welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

"It would take a really skilled meister to wield you." Emory said, understanding why he didn't have one just yet. She wondered if there were any that were even skilled enough at the school... Shaking her head, she smiled at Mitch. "Not that I can say much since I'm a battle axe but sometimes sharp isn't the best... and trisection staffs are very fancy." She commented, grinning. "Right Zero?" She said, noticing her meister's smile which caused her's to widen... it had been too long (and really it hadn't even been a day).
"yeah seems really cool" zero laughed he was having a good time with this guy and oddly he could talk to him he wasn't afraid of this guy like the others
Mitch laughed slightly, more out of sarcasm than anything else. "Skilled? Really? Or do you mean more on the lines of non-existent. Well, of course I think I'm fancy, but no one else seems to. I mean, how hard can it be?" Here you go again Mitch, dragging down the conversation. I wish you would just grow up. Mitch shook his head and gave a sour, "Nevermind."
"Cheer up, Mitch. There's a meister out there for you!" Emory said cheerfully, playfully punching his arm. "So uh... you've kinda been standin' there... did you want to join us? I can getcha a burger or milkshake or whatever if you want." Emory said, smiling. She checked on Zero to see how he was doing, remembering his unease around other people, and couldn't help but grin at how comfortable he seemed. "Think we can find a meister for him, Zero? Man... I remember Dr. Stein can change his wavelength to fit any weapon... has he used you before, Mitch? I mean... he hasn't me and I'm glad cuz the guy kind of scares me but... there's at least that. Maybe you can get some practice in that way."
as soon as he had thought about how easy it was to talk to him ALL of his old emotions came flooding back what just happened how come I was confident and easy going a second and now I feel scared again zero lost eye contact with mitch and went under the table hiding behind emory for comfort what just happend
When Emory punched him in the arm, Mitch tried to stay strong and just shrug it off nonchalantly. Yet he ended up shrugging off the floor after he tripped backwards. Well that's embarrassing. You clumsy lout! Mitch shook his head, trying to swallow the little pride he had felt earlier. "I ate too much already. Although a milkshake does sound good… Dr. Stein? I'll keep him in mind. Eh, that rhymed. He doesn't sound very fun though. What's so scary about him?" Mitch simply finished staring at Zero's reaction. Was it something I said? Or ate?
"Zero?" Emory asked, turning to look at him. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder before turning back to Mitch. "Sorry about that punch, didn't think it'd impact you so much. I uh... don't know my own strength?" Emory said, trying to laugh it off when really she felt awful. For one her meister was reacting timidly, which confused her, and she had been messing around and accidentally hurt a fellow weapon. "You doing ok, Zero? And uh... as for Dr. Stein... dunno, just don't like him. I'll uh... order you a milkshake in a minute."
Mitch shrugged off the fall as best he could, though there was still a little limp. "Oh, it's fine. I'm just really… really clumsy." Mitch then sat down and laughed to himself, "Milkshake in a minute, sounds like some sort of business that I'd be interested in."

((OOC: I'm fading, so I have to go to sleep. Goodnight! and thanks!))
Emory couldn't help but smile... it was nice that Zero trusted her to protect him from whoever was bothering him at the moment. She wished she could help him with his confidence but at the same time... after seeing Guild... she'd rather much have Zero just as he was then ask for him to change. Afraid of moving from where she sat she called one of the patrons over and asked if they could get her a milkshake, offering a tip since usually you had to go up to the cashier. It all worked out in the end, Mitch having a shake in front of him and Emory happy to have Zero back... and making a new friend at the same time. "Milkshake in a Minute, huh?? I dunno... don't you know the three rules? You can never have something fast, cheap, and of good quality... so if milkshakes were made in a minute they'd have to be either really expensive or of poor quality. What do you think, Zero?"

(OOC: I actually learned that in art school recently. When making art you can get something done fast and it be of good quality but it's going to be pricey, you can get something done fast and it be of poor quality but it'll at least be cheap, or you could have something cheap and of good quality but it'll take awhile to be done. xD And g'night Michael :) Catcha later ...I think I'll get ot bed now, as well :) )
When Emory ordered the milkshake, Mitch was surprised. He didn't know she was actually going to go through with that. But he gratefully accepted and enjoyed the milkshake, though it did make him feel a little woozy. Mitch tried to think of something that didn't fit Emory's rule, but in the end he gave up. It was hurting his brain to think at the moment. "Yeah, I guess so. You're right."
( sorry I've been gone. Have done RL things going on )

Abigail scratched the back of her head awkwardly. "Uhm..heh, yea what was I thinking". She picked up the ham and walked into the kitchen to begin getting ready for the oven. After getting it in and setting the timer, Abigail walked into the living room and sat on the couch. "So everything went okay I assume?". She trusted Jack, but she also knew how people took in his appearance. She fiddled with her pant leg as she waited for his response.

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"Yeah, everything went fine. Only things that couldve gone better would be not being caught by the butcher, but that was no bother." Jack scratched hks head and sat down next to her as he told her what happened.

"At least its gonna be worth it and the ham will be good." He sighed to himself.

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Mitch finished his milkshake and put his hand on his stomach. He didn't feel the best anymore. Maybe I ate a little too much. "Eh… Thanks for the milkshake Emory. It was good. So what kind of weapon are you?"
"I'm a double bladed battle ax." Emory said, maybe a little proudly. She nodded at Mitch's thanks, grinning. "I may not have the finesse of a sword or the range of a gun but I feel like Zero is able to wield me in a way that allows me to do massive damage. Besides, axes work as good shields sometimes..." She added. When she had first found out she was an ax she was disappointed, feeling as if the weapon was ridiculous and clunky. But she'd come to terms with it after awhile- often having her video game characters battle with axes when she could.
Mitch blinked, "A-a double bladed battle axe? Wow, that actually sounds quite intimidating. At least yours is an effective weapon. My form is apparently really hard to master. Then when it is mastered, the user still has to be careful. On top of all that, my form will probably never kill anything. Yeah, it might look cool when used properly, but that's all it's good for."
"Anything can be lethal in the hands of a master." Emory said simply. "Sometimes I feel like the weapons that take longer to learn outstrip us weapons that can do damage even in the hands of an amateur. I just don't feel like looking pretty is all a tri-section staff would be good for... I can imagine it has a lot of uses." Emory said. She had done research into some of the older forms of weapons when she was first learning about her own weapon form, so she had come across a tri-section staff at some point... they could be dangerous... at least in her opinion. That and she wanted Mitch to feel a little better, considering he still didn't have a meister. "Hey, what about your soul resonance attack! I bet you could do massive damage with that, right? I mean.. not that you'd know what it is yet but... there's always that! Zero! We should try getting our souls to resonate sometime to see if we have some ultimate form of attack!"
Mitch looked up from the table to acknowledge what Emory was saying. "You think so? Soul resonance? Surota had mentioned that once. She said that we couldn't resonate. Well, hopefully I'll get a chance to find out… someday."
Emory had glanced back at Zero and had noticed a slight change in his expression when the name Surota was mentioned. Remembering her as the girl that had gotten in the middle of the spar, Emory shook her head. "You friends with Surota, then? Who is she, anyway? Zero... do you know anything about her, as well?"
Mitch was surprised at their reaction to Surota. "Yeah… we're friends. Well, she's really the first friend I've had in a long time. Since… Lilly" Mitch frowned and dropped his head, remembering his first best friend. What had happened to her? "Anyway… Surota's a new meister that came here around the same time I did.
Mitch's head drooped slightly. "I really liked her, but then, when I was letting her sleep in my dorm for the night… this guy named Hecter showed up. And now they're weapon and meister. So I took a back seat in that friendship… now I'm here."
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Suddenly, Mitch heard a loud noise from outside. He was startled and jumped, turning into his trisection staff. His flaming weapon form concluded to flop helplessly across the chair and knock the empty glass of his milkshake on the floor. Wow, thinking about Surota really makes you jumpy man.
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"Mitch, are you ok?" Emory asked uncertainly, looking over at Mitch curiously. "Did something happen Zero? Was I spacing or something and missed something? Mitch... well your form looks pretty cool. If I were a meister I would totally learn how to use a tri-section staff!"

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