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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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"Harmony" the girl says as she lands "And when you're 500 years old you tend to learn a lot of things" she explains picking up the ball again "Of course no one would bother mentioning me because of who I am" she says and sighs, she had a bad reputation because of who she is, Melody had a good reputation, they were the complete opposite.

Name: Aiko

Location: Sports Field

Interaction: @Flame Demon

The boy gave a slight nod "Well the name's Aiko Odagiri, nice to see you" He smiles before supporting himself up and stretches his body cracking his back and neck. The boy then takes one of the ball on the field "Yeah It's not my thing I guess, not today at least" The ball rolled down from his palm and he proceeds to tuck his hands inside his pocket. Something which the girl shifted his attention back to her "Huh? Who you are?" He taps his chin "So what are you?" He aims the question hoping she won't be offended in anyway.
Abel nods"um...th...thank you,miss. Nunnally..."ans with that, he slipped ou the door.taking a breath in the hall, He quickly ran a sleeve across his eyes. Before heading for the gym.

After a trip to the restroom to calm down, he arrived at the class. He sighed, giving a look around. With a breath, he made his way to the bench, taking a seat at from every one, closing his eyes. No need to bother anyone...

@Anyone @Aio
"Surprised you don't know yet, I'm the most disliked goddess ever, the goddess of death" Harmony says tossing the ball into the hoop "Oh yeah, don't forget to practice, I'm going to my friend" she says and walks of, heading back to Melody who's sitting on the grass enjoying the sunlight "Where were you?" Melody asks and Harmony says "Basketball court" while sitting down next to her.

Name: Aiko

Location: Sports Field

Interaction: @Flame Demon

The boy's expression says it all surprised and amazed "Goddess of Death? I just played basketball with a Goddess of Death?" He thought to himself, the boy then waved at the girl saying "See you later" before heading towards a bench nearby resting his body and tried to catch his breath "That'll be a great conversation starter!" He muttered.
[QUOTE="Sayuri Tokage]Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei
Location : Physical Education

Interactions : @iChaotic

The twins had been lingering around the gym, talking amongst themselves like usual. Sairen turned her head, her eye immediately darting to the other set of twins who had just entered. Her face seemed to bighten up, though only her brother seemed to tell. He smiled and waved over the other pair. "Kiyoko, Ryoichi. Over here," he said, calling over the two. Embarrassed, Sairen looked away, averting her eyes from Ryoichi.

The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: PE

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage

Kiyoko grinned as Lairen called them over, this was an ample opportunity for them to show off their skills.
"Hey you two, fancy a game? Don't worry, we'll.. go easy on you." Kiyoko smirked. "Ain't that right Ryo?" She nudged her brother. Ryoichi knew Kiyoko wasn't going to go easy on Sairen and Lairen, she wanted to prove that the Arata twins are better than anyone else in this school. "Of course, you're new here. We can't be too hard on you two."

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iChaotic said:
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: PE

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage

Kiyoko grinned as Lairen called them over, this was an ample opportunity for them to show off their skills.
"Hey you two, fancy a game? Don't worry, we'll.. go easy on you." Kiyoko smirked. "Ain't that right Ryo?" She nudged her brother. Ryoichi knew Kiyoko wasn't going to go easy on Sairen and Lairen, she wanted to prove that the Arata twins are better than anyone else in this school. "Of course, you're new here. We can't be too hard on you two."

Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : Physical Education

Interactions @iChaotic

Lairen let out a chuckle, pulling a hand through his hair as he looked down on them, his eyes becoming serious. "Please, don't hold back. It wouldn't be a competition if you didn't," Lairen said, showing off his more competitive side. Both he and his sister stood confidently beside each other, the gym clothes showing their fit bodies. Lairen appeared to be more muscular than Ryoichi. The two were naturally beasts, their speed and strength were already above that of a normal humans and most likely theirs as well, but they'd have to find out.
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: PE

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage

"Well, if you insist Lairen." Ryoichi responded as he picked up a basketball from off of the floor. "Heads up Kiyo!" He called out as he threw the ball at his sister. Kiyoko managed to react just in time and caught the ball just before it hit her head.
"Don't throw the ball when you're warning me Ryo." She grunted in response. "Anyway, you two ready to be set an example of?" Kiyoko teased as she dribbled the ball around Sairen.

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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Physical Education

Currently/Location: Gym

Interaction: Aratorio

Tag: @Arubion Sivart

"Oh thanks," Moka said as she took the water bottle that was handed to her. Moka gave off a smile and she she took her cloth that she brought in and she dabbed it on her forehead trying to get all the sweat off of her,"Good game," Moka said to Aratorio as she put her hand out for a handshake. Moka was pretty shocked that she could still play basketball since it's been a while since she has played, probably a good 30 to 40 years.
Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : Physical Education

Interactions : @iChaotic

Sairen simply stared as Kiyoko circled her, dribbling the ball. She was simply thinking, concentrating on the sound of the basketball hitting the ground. Just as Kiyoko was circling around behind her, she swung her hand out at nearly blinding speed, which was her beastly side coming out. With her hand, she managed to swipe the ball just as it was supposed to be in Kiyoko's hand. Now with the ball in her grasps, she gave her a small smile. "We won't lose so easily," she said, her smile bright and innocent. Lairen watched as his sister did this, a proud feeling coming over him. His sister was faster than he was, but both were relatively quick. "Should we bet on something ? It'd be more fun that way," Lairen suggested with a shrug. "We'll even let you choose what to bet on."


Name: Ki

Location: P.E Class

Interaction: Ender, Raven, Amber

Tag: @The Endergod @The Unamed Beast @djinnamon

"Well, she looks like she's near her friend. Maybe it will be a bit mellower. Plus, we attempted to talk to her earlier. Maybe we could all play some competitive sport like basketball or maybe gather everyone for some dodgeball."

Ki wasn't very athletic. Sure, she had amazing reaction speed, making her a matrix-dodging beast, though just because you can react very well doesn't mean that you have amazing strength. It's the difference between being able to dodge bullets compared to being able to fight back against those bullets. Personal experience herself, too.

But maybe a game of dodgeball wouldn't be so bad. Looking around the court, she saw a variety of kids doing a variety, er, two sports, one having just ended. If she just nullifies the powers here, a good fair game of dodgeball couldn't possibly be that hard! She, just would have the inability to throw. But maybe she should just get the approval of her friend first. She would hate being forced to be in some dodgeball match, so she might as well take note of that.

None the less, she made her way over with Ender towards the two talking, particularly a timid looking Raven. Bringing her lower forearm up into the air with a wave, a lazy smile over her face. She took note of the girl who was also next to her on the bench, though something proportionally seemed to bother her. Might as well not look too into it.

"... hey. Sorry if we scared you off or anything like that. Mind if I-er, we chime in?"
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The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: PE

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage

Kiyoko scowled when she noticed the ball had disappeared from her hands. The fact Sairen had also smiled at her gave her the thought that Sairen was trying to make a fool out of her. She snatched the ball back and glared at Sairen.
"Fine, we agree to a bet. If me and Ryo win, you two have to be our 'slaves' for a week and if you and Sairen win; we'll be your slaves." Kiyoko snapped before spinning around and heading to the basketball court. "Sorry about my sister Sairen." Ryoichi said apologetically before following his sister. The twins had serious mood swings and could go from being cheerful to downright disrespectful and rude in a matter of seconds.


Ender Egotarum


Location: PE

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender's face brightened at the mention of dodgeball. "Man, I haven't played dodgeball in a long while. Did you know you can't play dodgeball in most schools these days?" He said as he got over to the two people talking on the bench alongside Ki.

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Name:Abel Night

Location: Gym


Abel let his eyes open, looking among the class. What, they were talking about dodgeball now? He shook his head. Right. He couldn't be to good. Probably out in the first few minutes. Of course he was small. Smaller target...

He chuckled at the thought,adjusting himself in his seat. Right. Flexing his hand, He looked around, then finally stood. Making his way across the gym, he found one to the balls that would be used,rolling it in his grip. Not to heavy. Probably sting if on bare skin but not as bad as a basket ball or soccerball. Huh....
Name: Harmony Angelique Black & Melody Rosemary Blake

Location: Gym

Interaction: Anyone wanna talk to my characters?

Melody's ear perk up upon hearing the word dodge ball "I'm not playing" Harmony says, but she's pulled up and dragged along anyway "Let me go" Harmony says and Melody smiles "Nope, not happening" she says making her friend glare at her.
Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : Physical Education

Interactions : @iChaotic

Sairen looked to her brother, her eyes blank after Kiyoko snapped at her. Lairen could tell she was a bit shaken up at the drastic change in attitude from the other girl, but he didn't seem to mind. It just made them all the more interesting. He ruffled his sisters hair and they both followed after the other two. "So, this'll be fun," he said to his sister, who had tied up her hair to reveal her nape. "No holding back, Lai," Sairen stated, tightening her ponytail. "Same goes for you, Sai." With that, the two prepared to start.
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: PE

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage

"We start." Kiyoko said before she starting dribbling towards them. Kiyoko didn't plan on playing fair, and Ryoichi knew this. He didn't want to be an asshole to Sairen and Lairen; they seemed like good people after all but once his sister was in one of those moods, well, it's not easy to get her out of it. Kiyoko headed towards Sairen before suddenly shouting "Oh god, who's that over there?!" And spinning round Sairen she shot for the 3 pointer but it hit the rim. "Damn it." She said under her breath.

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Name: Abel Night


Interaction: @Flame Demon

Abel gave a sigh, and tossed the ball aside, beginning to walk the area. He eventually came across one girl dragging another. He couldn't help but smile at the reluctance of the draggee. He stopped for a moment, watching the spectacle quietly, before looking back to the group planning the game.

"At least I'm not the only one who is against it..."
Harmony keeps glaring at Melody who finally lets her go "Fine" she mumbles and Harmony walks to the basketball court to watch "I hate it when people don't play fair" she says walks on, wondering what she could do.

Amber decided to stay on the side lines and be a cheer leader. " Go Sairen Go. " He called before he did three back hands springs , a cartwheel before landing in a split.

@iChaotic @Sayuri Tokage
Name: Abel Night

Location: gym

Interaction: @Flame Demon

He watched her go, seeing the other run off.He stepped over"mind if I take up your time? Not to popular you see, and obviously not the most athletic..."
Harmony looks at Abel "Sure" she mumbles and walks on, wondering if there was something to do, she could also just skip PE in the first place.

Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : Physical Education

Interactions : @iChaotic

Being a rather gullible person at times, Sairen looked when Kiyoko exclaimed about an apparently nonexistent person. When she looked back, Kiyoko had fortunately missed her shot. Her attention was drawn by a voice who seemed to be cheering for her and as she looked over, it was a friend of Moka's from earlier. She gave him a small wave before looking to her brother, both giving the other a nod. Words weren't needed for them to communicate. They both understood what to do. Lairen took the ball as it rebounded off the rim of the hoop and held it close to him, looking for his sister.

(Tbh, sports roleplaying is a pain. There's so many things that can happen in between and it's just ;asidhfklh ;- ;)
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[QUOTE="Sayuri Tokage]Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei
Location : Physical Education

Interactions : @iChaotic

Being a rather gullible person at times, Sairen looked when Kiyoko exclaimed about an apparently nonexistent person. When she looked back, Kiyoko had fortunately missed her shot. Her attention was drawn by a voice who seemed to be cheering for her and as she looked over, it was a friend of Moka's from earlier. She gave him a small wave before looking to her brother, both giving the other a nod. Words weren't needed for them to communicate. They both understood what to do. Lairen took the ball as it rebounded off the rim of the hoop and held it close to him, looking for his sister.

(Tbh, sports roleplaying is a pain. There's so many things that can happen in between and it's just ;asidhfklh ;- ;)

(How would you like to sort out who wins?)
iChaotic said:
(How would you like to sort out who wins?)
(I'm fine with either outcome. Or perhaps they could end up in a draw? Whatever you'd like. If either were to lose though, I'd rather have their scores be at least close.)

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