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Realistic or Modern We're All Mad Here...

Rose smiled and nodded. "Oh, that makes sense then." She said, watching the bunny and smiling sheepishly. "She's adorable." She mumbled. She hadn't had many pets growing up, probably since her family was so busy all the time. She wondered why they'd willingly just throw her away like that. She never had done anything drastic.


Vex Alexandria Jones

She nodded shyly before sitting up and shifting the bunny into her lap and looked over at her with a shrug "So what exactly is there to do around this place anyway?" she asked quietly as she started getting more comfortable around the girl, surprised she didn't make any comments about why she needed an SA but also wasn't about to question it, The less questions the better.

@tomato modest​

Edwin sits on the steps into the courtyard, having just woken up. A notebook in hand, he appears to be scribbling a picture of an eyeball over and over from different angles and shades. His hair is perpetually a mess anyways, so it's no surprise it looks like he just woke up, and his green eyes are completely focused on the paper.


Alistair sat in the corner of the gloomy courtyard by himself, being content with only his sketch book and himself. Avoiding social interactions while he draws away like he normally do, it's the best for him. Ever since he was framed by his so called "best friend" for arson he developed symptoms of Avoidant Personality Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder. Which didn't help when spending time in this prison called "Sunshine Institute for Troubled Teens". It feels likes a prison here but now he considers prison as his home. Disowned by his friends and family and no where to go outside of this institute, he has no other choice than to stay here and not bother escaping. He couldn't go back to his old life and live with seeing the disgust, pity and disappoint in people's eyes. Nor he had the social capability to start a new one. This is the unwanted fate that Alistair just had to accept.
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Alez pulled her grey jumper over her head, straightening it around her waist. Her red hair covered by the hood of the jumper, she walked into the courtyard sheepishly. Her blue eyes scanning the faces, no one really ringing a bell, she wondered towards one of the picnic tables nervously, dropping herself down into the seat. She rested her head in her arms, sleep did not come to her last night, an anxiety attack kept her up til all hours of the night.
Fluer continued outside to the courtyard finding nobody particularly interesting inside. She paid no attention to where she was going as she walked down the steps of the courtyard. She accidentally ran into someone who was drawing. "Oh.. Uhm, my bad." She stared awkwardly, unsure of her "apology".


"... No problem!" Edwin replies, unusually upbeat. "I don't think I've seen you before... uh, what's your name?" he says, closing his notebook for the first time in hours.

Fluer looked at the male with a raised eyebrow. She hasn't seen very many upbeat people around here. Then again she's rarely out of her room enough to. "Eh I try to stay in my room as much as possible since they fixed the window replacing it with cement..... But anyways the name is Fluer. How 'bout you?" She sat down next to him on the staircase. After sitting next to him she found out she was a little taller than the male and figured there was probably a slight age difference between the two.

Edwin Wilcox

"Makes sense, I guess. The lack of sunlight gets to me sometimes." Edwin replies. "By the way, I'm Edwin. Nice to meet you!" Ever so happy, yet still anxious, he decides he might want to make some friends sooner or later. "So, um, how long have you been here?" he questions.

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Fluer smiled. This guy wasnt too bad. "Ive been here a week. Tried to escape out my window, but they had an alarm." She laughed, thinking back on her attempt at an escape. "How long have you been here. And what did you do to get in here anyways?"

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"I've been here a week. And you've only tried to escape once? You have no clue how many locks are on my door." he replies happily. "And, well, I drew some inappropriate things on a blue Toyota Camry. The rest is history." He laughs shyly, yet a tad bit maniacally. "Oh, by the way, the security guy is an idiot." he whispers. "He takes a nap at about 5 in the morning, figuring anybody who wants to escape will have done it already. You have about fifteen minutes to get out of the building."


Archer Austin Savage

He sighed as he watched her walk off and looked at the boy she'd left. He decided to grow a pair and go over and talk to him "Are you new here?" he asked quietly as he'd not seen him around before. "Cool hair" he added as he looked down at the shorter male with a slight grin. He couldn't believe the amount of confidence he'd gained suddenly to talk to him but then again the new anxiety meds did help quite a bit.

@tomato modest​

"Better than usual," Edwin replies, laughing. "Hey, we're all mad here. No point in complaining." Edwin realizes he'd been holding the pencil like a knife and decides to put it in his pocket. He begins to hum "Bad Apple".

Fluer laughed imagining the things he drew on the truck then noticed the female who had approached them. "Oh its going just peachy. Y'know whats better than being around people crazy just like myself," she spoke in a sarcastic tone. She noticed the tune the male was humming and smiled. "I love that song," she turned her attention back to the female. "How 'bout you? What's you're name and how did you end up here?" She felt she was geting annoying and shut up waiting for the girl to answer.

@TekSodaKuri @Musicomar4
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Maranialovas Leighsten

Legs shifting to a sudden stop as she redhead closed her eyes to listen, in the background she could hear a song she had heard from the internet long ago, small conversations of nothing interesting only to find it all meaningless. Slowing lifting her back from the chilled concrete on which she had been laying Maria stretched her arms high above her head, her mouth producing an awfully vocal yawn. (That means that it was really loud.)

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"I feel you there!" Isla laughed. "Anything going on?" She smiled and looked around dramatically.


Edwin stops humming and begins to speak. "Not really," he replies calmly, "Just waiting for school to really start. I've only been here a month." he presses on, "How did you end up here, anyways? And what's your name? I haven't seen you here before either." Edwin, of course, decides not to mention the fact that he spent the first three weeks at The Sunshine Institute trying to escape.


Alistair intensily observes his self-made, A4 sketch book as his dainty, feminine left hand flows with his small, blunt HB pencil as it marks the paper; making a beautiful and inturcette sketch. Art is what keeps Alistair's anxiety levels at bay, it is the only thing that helps him to be exact. He uses art was an escapism to forget the school-like hell hole and bring him down to a calm, collective mental state. The young boy is a emotional and mental catastrophe he's not painting or drawing for a long period of time. The institute does noticed this observation but didn't act upon and provided him art supples due to their stigamised mentality of mental illness. Many personnels of the teaching and adminstrating staff came to the false conclusion that he was "only faking it and doing it for attention", the same defence on his false prosecution of arson. Consequently, the trans boy has to provide his own supplies. In which being a environment with no pobation and no finance, it's very difficult to achieve that task. Although Alistair is fortunate enough to achieve with the obstacles mentioned previously.

"Damn it, I'm running out of pages again," Alistair cursed quietly to himself as he realised that he was down to his last couple of pages of his hand made sketch book, ironically.

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Celeste was becoming tired of reading, since this was her last book that her hadn't read. Zoey and her had been talking of course, but Zoey said she would head off and that wasn't a problem for Celeste. She sighed, knowing that it was too good to be true anyways. She picked up her new notebook, that she tried to write in but couldn't cuz she was distracted, and took her almost finished, new book. She left her cozy and started to take a stroll around the courtyard.

People were playing games, or talking with each other or just trying to enjoy themselves in this hell hole. She saw a boy in the corner of the courtyard, looking like he was scribbling on his last page. She stopped her original path, and walked towards him. As she reached the boy, she decided to hand him her notebook, since he needed it more, and the institution could give her another one. "Here...Take it" she told him, softly but loud enough for him to hear.

Nicollas Kussen

After begging for the school employees to not try and introduce him to everyone, Nicollas walked over to the courtyard.

He seemed calm, his hands on his pockets, shoulders down, his hood over his eyes ; he wasn't trying to get attention at all while still trying to walk by looking at peoples feet.

Insert metal plate falling he had just done what he wasn't trying to.

At the moment, no alot of people looked but the ones that did made Nicollas feel horrible.

He continued walking until he saw an empty bench and sat there, for the first time he took his hood off and put it under his head as he laid down on the bench, staring at the sky.

Moments later he falls asleep.

Maranialovas Leighsten

Pulling herself to her bare feet, as she had abandoned her shoes somewhere in the courtyard where she could not remember, nor could she trouble herself with caring Marina stretcher her arms above her once more. Still humming the sinister tune of the phantom as she brushed off her pants, her face light up in a bright smile as she leaped up onto the concrete ledge silent in her movements excluding the vibrations of vocal cords.

Continuing to pad on, until a boy resting-- seeming to be sound asleep on a bench neighboring the path she chose to use came into view. A smile light her face as she leaned over the back of the bench, and within moments her own face was mere millimeters from his. One could tell her intense closeness due to the breeze caused by her sweet candy scented breath moving his hair slightly, breath that could explain her jittery hyped-up actions one moment then fluid calm the next.


(Sorry if this makes you uncomfortable ^^')

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Nicollas Kussen

Nicollas felt a breeze on his face, it wasn't much, but enough to wake him up.

He opens his right eye slightly, only to see a girl his age extremely close to his face.

Even though trying to keep it cool he started blushing, he finally opened his mouth and said.

"Hello..?" He had a certain sleepyness mixed in his already pretty low tone, but he hoped she'd hear it.

Maranialovas Leighsten

Smile widening a bit as she continued to observe his face, including the growing pink on his cheeks Maria contemplated screaming the lyrics 'Past the point of no return.' in his face, but rather settled for a simple "Hello." Her voice was neutral in tone as she continued to stare into his eyes. "You must be new," She paused a moment before nodding slightly the movement making their noses touch for a moment.

"I'm Maria, around here they call me-- Well I'm sure you'll figure that out sooner or later." She introduced herself before pressing her lips to his for a moment, pulling away moments later with a wink "Pleasure to meet you new guy." She smiled again still leaning on the back of the bench.


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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Nicollas Kussen</span></strong></p></div>




<span style="font-family:'Courier New';">Nicollas was blushing intensely, a moment later (after his brain catched up to what just happened)his face returned to his normal pale self and he said, a little louder this time.</span></p>

<p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

"</span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Nicollas, nice to meet you too"</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> He sat normally, trying to avoid headbutting her face.</span></p>

<p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

"</span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>So, what are you in for ?" </strong></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">He asked, now with a less sleepy voice. </span></p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11285-scheani/" data-mentionid="11285">@Scheani</a></p>
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