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Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers {Always Accepting}

HighSchool sucks eh? There's bullying, mean girls, gossip drama. It's especially worse for the kids who don't exactly have a place.

Like every school there are cliques. Popular kids, nerds, goths and wallflowers. Rosemary High is terrible for them.

For some, it's the last year of school, for others they're just one step closer to being done and are envious of the ones who are.

Friday April 8th 9:15 PM

Brittany Storm


Brittany walked up to Jason Stones house with a smirk on her lips. Why would a popular throw a party? Shaking her head, the girl took a drag from the cigarette she had between her lips and walked into the house. The party was already in full swing. People were going crazy, drinking... There was even a faint smell of weed drifting around the house. The girl reached into her bag and took out a little mickey of rum, taking a drink from it. She hated mixing her alcohol with stuff, that was what good kids did to stay decently tipsy. That was no fun.

Half way through the bottle, the girl took out her phone and sent a quick text to her friends, Coal and Aaron, "Hurry up and get here ya bums!" with that, she made her way to the kitchen where a few stoners were passing a joint around, and gladly took it, taking a long drag and she hopped up onto the counter. The girl crossed a leg over the other as loud, fast paced music blared through the speakers.


@iChaotic @Sexy McGee @simkimchild @HunterCameron

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_n0ap8d2hZq1sxybgi.gif.b8edb25c1d825c15596439e8a26f8c0f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107019" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_n0ap8d2hZq1sxybgi.gif.b8edb25c1d825c15596439e8a26f8c0f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Gosh darn it!" She yelled in her room as she was trying to find a pair of heels in her closet. Charlotte was already late for the party and she was anxious enough, thank goodness she had her good friend Green there waiting for her... "Green! No!" She yelled another time before finding her heels and quickly putting them on.

"Whats wrong?" Naomi asked as she walked into her sisters room, seeing her go almost ballistic over a pair of shoes, "Sheesh! Calm down... Just take your time, I don't give a shit about being late for the party, just take your time." Naomi said, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms.

Naomi and Charlotte were complete opposites. Charlotte had to be on time and nice while Naomi really didn't care... She was more "chill", "I can't calm down!" Charlotte said grabbing her purse and fixing up her makeup, "I can't be late for this party! I don't want Green to be mad!"

Naomi laughed at her sister because of how over dramatic she was being, "Oh come on... Green can't ever be mad at you." Naomi did quotation marks with her fingers, "He 'loves you'."

Charlotte so badly wanted to throw her purse at Naomi. But instead Charlotte calmed herself down and gestured Naomi to come with her.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/jghk.png.d205c766cd3d581155bc71e0ef7900c6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107020" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/jghk.png.d205c766cd3d581155bc71e0ef7900c6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Once they got to the party Naomi stepped out of the car, "Come on sis." She grinned as she walked with her hands in her pocket. Naomi noticed Green waiting on a bench and she nodded her head with a smile to him before walking into the loud ass house.

"Green!" She said happily, running up to him and smiled cheerfully, "Sorry for being late. I did get your text. But! I lost my heels and I was going crazy!!!" Charlotte said with a light laugh, "Anyway, don't worry. I think I am 'ready' for this party... For the most part." She shrugged then fixed the strap on her purse. @Dannygirl900

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Coal Black

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Emo-boy-teen-hairstyle-cute-tattoos-hat.jpg.1bdaa608ba92505e19847e91f8d48bda.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107051" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Emo-boy-teen-hairstyle-cute-tattoos-hat.jpg.1bdaa608ba92505e19847e91f8d48bda.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Coal looked to his phone when he got Brittany's text. A smirk crossed his lips as his right thumb trailed over the smirk. Only moments after the text did his fingers dance across the screen as he responded with a short update.

"Be there in 5" Was all he texted before hitting send. His eyes looked up from the and to the scene around him. His attention drifted to the window while his driver Kevin Brandy glanced over to Coal. Kevin hated it when Coal attended these little parties. He would sit and wait in the car making sure to keep an eye on Coal as best as he could.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Kevin asked.

Coal looked to Kevin with a dull look on his face. This was a normal reaction from Coal. Basically it meant for Kevin to mind his own business. Kevin took these looks very serious as he knew Coal sometimes could get a temper if he didn't get to do what he wanted. Kevin couldn't blame him for his outbursts... But at the same time didn't like them.

The car sat quiet as Kevin pulled up to the house. "I'll be here if you need me." Kevin stated before Coal quickly bailed out of the car and headed for the front door.

Coal let his smirk continue to grow on his face as he entered the house with no rejections. He wasn't a drinker, not a smoker, and didn't do drugs... Mostly because of his secret. He hated that he couldn't have fun like the others at this kind of party, but the upside was that people looked at him normal.... Unlike his family and caretakers.

While wondering through the house he spotted Brittany very quickly. He made his way over to her and instantly picked up on her drinking habits.

"I see you started without me." Coal shoved his hands into his pockets before looking around. "Where's Aaron?" Coal only figured the other troublemaker would already be at the party.
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Aaron Cortez


Aaron heard the ding on his phone and looked at it casually - the text read 'Hurry up and get here ya bums.' Aaron sighed and shouted up the stairs, "Raya, you ready yet? Party started a while ago and I just got a text from Britt; she seems pretty impatient and I can't be bothered dealing with that!" Aaron slipped on his shoes and stood at the door, tapping his foot with impatience. His sister always took ages to get ready and Aaron was rather impatient. But it was his sister, the only person he cared about and was reasonably nice to; sure he slightly cared about his parents but growing up he always had falling outs with them because of his attitude. Taking his phone out of his pocket he texted Coal, 'Oi Coal, tell Britt I'll be there in 10. Had to wait for Raya.' Switching off his phone he looked up at the top of the stairs as his sister came out her room. "Hey Raya, looking good." Giving her a slight grin as he opened the front door.


Saraya (Raya) Cortez

"Alright Aaron, give us a minute!" Saraya called back. Slowly she finished her eye liner, standing up she looked in the mirror. 'Hm, I guess that's good enough.' Saraya wasn't big on parties, she would have preferred to sit in her room and go on a Netflix marathon but she was one of the more popular ones and Aaron was going; and it wasn't always the best idea to leave Aaron alone with a bunch of other guys. Closing the door the door to her room, holding her hat she stood at the top of the stairs, "Aw thanks Aaron." She giggled as he gave her the compliment. Putting on her hat she walked downstairs and followed Aaron out the door. "We're gonna be taking your car." Saraya said as she held out Aaron's car keys and shook them. @Dannygirl900 @NovaNovass


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She was just laying on her bed staring up at her ceiling. She had the day off from practice today so she could finally relax. She had music blasting in her ears and she got a random text about some party. She figured maybe Joseph (@Sexy McGee ) was going. She didn't honestly have many friends besides him. She has had a crush on him for forever but she didn't really know how to get him to look at her as more than a friend. The cliché story right? She gets up figuring he could be there and decides to get dressed in something a little different. She rumors into the bathroom, putting on a little more make-up than she typically did. It was darker than usual but it was nice.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.98185d7e1c2e18c0b1ada02d6b2acbaa.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107055" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.98185d7e1c2e18c0b1ada02d6b2acbaa.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

She finished and looked at herself in the mirror. She really was good at make-up but didn't do much often. It made her eyes stand out which she loved. She should do this more often. Walking over to her closet, she looks through it. She typically wore loose stuff, sweaters, scarfs, leggings, simple tips. She looks through and in the back of her closet she found something her mother must of snuck in. She quickly puts it on. It hugged her curves and she thought 'maybe he will actually look at me now' she says to herself. The outfit wasn't really her and she was sure he would be shocked by her but maybe it would be fun.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.3ff9b8415a90dd91257e7c02ebc40b00.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107058" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.3ff9b8415a90dd91257e7c02ebc40b00.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She put on some black heels that actually made her feel taller then she actually was. She was typically short. She actually kind of looked hot. It was a change to her yet she didn't feel like herself one bit. She just ignored it and walked down the stairs and walked out of the door. She walks to her car and gets in starting it quickly. She drives to the house quickly getting out and walking in. She heard music blaring and the smell of alcohol. She wasn't going to drink however. She found a seat in a random place and just pulls out her phone and texts Joseph.

Hey, are you coming to the party tonight?

She puts her phone down and waits for the buzz showing she had a text back.

@Sexy McGee



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Joseph Teaver

Joseph got text from one of his friends about a party,
Guess I'm invited. he shrugged as he walked to his closet. What should I wear? . . . He looked at his disorganized closet and he decided to go simple.


Joseph took out his phone and went to his texts. He pressed Izzy's number, and he texts her,

R u going to the party?

Joseph stuffed his phone back in his pocket, he walked to his closet and and grabbed his red Converse and slipped them on.
Better not get into a fight into a fight in this party. Especially when Izzy's around . . . I'll be fine . . . He assured himself as he slipped on his sunglasses.


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.806f4cd4dc5da25a2ed6d39c05866b03.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107067" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.806f4cd4dc5da25a2ed6d39c05866b03.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


I'm already here

She texts back not really knowing what exactly to do. She grabs a soda and takes a small sip. She waits for him to get there so she would actually have someone to talk to. She takes another long sip not really knowing what to do. The music was fine and there were already people there and things were getting filled with the other people. She makes her way to what seemed like the back porch. She did get claustrophobic extremely easy and she had no one to really talk to so she had no distraction.

@Sexy McGee



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"Why are you even going?" Her brother asked. A confused look on his face as he watched her sister applied red lipstick on her puckered lips. "Because I don't want to spend the rest of you and your fucked-up face." Jade evilly smirked at Jack. He smiled. "I have taught you so well!" He cheered then left. Jade just rolled her eyes and looked at the mirror, checking her outfit out. It was girly yet grungy enough for her liking her outfit. Jade left her bedroom and went down the stairs. "Don't be an asshole while I'm gone." Jade warned. Jack just smiled at his little sister. "I'll be a saint." Jack teased and grinned at Jade. That'll be a sight. Jade sighed and left the house. She hopped onto her motorbike and rode to the party house. She parked her motorbike in front of the lawn and jumped off. She dusted her hands off and went inside.

Straight away she saw two girls kissing the one guy. Jade rolled her eyes and scavenged through her bag filled with her pranking equipment. She found a dart and stuck into the boy's leg. The dart's liquid went into his bloodstream and his leg lost feeling, making him fall. Jade snickered and went away from the scene at door. Jade kept replaying the prank in her head. Heading into the kitchen she saw a few freash men talking of the rumors that was spread of Jade.

"I heard she murdered someone!"

"Me too!"

"I heard she broke someone's back and went to detention over the summer!"

Jade just chuckled and grabbed the nearest girl's shoulder. She squeaked and turned around. Jade knelled down to eye level and looked at the girl shivering in fear. "Now, say those words again and I'll break your back!" Jade said in a happy sarcastic voice. The girl threw her hands in the air and ran out of the kitchen screaming. Jade cracked up laughing, wiping a joyful tear from her eye. "God, where's Brittany when you fucking need her?" Jade cursed and pulled out her phone.

Where the fuck are you? Jadey need a friend [/FONT] ;) [FONT='Coming Soon']

@Dannygirl900 - Brittany

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Terry adjusted his bow-tie and took a step near the house that was supposedly hosting an awesome party. He could hear the music blasting and felt a jolt of excitement. He had never been to a party before! He wouldn't have even come to this one if not for the anonymous text message that gave him the address, it told him he was invited, it also told him the attire would be formal. He walked past a couple girls in tank tops and jean shorts, they stared at him like he was crazy.

"Nice clothes." One of the girls remarked, then they both started laughing and continued on their way.

Uh thanks..." Terry forced out. Maybe this wasn't the best of ideas. Just then he heard screaming and a girl came running out the door. She was hysterical. This peaked Terry's interest. So what if he was invited as a joke, he could still try to have some fun right? At that moment he decided that yes, he would enjoy the party. What could go wrong?

The dressed up teen walked to the front door and entered the house. Blasting music, dancing people, everyone looked awesome. Well everyone but him that is. He walked up to a group of people who were standing together.

So ah... these are some sicks beats huh?" He smiled and bobbed his head to the music, but not too hard or his glasses would go flying, the two guys in the group snorted, and they all dispersed abruptly. Terry shrugged it off, maybe they didn't like the music selection? Terry was more of a classical fan himself. He moved towards what seemed to be a table full of drinks. He looked at the assortment and realized it was mostly alcoholic beverages. Terry had never had even a sip before, but there is a first for everything right? He took a bottle and unscrewed the lid, then poured it into an empty cup.

Bottom's up!" He nervously placed the cup to his lips and took a huge swig.

And instantly regretted his decision.

Ugh! What is this?" He felt his stomach retch, that could only mean he was going to throw up. Instead of getting sick in front of the entire crowd he decided the the best thing to do was get outside. Terry covered his mouth and ran past people as fast as his scrawny legs could carry him. He seen a door that lead to the backyard, no one could possibly be there! He could blow chunks in peace. Terry threw open the door, leaned over a railing and emptied his stomach of whatever he had drank in the house.


Aaron Cortez


"Hmph, fine." Aaron huffed as he grabbed his keys off Saraya. Getting into his car he turned on the engine; the sound could be heard throughout most of the neighbourhood. Aaron set off after his sister got in. Aaron rolled up to the party - 10 minutes exact, just like he said. Opening the door, Aaron stepped out and took his sunglasses off. 'So this is the party, huh? Looks like a waste of time.' Aaron opened the door for Saraya and she jumped out and stood next to him. Aaron was 6'3" and Saraya was 5'8"; he used this to his advantage whenever some asshole decides it would be a good idea to say something to his sister. She could handle herself anyway; took after her twin. "Well, come on Raya. Let's see if we can find Britt or Coal." And with that Aaron set off up the path and into the house, looking at his phone he texted Coal.

Oi Coal, tell Britt I'll be there in 10. Had to wait for Raya
Alright, I'm here. Where you two at?

Looking around at all the screaming, arrogant teenagers he saw a girl run past him screaming. "Watch where you're going you freak." Aaron muttered. 'What was she shitting herself over?' He looked at the kitchen and hoped that Britt and Coal would be in there - they did like a good drink after all. Proceeding into the kitchen he took a few glances at the people in there and saw a girl slightly laughing. "Oi red, you the reason that girl was freaking out?" @lostviolence @Dannygirl900 @NovaNovass

Saraya (Raya) Cortez

Saraya hopped out the car, she hated most of the kids at their school; arrogant, idiotic, immature pricks. She basically only spoke with her brother and her best friend - Alex. "Fine." Saraya sighed as Aaron mentioned finding Coal and Britt; sure her and the other two were on good terms, they possibly spoke when she was with Aaron, but overall she just spoke with Aaron and Alex. Saraya also pulled out her phone and texted Alex as she followed Aaron into the house.

Hey Raya, sorry I couldn't turn up.
It's fine Al, I understand why you wouldn't want to come. Besides, you're ill.
Thanks for understanding Raya, cya at school on Monday [/FONT] :) [FONT=Georgia]
Looking forward to it. <3

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iChaotic said:

Aaron Cortez


"Hmph, fine." Aaron huffed as he grabbed his keys off Saraya. Getting into his car he turned on the engine; the sound could be heard throughout most of the neighbourhood. Aaron set off after his sister got in. Aaron rolled up to the party - 10 minutes exact, just like he said. Opening the door, Aaron stepped out and took his sunglasses off. 'So this is the party, huh? Looks like a waste of time.' Aaron opened the door for Saraya and she jumped out and stood next to him. Aaron was 6'3" and Saraya was 5'8"; he used this to his advantage whenever some asshole decides it would be a good idea to say something to his sister. She could handle herself anyway; took after her twin. "Well, come on Raya. Let's see if we can find Britt or Coal." And with that Aaron set off up the path and into the house, looking at his phone he texted Coal.

Oi Coal, tell Britt I'll be there in 10. Had to wait for Raya
Alright, I'm here. Where you two at?

Looking around at all the screaming, arrogant teenagers he saw a girl run past him screaming. "Watch where you're going you freak." Aaron muttered. 'What was she shitting herself over?' He looked at the kitchen and hoped that Britt and Coal would be in there - they did like a good drink after all. Proceeding into the kitchen he took a few glances at the people in there and saw a girl slightly laughing. "Oi red, you the reason that girl was freaking out?" @lostviolence @Dannygirl900 @NovaNovass

Saraya (Raya) Cortez

Saraya hopped out the car, she hated most of the kids at their school; arrogant, idiotic, immature pricks. She basically only spoke with her brother and her best friend - Alex. "Fine." Saraya sighed as Aaron mentioned finding Coal and Britt; sure her and the other two were on good terms, they possibly spoke when she was with Aaron, but overall she just spoke with Aaron and Alex. Saraya also pulled out her phone and texted Alex as she followed Aaron into the house.

Hey Raya, sorry I couldn't turn up.
It's fine Al, I understand why you wouldn't want to come. Besides, you're ill.
Thanks for understanding Raya, cya at school tomorrow [/FONT] :) [FONT=Georgia]
Looking forward to it. <3

Haha but there's no school on Saturdays xD

Brittany Storm


Brittany threw her arms up "Ayyyy it's Coal!" she giggled and hopped off the counter, wobbled a bit then threw her arm around his shoulder. Yep she was already wasted. After taking another sip from the mickey she pressed a kiss to Coals cheek "Wait! I hear him!" she looked around and then jumped to see over the crowed. She was a small girl, standing at 5'2", so seeing by all the tall people proved to be difficult "There there" she took Coals hand before dragging the boy over to where Aaron and Jade stood "Oh! Jade too!" she giggled and hopped onto Aarons back "So what made y'all show up so late, that I had to sit here by myself and get high with the freaks over there" she giggled looking at the three.

@lostviolence @NovaNovass

Green Avery


Green grinned at the overly hyper, overly nervous girl. Even with heels he was taller than her. Despite his age he was 6'4". He was tall and lanky with only a little bit of muscle on his arms "Well I'll protect you" he laughed a bit "that's why I'm here with you isn't it?" he set her hand on his arm and led the girl inside. It was loud, and he was worried she might run off scared, so he kept his hand on her arm and made a line to the kitchen. The crowed generally split up for him, due to his popularity. In the kitchen the boy checked the fridge for drinks, and found a little Palm Bay "here, you can have two tonight. They're really girly and fruity" he grinned handing the girl it, before he grabbed a beer for himself and led her outside to where a few of his friends were sitting.

Coal only stood around 5'7". His parents weren't much taller then him, but he really could care less about who was taller then who. Coal smiled at Britt and her drunken state. "Awww... Why thank you.." He stated to the now wasted Britt. "A kiss from my wasted best friend." Coal placed a hand over his heart. "I'm touched." Coal really didn't even get a chance to look at his phone by the time Aaron showed up. Drunken Britt was already taking control of the situation.

Coal watched the girl jump on Aaron's back and only rolled his eyes a bit. "Your turn to baby sit." Coal looked around and noticed that Aaron brought his sister Raya. He had nothing against her, but half the time she seemed like she didn't want to hang around the group. The next best person was Jade. Another fellow trouble maker who really had no limits. But Jade put of a strange vibe for Coal. He could never get too comfortable around the red head.

Coal let his attention fall back to Britt and Aaron. "Well besides baby sitting drunk Britt.....Nothing... I just got here myself." Coal told Aaron.


He stood by his car with a cigarette out, trying to finish it before he heads inside the party. He was wearing a sweater with its hood up, a sleeveless shirt (like always), blacks jeans and black Nike shoes. He really wasn't one to dress all up for school, most of the music on the party he didn't like but eh, it was a party. After finishing it, he tossed it down and stepped on it before heading inside the party. He really didn't know a lot of people here, since he barely talked to anyone but it was also weird he got a message telling him he was invited to the party and it's address. Normally he would had ignored it,but his mom had forced him out of the hospital to come here and have 'fun', what the hell did that meant? He wasn't sure but who was he to deny his mom request.


Aaron Cortez


"Why was I late? I had to wait for Raya, did Coal not tell you I texted him?" Aaron said as he glanced at Coal, 'One job mate..' "If you could get off my back I would appreciate it Britt." Aaron genuinely didn't mind Coal and Britt, the red head on the other hand - Jade - was someone Aaron was put off by; most likely her attitude. But just because he didn't mind his two 'friends' doesn't mean he cares about them or will be the nicest to. After all, why should he care for anybody besides his sister? Most 'friendships' don't last forever anyway, that's if you could even call what Aaron had with those two a 'friendship'. He mainly only hung out with them because they were trouble makers like him and his sister; even though his sister preferred messing around on her own. "Anyway, what's happened whilst I've not been here? Besides the fact Britt's wasted." Aaron sighed. @Dannygirl900 @NovaNovass @lostviolence

Saraya (Raya) Cortez


Putting her phone away she leaned on the counter in the kitchen. "Sorry for making you guys wait for him." Saraya said, putting her hand up in a gesture that said 'sorry'. She looked around the room for someone that seemed relatively decent besides her brother, she noticed that girl 'Jade'. The only reason Saraya somewhat liked Jade was the fact she was a troublemaker and pulled pranks; something Saraya loved doing. However, everything else about Jade - she just disliked. From what she mostly wore to her attitude; Saraya honestly just didn't like. There were a couple people who mistook Saraya for a goth, emo or punk due to her black hair, black eyeliner and mainly black clothes. She didn't even like the Gothic style of clothing; just the colour black.
'Well if there's no one else here I may as well socialise with Aaron and his friends.' Saraya got off the counter and walked towards her brother.


Ralph looked in the mirror, brushing his messy curly hair out of his face. He spend a lot longer than a boy should picking out his outfit. He felt like such a girl because of it. He wanted to look half decent for the party , even though he knew there was no girl there that would take much notice of him in the way he hoped but still. Ralph quickly looked up, checking the time. 'Do I arrive late or early?' He thought to himself. Not really thinking much about the answer. He grabbed his jacket anyway, making his way out of his bedroom and into his car. Ralph wasn't going to lie. He wasn't much of a social person. The only reason he kinda got invited to his party was because he entertained everyone in class but that was just his personality. He got into his car, starting the engine as he began driving to the party. The whole time he was a nervous wreck. What if he was dressed too causal? Or what if it was some sort of joke to invite him? All these stupid thoughts going through his head. Before he realized, he could hear the loud music outside his car and he arrived at the party. He looked out the window, watching everyone walk in and out of the place. ''Play it cool, Ralph'' He told himself. He opened his car door, stepping out of the car as he locked it behind him. The noise got louder and louder as he made his way up to party. @Anyone


This was Bradley's scene. He loves to party. Bradley smirked to himself as the smell of weed hit him. 'This was going to be good' Bradley thought. Bradley made his way into the party, pushing past the couples eating the faces of each other and the typical friendship duo who were dancing together. He made his way into the kitchen, looking around at the half empty beer cans and bottles around the place. Luckily, he brought his own. It did take a lot for Bradley to get drunk. He was the last thing from a lightweight. He leaned against the counter of the kitchen , pulling out his cigarettes from his pockets as he placed one between his lips. ''Lighter anyone?'' He questioned loudly, not asking anyone in particular. @Anyone


Riley could hear the music get distant as she made her way into the bathroom of the party. She always went to the bathroom to get a bit of quietness. Her friends did tend to annoy her sometimes. Most girls at these parties tend to annoy her. They always looked a mess, throwing themselves at everyone they meet pretending to be drunk after one drink. She looked around the bathroom, sighing softly at the state of the place. The floor basically was just beer cans. She could smell this really bad scent too fill her nose. She looked over at the bathtub, spotting the pink mess which looked like vomit. ''Blugh'' She gagged, turning around to face the mirror so she could avoid the sick. She looked in the mirror, brushing the hair out of her face as she looked at herself better. Surprisingly, her makeup was staying on which was a good thing. ''Would you hurry the fuck up?'' A loud male voice screamed outside the door, banging down the door as he did so. Riley rolled her eyes as she screamed, ''WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE!'' She gave herself another look before deciding she was okay enough. As she swung open the door, the male quickly ran into the bathroom and straight to the sink as he basically vomited up his insides. ''Lovely'' Riley scoffed, plastering a fake smile across her face. She made her way out of the bathroom as she walked down the stairs of the party. @Anyone


Clara wasn't much of a drinker. If someone offered her a drink, of course she'd take it out of manners. But she usually didn't need drink to have fun. Clara made her way around the party, looking for somewhere a little less packed. Clara giggled softly to herself as she felt someone come up behind her and hug her from behind, ''Hey there'' She said, trying to remove their hands from her. She never had the heart to tell boys when she wasn't comfortable with them, she usually just laughed it off and acted like it wasn't a big deal. @Anyone



When he saw Saraya, one of his troublemaker, he decided to go talk to her. He waved over at her to see if she would see him. He was 6'2 but he fault short compare to some people like her brother. Saraya was okay in his book but he didn't really talk to her at school or anywhere. "Hello Saraya." He told her casually. He was feeling out of place because of his clothing, he wasn't an all time punk like the others but neither was he an all time troublemaker like others, he just like to stay in the middle for all three of them. @iChaotic


Saraya (Raya) Cortez


As she walked over to Aaron she heard someone speak to her, turning to her left she saw someone everyone called 'Dino' - didn't really understand why he used that name because his real one was 'Dion', but Saraya just kinda passed it off. "Oh hey Dino, didn't really expect you to turn up here. You don't seem like the person to enjoy coming to these types of things." Saraya replied with a slight smile. 'Turns out there's somebody else besides Aaron.' Saraya and Dino didn't talk but he seemed like quite a reasonable guy, plus they both got mistook for an emo so it seems they have at least one thing in common. "So, how you enjoying the party?" Giving Dino another smile; hoping to come off as friendly. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII



"Oi, are you the one why that girl freaking out?" A man yelled to Jade. Jade puffed out smoke seductive then looked at the man, assuming he was lost and aged at 35. Jade hopped down from the kitchen bench and rolled her eyes. Dropping the cigarette, she twisted the tip of her shoe and burnt the cig out. "Oi! Are you a fucking bogan?" Jade scoffed and turned around. This was one bullshit of a party. As she was about to leave she heard Britt's voice. She recognised that sound anywhere, she was high. Jade turned around and plastered a smirk. "Hey Brittnay." Jade muttered, lighting another cigarette. She brought the cigarette to her lips then released a trail a smoke from her lips.

"So what made ya'll guys so late that I had to get high with those freaks over there?" Brittnay giggled. Jade looked around the group. "Dealing with business." She simply shrugged and took another puff. "What about you guys?" She asked. Jade looked around the place. A lot of people were getting high, it was gross. Smoking cigarettes, fine since you know what you are actually doing. Drugs? A hatred of Jade's with a passion. She saw someone holding a shot in their hand. Jade took it and gulped it down in one go. The man gasped but Jade just growled, making coward down from her. "So.. Are you guys going to get high? Cause if you are I'm going off on my revenge list." Jade simply smirked evilly, keeping her plans vague and cryptic. Soon she heard a boy ask for a light. Jade pulled one out and threw it to the boy. "I'm Jade." She stated with a smirk. Heading away from the group.

@iChaotic | Coal - @NovaNovass | Bradley - @irl000

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He shrugged at it. "It would seem like a great party, been here for half an hour but spending it outside smoking." He really wasn't one for parties at all but if his mother told him to do something like enjoy himself at the party, he did it. "I wasn't really gonna come but kinda got forced, ya know what I mean (anyone got that reference
xD )." He wouldn't talk to anyone if he didn't know unless they were one of the people he hang out, which included Saraya. "What about you? Enjoying it so far." He took a beer brother from one of the partyers without a care in the world. "Want one?" He offered it to her. @iChaotic


Bradley had his hand out, waiting for someone to hand him over a lighter as he looked around the place. He felt a lighter being thrown his direction so he caught it. 'Nice catch' He thought to himself. He looked up, noticing a familiar yet unfamiliar face. He knew the face but just didn't have a name to go with it until now. ''Jade..'' He said to himself, trying to see if he remembered her. He shook his head, not thinking of any recent memories anyway. ''Hello Jade, I'm Stanley'' He introduced himself. As he spoke, he light the smoke which was between his lips. He wasn't addicted to smoking, he could go off it but he found it very relaxing. The sensation of the smoke going down his throat always made him happy. As he inhaled the smoke, he reached over to her and handed back the lighter. ''Thanks''
Coal gave Aaron a cheeky smile and a quick shrug. "I was taking care of drunken Britt." He held his hands up in defense before he placed them back into his pockets. By this time a lot more people were showing up... Even the kitchen was starting to get crowded. He glanced around at the old but new faces. He knew half of their names, but could recall all of their faces.

Coal slipped back to Britt and Aaron. Pretty much the only two he would consider as friends, but beyond school and parties, Coal never spent time with them in his personal life. At the mention of drugs Coal feel silent in the conversation. If Coal was normal he would probably be on Brittany's level at this very moment. He would be trying to live it up as much as he could. He suddenly felt a little jealous at those around him.

His eyes trailed over Jade once more as she and a few other joined their little group. The room indeed was getting crowded. And the kitchen wouldn't exactly fit the whole school.

Aaron Cortez


"Hold up Jade, what the fuck did you just call me? A bogan? Do you think I look like a fucking bogan you arrogant freak." Aaron shouted out in a furious tone. He was known to lose his temper rather easily; and when some insolent, arrogant person like Jade thought it'd be a good idea to insult him. He was just not going to allow it. Aaron tried pushing past Coal and Britt to get to Jade, he most definitely wasn't afraid to get into a fight - whether it be a female or male. He didn't agree with the fact men can't hit women, if someone was going to try and act like a male they may as well be prepared to be dealt with like a male. But unfortunately Saraya put her arm out in front of Aaron as he tried getting past her; she didn't want to come home and have to explain to her parents that Aaron decided to punch a girl. @NovaNovass @lostviolence @Dannygirl900

Saraya (Raya) Cortez


"I arrived about 10 minutes ago, but I guess it doesn't seem too bad. I don't really like the people here - especially Jade." Saraya took the beer off of Dino, she wasn't big on drinking but if she was going to be here most of the night, 'I guess I may as well.' Saraya thought with a slight grin. Noticing Aaron was getting angry she looked at him; 'Ugh, come on Aaron. I can't be bothered telling mum and dad you punched a girl because she insulted you.' Due to her and Aaron being English, she called her parents 'mum' and 'dad' - which most kids found stupid but she didn't care. She wasn't an American and had no reason to say the things they did. As Aaron pushed past Coal and Britt she stuck her arm out to stop him. "Calm down Aaron, Jade isn't worth your time." @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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