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Fandom Welcome to New Vegas, 6th State of the NCR

Nick nodded slowly, as he continued to formulate a plan. For the El Dorado Substation. "What kind of resistance can I expect at the El Dorado Substation? What sort of ordinance are they equipped with?" He asked, already aware that their defenses were laughable at best. Especially with his suit of Advanced Power Armour Mk II. The tesla coils would be of use, supercharging his plasma weapons. "Other than that, I think we're at an accord. Miss..." He said leaving the sentence open for her to finally fill in the blank on her name. As he awiated her response, Ideas for a possible stun device much like the Compliance Regulator his instructor used on him and his fellows, when they were still cadets, floating about in his mind. Perhaps i could modify the body of either a plasma pistol of even a laser pistol. There are a few Wattz 1000 models in the bunker. Perhaps if I replaced the LLED with a tesla coil or two and lower the amperage and up the voltage, I could fashion a literal stun gun... Next stop, the Bunker. Gotta drop off the supplies anyways. He thought going over possible designs. It would prove useful for the Twin pump stations. Can't kill'em, doesn't mean he couldn't make them writhe on the floor unable to move for a short time.
Lucy wasn't sure what to think when the junkies jumped at the goop that the woman scraped off of herself. She blinked a few times, making sure that she wasn't imagining it before turning to the woman. "What the hell is that stuff?! Why are they fighting over it like it's a vial of jet?!" Taking a closer look, more of that goop was starting to form on her skin. Mostly from the small holes in her chest and arms, but some of it ran from her head like sweat. She looked to the man beside her, wondering if the two knew each other.

The sounds of the junkies fighting was growing louder, two of them were throwing punches trying to keep the others away from the goop. If this kept up, NCR would probably come over to investigate the disturbance. If they found out that this woman could produce something that could drive these junkies crazy she would definitely be brought in for questioning, maybe even locked up for being a danger to the public. That, plus there was no telling if she would be dragged into it as well by association. "We should probably clear out, if we stay here the peacekeepers are going to come and take us in for questioning. The Wrangler should be good if you need a place to go."

Teh Frixz Teh Frixz , Kenshin772 Kenshin772
Snake's mind ran at about a million miles an hour trying to process what Stryf had just done and the fact that her body seemed to create a seemingly infinite supply of Buffout when she exerted herself "Who the hell did I get involved with?" His panic worn on his face as Stryf laughed at the Junkies as they torn each other apart. Snake's attention fixed on the newcomer and he started to open his mouth to speak but she beat him to it.

"We should probably clear out, if we stay here the peacekeepers are going to come and take us in for questioning. The Wrangler should be good if you need a place to go." The Woman suggested there was just one problem with that. "That" being the fact that there were two squads of NVPD troopers around the corner raiding some squatter's hideaway.

"That sounds like a plan especially since two squads of guys just started a raid around that corner not ten minutes ago" Snake inserted his key and started his bike up "Stryf you should hide somewhere I'll come back to read to you later, you can keep the rat you need the food more than I do" Snake gassed his bike a little and spun himself around and looked to the Tomboy "Sorry didn't catch your name," he asked knowing full well that she never gave it.

Teh Frixz Teh Frixz
Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin
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Nodding rapidly, Stryf looked excited but with a twinge of worry in her eye. Nate was leaving her but just for a little while. She’d get to be read to and she had food to eat, including the rat. He’d come back, sometimes they didn’t but maybe he would. Stryf kept nodding, enjoying the sound of the pretty bike.

Holding the rat she turns the the newcomer, eyeing her up and down. It was hard to tell what kind of person she was under the look of the wasteland. Good or bad, they tended to look the same. Painted faces, symbols and flags, willing to die for whatever cause they wanted. But good didn’t hurt because they could and the bad ones did.

“I’m Stryf...” she speaks out over the roar of the engine. “Do you want rat? I’m going to hide I think...Wrangle not safe..”

Kenshin772 Kenshin772
Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin
Gray closed her eyes for a moment to compose herself. He was without a doubt the singlemost infuriatingly nosy 'mercenary' she had ever had the displeasure to meet on this irradiated death world. Couldn't have been in the game long, else someone far more principled than she would've made damn sure to finally teach him to keep his mouth shut at the bottom of an early grave, for good. Opening them again, and regarding him in a new light, she answered all of his necessary questions as was promised. "Just standard issue N.C.R.A. infantry armaments. The fragmentation grenades they possess will be their greatest threat. In the unlikelihood they prepared any contingency in preparation for the possible end of their ceasefire and alliance with the local Mojave Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel, they may possess a limited number of anti power armor weaponry. As for the missions at hand, let me remind that neither discovery of any kind nor any sort of collateral damage will be acceptable when it pertains to your work at the two pump stations. And concerning the El Dorado Substation, it must be rendered totally irreparable. Let nothing remain that will be of use to them in the weeks and months to come."

Gesturing to a rock behind her as she looked down at her watch, she continued. "It's hollowed out, the rock there. Facing us there are three small finger sized indentations carved into it that you can leverage open. Inside, are two of the filters, eight explosive charges, and the latter's accompanying detonator. Take them, then go." She patiently waited for him to leave after taking the equipment, personally watching him depart, before ordering additional surveillance on the man, and heading to her old room at the Tops Casino to settle things.
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Captain Hood eyed his Employer suspiciously as he approached the hollowed out rock. Taking extra care, he carefully checked it for traps. This was for a few reasons, the first being that it showed he was careful and would not so foolishly go after the first thing that looked shiny without looking for traps. The second was because he didn't trust the woman. And third, he just really enjoyed annoying her. After about thirty seconds, the officer turned part-time merc nodded in satisfaction before carfully opening the hollowed out rock and retrieving the gear. After securing the filters and explosives, the Remnant made his way back to the bunker. He had parts to drop off and gear to collect.

Hours passed, and it was nearly dawn when the soldier made it to the bunker, taking extra precautions to cover his tracks and not be seen, he entered the high tech bunker. Upon entering he called out playfully. "LUCY~, I'M HOME~! And I bring parts!" he added making his way over to the small helipad where Marcus worked diligently on both merging and repairing the two craft. Carefully he set his pack down and unloaded the parts, getting a nod from his quiet friend and subordinate.
"These will do nicely Cap. Keep a look out for more parts. Perhaps check out the old Repcon launch facility near Novac. Might just give this project a needed upgrade, Sir." With that, the mechanic went back to work, installing the replacement parts.

Deciding to catch a few winks, Captain Hood made his way to the barracks. Sleep took the man quickly, and after six hours, he was ready to go. His next destination, the El Rey Motel. He had some stealth boys to collect

Pat Pat
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Another raid? Lucy knew that ever since the NCR set themselves up in the old Silver Rush building that they've been cracking down on junkies, but she though that the raids would do more harm than good. She's witnesses a person in withdrawal first hand from the few times she's helped out the followers, throwing them in a cell with all of the other junkies would only make the problem worse. It was like trying to stop an infection without treating the source, it's just going to keep coming back until you deal with it. Shaking her head, Lucy answered the man "Thanks for the heads up. The name's Lucy, Lucy Pyre. If you ever need a small job done then I'm your girl."

The woman spoke up, barely audible over the roar of the bike. While the Wrangler wasn't the best of places in Freeside, it still should be safe enough to hide out from the NCR. The Garrets could be trusted to not ask to many questions, although if push came to shove they might just give her up. "Shit, alright. If the Wrangler is out the Followers might take you in until the heat dies down. Just explain your," She paused for a second, not quite sure what to call the goop the woman produced "condition to Julie." The sounds of troops approaching had her curse under her breath as she turned to flee. "I'll be in Freeside until Dusk if you need help, just ask one of the King's men where to find me." Taking a light jog, she rushed past the scuffle on the road and made her way towards the Followers base of operations, the Old Mormon Fort.

Teh Frixz Teh Frixz , Kenshin772 Kenshin772
Taking a que from Lucy as she began jogging past the Junkies Snake turned to Stryf "I'll be back, just listen for my bike later tonight" he assured as he revved his engine and began riding down the road and past the Junkie brawl giving it's outer most members a wide berth as he did. Snake gave Lucy a wave as he rode past her and pointed to an open door and made a gun with his fingers and pretended to fire a weapon with a strong recoil before returning his hand to the handlebar.

With his warning made Snake banked left and rode down the main stretch of Northside to the entrance of Freeside proper. Snake pulled up along side the door to Freeside and slid the door open and walked his bike backwards a bit so he could clear the door entrance once inside he repeated the process with the second door and rode through into Freeside where the King's base flashed at him as if it was trying to coax him inside people more densely populated this area than Northside but it was still relatively impoverished just like the rest of the wasteland.

Following his earlier directions Snake made his way to the NVPD. A handful of troopers on break stood outside having a smoke eyed Snake cautiously as he pulled up to the curb next to the PD and shut off his bike "Afternoon fellas, I heard you boys had some bounties that need taken care of" Snake dismounted his bike and began off loading his weapons when one of the troopers spoke up behind him

"You don't need to completely disarm, just head in Captain Randall should be at the front desk" Snake spun around to see one trooper put out his smoke and walk inside the PD and the rest began to move on to get ready to begin a patrol. Snake didn't question the men due to break time clearly being over instead he followed in the door behind the first trooper who without a word pointed to a closed in counter at the back of the building before he went about helping a number of other troopers clear some of casino equipment off the main floor.

Snake needed no further instruction as he headed straight to the desk he was pointed to where a NCR Ranger sat behind it routing through some paper work groaning about how he got strapped with this desk jockey work. The Ranger looked up just as Snake reached the desk and he let out a sigh "Recruitment office won't be open for a couple weeks head to McCarren if you want to sign up" He drummed out before continuing to look through his desk work

Snake stood in place confused for a second before figuring out the the Captain must of thought he was coming in to sign up for the NCR Army "Uh no, Captain Randall? I'm here for the Bounties"

Randall flipped a page in his paper work before looking up to Snake and letting out an annoyed grunt "If you had come a year ago I'd be giving you my Randall and Associates speech before getting to business." Captain Randall sorted through his paperwork and pulled out a folder and slapped it on the counter between him and Snake "The first Bounty I need you to get after is an Ex-Ranger named Tom Quigley, he's rumored among the Dam Veterans as the best marksman in the Mojave, save for Courier Six. Apparently he recently contracted Syphilis and steadily began losing his fucking mind, and despite his abilities with a rifle he was drummed out of the Rangers eventually turning to banditry and murder to live. He's been hitting Brahmin caravans and travelers along the 95 from some where in the hills north of Black Mountain Radio Station"

Snake looked through the paperwork with the information of the bounty and he stopped Captain Randall at Black Mountain Radio Station, "Uh sorry you got a map I can use? preferably an annotated one."

Captain Randall looked at Snake like he was an invalid before letting out another sigh as he sorted through a handful of folders on his desk before producing a hand held map of the Mojave "This is normally for the patrols but if you're going to be doing bounties for me you'll need it; the troopers have it annotated with points of interest in addition to the roads, towns, and trade posts." Randall placed the map on the desk and pointed to the hills north of the Black Mountain Radio Station marker "This is the area we think he's operating in, a couple of patrols heading into that area to look for him took fire and had casualties, McCarren decided afterwards that Quigley was my problem to deal with hence why I'm giving you this job" Randall kick back in his seat letting Snake take the map "When you've completed the bounty bring me Quigley's trigger finger and I'll give you the reward"

Snake placed Quigley's files on the desk and leaned down onto the desk beside them "The reward which is?"

"It'd be 200 in the NCR's currency but you wasteland types still use Caps in most places so it'll be 200 Caps and whatever Quigley has on his corpse" Randall deadpanned in response to Snake's question

"Well that's fair I suppose" Snake stood up and turned around making for the door "I'll be back with good news Captain Randall, oh and a finger." Snake stepped out of the PD and mounted his bike, started the Engine immediately looking behind him to make sure Stryf wasn't about to pick up the back end of his bike again. Once he was sure Stryf wasn't going to interrupt him again Snake turned himself around and pulled out his map to figure out a path he had options, he could head for Sloan and head straight up the road to Black Mountain in Quigley's kill zone or he could head to the 188 trading post and work his way west through the hills in hopes of getting the drop on the Syphilitic nut case.

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