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Fantasy ~Welcome to the Family~



~Vibing along the cosmos~

Since the dawn of time, man has hunted the unknown. Enslaved rare creatures for one's entertainment, or simply to add to their collection; because of these cruel acts magical beings have become endangered forced to go into hiding as a survival tactic. Their years of disappearance claimed the magical beings extinct ending the rule of such creatures. The encounters hunters have made told stories for years to come. Those stories eventually turned into myths and transformed into fairy tales or in encyclopedia books. Fairy tales of which are still believed to some.

It's the modern day era and we magical beings have adapted to live amongst the humans with the lovely use of something called: magic. Alas, due to the witch hunts the aftermath has left these beings endangered and defenseless. Their haven being a hidden manor deep in the forest has become their true home until something is done. Such a crisis demands drastic measures in repopulating their species. Thus having the only option to mate a human. Not just any human, but one with ancestral witch/wizard power. This increases the chance of possible breeding. These lucky few have been invited to a masquerade ball. A ball of which no one has ever heard of until the moment the chosen have been delivered an invitation. A black invitation with gold engraving on the front:


Inside, the lettering red with fancy, white borders.

Dear to whom it may concern,

You have been encouragingly been invited to a ball of your dreams.

There will be plenty of participants, foods, drinks, music of your liking and more.

Requirements for entrance is your RSVP, a dress/tux and most importantly a mask.

It's not a masquerade ball without one now is it?

-------Sincerely, Chiodos

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Waking up a monster is never a good idea, as thought by humans for their "horrific appearance" automatically thinking they'd attack. While much is true, the actions of a monster are merely self defense and animalistic. If treated the right way you'll get a friendly response. If treated wrong, well that's pretty self explanatory. Death. The monsters taking refuge in the manor are anything but vicious if given the time to understand them. Hazel being the caretaker, and house mother has already done so creating a bond with these lovely beings. It was reminiscent to her days with her old family. On that note, mornings like these were always...unorthodox. Danger to awakening beasts as they are usually grumpy and hungry. For a witch like Hazel it's no problem whipping the lads in their proper place. A challenge of leadership is always welcomed, but not advised. A yawn escapes the woman's lips as she rose from her bed beginning her morning routine prior to awakening the others. Her mind prepped and ready for anything. The only remedy to her sleepy self is coffee. On cue, the helper spectral's (ghosts) did their part to serve Hazel her Hazelnut coffee. Ironic how it's her flavor and favorite tree often making jokes to the others like a lame mom. It brought a smile to her face knowing the "children" as she calls them, are like her own having raised some since birth or from a very young age. Each taught differently to suit their needs, but the values and their academics are the same.

As Hazel wandered down the hall, she made sure to knock on everyone's door to start their day. Today being their matchmaking day. The room closest to her's being Nathan's. As always she knocks three times on the wooden door announcing her presence before peeking her head in. "Good morning Pupper~!" She cooed earning a groan from the werewolf shifting under the covers. His white tail swaying once to inform her he's awake. "Time to rise and shine. It's a big day tonight. Everyone must practice their human acts before seven." She chirped. "Fine, fine." He grumbled waving his hand dismissively as if shooing her. Hazel chuckles at the grumpy pup. One thing about Nathan is, mornings were the one time he's absolutely calm. "Breakfast is in five minutes." And with that she closes the door leaving him to his business and onto the next one repeating herself to everyone of them.

After completing her job, she descends from large stairs and into the kitchen checking up on food crafted by the spectral helpers. Meats, blood, eggs, tea, coffee everything desired for the children. A spoon stuck out with a small amount of sauce on it. The snow haired witch tastes it for flavor. She hums inspecting the flavor required for perfection. "It needs a tinge more sugar." She advises flashing the invisible figure an 'ok' sign with her hand taking her leave of the kitchen and simply sitting herself at the dining table. A long sized table as every mansion usually does. Hazel sighs content waiting for everyone else to sit down and announce her plans for tonight. Coffee in one hand and book in the other. One suggested by April. She must admit every book she recommended was always amazing and wished the girl had the courage to write her book one day. Perhaps a push from a lover is all that is needed.

Valeria Ruiz
(Location: Flower shop>Park's Fountain)
"VALERIA!!!" A voice hollered jolting the girl up from her desk. "H-huh what?" She mumbled tiredly rubbing her eyes. "Sleeping on the job again girl? You missed like two customers. I had to attend them while I was in the back. You're sleep deprivation is bankrupting me woman." Her boss teased. "Sorry about that. It's been a long night." Alicia, Valeria's boss and best friend have been working together for three years. After high school, Valeria asked her best friend for a job. It was a risky shot since she also wanted to be a writer. Alicia knew the consequences, but gave it a shot. In the end it all worked out. Alicia's support helped Valeria succeed and on her first published boo, gave half to Alicia as thanks. Valeria didn't have the heart to leave. Plus she quite enjoyed her time in the day with her best friend and the beautifully arranged flowers. It's usually vacant giving the brunette time to write. Lately though, she has been unable to find inspiration for her new book. The endless nights of tossing and turning searching for anything as her fans wait the arrival of a new book. The pressure was on always leading her up to a nap to unwind in sweet bliss. The scent of flower, the greenery always soothed her like a lullaby which often lead to her sleeping on the job. Valeria's job maintained Alicia's business so she couldn't very well be upset with the girl. "Still haven't found that inspiration eh?" The brunette shakes her head. "Maybe you should take a vacation?" "This is my vacation. Some writers don't need one. They're always working on the go so it's redundant." She sighed. "Maybe what I need to do is change my perspective. My genera. I'm so used to realistic romance, I think I need to switch to fantasy. Maybe sci-fi? Sounds complex, but it might be what I'm looking for." "If that's what you believe. How will you obtain it?" Alicia asked tending to some Hibiscus. "There is only one way to find out." Valeria snatches her messenger back, and rushes out of the store. "Hey wait! Where are you going?" "To find inspiration!" She quoted earning a scoff from her boss.

There she sat. Laptop on lap, sitting at the fountain with very little people. Some pigeons and a vendor. Everywhere she looked, she searched for inspiration. Her page blank as nothing came up. The actions people made did not even strike her interest. A heavy sigh is exhaled. Head tipped up staring at the tall trees. Autumn is here with winter approaching in a few months. It's been a month since she's gotten anything. She hoped at least her love life is about to change if she met any cute guys at this ball. Her letter had already been sent with her RSVP. Maybe having a romantic interest will help give her something. For now all she could do is fumble in her thoughts. Frustrated.
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Illyria Tyber
Manor/ Tagged Pumpkid Pumpkid

The night was always a problem for Illyria ( his first name) where in the middle of the night to early morning before dusk he would casually sneak out of his bedroom to venture off with all forms of mischief, always avoiding hazel in the night so he doesent have to disturb her... and so he can fool around more elsewhere.

Some of the midnight activities he tends to enjoy while walking about in the middle of the night varies upon his moods that change , normally playing in the living room whenever he got happy he walked Over to the potted plants and started knawing on the leaves, it's a strange hobby but a chaotic one None the less. When he gets depressed he curls up on the couch and watches tv without sound to not disturb anyone and of course so he can put up these midnight activities more often ~

Unfortunately when he gets into his anger he tends to climb constantly to watch over like a gargoyle and knock over the potted plants... I gotta say there is something he has a secret disliking to those potted plants... reguardless other than that he necklace prevents him from the hideous crimes he does before. Sometimes he ventures elsewhere all around the silent halls as the only thing that can be heard in the dead of night is the quiet pitterpatter of his bare feet across the halls. From time to time he goes to the gym with all kinds of food he 'borrowed' from the kitchen and used to play pretend to try to appease his mind. At times of sophistication during the night he wanders off to the library and reads a good book at candlelight.

Either way he tends to always be the first to wake up because he doesent really sleep at night except very early nighttime.

As it has reached morning Illyria is in the kitchen on the kitchen counter pawing the potted plant playfully before he realized that Hazel was watching him wide awake " uhm..... I can't explain !" He squeaks before he gets up on both feet and scurries away to god knows where, bumping his head to the ceiling in the process " ow..." he mutters before his departure elsewhere

Location: Park | Mood: Nervous | Interacting with: N/A

The first notice came by email.

Sunghyon never thought much of putting up his email on his website. It was how he got work, after all; distressed and superstitious individuals sent messages claiming they’d seen ghosts. Some weren’t credible, of course, but others were. The tech he used didn’t lie.

What he didn’t expect to come through email was a letter. The moment he clicked open a message from an unknown sender, it popped up on his screen, its brilliant gold font almost dancing. A click on the pop-up revealed another message, this one embellished with red and white.

A masquerade ball? How unconventional. Sunghyon’s curiosity was piqued, his mind racing with questions. He didn’t know the person who signed the note, but he figured it didn’t matter. And yet, when he clicked out of it, the message vanished as if it was never there.

The physical copy came the next morning.

He opened his mailbox to find the letter there. Obtaining both the RSVP and the message, he knew he just couldn’t pass up this opportunity. Perhaps they were fellow ‘scientists’ such as himself and this was some way of getting to know each other. A strange way, yes, but weirdos had to stick together somehow, right?

Regardless, Sunghyon had already decided he would go. After scrounging up enough money for a suit, he hand-made himself a mask with splendid silver ornamentations. It wasn’t the fanciest thing out there, but being an artist, he had the skills to make it somewhat presentable. He hoped it would do.

A taxi was his mode of transportation seeing as he didn’t have any vehicle of his own. The location was a park quite a ways from the city. There was a splendid fountain in the center, the water spraying a faint mist around it. Quite a few people bustled about, but Sunghyon tried to ignore them, moving to sit at a bench with his messenger bag by his side. He’d only brought a few things with him: a camera, phone, some notebooks, and his laptop.

Speaking of laptops, there was a girl sat at the fountain’s edge with one. She seemed frustrated, which was an all too familiar feeling. Sunghyon acted up the same way when the blog posts he worked on weren’t going too well. He wondered what work she was doing. There was a certain air that followed fellow writers, so he knew she must be one. Journalist? Reporter?

If only he wasn’t too anxious to ask.

That was the thing with him. He couldn’t handle interaction very well. This whole masquerade deal was taking quite the toll on his already troubled mind. Tapping his foot, Sunghyon sighed and watched the condensation dissipate into the cold night air.

The plan was to have this night expand his socializing skills. He’d make a few friends, learn how to talk to them, and then leave after indulging in the food. That would probably be his limit if he didn’t drown in anxiety beforehand.
code by Ri.a
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Emma soon entered the dining room as well, smiling at Hazel as she went to coil up next to her (She doesn't typically like to use chairs, her tail makes them too uncomfortable) "Good morning, Hazel. How did you sleep?" She asked, her tail winding around underneath her to form a much more comfortable seat than the ones at the table.

Dining hall (Interacting: Pumpkid Pumpkid )

Tamara was sat at the park bench near the fountain, her laptop slung over her shoulder, secure in its bag while she held her phone in her hand. She was texting her sister, who was the one who convinced her to come to this ball she was invited to. What was bothering Tamara though was that she didn't know who had sent her the invitation. Even with CSEC's vast underground network, she couldn't find a single clue about who this 'Chiodos' was. No resources online, no secret servers with the information she needed, not even the address listed was giving her anything useful - Just this mansion in the middle of nowhere, with a deed signed by someone she couldn't find either. Of course, she couldn't tell any of these concerns to her sister, but she was still voicing her general unease.

She saw a couple of people arrive at the park nearby, but she disregarded them. No need to get involved with strangers if they didn't come to her first, after all.
Park (Nearby: Kipsy Kipsy Pumpkid Pumpkid )
William Veladreus
(Park/Fountain: Pumpkid Pumpkid Kipsy Kipsy LegoLad659 LegoLad659 )

William takes a deep sigh as he looks at himself in the mirror. Parties were definitely not his favourite thing to do to pass time but he literally has nothing else to do. Staring at his own violet eyes, he assesses his appearance, looking up and down his notes his black suit is vaguely Victorian. It wasn’t intentional on his part but it suits the style of the party, after all who throws a masquerade ball in this day and age? He places his bets that the building will also be Victorian styled. William checks to see if the purple vest underneath the suit jacket is in its proper place and straightens his matching purple tie. His takes his long brown hair into his hand and ties it up into a low ponytail with a purple ribbon. The outfit had been picked out for him by one of his servants, the maid practically squealed when she heard that it was a ‘super mysterious and possibly romantic masquerade ball’ in her words. She then kept nudging his side about the possibility of find a certain special someone before going on and muttering about find an outfit to match his strikingly violet eyes. William scowls at the memory, if she wasn’t so good at her job he’d send to work for one of his siblings.

His brow twitches when he checks the clock, his chauffeur was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago. What in the world is holding him up? He sharply exhales and places his hands on his hips while tapping his foot impatiently. The doorbell rang after another 3 minutes pass.

“Finally, that damn man is here. I swear to god if he makes another of those puns I will kick him out of my car and drive myself to this party.” William mutters to himself in a dark tone. Walking up to the door he glances at the mask he placed on the table next to exit. He grimaces before grabbing the object and places it on his face. Yanking open the door he sees his chauffeur grinning sheepishly at him.

“Sorry for the hold up traffic was really heavy.” The servant says still smiling in the face of William’s deep scowl.

“You are payed to not be late, are you sure that this profession is suited for you?” William irritably says, crossing his arms at the servants poor excuse.

“Haha,” The servant simply laughs off the harsh comment before replying,” well I guess instead of the early bird you’ll just be the on-time bir—“

“Finish that sentence and I’ll see to it that I don’t ever hear your voice again. We’re ending this conversation now. Lingering here longer will lower the chances of arriving early. Let’s go.” William cuts of servant and walks stiffly towards the car and gets into it. The chauffeur is quick to follow and hops into the car.

“You know we’re going to be late right? What’s all this about lowering the chances of being early?” The servant asks as he pulls out of the drive way.

“I refuse to arrive late so while you were dilly dallying in traffic I found a route that will get us there early. Now stop talking and pay attention to the road.” William says as he sets the route onto the GPS.

“Still a ray of sunshine ain’t ya? Dunno what Miranda was going on about you finding the love of your life at the ball. Cinderella much. Hmph, but maybe you really will find ‘The One’ and get married to a handsome prince. Can’t wait to see you in a wedding gown.” The chauffeur shoots William a grin that turns into a wince when he sees a dark scowl. “Right...shutting up now...” He awkwardly mumbles before going silent for the rest of the drive. They arrive early, surprising the driver, William gets out of the car and notices people gathering around the fountain. He pays the driver no further mind and walks towards the fountain observing everyone waiting.
Hiseki Naoru

Location: Water Fountain | Interacting with: N/A| Mentions: N/A

She let out a breathe of fresh air as she stepped out of the taxi drivers vehicle. She had asked them to drop her off next to the lively water fountain that was supposed to be located next to the secluded mansion somewhere. She couldn’t see anything from from where she was standing though. She turned her attention back to the taxi cab as she thanked and tipped the gracious driver. She walked away from the yellow car and headed her way over to the water fountain that she wanted to see. Unlike the company around her she didn’t take out a portable laptop. Instead she entertained herself by sticking a finger or two into the falling water. It felt cool and refreshing, and the rush of the water seemed to give her a wave of energy. Hiseki had a smile on her face as she turned her attention to the growing trees, and the blooming flowers. Everything around her was so vibrant it was a little sad most of the people around were looking at screens. Thinking of screens her phone buzzed. She opened it up to see a notification from her coworker telling her to relax and enjoy the day off. It was one of the few times Hiseki had asked to miss work so of course her friends paid no mind when they took her shift. She was hesitant to attend the ball at first, but with her coworkers edging her on she decided she’d RSVP. She was going to hopefully get to relax tonight and meet lovely people. Her job was wonderful and all, but being surrounded by kids all of the time was taxing on anybody.
code by Ri.a
April Chiodos
Pumpkid Pumpkid Lenny2000 Lenny2000 LegoLad659 LegoLad659
april gif 2.gif
Dreams had become a melancholy affair for April as of late. Visions which had been comprised of flowers and gold and warmth turned to pyres, thorns, and coldness. She was no stranger to sorrowful spectres, as her childhood days had been filled with nightmaries that preyed upon her sleep and caused her to run for Hazel's comfort. However, she knew these dreams were different. They were not caused by unbounded imagination or immature fancy, but the latest announcement Hazel had made. She understood the necessity involved with one day choosing a mate, and that the capacity for loving another could be wondrous; after all, Hazel and Vincent maintained such deep feelings for one another, that April wished to share a similar relationship when witnessing their bond. What really scared April was her own power. Would she be able to hold it in check as she grew older? And what of the multiple dangers she might pose to her beloved? These questions perpetually followed her dreams and actions, haunting her with all the negative outcomes which may occur.

She was awakened from the midst of this reverie by Hazel's voice, which had an airy, lilting quality which was somehow still grounded to her mature demeanor. April thought it really fit her, since there was something both light and deep about the caretaker. April loved the way she tended both her garden and her children, and held her up as her main role model. As Hazel's steps started heading away from April's door, she contemplated stopping Hazel and telling her of the latest visions she'd been receiving...but no, she couldn't do that. What if Hazel started blaming herself for them, or even worse, agreed that it might be too dangerous for April to enter into romance? Now, if April had dispelled all her morning cobwebs of thought, she would have known that Hazel would never say that. But as it currently stood, the dregs of sleepiness halted her mind from meeting this truer conclusion.

Lightly drawing back the cream-colored sheets, April pulled herself out of bed and then neatly folded her blankets and quilt before preparing to face the day. She liked to start the day with verifying the order around her, and twirled quickly around her room to make certain everything was in its place. The pots of chrysanthemum and tulips were on a white bench by the window, for exposure to sunlight. Blue and gold floral curtains were tied back for proper ventilation, and the dresses which stood by her closet were all perfectly pressed and arranged by color. The bowl of clean water and a fresh washcloth were still on her mirrored vanity, and she promptly washed her face before picking a pink dress with gold and green flowers to wear. Slipping on some flexible yellow flats, she carried the bowl out of the room to be washed and then left the room, happily skipping down the stairs. The memory of her harsh dream was fading away, as she focused more and more on the beauty that filled the morning. Each day started with light coming to meet the darkness, but the sunshine today was different. It was special, unique only to this moment, and she wouldn't waste a single second of the glorious daylight with pensive thoughts.

April gently placed her bowl in the sink, then gasped as Ilyria sped out of the kitchen. "Is he alright?" she asked, concern fluttering over her features as he bumped his head on the ceiling. She turned towards Hazel, wondering if she should pursue the chaos minor or stay to converse with Hazel. Excitement washed over her when she realized Hazel was reading the book she'd recommended; it was the Main Works of Flannery O'Connor, an author April had found to be filled with a kindred appreciation for nature and the beauty within it. However, since Emma had already begun to chat with the caretaker, April returned her thoughts to Ilyria.

Stepping outside of the kitchen, she wandered farther into the hall and called out for him. "Ilyria? Where are you, do you need ice for your head?"
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Hazel Chiodos
(Location: Dining table/ Tagged: Lenny2000 Lenny2000 LegoLad659 LegoLad659 Taraninja16 Taraninja16 )
Hazel sighs heavily after glaring at Illyria causing a mess. She knew he couldn't help it and needed much work which concerned her immensely for him to be mated. She will have to bring her entire focus on him before the ball. Her focus turns to a sweet voice that is Emma. She was quite difficult to others, but to Hazel she was a sweetheart. Her morning greeting brought a better mood to her. "Oh hello Emma. Good morning to you too. I slept just fine. Although Illyria's wandering about at night had me worried. I hope Bo had him under control over night." She thought about the last time she found Illyria out of bed. She had to use Camille tea. A strong dosage with magic to knock they hyperactive boy down. She shook the thoughts out of her head as food begins to be served by the Spectrals. Steaming, hot meals with lovely beverages of anyone's choosing to enjoy. A plate of waffles set in front of Hazel waiting for her to devour. The aroma so alluring she could just dive in and ask for a second plate. Unfortunately breakfast was never her favorite in the mornings. She usually felt nauseous taking a liking to fruits instead. "How was your sleep my dear? I hope you at least got a wink? I know everybody was ecstatic about the news of the ball." She pat the Lamia's head. She then heard April's question over Illyria. "I hope so. Would you be so kind as to fetch him?" She asked, yet it seemed April had already taken the liberty to do so.
Manor / tagged: Taraninja16 Taraninja16 Pumpkid Pumpkid

Illyria, still in his pajamas, continues to wander down the hall noticibly as he tries to wander off, one hand was rubbing his head as the other was over his Left eye.. he couldn't help himself back then but to react and react he did , bruising his head in the process and unknowingly making a dent in the ceiling in the process.

" I'm in trouble I'm in trouble ..." he murmurs to himself as tears from sadness and pain make his legs quiver as his voice trembles, "i-i-i-im fine-e-e.." a soft weeping down the hall can be echoed to April as he wanders off to the library . " it h-h-h-h-hurts" he stuttered as he does that sometimes but quickly changes emotions as his pain is nulled while a smile is stretched across his face the most pleasing and welcoming he can be

" today will be a great.........day.." he murmurs to himself as he wanders about in the library only to find himself in a end of a bookshelf. From there he seated himself down on the floor as he looks up to the windows as light starts to shine down upon his baggy tired eyes , his face atva soft warm smile as he raises his hand to the light only to doze off into a light sleep. The night wanders have made him very weary in the morning and occasionally fall asleep as his bruised head is the least of his problems ...
Emma nodded in response to Hazel's question about Illyria "Yeah. I hope he won't be attending the ball tonight, because things will get rough if he goes anywhere near the Humans." She said, with no small amount of disdain in her voice. She didn't like Illyria very much. He was so unpredictable, Emma could never quite get a lock on him, which constantly frustrated her.

Then Hazel asked about her own night, and she smiled again "Why of course. A Lamia doesn't let a silly thing like anxiety bother her, much less keep her up at night. I'm all good and prepared for the ball." She said, as she ate her own plate of bacon and ham. While she was capable of eating fruits technically, she'd always very much preferred meats, especially if they were raw. It made sense, as her diet when she was out in the wild often consisted of whole animals and nothing else.

Dining Hall (Interacting: Pumpkid Pumpkid )
Valeria Ruiz
(Location: Fountain/ Tagged: Kipsy Kipsy PyroMonomania PyroMonomania LegoLad659 LegoLad659 L3n L3n )

After pondering to herself with hear head still staring at the sky, she noticed several more others in suits. Some in dresses. Her brows furrow puzzled. "Is there a party happening somewhere?" She asked leaning to the girl next to her playing with the fountains water. It was weird that an adult is playing in the fountains waters, but then again most people don't often see one. She must be one who's always in solitude. While awaiting for a response she saw two other sitting at a bench opposite of each other with a bag holding a laptop? A prideful looking male with a ponytail as if he had a broom in corked in his butt. He was probably an uptight kind of guy with business to attend, but they all held similar expressions. They were waiting for something or someone. Hopefully she wasn't in the middle of some sort of drug deal or secret agent moment otherwise she'd bail the second she has the opportunity.
Hazel Chiodos
(Location: Dining table/ Tagged: LegoLad659 LegoLad659 )

Hazel frowned over Emma's opinion about Illyria's attending the ball. While that maybe the painful truth, she still believed in the guy to behave if he truly wanted a chance at love. He's been around for ages, and perhaps his nature will be able to change with a little love. She sure did. Hazel chuckled knowing how prideful the girl is when it came to herself. She was glad she could love herself but hope she could do the same for others. Emma was not the only concern. Everyone in the manor is a concern, but what pushed her through is faith all of them. They each held vulnerabilities and all had the same soft, gold heart as any beast. Trust and understanding is all it took to win a beast's loyalty. Speaking of taming a beast, entering the dinning hall with the scent of the outdoors is none other than Castiel. The raven haired werewolf reached on over in between Emma and Hazel for an apple. "There you are. Up for your morning training?" The brute grunts taking a bite of his green apple. Sour being his favorite treat. "You can say that. It was more like a parameter check." Hazel became worried as he spoke about their acres if it was intruded or not. "W-well. Do we have trouble on our hands?" Castiel takes a seat on the opposite side of her kicking up his feet on the table, leaning his chair back as he swallows his food. "Nah. The only pest around here was choas boy. Seems he ran out and came back in. Luckily no hunters have spotted him." The witch sighs in relief, but the fact remains, that anybody could break in while her guard is down. The barrier maybe strong, but it's not meant to shock anybody. Only alarm everyone of their presence. Cas notices the worry in the woman's eyes. "Relax, I'm on guard tonight with Vincent." "Don't you mean papa?" He glares at her shaking his head. "Like hell I need a dad." He grunts.
(Location: Hallway/ Tagged: Lenny2000 Lenny2000 Taraninja16 Taraninja16 )

Waking up for Nate was never an easy routine. He was like a lazy bear at first making it difficult for him to wake up. Various footsteps from his family members, confirmed his need to pick himself up. His first destination being the bathroom. After doing his business and dressing himself, he noticed April searching for someone. Illyria the trouble maker. Hazel often defends him not understanding how she could put up with him, but Cas made point that Illyria and him were no different. Both were childish in nature and thus affirming Hazel's kindness towards every being regardless of their nature. Recalling the memory, he sighs exhasperated before approaching the blonde girl. "Hey April. Lost something?" He asked. His smile beaming as is his usual demeanor. Always optimistic and willing to help.
Bo Ah Lam

Bo and sun did not mix. Literally. Bo and sun made ash. So she had - long ago - become a nocturnal creature to save her life. It had been hard in the beginning, but she managed to do so. Now she prowled at night, hunting in darkness and sleeping away the sun. It was in her nature now; ingrained into system.
So when Hazel said they needed to be up that morning, it didn't go over too well with Bo. She grumbled and cursed in every language she knew. There was a second, underlying reason as to why she slept away the days. Her powers were weaker. She thanked the sky above that it never messed with her complexion. She still looked as beautiful as ever even with zero sleep. She was just grumpy as all hell.
She left her room, dressed in a sweet pink dress and her hair down. She put on simple white flats and a matching headband. She walked downstairs, thankful for the thick black curtains blocking out the light. She smiled softly. Hazel always knew what to do. But because of her mood she walked right on by everyone and went straight for the blood. If she was going to be up this early in the morning she was going to be drinking some blood. She poured herself a glass and took a deep drink of it. She licked her lips, their pink color returning to them already. She smiled happily and sat down at the table, drinking her blood.​
Emma nodded to Castiel and Bo as they entered, smiling at the latter. As Hazel was already talking to Castiel, Emma slithered over to greet Bo "Good morning, Bo. You're up early." She joked, giggling.

Dining room (Interacting: Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 )

Tamara looked around at all the people gathering at the fountain, wondering if they were all headed to the same place she was. Of course, once the ball started she naturally wouldn't be able to tell either way. Her phone dinged, and she looked back down at it. She sighed as she saw the message from her sister. She wished she could tell her exactly why she was concerned, but that'd require explaining about CSEC, Hacknet, and... Well, lots of things that would put her in prison, most likely. So she just gave a simple answer back, trying to be optimistic like her. Who knows? Maybe she's right, and Tamara was just worrying over nothing.
The Party Girl
Aw, you're worrying too much! Just go and have fun, it'll be fine!
I guess. I'll try
Then she locked her phone and put it back in her pocket, looking at the other people again. She still didn't go out of her way to talk to any of them, though.

Park (Nearby: L3n L3n Pumpkid Pumpkid Kipsy Kipsy )
April Chiodos
Manor/Tagged: Pumpkid Pumpkid Lenny2000 Lenny2000

Cries of pain echoed down the hall toward April, making her eyes widen with alarm. Maybe he had hurt himself more than she thought...after all, he had dented the kitchen ceiling a little. She rushed back to the kitchen and grabbed a clean white cloth, then opened the refrigerator. The machine was a mix of modern and magical, as it retained a wooden exterior like the first prototypes of freezing equipment, but had all the utilities of a modern appliance, such as water dispensers and an icebox. April went to said icebox and took out seven small, cold ice cubes, wincing a little at the sting they gave her. Placing them in the middle of the cloth, she tied it up then went back into the hallway, almost knocking into Nathan in the process.

"Oh, good morning, Nathan!" April smiled, as it was always a pleasure to see the werewolf. His carefree nature seemed to perfectly put her at ease, and his sense of humor was enough to make her laugh on the cloudiest of days. In answer to his question, she replied "Not something, but someone. Ilyria might have hurt his head, so I grabbed some ice to help care for the wound." She held the ice wrap aloft, to show him the ice had been prepared. She then strained her ears and walked forwards a little, so that her form was just an inch past Nathan's, listening for any more cries from the chaos minor. At first, there were no distinguishable sounds besides the normal creaking a house of that age would make. But then she heard a solid, wooden Bam, as if someone had run into a library bookshelf. Turning towards Nathan, she asked "Care to accompany me?" And waited a bit for his response, before heading for the library of her own volition.

With a gentle pitter-pat, patter-pit, the sound of her footsteps followed April into the athenaeum. She looked left and right, searching out for Ilyria through the many tall tall shelves of books. She then spotted him curled up by the right side of the wall, seemingly sleeping under the window. April bit her lip, a bad habit of hers that she tended towards when in indecision. She didn't want to wake him up if he needed sleep, but she also wanted to help tend to his wound. After a few seconds' contemplation, she tiptoed towards him and cautiously shook his shoulder. "I'm sorry to wake you, Ilyria...but I have some ice for your head. Could you point out where exactly you bumped it?"
Illyria Tyber
Manor/ mentioned: Pumpkid Pumpkid Taraninja16 Taraninja16

Illyria's initial appeareance looks rather lifeless while he was sleeping , displaying a false image of being deceased as it can be both beneficial and also a problem Incase if some people worry and decide to bury him alive.

It was a good case this time that Illyria was sleeping gently instead of a deep sleep as a unknown entity has approached him. Unknown of appproaching entities normally meant to him that it's bad news like looters and bandits during his years adventuring which brings bad memories to tell another day but now there is something before him and has grabbed onto his shoulder

A jolt of electricity hits his brain to wake him up from the light sleep as instinctively he grabs her collar bone with one hand, easily having the strength to just move a few fingers to break the bones. with the other hand he grunts as a metal sharp shard protrudes past his skin on the bottom of his wrist as if a hidden blade that was inside him for god knows how long.

The blade breached his skin and veins as blood trickles down his arm as the sharp metal is against her neck , ready to kill out of justification of intruder disturbing him as he opens his eyes to look at her. His orange eyes , once opened are completely dialed wide and open before flexing the iris to a small dot like pupil, trying to get a good view of her as within a few seconds he recognizes her.... slightly " your um......." he snaps his fingers lightly to try to remember " April right?" He asks politely as he slowly takes the blade away from being close to her neck and lets go of her collar bone as he slides the metal shard back inside his wrist with a grunt of pain

" sorry back there.. you startled me a bit ..." he looks down as his cheeks form a small pink colored blush as he applies pressure to the wrist cut incision while looking back to her eyes, his pupils retracting back to normal as he stares intently at her , somehow as if he was looking into her memory and dreams ....

To hide any suspicion he looks away and starts to speak again "um... ice ... oh yea! On thé back of the head is where it hurts .." he laughs a bit as there is a noticeable bruise upon close inspection but his mania brings the joy to numb the pain.
(Location: Library/ Tagged: Lenny2000 Lenny2000 Taraninja16 Taraninja16 )
Nathan gives a toothy grin to April, agreeing to help. "Sure, lets go find him." April went on ahead without him already inspecting her surroundings. He did the same with his wolf ears peaking out to hear the rascal wandering about. So clear almost like being able to hear the smallest of details. From a drop of water, to a spider's shuffle. The sound of a slow beating heart alerts Nate, that Illyria is somewhere nearby. Once again, April has taken action leading him into the Library. A favorite spot to most, but for Nate it was just a haven for nerds. The two spot the chaotic male sleeping soundly, though he seem dead. If anyone had the ability to fake their death it would be this guy.

April took the initiative to wake up the lad and add ice to his head. Nate felt he should have taken it off her hands knowing how dangerous it is for a Tengu to even be around something which can extinguish her. The werewolf growled panicked by Illyria's defensive attack nearly killing the girl. His tail puffed upwards, eyes sharp ready to let loose and stop him from further movements. "Oi!" He growled only for it to be a false alarm. Illyria noticed April's presence as his secret weapon resides within his body. His grasp on the girl retracting as his demeanor switches to a shy one. Nate sighs with relief. "Thought you were about to slaughter April there old man." He teased. His gray irises land on the red head's collar noticing a trinket missing. "Where is your charm? You know you can't be without it. You didn't wander around on one of your siestas did you?"
Marshall Icarys
Location:: Basement - Dining Room | Mood:: Sleepy | Interaction:: Pumpkid Pumpkid

One thing he didn't enjoy about his room was that there were no windows. He always enjoyed looking out the bright cave entrance to the inviting sun and fluffy clouds but here, it was four walls and a roof. As he stayed the room started to accumulate ice leaving frosted over walls and jagged icicles sprouting out around the room. It was almost subzero, just the way he liked it. The tall raven stirred from his slumber recalling the day prior that their 'mother', as he liked to address her, requested that everyone be up early for breakfast. There was some ball happening at some point and everyone was to be in attendance. Highly social settings weren't exactly his thing but the dragon boy would do as he's beckoned.

Marshall left his basement den heading for the dining room to receive breakfast. He floated up the staircase, his wings flapping slowly behind him, and made his way down the hall. He wore nothing more than a pair of loose-fitting pants and fuzzy socks, something he liked about the human world because they were so soft on the feet, as he hovered about. The boy preferred wearing less clothes as that was what he was accustomed to but he was informed that others are not the same. They have this thing called 'indecency' and it was frowned upon to just walk around bare. Not wearing a shirt better exposed his wings and scales for it to move more freely.

A cold chill followed the sleepy dragon as he floated into the dining room while rubbing his tired eyes. His icy blue eyes scanned the room immediately going to Hazel's side for affections. "Good morning mother," Marshall rested his head against her shoulder nuzzling slightly against it before giving her kisses. It was easier to say she had imprinted upon him than anything else because he loved her dearly. He's never met his own mother, having been born alone, and never seen another dragon before. The first person to actually talk to him with kindness was Hazel so, therefore, he treated her as if she was his real mother. His stoic expression still present as he enjoyed the affections he received before taking a seat at the table for breakfast.

He sat silently eating a thicker portion of meat at the other end of the dinner table away from the others. The boy never talked to the others much choosing to mostly keep to himself, especially when April was around. The only one he talked to was his mother figure.

Novalie Polaris
Location:: Her penthouse apartment | Mood:: Relaxed - Lonely | Interaction:: N/A

Bright sunlight shone through her curtains and filled the room with warmth as Nova started to wake up. She stretched her arms for a bit before following her morning routines. Taking a shower, checking her phone and emails, then making breakfast. Since she was self-employed with her growing empire she didn't need to rush to work or conform to a schedule. "I need to hire a secretary..." She groaned reading through all the emails as she sipped her sugar-filled coffee. She looked back to the letter laid open on the counter remembering that she already sent in her reservation. A ball was an interesting event to attend, something she got to do often under more professional pretenses. Usually she was only invited to design outfits for celebrities rather than to attend one herself. Plus it provided the opportunity for her to mingle and gain more social skills. It was a gift from up above that she even had the chance to find love. Maybe this would be the place, maybe she would finally find that person to spend her life with here. Nova smiled looking down at the warm mug in her palms.

"Maybe I won't have to be so lonely anymore.." Her soft voice echoed throughout the spacious apartment solidifying her choice.
Last edited:
April Chiodos
Library/Tagged: Pumpkid Pumpkid Lenny2000 Lenny2000

"Huh?" April gasped as Ilyria suddenly grabbed her collar bone, her breathing constricted ever so slightly by his fingers and by the sudden shock of his actions. If she hadn't put on her hair clip, which was also her enchantment badge, there might have even been a few feathers or fire drifting around as a result of her swift change in emotion. However, she was able to fight down any case of panic, and with a deep breath, resumed a gentle smile towards him. Surely he was just taken aback by the sudden touch of her hand, and would calm down momentarily as she had.

Sure enough, once his orange eyes opened and he looked at her features, recognition fluttered in his eyes, and he removed his arm from her throat. April nodded at his question. "Yes, I'm April. Sorry again for disturbing you." She looked between both Nathan and Ilyria, grateful to both. She was glad Nathan waited before interceding, as she was certain that would have made Ilyria only more sensitive and self-conscious than he had been in the kitchen; and she was obviously happy that Ilyria hadn't sliced her neck. Though she didn't have the self-preservational instincts particular to Ilyria, she could understand his feelings of embarrassment and shame over letting their monstrous sides show. After all, her past actions had almost started a forest fire, so knocking over some potted dirt was small in comparison.

She noticed that Ilyria was staring at her intentedly, and bent her head to the side in a curious expression before he answered her earlier stated question. "Alright, try to hold still." she requested, bringing the ice-cloth to his wound and pressing it to the swollen bruise. She inhaled sharply as the coldness stung her again, and cast an apologetic look towards the chaos minor. "Um, I'm sorry to ask you this, since you just injured your hand...but could you hold the ice wrap? I can't handle it for long."
Hazel was startled by Marshall's sudden approach for affection as she was lost in thought. She chuckled petting the male. Cas glared at rhe dragon a little jealous, but he wouldn't admit it. Hazel was her own person and who was he to stand in the middle? That lesson had been learned years ago. Once Marshall took his seat, she felt it was time to gather the other three. If Nathan was up then he would herd the the rest to the dining room. She could feel their presence above them. So with a deep breath and two fingers in her mouth she whistled a tune loud enough for the pup to hear.

Nathan's ears perked turning to where the whistle would be. Hazel calling for the rest of the crew to gather. Being the excitable pup he is easily obeyed on command. "Looks like we have to get going. Come on!" The white werewolf pulled both bodies by their collar throwing April over his shoulder and carrying Illyria on the other under his arms. As quick as he is, Nate rushed out of the room, doen the hall, sprung on the stair rail and slid his way down and into the dinning room setting the two down in their seats. "Ta-da!" He chimed posing in his victory. Cas comes from behind and smacks hin upside the head. "Owe!" Nate winced rubbing the area. "Dork."

Hazel smiled dropping a sweart to the brother's antics. She stood up in her seat clearing her vocal cords. "I know this is unpresidented to you nocturnals and non morning risers, but this is an important meeting that declares attention and our use of the day is in need to prepare for our guests. You muat do your best to woo them for all of you to carry on your legacy. It would be a shame if I didn't get to give you happiness all because I placed you in solitary confinement. I would like to see the resemblance of your children as I see in all of you everyday since the moment I took you in. Losing you all would break my heart but time is inevitable. Therefore it is crucial that you do your best to bebave as humanly possible. We've worked hard everyday for this exact moment and I have faith that all of you are ready. Even a chaos boy like Illyria." Hazel smiles kindly towards said man. Everyone held doubts about his situation, but not Hazel. She made sure the people she chose are a perfect match meeting up to everyone's expectations even the most difficult. "As of today, you are to prepare yourself, refresh your memories if you have to for this ball. The spectrals will take up the ball room deaguising themselves as humans as to not scare our guests away. If you need help don't be afraid to lend each other a heloinf hand. Remember what I taught you. Stick together. Things will be rough, but bare with me. I know this will succeed." She stood back glancing at everyone one of them. "Now any questions?" She did not give time for them to answer for she was on a rush. "Good. For those of you whom are tired. Rest, but be ready as possible before seven tonight. The rest of you get ready. Assist each other. Cas will be your teacher while I handle Illyria." Her full attention now turns to the the red head. "You and I have a lot more work to do. Rifht after your nap and placing a lock on your charm. Come." She said gesturing him to follow.
Valeria Ruiz
(Location: Fountain>Home/ Tagged: Kipsy Kipsy L3n L3n PyroMonomania PyroMonomania LegoLad659 LegoLad659 )
There was a ping sound coming from Valeria's phone. A message sent to everyone which read:

Send New Email
New Email Received
Re: Masquerade ball
Thank you for arriving to your destination as asked. This confirms your desire ro attend the ball. Forgive us for precaution, but your true destination will be revealed in a second.

Val furrows her brows to the email and signed by the same host. To think these people needed precaution just to invite people? What kind of ball is this? It made the woman second guess about even going. What made it even more creepy is at the same time she recieved the e-mail so did everyone else their suits. Is everyone invited to the ball too? It's a relief she wasn't going alone but her curiousity peeked. She'd have to head home first and dress before attending. The ping from her phone rang once more. Directions to the manor have been revealed. Hopefully ir was true.

Send New Email
New Email Received
Re: Instructions
23567 Lucid Ave.
Follow the dirt path into the forest and the doors to the manor will be opened.
Thank you for your participation
Now it's certain the description is creepy, or perhaps these people were preparing for Halloween? It is the month of October. There was no time to waste. It's seven and the night is barely beginning as the sun starts to set. Val closed her laptop and took off to her apartment to prepare. As she scurried off, her attention turned towards the group of people whom may have gained the same email. Hopefully she wouldn't be alone.
April Chiodos
Manor/Tagged: Pumpkid Pumpkid Lenny2000 Lenny2000 LegoLad659 LegoLad659 thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6

Right as April took her hand off the ice wrap and allowed Ilyria to take hold of it, a sharp whistle was heard in the air. An inquisitive look took over her features, but it quickly changed to one of indignation as Nathan picked her up like a sack of potatoes. "I can walk, you dumb mutt!" she pouted, using the term 'mutt' as an affectionate jab rather than an insult. She crossed her arms, upset at being rashly jolted around by the werewolf, but at least the swift motion he propelled her with helped to heal her chilled fingers. She made an "Oof!" sound as he suddenly dropped her onto a seat, and she frowned before looking up at Hazel and the others.

Bo seemed rather content from her spot, where she was sipping some blood from a glass. Color filled the vampire's cheeks, and April gentilely bowed towards her in greeting. She was always so mature, that April felt a little intimidated by her...but she loved her nonetheless. She then turned to take in Emma, whose tale was curled around the table and floor. Emma was another person who made April feel slightly anxious, as her red eyes and hypnotic ways seemed to peer into the very depths of April's soul and thoroughly judge it's contents. She sent a polite wave Emma's way, and hoped she didn't come off as overly nervous.

Marshall and Castiel seemed to be present as well, which meant everyone had been awakened and brought to meet in the kitchen. Though this was a usual ocurrence in the household, there was a different air to this meeting than the ones which occurred daily. For Hazel had woken the nocturnal monsters as well, which meant today Hazel was going to announce the specifics of the ball, and the classes they would take to prepare. The same unease she had felt in her dream last night returned, and she cast her gaze down on the table as Hazel began to speak. Sure enough, she began with an explanation of the ball's importance, and stressed they be on their most human behavior as possible. This would be natural for someone like April, who had become accustomed to stifling her passions and using the enchantment clip. However, she was concerned about Ilyria, since this morning had already proved difficult for him. She was sure that once someone took the time to really understand and appreciate him, he would have no trouble; but first he needed to stay in one place.

April began to raise her hand when Hazel mentioned questions, then lowered it as the caretaker brusquely continued her speech. It was no important matter, but April wondered what type of outfit would be best to wear for a dance. Since she always wore dresses, nothing she had was really too casual, but they weren't fancy enough for a grand event either. As Hazel left the room with Ilyria, April made a quick note to seek her out and ask the question at a later point, after Castiel had finished teaching them their lessons.

Speaking of which, it was probably wise to begin those. Turning towards the black werewolf, she asked "Cas, what lessons will we be starting with?"

Location: Fountain | Mood: Nervous | Interacting with: Valeria | Mentions: Pumpkid Pumpkid L3n L3n PyroMonomania PyroMonomania LegoLad659 LegoLad659

There were others showing up just as fancily dressed as Sunghyon was. He watched them with interest, fiddling with the strap of his messenger bag. Were they going to the same party as well? Should he approach them, or was it best to keep to oneself?

He didn’t have much time to think, however, as a notification buzzed on his phone. Retrieving the device, he opened his email, surprised to see it was from the same unknown sender. Precautionary measures? That’s what this was? Not only was he weirded out, but he was also suspicious as hell.

Sunghyon looked up and stared at the fellow attendees. A wide array of people lay before his gaze, all of whom he knew nothing of. They were complete strangers. He guessed that meant this really was a way of getting to know people. But what for? The answer evaded him.

As the second message came in, excitement began to fill Sunghyon’s veins. Every breath he took filled him with eagerness, a raw sort of burn that was somehow so pleasant. It wasn’t often he felt this way. Sometimes, the mystery of a supposed haunted location had a similar impact, but nothing like this.

The girl from earlier, who still sat at the fountain, appeared to have received the same message. Sunghyon stood up, wrapping his arms around himself nervously. His feet plodded against the cobblestones of the center of the park as he made his way over to her.

“Have you got it too?” he asked, voice hushed and airy. “For the masquerade, I mean.” If not, he’d just made a complete fool of himself. Already he tensed up, the nerves reaching him with ease.
code by Ri.a

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