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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Welcome to the Court of Fife

{Anime Picture Here}


{Answer Here|First, Middle, Last}


{Answer Here|Optional}


{Answer Here}


{Answer Here}


{Answer Here}


{Answer Here}


{Answer Here}

.:Home Country:.

{Answer Here}


{Answer Here|At least include four or five traits.}


{Answer Here|At Least 3}

.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.

{Answer Here|At Least 2}


{Answer Here|Optional}


{Answer Here|Optional}


{Answer Here|Is there anything else to know about your character?}

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  • 5e22d460bb7ed6733aac1c706901e1c8.jpg

    ? Name ?

    Randolph James Anamolsia

    ? Nickname{s} ?

    Ran {Unusual | Disliked} | Randy {Common | Liked} | Ran-Ran {Younger Siblings Only | Liked}

    ? Age ?


    ? Gender ?


    ? Sexuality ?

    Pansexual Panromantic

    ? Role ?

    Third Prince of Fife

    ? Betrothed ?

    Third Princess of Labelle

    ? Home Country ?


    ? Personality ?

    Adventurous | Charismatic | Attractive | Playful | Absentminded | Casual | Impersonal | Whimsical | Careless | Slow | Thoughtless | Perverse

    ? Hobbies/Likes/Loves ?

    Sex | People | Dancing | Parties | Dressing Up | Painting | Art | Sweets | Incense*

    ? Dislikes/Pet Peeves ?

    Sitting Still | Marriage | Vegetables | Boring Meetings

    ? Other ?

    He speaks Akari and Fife.

    He gets in trouble
    a lot.

    Despite being as young as he is, Randolph has quite the lust for people and often tricks them into thinking he's older than he actually is.

    *Incense is a narcotic commonly used as recreational drug. It has a similar effect of marijuana with more dangerous side effects.

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  • tumblr_static_73fawx5pgnc4gk0w8og4c0wco.jpg

    ? Name ?

    Alodie Marigold Anamolsia

    ? Nickname{s} ?

    Ally {Common | Neutral} | Lodie {Siblings Only | Liked} | The Princess of Hearts {Used By the People of Fife | Loved}

    ? Age ?


    ? Gender ?


    ? Sexuality ?

    Bisexual Biromantic

    ? Role ?

    First Princess of Fife

    ? Betrothed ?

    Second Prince of Alexandrus

    ? Home Country ?


    ? Personality ?

    Charming | Giving | Idealistic | Intelligent | Optimistic | Studious | Progressive | Proud | Outspoken | Aggressive | Arrogant | Blunt | Tense | Troublesome

    ? Hobbies/Likes/Loves ?

    Reading | Birds | Learning Languages | Horse-riding | Horses | Flowers | Meat | Potatoes | Tea | Helping People | Pranks | Her Siblings

    ? Dislikes/Pet Peeves ?

    Alcohol | Slavery | Sitting Still | Attending Royal Meetings

    ? Other ?

    She can speak the languages of each of the visiting countries, excluding Ekian.

    She helped her mother determine the most suitable candidates for her siblings, but is a little peeved at not being able to pick her own suitor.

    It should be noted that Alodie is incredibly fond of her siblings, especially Lark and Elise.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-2_21-22-35.png.dabbfdc40f5e25929195c598883d7cb4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131287" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-2_21-22-35.png.dabbfdc40f5e25929195c598883d7cb4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Gaius Albucius Silus










First Prince of Basilius


Second Daughter of Victoria

.:Home Country:.



~Black or white. For example, either he's extremely lazy or he wants to go box, or fight. No in between.~

very indecisive, especially for someone who is supposed to one day be in power.~

Loves to love. Flirt. Romance. Sleep with. All of it.~




surprisingly considerate.~

Selfish. Doesn't often make decisions, so when he knows what he wants or what he wants to do..he wants it. No way around it.~

~Very much a
contradiction. He's hard to predict.~


Beautiful people, Wrestling, Boxing, Board games, Chariot Races

Horses, Figs, Pork, Mulsum: A mix of wine and honey

.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.

Prudes, Gladiatorial Fighting, Philosophy , Mithridatium

Dancing, Animal abuse, Boring sex, Slave abuse


{Not sure if I'd like to include this. I think I'd like to build him in RP first before I make anything concrete?}




~Gaius is prone to wandering off to take a nap. ...Or naps~

~He hits on anyone be finds beautiful: male or female is irrelevant, so is rank~

~Loves to be hand fed food, especially by a lover~

~Very competitive, as long as it's in good fun~

~Fluent for the language of every country except Bao and Ekio.~

~Enjoys petting. Literally petting people.~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-2_21-50-8.png.b72c5396b63ca0467b7cea2713437186.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131293" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-2_21-50-8.png.b72c5396b63ca0467b7cea2713437186.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Caprice Luciana Crocetti


Her father calls her "My Little Raven". Those close to her call her Luci.








First Princess of Idoia


Fifth Son of Victoria

.:Home Country:.



~A bit daft.
Oblivious may be a more accurate description..~

Shy. Reserved.~

~Some describe her as
naïve. She considers herself optimistic, and hopeful.~


Spoiled. She isn't used to being told 'no'.~

Sensitive. Her feelings are easily hurt.~


Most types of art, Most vegetables, Cheese, Wine, Coffee, specifically espresso, fresh bread

Cooking, Snow, Reading, Watching people play Bocce, Fine Lace, Fancy Dresses

.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.

Overly hot weather, Snobs, Physical Exertion, Being told what to do, People who refuse to listen to reason/can't have a reasonable discussion when disagreeing, Organized crime, Drugs


{Going to wait to develop her history as well as Gaius'.}




~Caprice is absolutely petrified of spiders.~

~Loves to present others with gifts.~

~Black is her favorite color to wear. She thinks it compliments her dark hair and pale eyes.~

~Animal lover.~

~Often loses track of time when committed to one of her hobbies.~

~Fluent in the languages for Idoia, Valdis, Labelle, and Fife.~



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Thutmose Nastasen Matsimela


Thutmose the Red Cobra








Prince of Alexandrus


First Princess of Fife

.:Home Country:.



Haughty - Thutmose is an arrogant man, who, through his wealthy and privileged royal upbringing, truly believes that he is superior to all else, especially slaves, who are barely sub-human in his eyes.

Courteous - Despite his prejudices, Thutmose is an eloquently trained man. He knows how to behave and act in all situations of high society, who to be respectful to, how to appeal to the right people, and so on.

Short-tempered - When talking to "lesser beings", Thutmose can be demanding and quick to anger. His anger can be explosive at times, and it doesn't take much to send him over the edge.






His Family

.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.






Thutmose is the second child of the Great Pharaoh Minhotep of the House Matsimela.


His betrothed, obviously


Aside from his native language, Thutmose can fluently speak Fifan, and some Basiliusian.




Dirt Slug










Slave to the Prince of Alexandrus



.:Home Country:.



{Answer Here|At least include four or five traits.}


The great outdoors



.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.

Failing to obey the Masters



Dirt Slug remembers little of his real family, and has long forgotten the name his parents gave him at birth, for he was sold when he was very young. At the age of 25, he was sold to the royal House Matsimela, and has served them without question since.




Slug has a very limited grasp of the Fifan tongue, and much prefers to speak Alexandran
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  • ~ Name ~

    Xiǎoyǔ (小雨)

    ~ Nicknames ~

    Sasame | Rain | Yu | "The Philosopher"

    ~ Age ~


    ~ Gender ~


    ~ Sexuality ~

    " Is this related to my job? "

    ~ Role ~

    Slave to Fifth Prince of Bao

    ~ Home Country ~


Xiaoyu | 小雨


  • ~ Name ~

    Larkin Mikaelus Anamolsia

    ~ Nicknames ~

    Lark | Mike | Mika | "Little Tempest"

    ~ Age ~


    ~ Gender ~


    ~ Sexuality ~

    Ambiguous (as of yet)

    ~ Role ~

    Fourth Prince of Fife

    ~ Betrothed ~

    First Princess of Chrysos

    ~ Home Country ~


Larkin Mikaelus Anamolsia


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.b79894af7a2ecf5ada40705d7034b724.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131868" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.b79894af7a2ecf5ada40705d7034b724.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Haelgen is 5'11, with a rather muscular build, possessing few curves. She has blonde hair that is always rather roughly cut, as well as one grey eye, the left one missing due to a long scar cutting across her face. She is missing a chunk of flesh near the right side of her face, leaving her lips twisted into a permenant snarl and showing a bit more of her teeth and gums than anyone's lips ought to. Her features are hardly attractive, with a sharp, angular face, a crooked nose, and all of her scars, which decorate most of her body.

*cultural differences explained in other.


Haelgen Ogrisdottir * of the clan Vaegraat


Baersdottir Haelgen **








Second "Princess" (Baersdottir)

** of Valdis


Fourth Prince of Fife ***

.:Home Country:.



  • Prideful: Haelgen is independent and strong willed, and insists upon acting against all who insult her pride.
  • Dull: Haelgen is not the most educated, or politically skilled, although she is incredibly knowledgable when it comes to sailing and the art of it.
  • Thrill-seeker: Haelgen loves to do things that she views as exciting, constantly seeking enjoyment.
  • Violent: Violence is often Haelgen's first or second response to issues she faces. She has an incredibly short temper, but loves to fight. Over the years she has gained many scars, but in the eyes of her people, scars are badges of honor, and indicators of how many battles one has fought, instead of being viewed as "ugly".
  • Passionate: Haelgen is a woman of strong emotions. She loves as strongly as she hates.


  • Sailing
  • Exploring
  • Climbing
  • Fighting
  • The outdoors, especially the open sea
  • Drinking
  • Listening to sagas
  • Dancing
  • The blue of the ocean

.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.

  • Disloyalty
  • Cowardice
  • Arrogance
  • Restrictions of her freedom
  • Being inside for too long
  • Insults to her or her people
  • Formalities
  • Most other nations, but Labelle most of all. ****
  • Wine
  • Southern court dancing
  • Insults to her Gods
  • Horses. She is terrified of them.






Notes about the culture and history of Valdis, ETC (not entirely parallel with real life Vikings):

* The people of Valdis, (Valda singular, Valdae plural) do not have middle names or traditional family names. Valdaen surnames are based upon their parents names. Haelgen's father is Ogri, so her name is Haelgen Ogrisdottir, which is essentially Ogri's daughter.

**The Valdae do not have typical princesses or any sort of typical monarchy. The Baer is the king of the Valdae, but he is not born in the position. At the Baermoot, all the chieftains of the various Valdae clans gather to elect their next Baer after the death of the previous, the only rule being a prohibition of violence. Although being the son (Baersson)/daughter (Baersdottir) of the Baer is an honorable and powerful position, it is no garuntee that the holder of the title will be the next Baer. Baers can be male or female, but it is rare for a female to take the title, an occurance most often found in the sagas of the Valdae.

***Arranged Betrothal is not exactly an understood concept in the eyes of the Valdae. Valdae Women are not forced into marriage, meaning that both husband and wife must approve of one another, something which Haelgen is supposedly here to do. She knows nothing of the Fifan Prince, truth be told. In the grand scope of things, the current Baer could not care less about the political drama of the southern nations, as Valdis is not truly on that well of a diplomatic standpoint on any of them. However, Haelgen's curiosity lead her to make the voyage south anyways.

**** The Valdae consider the use of gunpowder weapons to be dishonorable and cowardly, something for which they despise the kingdom of Labelle, that and it's pompous aristocratic culture.

An additional note, is that although the Valdae are raiders and pirates, they are also craftspeople, artists, poets, merchants, and explorers, and arguably the best sailors on the world.



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@Nano you are accepted.

@Lorkhan You will be accepted as soon as you are finished.

@SirDerpingtonIV I only have two problems: A character is only supposed to be between the ages of 12 and 21, just to avoid huge age gaps and the image is supposed to be anime or at least, anime-esque.
MoriForestFire said:
@Nano you are accepted.
@Lorkhan You will be accepted as soon as you are finished.

@SirDerpingtonIV I only have two problems: A character is only supposed to be between the ages of 12 and 21, just to avoid huge age gaps and the image is supposed to be anime or at least, anime-esque.
Ah. That would answer my question of why all the prince/princesses seemed so damn young.

And on the topic of pictures, I am terrible at finding anime pictures to match my characters. Especially Viking girls.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Ah. That would answer my question of why all the prince/princesses seemed so damn young.
And on the topic of pictures, I am terrible at finding anime pictures to match my characters. Especially Viking girls.
The picture is fine. ^.^ You have a very good description. Just lower the age, if you will, please.
MoriForestFire said:
The picture is fine. ^.^ You have a very good description. Just lower the age, if you will, please.
Done! And thanks!

Also, all the fun (and mentally disturbing) things you can find by searching 'anime Viking girl'

Don't look unless you wanna see metal bikinis and REALLY weird shit.






Almyra Vivian Anamolsia


Allie{Family Only} Myra{Friends Or Family} The Gentle Princess{Towns People}








Second Princess of Fife


First Prince of Basilius

.:Home Country:.



Gentle ~ Myra tends to soft spoken toward animals, towns people, and people she doesn't know.

Kind ~ Myra is sweet to anyone and everyone she meets.

Stubborn ~ She refuses to back down from a fight or argument.

Strong Willed ~ She's got a will and opinion of her own.

Reserved ~ She knows when it is time to speak and when it's time to listen.

Loving ~ She loves unconditionally and with all that she is.

Creative and Imaginative ~ Myra adores art and does her best to create her own.

Possessive ~ What's her's is her's.

Tomboy ~ Myra tends to like more masculine things. Getting dirty is no problem for her.


She likes to play instruments or draw.

Animals are the way to her heart. Or food.

She likes to wander the woods when/if she can. {Outdoors in general too!!}

Lilies are her favorite flower.

She adores artwork.

Her favorite color is Silver or Midnight Blue.

Her siblings.

She loves deep conversation.

.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.

Rude People.

Spiders. {*hides*}


Being told what to do.

Being forced to do something.

Animal abuse.

Roses. {*eye roll* "Typical.."}

Being 'ladylike'.

Being treated like a child.


Due to her love of animals, Myra is a Vegan.

Unfortunately she's very allergic to cats.

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Hideyoshi Nakahara











Servant to Princess of Akari



.:Home Country:.



Hide is normally stone faced when he's around his princess he finds it unappropriated for himself to joke around her, but otherwise Hide is a dorky perv that loves to make people laugh. Hide cares deeply for the princess after spending so much time with her, although he only sees her as a younger sister. Although Hide may be a pro when it comes to flirting he's never actually touched a girl in a romantic way, sure he'll hug girl but it's never gone any further. Although Hide loves to joke around he's very serious when about his duties to the princess, he'll give up his life for her in a heartbeat. Hide is protective over those he cares about and he's extremely loyal. Although Hide is a decent man, he is known for being dishonorable on the battle field. Hide uses what ever tactics he deems necessary to quickly finish a battle, most of the time it's sneaky and his methods are looked down upon. Hide also tends to be rather secretive when people start asking questions about himself.


  • Animals
  • He has a secret soft spot for children
  • He loves anything strawberry

.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.

  • He absolutely loathes green peppers
  • Talking about his past
  • When people disrespect the princess


Hide always carries a katana with him, and he's very skilled.

Hide will do almost anything for anything strawberry.
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  • ~ Name ~

    Estellise Adalicia Anamolsia

    ~ Nicknames ~

    Elise | Stella | Ada | “Fife's Blue Rose” | “Nightingale”

    ~ Age ~


    ~ Gender ~


    ~ Sexuality ~


    ~ Role ~

    Third Princess of Fife

    ~ Betrothed ~

    Fifth Prince of Bao

    ~ Home Country ~


Estellise Adalicia Anamolsia


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/cooltext187471800944772.png.7ec0123897cfa450be51f4236ad68fec.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132472" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/cooltext187471800944772.png.7ec0123897cfa450be51f4236ad68fec.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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~ ✿✿❀✿✿ ~

Nickname: Bell

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight


Third Princess of Labelle


Randolph James Anamolsia

Home Country



Optimistic, Gentle, Multitalented, Influential, Carefree, Motherly, Comforting, Protective, Sweet, Affectionate, Stern, Playful, Naïve, Kind, Independent


Singing, Dancing, Daydreaming, Animals, Romance, Kindness, Happiness, Helping others

Dislikes/Pet Peeves

Cruelty, Darkness, Messes, Being alone, Perverts



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