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Realistic or Modern We're All Mad Here...

Maranialovas Leighsten

Pulling herself over the back and onto the bench seat her smile never ceasing, Maria crossed her legs before leaning in once again-- not quite as close but still close enough to wonder if she had ever learned of a little friend called personal space. "Well, nothing much." She shrugged looking around a bit before her gaze was drawn back to his face, "I just made Oscar-Myer wieners out of some boys who wandered into the wrong restroom together--" Pausing to think she added, "Oh! and got into a little fist fight with some girls, I cant quite remember what for."

Shrugging she glances around before looking at the wood beneath her legs, "They say--" She pauses before continuing sounding like a chasised child, "They say that I'm Schizophrenic, and have a disconnection with reality. Like I cant understand peoples feelings, they called it a 'sociopath'." Moving her eyes to her fingers she blinked slowly, "Do you know what google says? Apparently it means: 'a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.' I don't lack confidence." Shaking her head once again she pulls her eyes back up to his face leaning in a significant, "Or I don't think I do."

Breath fanning his face once again she tilts her head a bit her dilated eyes full of curiosity, "What about you?"


Nicollas Kussen

Nicollas listened to her story, mainly getting scared at the restroom part.

He let out a small chuckle at "extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of consience".

He shoved his hands onto his hoodie's pockets again, only to pull them back out again now holding a lighter.

"I burned my family's house..." He held the gas releasing button thingy as a slight smell of gas formed around his other hand, which was over the lighter, as if he was hiding it.

"With them inside." He passed his thumb through the flint part(The one you spin to make a spark.) and moved his hand out as the fire followed his hand for a few seconds. (Dont do this at home, even though my teacher does it)

Nicollas seemed to not be afraid of the fire, in the same way that he wasn't intimidated by her having castrated boys or by how close she was.

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Brittany MiddleCoff

Brittany outside near the door of the school. She has her headphones plugged into her phone, she listens to Pierce the Veil "King for a Day" featuring Kellin Quinn. She leans against the wall and sets her sketchbook beside her. On the pages is a picture of the angel of death, dragging his sword. She runs her fingers through her hair and smiles softly, remembering the blood that seeped from the girls chest as she cut her. Brittany closes her eyes, thinking of all of the morbid places she could escape to in her schizophrenic nightmare. She looks down at her hands, seeing the blood of her victim, her heart beats faster, her medication kicks in, calming her down. Brittany takes a deep breath and looks back at the picture she had set down beside her, a butterfly. Not the angel of death. Just a butterfly. Brittany nods, she had let her schizophrenia take over her.



Maranialovas Leighsten

"Fascinating." Maria commented her eyes following the flame almost as if she were mesmerized, before blinking slowly to look back at the boy, "Fascinating indeed." With a grin she scooted closer reaching out to take a strand of his hair between her fingers. "Do you feel regret?" She asked quietly her big blue eyes hooded, their dialated pupils just barely visible beneath her lashes. "I don't." She whispered, "That's why I have to visit the psch-ward every day-- Not that they call it that.. But they think I'm completely gone--" Pointing to her head with her free hand, "In here."


Nicollas Kussen

"I dont." Nicollas said as he put the lighter back on his pocket. "In fact, their screams were good. I slept very well on the trip to here.".

"They always called me insane, pyromaniac and all that sad stuff" He lets out a small chuckle "They were right in the end, and, to be honest, I was being forced to do all the chores and the entire family in one place.." A cheshire cat-ish grin grew on his face "Was an oportunity I couldn't let pass."

He closed his eyes as the grin dissapeared.

(I have to go, sorry, but leave the awnser if you want, I'll read it when I'm back from school.)


<span style="font-size:36px;"></span><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="font-family:Quicksand;"><span style="font-family:Quicksand;"><span style="font-family:Quicksand;"><span style="font-family:Quicksand;"><span style="font-family:Quicksand;"><span style="font-family:'Source Code Pro';">Maranialovas Leighsten</span></span></span></span></span></span></span><span style="font-size:36px;"></span></p>



<p><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';">

</span></span><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><strong><span style="color:#006633;">"You really are fascinating."</span></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><strong><span style="color:#000000;"> She stated allowing his hair to drop from her grasp before flopping backwards, being sideways on the bench that meant her spine was now bent awkwardly over the arm rail as her head and shoulders hung down towards the ground. </span></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><strong><span style="color:#006633;">"Honestly, if only there were more people ready to admit what they did-- and admit what they really felt." </span></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><strong><span style="color:#000000;">A laugh bubbled up from her throat her ribs showing through her shirt as her abdominal cavity contracted in laughter at the joke she was in the middle of meddling, </span></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><strong><span style="color:#006633;">"Not what the doctor ordered."</span></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><strong><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></strong></span></span></p>

<p><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';">



<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26860-fennikkun/" data-mentionid="26860">@FennikKun</a></p>


(Don't worry about it, I'm used to waiting ^^')</p>



<div style="text-align:right;"><p></p></div>




Fluer looked at the female. She didn't really answer her question seeing as though she was still waiting for a response to the female. She played with her hair, it was just something she did whenever she didn't know what to do in social situations


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Alistair started to panic as he found out that he needed to a new notepad. He was feeling his heart pick up it's speed rate before he heard a soft spoken voice. He looked up to where the voice was. He saw a doll-like female in front of him. From what his eyes could tell, she seem to be a innocent young girl, like one of those Japanese cartoon school girls that he saw from time to time. However he still couldn't trust the girl, he couldn't trust anyone. His eyes ran down her arms and to her hands that was holding an offered notebook. It took him a second to realised what was happening before his hazel eyes lit up with surprise and relief. Thank God that he didn't had to risk getting a notebook.

"Thank... you," a shaky whisper flew off Alistair's lips as he reached out his timid hands to retrieve the notebook. Although his panicking body didn't show it but he was greatly appreciative of this gift. Unfortunately his anxiety wouldn't let him show his gratitude.

Celeste knew what that was like, to feel welcomed to someone but soon remember that there is no welcoming party. Celeste looked at the boy for a moment, wondering what was trying to frantically draw in his new notebook. She bent down and looked at his sketches, finding only perfect drawings of eyeballs doodled everywhere. Perfect eyes...Celeste didn't have those, but wanted to know what they were like. So she sat down next to the boy, looking at all his doodles, taking them in before she forgets again. "...My..name is..C-celeste.." she said quietly. She wasn't one for talking either, but this boy intrigiued her.

Nicollas Kussen

Nicollas started laughing silently, enough to be heard but also not too loud.

"Hey, Isn't this a school ?" He asked.

"Do you know when the classes start ? I do admit that not having any would be good though."

He went back a little, and then forward to get up from the bench.

Maranialovas Leighsten

Shrugging she shook her head before sitting up enough to be seen, "I can't remember. They usually just take me by force to the classes-- I never can remember much of anything anymore." She groaned slightly before eyeing him as he began to stand. "Leaving so soon?"


Nicollas Kussen

He tapped his belly "I'll go grab something to eat, this place's food is probably bad." He started walking away, but stopped.

"Besides, I have to escape to get stuff and things done, follow me if you want to aswell." He put one hand on his pocket and with the other he put his hood on and started walking again.



<span style="font-size:36px;"></span><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="font-family:Quicksand;"><span style="font-family:Quicksand;"><span style="font-family:Quicksand;"><span style="font-family:Quicksand;"><span style="font-family:Quicksand;"><span style="font-family:'Source Code Pro';">Maranialovas Leighsten</span></span></span></span></span></span></span><span style="font-size:36px;"></span></p>



<p><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">"You sound like some crappy movie franchise-- 'Come with me'." Slipping off of the seat she stretched again, before glancing at the sky with a grin. "The rain-- The rain is coming." She hums off-key as she follows her newest companion. "Thunderbolt and lightning-- Very very frightening." In the distance a rumble of the cumulonimbus clouds could be heard.</span></strong></span></p>

<p><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';">



<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26860-fennikkun/" data-mentionid="26860">@FennikKun</a></p>



<div style="text-align:right;"><p></p></div>



Nicollas Kussen

Nicollas chuckled "That's poetical."

The two approached an empty hall, Nicollas turned around, looking at her.

"So, do you have any ideas ?" He heard that some people here tried escaping alot of times, and hoped Marania was one of them.


Maranialovas Leighsten

"Well.." She paused looking around, "When it rains there is a 75% chance of the power going out, that means security goes out-- so its only 'bodies' that man the boundaries." Gesturing to the sky through the window she nods, "There is also a very large storm headed this way at the moment-- due to be here in about 20-25 minutes give or take." Shrugging she looked at him, "Unless you've got a better idea."


Nicollas Kussen

Nicollas nodded "Now we only have to wait then"

A while later he questioned "How many people succeeded on escaping ?" He was playing on a portable videogame he managed to sneak into the school with him.

Maranialovas Leighsten

A short laugh escaped her throat when she thought about his question, "I've never seen anyone who was put in here not escape-- Not if they actually want to." Humming as she pressed her back against the wall before sliding down slowly until her entire body was strewn upon the floor. "Honestly its not that its bad here, we just want out. Like animals in kennels." Pausing to hum, "Except when they-- test."




The poor boy's heart is quivering with fear and his mind froze with terror as he realised that he happens to be in a social interaction. He realised that the doll who gave him the new notebook is engaging conversations with him, sending him into internal panic mode. His hand feels like they're having a seizure, eyes rapidly prancing around to find an exit from unexpected social interaction. Thoughts are zooming around his mind, whether he should try and contribute in this current conversation or flee what seems to be his worse nightmare. The fact that this is all unexpected is what sent Alistair into a mild anxiety attack. Unable to be rehearse a conversation in prevention of slurring and mispronouncing word is something that the young couldn't handle properly. It's extremely difficult for him to have a conversation without practicing prior. Although, he was stressed due to the fact that it was consequently rude to ignore and leave a person when they're participating a conversation with you, with or without consent.

"Hi..." Alistair quietly replied, slurring one that one word which embarrassed the transguy quite significantly. He could his soul dying of embarrassment as he heard himself messing on a single word. One. Single. Fucking. Word. Internal aggression sparked in Alistair's mind, he was annoyed at himself for messing up that badly.

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"..Am..i bothering you...?" Celeste quietly asked the boy. She saw a small glint of anxiety in his eyes, so she didn't want him to feel like he was forced to talk to her. She started to fiddle with her fingers, a small habit she had whenever she herself was anxious too. She was wondering if she made bad decisions, talking to this boy, for she knew all too well on how it was. But Celeste was trying to make the effort of coming out of her comfort zone.

Nicollas Kussen

"Testing ?" Nicollas questioned, his eyes widened like that of a scared person's.

Nah, not really, just his normal emotionless look.

A storm could be heard, now it was closer and some screams were heard, probably people who are scared of storms or lighting.

The lights went off.


Maranialovas Leighsten

With a wink Marina jumped up illuminated partially by the dim light from the clouds, "Ten minutes." She stated before turning down the hall at a sprint, her speed odd for that of her shape and make. "Daddy don't die-- Moma will cry.. Lisa will fade.. I will degrade the very exista-" Her humming was cut off as she ran into a hard chest bouncing off to fall to the floor. "nce, Of huma-a-anity." She finished before leaping up from the confused individual and continuing on down the hall.


Nicollas Kussen

"Wait for me !" Nicollas shouted across the hall as he started following her.

The two reached a green door saying "exit" on it.

"This one." Nicollas said quietly as he pushed the door open.

"Ladies first." He held the door open, with a smile on his face.


Maranialovas Leighsten

"Well arn't you just the finest gentleman." Maria stated before pushing off down the black hallway, her footsteps oddly near silent as was her breath shallow and hushed. The silence continuing until she began to hum the song that was pulsating in her mind since the dash for freedom had began,

La Gazza Ladra - Gioacchino Rossini. The tune was known for its most splendid villainous acts in which had been committed unto its most deliciously delirious tune. "Make a left." She called out before making a sharp right turn at a dead end. Continuing without a pause to see if he had listened, Maria pressed on, coming to a window which she had busted through the air filling with the sound of glass shards shattering into thousands of pieces. This hall was actually for storage, while the other was for actual exit.

While in her leap, Maria reached out to grasp the fence that she need only pull herself over to be free. Rain now had picked up and was blowing from what seemed like all directions as she strained to launch herself into the woods. Hand slipping as she managed to pull half of her body over, Maria allowed herself to slide over the fence catching herself awkwardly on the other side before she began to sprint for the cover of the woods arm throbbing, new cuts and scrapes to show off, but free and entertained. Win win.


Nicollas Kussen

Nicollas followed her, watching as she jumped over the fence.

After he jumped over he noticed she had just dissapeared
"Well shit." he said softly as he pulled his hood over his head to protect himself from the rest of the rain falling off the trees.

Finally, Nicollas found his way into a town near the school and instantly started looking for food.

Later, he found a nice looking SubWay and ordered a sandwich which he paid with the money he took from his parents before slowly murdering them in a glorious fire.

Over the general chatter of the place, Nicollas heard a voice calling for help.

He instantly leaped out of his chair and started following it into a dark alley, only to see a woman being robbed by a man.

He quietly grabbed a pipe from the ground before whacking the man on the back of the head with it, the pipe breaking in half as the man fell over.

The woman simply ran away, Nicollas watched and said quietly to himself as he threw the rest of the pipe at the unconsious man
"Atleast could have said "thanks"." He walked away away hoping to find Maria.



Alistair felt a struck of guilt as the girl asked him that question. It's not like he didn't want to talk to her, heck he wanted to be a social butterfly if it wasn't for his social anxiety. He felt so embarrassed to engage in conversation due to the fact he anxiously stutter and slur his words.

"N-no no, you're... fine," he stuttered out.​


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