’t always be a viable option to deal with such a shortcoming.

His smirk lingered at having successfully pulled her tail and thankfully not getting clubbed by her in response, it looked like Lei-Cao at least knew well enough not to do something so foolish, he had a strong feeling if she decided to attack any of Saoirse’s property without being instructed too at minimum there would be a severe punishment. Unfortunately she still had quite a mouth on her, but he was sure Saoirse would sort that out too in due time if she kept saying foolish things.

He’d simply give a nod Jastira’s way regarding her hopes he was right, “Trust in Miss Desrosiers she will not lead you astray.” And of course after Jastira spoke humorous words about the grass eating, regardless when they arrived on Location, Ryuuji was fairly quiet again by the time his mistress was saying the place was quaint.

He stood near her as perusal. Unlike the others Ryuuji was inclined to enter with Saoirse if she was fine with it, and presuming she was he’d follow and stay close, not particularly bothered by the idea of the butcher shop, he wanted to listen in and hear if there was anything to come out of it that would benefit them. Live people suggested maybe they could get someone else on the team, and this early after the cow? That wouldn’t be the worst outcome. Even with the insult Ryuuji knew better than to say anything to a free beast man business owner at the moment, particularly when he didn’t want to blow any chances with business should Saoirse still feel so inclined to make a transaction. Then there was the matter of why did the cow come back here? There might be something else there to exploit for profit. So for now he observed, trusting that Melia would do her job properly if problems arose.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

"Hey, I am a warrior and will always be the best warrior! There isn't a better trained or more powerful beastkin than I, truly! I'll have you know that between my sister and parents, I was the earliest to learn how to walk. I am a natural born prodigy of training and warrior power, thank you very much" Lei-Cao answered proudly in response, still not believing that such a ridiculous thing as pulling her tail would help train her in any way. Surely, she shouldn't be having her tail pulled in general, perhaps the other slaves were blinded by their own idiocy that they actually fell for Saoirse's teachings. There was surely absolutely no given proof at all that Saoirse had been successful in her methods, choosing to continue being ignorant. Looking to Jastira and Ryuuji as they added their inputs, she commented.

"I will trust in them when I see results, as any smart and capable warrior would do, which I clearly am. Real warriors respect other real warriors and those who prove to be above them, and I don't think you'd ever truly grasp that unless you were as great as me" she said with a smug smirk, twitching an eyebrow and dropping said smirk when the elf had called her a cow once again.
"Lei-Cao is not a cow, stop saying that. I am the greatest minotaur warrior, and you will acknowledge it" she answered, changing her focus back to Saoirse who had asked about what it was she actually came here for.
"I'm not a cow, but I was coming here since I had decided I was truly going to become an amazing warrior and I was going to resign" she answered, which only made the pig beastkin behind the counter rather confused. He held silent for a moment, before answering.
"You're already fired" he made clear. Lei-Cao was left awkwardly quiet for a moment.
"But since-"-
"Nope, you were fired the moment you left. You're too much of a nuisance and create more problems than I can count, firing you makes everything around here more productive. One of the new pieces of meat turned out usable, and he's been more useful than you ever could be. He's a bit bloodied up and probably not doing well, but I'm still wagering if it's worth getting through medical attention. All that sounds likes a lot of hassle for the free labour I'm already getting" he continued, choosing not to let the minotaur talk or try to give reasoning. From the tone of it, he had already sounded rather tiresome of her presence.

Lei-Cao, a bit lost now that she apparently wasn't needed at all and didn't have a job, silently hesitated before quietly speaking again.
"But my parents said-"-
"I'm pretty sure they just wanted you out of the house. Sorry to break it to you, little calf. Believe me, if they weren't as refined as you and smooth talkers, you wouldn't have even been considered. Not a chance".

"But, I have... I can't d-do my last jobs, they-"-
"Yes, you said this before, couldn't handle a grand champion such as you" he interrupted again, rather rolling his eyes at this point as the minotaur looked like she was getting visibly upset. Apparently failing and getting humbled was something that ran within her veins. Looking to get her out of the shop before she likely started expressing even sadder emotion or ended up making yet another mess, he turned his attention back to Saoirse.

"Look, I'm not even gonna jokingly offer money on something related to her anymore, but you'd have my gratitude to get her out of my sight from today onwards. She's your problem now" he answered, Lei-Cao stuttering quietly as she was about to butt in. The pigfolk looked to her for a moment, before continuing.
"She's stubborn, clumsy, talkative... " he mentioned, Lei-Cao visibly looking like she was breaking apart the more he spoke as her body posture became more nervous and reserved by each word.
"Prideful, inconsiderate, problematic, unteachable and unbearable. But I still want her to eventually be able to stand on her own two feet, without her parents' input. Believe me, I'm not trying to be horrible, but you really know how to bring it out of people" he said, eyeing Lei-Cao who he didn't want to treat badly but felt so much targetted anger towards at the same time.​
Ryuuji Kamimura
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Ryuuji had to stop himself from scoffing when the Minotaur kept claiming she was the best warrior when she couldn't handle her tail being pulled in the most basic of ways, even from him who wasn't the physically strongest type. Funny she should say that they should acknowledge her as being a great warrior without her showing a feat of being a great warrior yet she wouldn't accept Saoirse as a great trainer without seeing the results she wanted immediately. Lei-Cao needed to prove herself.

Ryuuij also had to stop himself from chuckling when she announced she had gone all the way there to say she was resigning after bragging about how what she was doing was well beyond that in scale from how she described it, the metaphor icing on the cake coming into place when she was told she was already fired by the pig guy. Better yet not even her parents seemed to want her around with how incapable she was sounding. Well if there was anyone who could make someone who seemed as inadequate a Lei-Cao flourish it would be Saoirse as far as Ryuuji was concerned. Perhaps seeing the pig man say Lei-cao was fired wasn't the only reason they had come here still if there was business to be made, Ryuuji trying to read the room a bit more with [Opportunist] if possible, while he waited in silence, not feeling like he should be speaking up at this point given he was a slave here.
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

She decided she'd ignore the cow, for now, despite getting highly annoyed by her repeating the same bullshit over and over. That was the first time she started it up again. The second time, Saoirse snapped a bit. “Bullshit is supposed to leave your body, not gather in your brain and fester until you start spouting it from the mouth.” She'd tell the cow.

Afterwards, she listened to the pig and cow's back and forwards somewhat amused. “She's indeed been nothing but trouble thus far, entirely self-unaware, not knowing any of her limits, utterly unable to seize the opportunities I'm giving her, having a much lower than average intellect... Yet, you know, the bigger challenge, the greater the victory.” She smirked. “He's right cow, but don't worry. You're mine now, so we can fix that. The moment you start cooperating, at least.” She scoffed. “Until then...”

She turned to the pigman. “If you're in the market for medical powers, I can sell you some.” She'd nod towards Ryuuji. “I own a healer, after all.”

“How about you show me what you've got left in stock. Perhaps there's something left worth picking up.” She added, figuring it'd be a waste to leave such an opportunity.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

"Ah- I-" Lei-Cao murmured quietly upon hearing Saoirse's retort of her speaking, rather silenced and unsure what to say at this point. She didn't think she was going to be so verbally assaulted from every side today, at least it wouldn't have been so publically embarrassing if Saoirse and Ryuuji hadn't come along. Wincing and becoming more emotionally distressed when Saoirse kept adding onto the insults in response, she literately sank lower until at the point she was just sat on the floor hugging her knees to her chest in utter shame and disappointment.
"Do you all have to be so mean about everything, I'm right here, I didn't do anything wrong... " she grumbled quietly, looking down and gently poking at the floor with puffed cheeks. Ignoring the cow once more to let them pout to themselves, the pigkin considered the healing offer and glanced to Ryuuji.

"Healing? Well a good replacement for the cattle would help, especially since I'm considering better expanding business. And that new kid's pretty good... hm, tell you what, if you patch him up all better, I'll give you any free pick of what's left in there. Though, what's left isn't that great, they're pretty shaken and given up. Taking them would probably prove a little trouble, but I'm sure it can't be as bad as her" he spoke, referencing and gesturing to you-obviously-know-who. Needless to say, he was willing to make a deal since said stock on the back wasn't worth much at all to him or any buyers at this point. A little benefit out of it was better than whatever cheap amount of coin the scraps could earn, they didn't have much meat on them to begin with.

"A living employee is more beneficial to me than a little extra low-grade beast chow. Here, come with me... " he said, starting to move to the door he initially came out of when they first entered. Lei-Cao looked up when he had said so and asked.
"Can I come?" she immediately questioned, which earned a rather despising glare in return. After sighing, the pigfolk muttered.
"Fine, but don't touch anything. Not a single thing" he answered reluctantly, the minotaur standing up when she was at least offered the chance to follow.

If they chose to come along, they would be met with the sight of what you'd probably expect. Hanging meats in storage, packaging or kept frozen. Prep stations, but noticeably extra space in the back where a large line-up of roughly 4 bloodied and skinny people were left rather lacking most clothes except their undergarments and with woven bags over their heads. Their hands tied and connected behind them to a fixture in the wall, with their legs also tied, so they could not escape no matter how hard they tried. From the looks of it, they were probably too weak to even make an attempt at this point.
"They give up struggling after a while. Their ears are well plugged, they can't hear a thing".

(I know nobody here probably needs it and it's probably fine but I'm not gonna bother even thinking about the '.1% chance' that this is somehow against Guidelines and im too eepy so im just doing this as my excuse)

Meanwhile, a man who truly looked fresh from the depths of suffering was present and gave a silent look to the people he didn't recognise. His cuts looked untreated and his bandages looked old, clearly not done by the pigfolk who was employing him. The blood that coated parts of him was old and dried.
"This is Erken, don't know him having any other names. He's a good kid and actually listens to instructions. Unless you're gonna drive me a hard bargain for him, the lot over by the wall is what's left. Though, I can't see a way in hell you could make an employee out of the others".​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

She scoffed at the cow. “You did do something wrong. Not realising that much is yet another fault. Try to reflect upon your shortcomings. It's what real warriors do.” She doubted it would work on the cow, but perhaps it might.

A free slave for healing? That sounded like a great deal. “Sounds like we have a deal.” She'd reply, essentially getting a shot at having another freebie. She was about to tell the cow 'no' when the pig already told her 'yes'. She'd shoot him an annoyed glare for giving her slave permission without her input, but decided to leave it at that.

She looked at the four. It didn't look like much, but with their heads bagged. Upon the pig showing the kid that needed healing, she'd give Ryuuji to go-ahead. “You're up. I'll go check on the others.” She'd state, leaving him to do the healing.

As she did check upon the others, she sighed. “They're so skinny and bloody I can't even tell what races some of them are.” Annoyed, she'd call out to the cow. “Be a good cow and take off their masks and get out those earplugs. Let's figure out if any of them are even worth taking along. Who knows, with a minor miracle, one of them might have something left to work with.”
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Ryuuji took note of Lei-Cao finally starting to take in what was being said from the looks of things as she shrank. Perhaps if everyone around her let her know how she was failing, she’d finally understand that she needed Saoirse to thrive and would be more compliant, wishful thinking perhaps but it was better than the alternative of her being a complete waste of time. Even then she still refused to acknowledge that she had done something wrong which was pretty frustrating in it’s own right.

Hearing his healing ability possibly being leverage to obtain another slave, that was a no brainer deal. He knew he’d have a much better chance of being able to pull it off at this point with his improved ability. Better yet the pigkin agreed. He gave a low bow to Saoirse “Yes, My mistress.” He then stood up, keeping his relatively unchanging serious look and made his way over to whoever this Erken guy was, noticing that yeah he was definitely wounded and began to work on healing him, tapping into some Hands of Restoration with Componentless and Healing E First, and if need be going for an additional F Heal and Componentless F, he could always alternate between the two as needed until the wounds were healed he figured if it was severe enough, while Saoirse and Lei-Cao looked for a potential new ally, trusting Saoirse would have good judgement on that front of things if any of them were worth taking on and if so which one was best. One of his arms running with a white magical energy, the other one a darker energy as he healed.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao had the time to think upon Saoirse's given teaching, deciding that it was absolutely pointless since she knew that but believed she hadn't done anything wrong at all so there was nothing to consider. Following along and looking over the masked mystery slave selection that was in the back, Lei-Cao actually followed instruction for once although reluctantly and reached to take the masking bags off of them one by one. Though, none of them seemed to be of particularly unique origin. Two human males with dark hair that of shades of brown and black, with dirt and damage littering their body. A male dwarf clearly looking like he was struggling to breathe in the first place, and an overly skinny female elf with such pale, white skin that didn't at all look like it was just a natural outcome of not enough sun. While the others didn't even react to their sight being restored back to them, or just barely glanced around, one of the human males had immediately began panicking rather to their surroundings although still holding their tongue.

Lei-Cao removed the earplugs from each of them, holding them as she took a step back and glanced to Saoirse.
"Uh, I don't think they have anything to care about what you have to say... " she mumbled, considering she had worked here for at least a little while this was not her first experience with seeing people like this. Usually, the last ones left truly were uncooperative and not of any sort of warrior spirit.
"Besides, you just got me, what more could you want?" she answered with a small smug grin, putting her hands on her hips. Such fallen people couldn't compare to her minotaur might, most clearly. After a short moment, both humans and the female elf had turned their attention to Saoirse though not speaking for a moment. As the dwarf coughed for a moment, it was obvious whatever starvation or suffering he had went through made him visibly lack the usual stronger build of what a dwarf should be expected to have. Then, he was the first to spoke.

"Hey, what's the big idea- haven't we 'ad enough trouble? Some of us HAD lives before you monsters came in, ya'know" he immediately answered, clearly suffering but still in absolute hatred of his position. The other three on the other hand did not share his disposition to argue at the current moment in case it landed them in a worse place.

Meanwhile, Erken hesitated as Ryuuji had approached him to provide healing. Rather concerned on what he was going to do or how he was going to do it, he expected the worse as if it was some sort of organised trip only to find that whatever magic powers Ryuuji was performing was clearly not harming in any way. Rather soothing to his inner turmoil rather. Whilst it wasn't going to be an immediate repair at any rate, what injuries Erken did have were still from quite a while ago and the man's healing would help provide the last kick to helping it get better. Lightly touching at where it did initially hurt, there was still an inner sting when he pressed against it but only barely. The unwashed blood covered the ability to see any leftover healed cuts, but they weren't visible at all anymore. Silently looking to Ryuuji for a moment, he tried to be careful of touching his pained areas to let them be until they felt fully fine.

"T-thanks... " he softly murmured in a very quiet tone, not desiring to speak much but still wanting his gratitude to be known. The pigfolk looked over his employee for a moment before to Ryuuji, clearly Saoirse's training was making good use out of the people she chose to train.

"If it's fine to nosy an ask, how long have you been doing or learning to do that, kid?" the pigfolk asked Ryuuji, being mindful in case Saoirse didn't allow him to openly speak.​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

It seemed like the cow actually did listen from time to time. That was the most promising thing thus far about her. Sadly enough, she wasn't exactly revealing Christmas gifts. “Shouldn't you feed them more so there's something to sell here?” She asked, wondering why the butcher was devaluing his product by starving them.

It was a good thing Jastira wasn't around, as she likely wouldn't have taken well to seeing another Elf here. On that note, she wondered if this Elf might make a good gift to Dranth to curry some favour? Possibly not. She didn't want to gift him anything either way.

“Someone smart enough to listen to my advise and obey my orders.” She commented to the Cow asking what more she could need. “As even these folk would be stronger than you in no-time if they were to listen and obey whilst you keep being defiant.” She added, extremely confident about her own ability.

“Hmmm. You got some life left in you, don't you?” She asked the Dwarf. A tad surprised. Perhaps she might make them an offer after all. “Here's my deal. I'm specialised in helping people flourish and I will be generous in providing them with what they need to do so. In turn, I only need two things from my slaves. Utter obedience and a clear drive towards a goal. If you can convince me that you've got something worth flourishing, I'll get you out of this mess and help you reach it.”

She pointed at Ryuuji. “That is how a slave that's able to work towards flourishing can be. Well-off and healthy.” She pointed at the cow. “Even this cow is currently being spared being turned into steak due to the chance that she'll actually become a warrior. Which should show more than anything that I'm a generous and kind owner. So... Convince me and a fate like this can be yours, rather than your current one.” She offered, wondering if she'd just wasted her breath or if some of them would actually show any worth.

Hearing the pig in the background, she'd clicked her tongue. “So long as you don't reveal any training secrets, you can answer him.” She'd instruct Ryuuji, figuring he was clever enough to know what to say and what not say.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

"It's no problem, a good deal of your gratitude should go to my Mistress as well for giving me permission to tend to you." Ryuuji simply spoke, perhaps it was all a bit more impressive given he was a human who wasn't using a visible catalyst at the moment, which was quite rare indeed. Thankfully for Ryuuji, Saoirse did actually give him some autonomy in being able to speak up when he thought it appropriate, as much had been shown in his letter, but perhaps that had more so been intended for him to talk to her about business or other important matters pertaining to her goals, nevertheless he got the permission to speak on giving away somewhat confidential information he supposed. He hadn't been paying too much mind to the slave selection at the moment with the task at hand, seeing the wounds were healing up well enough which was a good thing, it would have been pretty damn embarrassing if he had gone to heal this guy up and it failed, not really wanting a repeat with the harpy ladies as had happened that one time. But he did overhear some of it A dwarf seemed like a sensible choice if Saoirse was going to raise an army or needed someone fit for construction perhaps. Granted having another elf wouldn't be bad either, but it wasn't really his call.

He nodded politely and then spoke to the pigkin with a relaxed but serious tone, he figured he'd give it to the man in Beastial, something which Ryuuji was feeling better about speaking, figuring he might even prefer to hear him speak it.

"<Truthfully it hasn't been all that long I've been using magic properly, less than a year I'd say, I used to have dormant magic within which was difficult to manipulate but Miss Saoirse expertly guided me to where I needed to go to strengthen my abilities so I am capable of performing what you see now, without a catalyst no less.>" He spoke positively on her behalf, the fact that Lei-Cao still not understanding her situation gnawing at the back of his mind..while all of this went on.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

The pigkin, listening to Ryuuji's answer, thought on it for a while as he scratched his chin. Humming softly as he nodded, he answered.
"Ah, yes, thank you also" he spoke briefly to Saoirse, knowing that she was busy with overlooking the other four people. Thinking about what Ryuuji had also said in Beastial, it was probably something that Saoirse had also ended up teaching in for the sake of convenience though didn't see much point in him saying so since they were just speaking common anyway. Although, Erken wouldn't much be able to tell a word having not learned the language himself.

"Hm, for an owner I haven't met or heard of before, she clearly has talent in what she does. That's some impressive something out of nothing, maybe if she could get that idiot to listen to her on a regular then potentially she could do something with all that mess after all. Though, I wouldn't know how long it'd have taken you to start listening to a master, being considered property isn't exactly a thing people in your position usually take lightly to" he spoke, giving a small glance to Saoirse and Lei-Cao who were seeing to and talking to the potential slave candidates. Erken just remained quiet for the moment and fidgeting with his hands, thankful for Ryuuji's healing though not thinking it was in his place to speak any further for now.

Meanwhile, Lei-Cao felt like she was still being disrespected with every moment even if it was subtle.
"What, you haven't given me any Warrior advice so far, all you've done is be mean to me and get rid of my weapon, I said I'd listen when I get proof you're actually going to help at all" she answered, still not wishing to believe for a second that getting others to pull her tail was any kind of training of the sort. It fully just seemed like teasing and harassment with all else that they had thought and said about her.

After a brief moment, one of the human males spoke yet only briefly.
"I-I uh... w-was... " he mumbled, before falling rather silent.
The dwarf shortly followed up seeing as the human wasn't going to continue his word, and the other two appeared rather too silenced to even try speaking.
"If you're not lying a whole lot about your word, I have spear n' trident experience. Used to be a fisher who'd collect or cook catches, did so for someone a long time back before I ended up here, found things around the water and such which needed a brutal whacking, but that's how much it's worth to you" he answered. Clearly, someone else answering first was encouragement for the other human male to speak.

"M-Ma'am, I was a personal ward for the outdoors for a wealthy traveller, if I may, I know how to do all that and help handle myself and others on the road and in the while. I have plentiful woodwork experience for fletching, being a bowyer, even trapping, I'm sure I could help-" he spoke, the dwarf glancing over at the human rather miffed.
"Are you trying to get me gutted by trying to one-up me all of a sudden?" the dwarf asked blatantly, not getting an answer back in response. The other two still had yet to speak, at least fully.
"I've been stuck with him being moved around for a little while and I've never 'eard anything about that, selfish kid is lying, believe me".​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

She's sigh at the Cow. Just how much did she need to make something so simple clear to her? “I have given you advice and training. Any warrior that shows enough weakness to be caught utterly off guard by a simple tail pull can be assassinated by even the weakest foe. Your training is to learn to avoid that and resist the pain. Or do you seriously think you could become a real warrior with such a glaring weakness? Is a warrior someone who'd be so easily caught off guard and in pain?” She scoffed. “If so, it'd not take much become one, but the title would also become meaningless as the ranks of warriors would include a bunch of worthless weaklings.” She chuckled. “Although I guess the training is just too difficult for you and you'd rather juts fake being a warrior. Is that it?” She asked, deciding upon another tactic.

As for the slaves in the butchery... “Hmmm. Fishing could be interesting.” Was that worth making flourish? Possibly. “Oh..?” She looked at the other man, surprised. Now there's something that sounded worthwhile. “He might very well be, but at least you've both got some will to live remaining.” She'd reply.

“What about you two?” She'd ask the other man and elven woman. “If you can't tell me what you were, tell me what you want to be.” She suggested instead. As she stated it, she'd check all four of them [Appraisal D] to see if there were any interesting skills or titles to any of them.

She'd also ask the butcher. “Do you know anything about them that might be of use?” Another part, she'd add in Beastial so they might not comprehend it. “<I'm planning to get a base of operations going. If any of them have skills building, or managing something like that, from what you've heard off, they might be of use to me.>”
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Ryuuji nodded and gave a small respectful bow toward the pigkin after he thanked him.

“I am inclined to agree with what you say, if there is anyone who can take someone whose proven to be more..difficult so far as you say, and develop them into someone who thrives and is competent then I will say without a shadow of a doubt that my mistress is certainly one of the most capable people I know. She knows how to work with very little and get results.” Ryuuji would vouch for Saoirse once again naturally, as far as he was concerned he was telling the truth too, she was quite skillful. Of course Ryuuji had plenty of words he could use to insult and belittle Lei-Cao for her ignorance, stubbornness, and thick skulledness, he decided that dropping all of those would not be the most couth or polite option particularly for someone of his caste to take, so he restrained himself in favor of etiquette and caste, since after all he was still talking to a beast about a beast in the the West Empire.

From that point he’d stand a respectful distance back from the pigkin and the one he had healed. He didn’t really have a stealthy way to appraise at the moment otherwise he might have attempted that, but didn’t want to disrespect the pigkin since he was still a human slave at the end of the day, so instead he would wait nearby and listen in on the selection, and would of course speak again if addressed or be ready to act if need be with orders from his mistress.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Saoirse's appraisal would give answer for their professions and past a little. Though the Dwarf and Human prior were talking true about their skills, as they would possess a [Spearfisher] and [Woodworker] titles respectively, the Human noticeably also had an [Incompetent] one too. As for the other two, the other human who had yet to speak most notably possessed the [Shy] title and not really any other skills in general while the Elf held talents for knowledge on History and Arcana.

"I was, a librarian and then museum staff for a while back home, then I was made to do a lot of farming labour... he was with me too, though he doesn't talk a whole lot. From what I get, he was put into slavery at a younger age... " the elf spoke as she looked to the other Human who had not much talked about themselves.
"Look, all I'm gonna say is, you're gonna have an actual reliable chance for someone willing to listen with me. The others here don't have much willpower left with all they've been through" the Dwarf tried to reason, though the elf shook her head and gave a glance back.

"And you ended up here because? If you were committed, surely you wouldn't have stooped low enough to get here, at least I was in disrespect of 'masters' who didn't deserve me to listen to them" she bickered back. Whether those present simply just hated eachother or valued a chance of escape, it possibly wasn't entirely clear but they were trying to get Saoirse's attention over the other at the least. The third man held silent, muttering quiet 'ers' in thought as he struggled to think of anything to say about what he would even want to be.

"Well, at least I have evidence that the cattle'll possibly become useful for something for someone in the future. Can't see how long you'd take takin' a look, last buyers usually just take about twenty seconds to make a decision" the pigfolk added quietly to Ryuuji, looking to Saoirse.​

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