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Mitch felt like a dog being rewarded for a good trick when Hecter patted him on the head. "Thanks Hecter, but I don't know how much you can do to help me. I seem to be a nuisance to everyone I meet. I know you didn't mean that..." Mitch thought to himself, All you are is a nuisance… maybe you should just die to save any others from any more pain. Pity parties, those are your favorite right Mitch?
Hecter looked at Mitch "Your not a nuisance." He then looked at Surota "your right I got this give me a few minutes." Hecter jumped over the count and started cooking he looked yp from cooking "you two chat for a bir I'll be there in a little."

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Mitch folded his arms and looked at the wall. He didn't know what to talk about, and he didn't want to continue complaining, so he was going to wait for Surota to say something.
Surota was being filled with mixes of emotion ranging from hate, sympathy, regret, anything you could think of. She couldn't think of anything to say to someone who she had severely hurt/disappointed. "I-I'm s-sorry.." was the only thing that would escape her lips, hoping that she hasn't lost her first friend by a measly remark.

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Mitch looked back to her. His wall had melted, as usual. "Sorry for what Su? You don't need to apologize for anything. I'm sorry for snapping at you like that."
"B-but I hurt your feelings...Didn't I? And that was terribly wrong of me. I just-" Surota's words became quieter and quieter until they were just a mumble.

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"Here's yours food Surota, Sid, and Mitch" Hecter handed them their foods that they ordered.

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Mitch waved his hand in the air. "Bah. Yeah I overreacted a little, but it'll take a lot more than that to bring me down. Remember, I've had years of training building up defenses for sadness. Anyways, you were just focusing on the downfalls of having someone rely on you. I on the other hand was simply focusing on what I had missed. So we were both one sided in our thoughts I guess. Don't feel bad Su. It'll take more than that to break our friendship. Besides, who else could I turn to? This moron?" At the last sentence, Mitch gave Hecter a playful shove. "Oh, and thanks for the food. You better be a good cook." With that, Mitch started shoveling food into his face.
"Nope just waited till they took a break and im still paying them but eat up and tell me what you think."

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"Wow" She replied as she picked up a pair of chopsticks and tried her food. "Mmm! This is delicious!"

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"Hmph, do you guys have any manners?" She said as she straightened her back to keep an upright posture and continued eating.

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Abigail had just got done putting all the prepared veggies into the fridge as Jack came through the door. She spun on her heel when she heard the door close. She looked at him with wide eyes and ran towards him. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. "You're alright!".

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Jack was suprised considering he wasnt expecting to be hugged today.

"Yeah, why wouldnt I be? There some serial killer out there I dont know about?" He asked

He tossed the ham on the table and said as he sighed, "Im guessing you dont trust me to use the stove to cook this thing, so I guess from here its your haul."

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Mitch looked back across the table, they were all finished and waiting for him. He started shoveling the food in even faster, almost inhumanly so.

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