welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

"yeah that's a lie I already know how much you love your weapon form" guild smiled he liked calling people out on lies he thought it was funny how he could see threw it so well
Emory's face turned red and she stared hard at the table, feeling ashamed that he had seen threw her. She felt rather foolish for even attempting to lie... Zero had seen threw her easily as well. "Well... just cuz I do doesn't mean I'll change for you." Emory said, staring defiantly at Guild.
guild sighed "fine don't but im pretty sure next time zero snaps the opponent wont wait till im here to kill him"
"I won't let anyone kill Zero. I can't promise to protect him from pain... but he's safe with me. It's my job as his weapon to give my life for him. I won't let anything happen to him." Emory said, speaking seriously- no enthusiasm or excitement in her words. She felt ashamed that he had had to call Guild at all... like it was her fault he had to do so. Logically, if he were a better meister, this wouldn't have happened... but Emory refused to blame Zero about this.
guild looked at her "and what happens if you cant" with that he closed his eyes and his hair went blond again and zero opened his eyes "emory where are we"
Emory stared at him, unable to say anything... what happened if she couldn't. Seeing his hair change color and catching on that this was the giveaway between him and Zero Emory felt her heart leap. "Zero!" She shouted, lunging at him and hugging him. "I'm so glad you're back!"
"Sorry." Emory replied, releasing him and sitting back down on the otherside of the booth. "I uh... well yeah, you kind of did. And uh, we're at a burger joint getting dinner."
Finding it only slightly strange that Zero and Guild had the same tastes, and making a mental note that that was Zero's favorite, Emory smiled. "Sorry if I psyched you out a bit. I uh... you've got something really powerful but really dangerous inside of you and when you get really scared it comes out... and so... I'm going to do better so that you have nothing to fear, ok?"
zero nodded as he took a bite "thanks emory" zero was pretty happy this was the 1st time in awhile since hes had this burger
"Yep!" Emory replied cheerfully. She was simultaneously over the moon and pretty depressed... it was fantastic that Zero was back but Guild's words were haunting her. It wasn't that she didn't have faith in herself, of course...but if she did fail then she'd be doing more than just failing Zero, she'd be allowing Guild back out into the world.
Mitch felt really full, so he just sat in his room for a while. However, once he had relaxed some of it off, Mitch got up, put on a baseball cap, threw on a hoodie, and headed out of his door. He was bored and wanted to unwind from the past couple of days' events. So much had happened and he hadn't made sense of it all. That's probably why he had become so emotional. He slipped his hands in the pouch pocket of his hoodie and strolled lazily down the sidewalk, staring only a few feet in front of him. He kicked small rocks and different junk along as he walked. What is my destiny? Who am I to become? Whatever it is, I'm determined to be the best there is. That's enough being the out man. I'm going to step up to the plate and do something amazing… for Lilly. An image of a beautiful blonde girl laughing happily at him resonated through his mind. It was Lilly, Mitch's first and only real true friend. She had disappeared three years earlier without a trace. Her parents set out search parties, they assumed she had been kidnapped. Mitch wasn't sure what to believe, but he didn't think she would just disappear without leaving him a note unless for some odd circumstance like that. He hoped she was still alive, and that she still remembered him. She was the only person who truly understood him. For so long he had just moped about after she went missing, trying to block it out of his mind. But he couldn't do it anymore. I'm going to be the best! He though, a fire growing in his eyes. He looked to his right and thought he noticed some people from earlier. Had he seen them before? Well there's one way to find out Mitch. Mitch walked into the burger shop where he had spotted them, walked up to their table and said, "I couldn't help but notice you guys while on my walk. I recognized you from before. I'm Mitch. I just wanted to say hi."
Emory was nodding happily at Zero when a voice out of nowhere startled her. Clutching at her heart but grinning over at the newcomer, Emory waved. "Hi Mitch! I recognize you from the infirmary! I'm Emory, and that over there is my Meister, Zero! You're a weapon too, right? It's a pleasure to meet you!"
Mitch accepted the hand. He felt out of his comfort zone, but he was determined to get rid of his nerves and step up to the plate. If he was to become the best, he needed to act like it. "Hey Emory, Zero," he started, nodding to Zero, "Well yeah, technically I'm a weapon. But I don't have a meister yet, so I'm trying to keep my options open. It's good to meet you too. But I've got to ask, what were you doing in the infirmary before? Was one of you hurt?"
"Uh... there was a bit of a mishap between Zero and I, and another pair Jack and Abigail. They challenged us... and things didn't go well and Zero got hurt." Emory replied, her enthusiasm dropping. She stared down at the table, feeling once again as if she had failed Zero.
zero looked at her with a smile "hey keep your chin up we fought well besides I think we really are ready for our 1st mission"
Mitch furrowed his brow, concerned. He had obviously struck a sore spot for Emory, and again he felt himself melting. "I-I'm sorry if I brought something bad up. If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine." But then he heard Zero speak and turned with a surprised look on his face. Then he leaned forward, putting his palms flat on the table. "Mission? What do you mean, mission? I feel really left out now."
zero looked up "oh well to earn money in this school you do mission on the request bord at the school you HAVE to have a partner to do them though"
Mitch let his head sink a little. "Oh." Then something new occurred to him and he looked up, inquisitive, "Money? Money for what? Is there any other way to earn money?"
"It's sad that you don't have a partner yet." Emory said. She was grateful for having Zero, even if Guild was tagging along as well. Even with the trouble with black blood Emory wouldn't want it any other way. "I hope you're able to find one soon so that you can join in on missions with us! What kind of weapon are you?"
"Right… get a job." That didn't sound as fun as missions did, and it definitely didn't appeal to his goals. How could he become the best without a partner? Or better yet, how could he find one? When Emory started speaking, she broke his deep thoughts. He looked up, a little startled, but not showing it. "Eh, what can you do? Right?" he started, adding in a little fake laugh to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal. But at the same time, he got his same old nervous twitch of scratching the back of his neck. "I hope so too. Yeah, missions sound fun. What kind of weapon? Oh, I'm nothing special, just a trisection staff. Nothing fancy… or sharp." The last words stuck with Mitch for a moment, remembering what Surota had said to him on the first day there.

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