Welcome to the Asylum

Charlotte immediately fell forward onto her knees to catch Raisa. She pulled the little girl into her arms, and was relieved that what he said was true- she was alive.

Charlie looked up to see the rebel dash out of the alleyway and into the storm. With a cry of frustration, she looked back down to Raisa. She cradled the little girls head in her arms, pulling her close.

"It'll be ok...it'll be ok..", she muttered. Charlotte had never been good at dealing with traumatic situations.

She looked up once more to see another man standing in the alleyway. He looked lost, and alone.

"Hey, if you have a car, can you drive us? It's a dire situation and... And I just really need to get this girl home. If you help, I promise to take you to a hot bowl of soup and a warm shower. You look like you could use it. Whaddya say, help a girl out?"

In truth, Charlie didn't need this man's help. She had seen a file with his name on it, and she recognized him. Of course, she also knew what happened when he touched people. Maybe it was sick for Charlotte to be thinking or bringing this man in when Raisa was so sick, but that's all she was. Bring them in, save them from people who would abuse them. All work, which meant all play for her.

Charlotte plastered a deep set frown into her face to make the scene more convincing- after all, she had a car parked down the block.
Lucina didn't want to go home quite yet, she decided to take a walk around town. She was going to get ice cream, she decided. She turned her head and saw two striking redheads, probably twins. She hadn't seen them around before. She thought she might as well give a warm welcome, or as warm a welcome Lucina could give at least. She approached them and spoke, "Hullo. I couldn't help but notice that I haven't seen you two around before. Are you new to the town or something?" She had few friends, so she thought it best to jump at this rare opportunity. "I'm Lucina," she said, and held out her hand for a handshake. "What are your names?"
Raven took a step back, his hands lowering as he looked over that the women. "I- I ah.. I don't have a car.. But.." He cut off looking behind him for a moment, droplets of water dripping down his face. "I know of a emergence care place.. Just there.." He pointed to a door across the alley. The door was rather nice, it's paint bright red with a screen door open wide besides it. He glance back her, watching her carefully. He always kept a safe distance from others, always careful not to let them come in contact. He gave the women a sweet smile, his head titling slightly as he waited for her.

He thought himself insane, stopping to help this women and child. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't just walk by. He had seen so much death in his life time, and so much hate, he didn't want to be the reason why someone died. So maybe even this little bit might help. He must have got tired of waiting, because he walked down the alley out into the street. His hands became re-tucked in his jacket as he headed for the door, carefully opening it and using his back to hold it in place. "Coming!?" He said, his soft voice once again bring drowned out by the rain.
Max shifted her gaze from the rain to the blonde girl in front of her, Lucina she said her name was. Max was taken aback by the girl but matched her smile all the same. "Um yeah, we're here for the summer. I'm Maxie, but Max is just fine. That's Remy," Max said pointing her thumb the girl beside her.

"Hi," Remy said.

"Does the rain not bother you?" Max asked. She refused to step out from the dry spot under the door frame of the restaurant. But this girl didn't seem to mind it at all.
Lucina laughed. "This seems odd, I'm sure. But rain is my absolute favorite weather. I can see you're being smart and staying dry. I'm sure I'll catch a cold or something later." She finished the sentence with another giggle. She must seem weird to them. But all the same, she had finally managed to talk to someone, which made her plenty happy enough. "What brings you here anyway?" She was curious as to what sort of person would want to come here of all places for vacation. Looking around, it wasn't a very impressive place. She turned her focus back to the girls and waited for their response.
"School!" Max said a bit too quickly, which earned her a look from her sister.

"We wanted to see what boarding school was like in America," Remy said more calmly than her twin. "The school here seemed nice so here we are." Remy twirled a lock of red hair as an idea came to her. She smiled. "Have you lived here long?" she asked. "We're looking for a certain location."

Max gave Remy a look that asked what she thought she was doing. In return Remy shot her a trust me look.
The girl called Max replied just a little too quickly. Probably lying, but honestly it wasn't Lucina's business anyways. She looked towards the girl named Remy. "I've lived here for a little while, yeah. What is it you're looking for?" She may or may not be able to help them out. She didn't go outside much, but she did have a basic understanding of where things were around town, so she might as well try to help them out as best as she possibly could.
"Well, a requirement for the school is that over the summer we compose a report to present in our English class. It needs to be about a mysterious and unknown place here in America. So we went on line and found reports on such a place in Kansas. But the thing is, we don't really know where it is. It's suppose to be a place where people with powers go to... well I don't really know. Get help I guess. It sounds like the perfect place to write about. Have you heard of it?"

Max suppressed an eye roll. This was never going to work. And what if Lucina started to suspect that they were the ones with powers? The Scottish teen moved her eyes to the road. Where was that taxi that she ordered?
Lucina's mind went blank for a second, and then filled with too many thoughts to process. People with powers? Like mine? If it even qualifies.... But regardless, that's awesome! I wonder if I could go there. She looked up and realized that she had taken waaay too long to answer. "I, um... I don't know it. But it sounds really cool!" She said, a little too enthusiastically. "Could I maybe... tag along with you? Sounds like a really awesome place. I'd like to see it, if it's really there..."
Charlotte looked back up at the man and narrowed her eyes slightly. It was a small gesture that was really only noticeable to herself. She knew that she couldn't let this man get away, she knew he had a useable sixth sense. She came to the conclusive decision that it was time to use her ability once more- she quickly took hold over his body.

"I was hoping to make this job easy, but I guess you've forced me to cheat. Come along", She spoke, as she lifted Raisa's body into her arms. Charlotte gave a small wave of her hand and forced this man's body to walk beside her. Charlie gave a small smile, knowing the frustration this man was facing. After all, he did just lose any control he had over his own body. It isn't a pleasant experienced. She was careful to have him walk at a small distance away from her so that there would be no contact between the two of them. They reached her car in a matter of 30 seconds.

She opened her car door, keeping her hold over the man. She set Raisa down in the back seat gently, then turned to face the man.

"I know you must be pretty angry at me right now, but don't try anything stupid. Generally I enjoy violence, so It would be a dangerous move for you to try and do anything to hurt me, Raisa, or to even try and get away. Don't think that just because I can't touch you means I won't hurt you- you can easily lay a harmful hand on yourself. I can easily make you lay that harmful hand. So, again, be smart pretty boy", she ended her stern warning with a small wink, then opened the car door for him. "Get in", she spoke with clear confidence.
Ravens eyes suddenly widened, his candid smile fading as his body stiffened. His eyes clenched together, his mind reeling. What was happening? His body moved on its own, his bones and flesh forcing him forward. His eyes showed frustration in front of her, yet the moment she looked away his candid smile returned. His eyes flickered over to her as she stopped by the car, opening the door and ordering him in. His eyes hid under his overly long bangs, his teeth grinding as his fist balled. His body moved once again on its own, forcing him to sit inside the car. His body drenched the car seat, his tight jaw moving to speak. "What are you doing!?... Who are you.. I don't understand.."

His voice stuttered, his body unwilling to move. He grunted, letting his head fall back against the back of the head rest. His head looked up at the roof, his neck stretched out as his face showed signs of struggling. He couldn't move. Is this why that other man reacted as he did? To escape this women's power? He coughed slightly, it was unclear if it was from his cold, soaked form, or his intense struggle against this women's power. Was she, like him?
minusultra said:
(Did Felix walk into the twins?)
(Yes actually but it's fine, I had to do alot of things before actually being allowed back here so that would have lead to nowhere! xD Anyway the actual post:)

Felix looked back into the couple he had bumped into and awkwardly apologised, noticing that through his chase he had disturbed some random by-standards who thought catching up was more important then getting out of the rain. Bringing himself up, he offered to help the couple but they declined. Mentally sighed, Felix left the scene. Through his consent turning round corners and his head, not only did he lose his stalker but also any sense of where in this town he was. So standing in the rain, lost and slowly getting hungry. Felix decided to try back tracking, not the best idea but he was sure he'd at least remember some of the buildings he rushed by.

It took time, but finally, at long last, Felix arrived back at the hotel he was staying in. Reaching for the door handle to the lobby, without thinking, Felix stretched out his hand and grabbed hold on the door handle to the hotel lobby. The all too familiar flash erupted in Felix's mind and the memories of this place started to flash before him. Slowly his body started to sink too unavoidably he fell to the floor. A few minutes passed and Felix opened his eyes and a small faint smile formed. He slowly got up, opened the door with his left hand and slowly slid in. As he was walking past the familiar monotonous voiced spoke up: "You okay, sir?" Turning his head, he looked at the man and the smile dropped. "You know, I have no idea what your name is..." Felix said, quite randomly. The man was confused by the statement. "It's..erm..Mark...sir."

"Mark...how brand." Felix walked up to the man and grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. "H-hey!"

"Listen here...Mark....I was standing out there, in the rain. Possibly having a heart attack and some bozo wouldn't get off his fat rear to at least drag me inside so I wouldn't have hypothermia on the same list! So to answer your question Mark, no...I'm not okay!" His voice grew in anger with every word till he was shouting at the man. But when he stopped his voice dropped back to normal. "I'm pretty much perfect." He let go of the man's shirt and walked up the stairs humming the tune of the main theme of Cave Story.
Once again, Max was taken aback by the girl. "We'll we don't know where the place is, or if it's even real for that matter--"

"But if you want to tag along you can," Remy cut in. "You can be like our very own tour guide. It'll be much easier to fine the place if we're with someone who knows the area."

"If it even exist," Max said to Remy. Then to Lucina. "Are you sure you can even come with us? Will your parents not be worried?" Max had watched enough American horror movies to know that the nice stranger who offered to show you around would most likely be the killer. And she was not dying any time soon.
Lucina nodded enthusiastically. "I'd be more than happy to help you find it. I don't think my parents would mind much. Do you have any general ideas of where it might be?" She was so excited. If this really was legit, she might find a place where she could actually fit in. She was eager to see the place, if it was even real. "Say, how'd you find out about this place anyway? I've lived here for a while and never heard anyone talk about it." Lucina found it odd that they'd know about something big like this, and she hadn't. She did live there after all. She would've thought someone would've mentioned it to her.
Julia slammed on the gas as soon as she was in the vehicle, jerking on the wheel and speeding out onto the road. Quickly, she pulled out her cell and scrolled through recent calls, stopping when she reached the one from Charlotte. She then plugged her phone into her stereo, pressing a button to switch to the device. A pleasant voice rang through the car, thick with a British accent. "Welcome. How may I provide service to you today, Julia?"

"Track location of last call," Julia said briskly, slamming on the brakes as she hit a red light. "Tracking..." said the voice, followed by an eerie beeping. After a few moments, the beeping stopped, and the voice spoke again. "Location found. Routing..." At last, a map of the location popped up on her phone's screen, and Julia sighed in relief, following the directions to a t. Once she arrived, she scanned the area for Charlotte, immediately spotting her with a man, a man Julia recognized. She pulled over and hopped out of the car, running over to the two, anxiously looking around for Raisa.

She also noticed that the man was under Charlotte's control, a fact that made her frown. Yes, her power was useful, but that did not mean Julia liked it. Looking closer, she identified the man as Raven, one of the many files piled on her desk. His ability? Taking life from others with just a touch. It was frightening, but Julia had dealt with similar situations before. "Charlotte, let him go," Julia ordered briskly, her voice stern, although not cruel, "That's an order, not an option."
"The internet," Max said simply like it should have been obvious. "Like I said, we were looking for unknown and mysterious places to research." Max smiled as a taxi pulled to a stop in front of them, finally. "We were going back to our hotel, it's not to far." The older twin frowned as she stepped out into the rain to get to the waiting car. Remy followed.

"This is going to be exciting," she said to Lucina as she slipped into the taxi after Max.
Naomi sat in her room in the asylum, finally sane again. She shut her eyes, and a few more tears trickled out.

(Ignore my last post..)
Clyde woke up, his mind so alert it was as if he'd never been asleep. He blinked, his head spinning a little. Hesitant, he sat up.

He'd been lying on the cold stone floor of his cell. His back ached and he cracked it as he stood, scanning the room. He wasn't surprised to see it in complete shambles. The bed was turned on its side against the wall; his small cupboard and his few possessions were scattered around the room as if a storm had taken place. Clyde chewed his tounge nervously. It was obvious what had happened. The Others had taken him last night. He must have had a nightmare. He began to straighten up his room. As he picked up a small notebook, he realized his hands were shaking. They must have had him just seconds ago.

He shuddered and fell back to the floor with a heavy thud. He'd wait for one or the leaders to come. He didn't trust himself to move. He curled into a ball, putting his head between his knees. He heard their voices whispering softly in his head. He shushed them softly and rocked back and fourth. There were tears in his eyes, but he felt nothing but emptiness. He could not let emotions take him...he could not let The Others take him
Charlotte narrowed her eyes at Julia. Julia was a wonderful leader, but sometimes Charlie thought her too soft. This man could take life with the touch of a hand. That sickened Charlotte, but what sickened her was that Julia ordered her to let him go. Raisa was in the car, mere feet away from him. If he touched her, she would be dead. Didn't Julia understand that her child's life was in even more danger if she let him go?

Even though she found Julia's order to be less than intelligent, she released her hold over the man.

"Do you find it wise to release him when Raisa is so close? You know what he can do. I do t know about you Julia, but I feel pretty uncomfortable having him so close to me without any kind of restraint."

Charlotte crossed her arms. She knew Julia didn't like her ability. It bothered her to know that; she didn't choose for this sixth sense. She didn't ask for this curse, but she had it anyways. This meant that she should use it. That's why she was a tracker, that's why she had such a high success rate. She could bring them in without too much violence, or at least when she was in a good mood she could.
Raven let out a large breath, almost as though her control had restricted his breathing. His hands slammed against dash-board, sounding a light thud. He took a moment to gather himself, looking at his hands, surprised they could suddenly move. He quickly scrambled out of the door, tripping on the gutter and slamming against the concrete. He quickly turned over scuttling desperately away from the strange women. The rain hit hard down upon them, his body soaked from head to toe.

"Who .. Who are you people.. How can you do that.. I couldn't move.. I could resist. And the water.. What's going on!" He seemed mighty pathetic in this state, his skin paled from the cold rain. He kept his distance from the women, his eyes darting to the side, daring to take off running. He didn't understand, how did they know about his curse? We're they here to kill him!? Where they here to use him!? He slowly leaned his back against the wall, using his rough hands to push himself up. His clothes clung to the wet building, his gaze moving over to the women who asked him to be released.

Ravens eyes widened at the women, his lips parting almost in surprise. She seemed so familiar. Like he had seen her before. Perhaps he had seen her on the street? Or maybe not. His skull pulsed with pain and he held his head. He let out a slight grunt, his eyes locking with hers. His mind told him to run, to escapee, but for some reason, he did not move. He couldn't. Was it this other women again? Or was it him?
Damien was slightly disappointed with himself for the route he chose to take. Then again, in the adrenaline infused state he was in, anyone would have made that choice. Damien had chosen to run out of town and into a wooded area. It was a stupid mistake. The rain was heavy, and he was lost in a forest. Yes, Damien had made a very stupid decision. He took a moment to collect his thoughts, and breathe. He sat down on the muddy forest floor and let out a small chuckle.

"Much too close. But hey, at least you got away, right ole chap?", he spoke, trying to soothe his racing heartbeat. He took in a deep breath, closed his eyes, and let it out slowly. He thought back on his beautiful, but dead wife and calmed down. Whenever things got too heated, he would think of her. Thinking of what happened to his beautiful, Beautiful wife made him remember that there was no time in the world to let panic get the best of him. There would never be enough time to make up for what happened to her. Not even eternity.

With a grunt, Damien pushed himself up. He started walking, but this time with a new purpose. He had to let the other rebels know what they were up against. He had to put another name on the list. The puppeteer.
"I understand that Charlotte," Julia said briskly, her gaze flickering to the man and then back. "But, has he tried to harm anyone? I believe not. If he does, then feel free to do whatever you need to protect those around him. Besides, the last thing we need is to lose yet another tracker. Most of our trackers are MIA or dead. Those we have left we need to go fetch fulcutas assigned to them. Ones who have control of their power and who's power won't kill someone with a touch. There's a reason I have not sent anyone after him yet. So, please, I'm asking you to stick with the assigned missions, and, if you receive a lead about one of the rebels, notify one of us immediately. Whether it be Alex, Ene, or I. From there, we will discuss it as quickly as possible and make a decision."

Giving Charlotte one last look, she turned to Raven, placing her hands on her hips and looking him up and down with narrowed eyes. Her body stiffened at his words, at the fact that he mentioned water. The way he said it was like someone had been controlling it. Unease settled in her stomach as she cast a worried glance to Raisa, gaze sweeping over her daughter's sleeping form. "I will explain everything, I swear. Just come with me as I make sure my daughter gets tended to." Her sharp gaze said something else though, telling him to keep his mouth shut about her daughter's power that she kept hidden from Imperium. "For now, all you need to know is that we're an organization meant to protect those with a connection to their sixth sense. People like us."
Raven took a shaking step forward, keeping at least a three feet distance from the women. He flinched at her glare, her eyes that told him to shut up. He gulped, nodding at her. He would follow her like she asked, his eyes weary and shaken. On the outside he looked like a scared child, lost, alone and frail. And nothing could tell you otherwise. He was the perfect actor, because beneath that shivering form, laid a darker existence. A man with a cool gaze, level head. His mind worked fast, creating plans and observations. This man who hide beneath his skin, was none other then Reventree, the leader of the rebels.

This was not exactly as he had planned. He had gotten caught on purpose. He wanted to be submitted. It would be much easier breaking out, then in. But it seems his plans have been interrupted. Not that he minded much, this women spiked his interest. A leader? Perhaps he should wait on his capture. After all, he found something much more interesting. He took a step forward to follow her, keeping his head low as to not make eye contact.
"So let me get this straight.. You would prefer that we bring in people with non-lethal powers before we take in people who can kill with a touch? For other trackers... sure, it could be difficult. But I can't get hurt. You know that. If the worst happens, I can stop them. Aren't we supposed to be saving people? Can you even imagine what would happen if the wrong people got their hands on him? People like my father? You know how I grew up. You knew what I lived through every single day, just because I was in the wrong hands of the people. I cannot even begin to tell you how many people died because of my sense. This man right here.. he needs to be saved. We can't let people like him be subjected to what I had to endure. They deserve better than that. So O.K. Julia, I will follow orders, but I want you to know that I am here to save people. I am capable of more and you know that. I don't want to spend all my time going after people who make flowers grow, when there are people like him who need to be saved"

Charlotte could feel the anger bubble up in her. She took a deep breath and exhaled, expelling much of her anger along with it.

"I'm going back to Imperium", she spoke flatly. Charlie turned on her heel, walking into the storm. She decided she would pick up her car later, she needed the walk.

Charlotte was completely devoted to the concept of Imperium. They saved Charlotte from her tortured life with her father. The only real reason she hadn't left yet to join the rebels was because she believed in helping people with senses. They needed someone to save them. It was more often than not that they were mistreated and abused. She wanted to be that savior, that hero who set them free.

She wasn't part of Imperium because of her devotion to the "company". She was part of Imperium because of her devotion to the facultas.

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