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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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  • Uh.. No.

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iChaotic said:
(How would you like to sort out who wins?)
( Suggestion: Use dices rolls and the person with the higher number wins. Depending on how far apart the numbers are make the match according to that so Example:

If the numbers are less than five numbers apart make the match a close match

If the numbers are 5-10 numbers apart make it normal

And if the numbers are more than ten make it a smack down )

@Sayuri Tokage
Name: Abel Night

Location: gym

Interaction: @Flame Demon

Abel was quick to follow. He was several inches shorter.but that didn't seem to phase him" not your kind of class,huh?"
"Not really, not the fact I'm not athletic though, people dislike me" Harmony says while stretching, anyone who'd see her now would e surprised that she has a lot of muscles, but that's one of the reasons she dislike PE.

Name: Abel Night

Location: gym

Interaction: @Flame Demon

He nodded. "Mmm. I get it. I think people don't care for my company much either..." He chuckled at his words"can't blame them. Who would want to be friends with me?"
djinnamon said:
( Suggestion: Use dices rolls and the person with the higher number wins. Depending on how far apart the numbers are make the match according to that so Example:
If the numbers are less than five numbers apart make the match a close match

If the numbers are 5-10 numbers apart make it normal

And if the numbers are more than ten make it a smack down )

@Sayuri Tokage
(Want to do that? Or shall we just call it a draw?)
Harmony looks at him "If they don't know you they have no reason to judge you" she says and glances at the large group "What's fun about dodgeball anyway?"

The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: PE

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage

Kiyoko wheezed as she leaned against the court's fence. "Y-you two are actually p-pretty good." Kiyoko just managed to say as she wiped her forehead with her hand. She had underestimated them and she really wish she didn't, maybe she could have been more prepared for the match. Kiyoko really didn't have the athletic body Sairen had and she was slightly envious of her for it. "God, I really need to get into shape." Kiyoko sighed as she wafted cold air into her face using her hand. Ryoichi on the other hand was fine and could go for at least another hour without feeling anything. "So, it was a draw. I underestimated you, Sairen and Lairen; you two play well." Ryoichi smiled.

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Name: Abel Night

Location: gym

Interaction: @Flame Demon

He didn't respond to her comment, before shrugging" you get hit in the face,sent off the field, and rely on a team mate to get you back in. I don't see the entertainment in it..."He shakes his head,watching them.
Harmony nods "Yeah, it's boring" she says and adds "I'm thinking of getting something to eat instead of hanging around here, there's no teacher here that can scold us anyway"

Name: Abel Night

Location: gym

Interaction: @Flame Demon

He looks to her,cocking his head to one side" is that you letting me tag along?" He asked,looking back to the group
Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : Physical Education

Interactions : @iChaotic

Sairen and Lairen were both still in pretty good shape. This wasn't much of a workout compared to their usual routine, but they did manage to break a sweat. Sairen walked over to Kiyoko, fanning her with her hands frantically. She seemed pretty worn out, unlike herself, all thanks to her brother. When the two of them wandered around, Lairen made sure she trained until she couldn't move at the end of the day. Just thinking about it brought up painful memories, but the benefits definitely outweighed the pain. "Yeah, you guys were pretty good too. It was a fun game," Lairen said, putting his hand out to Ryoichi for a handshake. Sairen did the same for Kiyoko. "Good game," she said simply, flashing a brief smile.
Name: Aiko

Location: Gym

Interaction: Anyone

After a few minutes of another dozing off, the young student woke up and realized that he had spent quite a long time for resting, instead of doing any physical activity. The boy stands up and starts stretching his back making cracking sounds and noises. He tucks both of his hands inside his pocket and started walking around the place sticking his finger inside his nose wondering if there's a sport that sparks his interest.
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Name: Abel Night

Location: gym

Interaction: @Flame Demon

He turned and followed after, folding his hands behind his back. "So...I didn't get your name."he mumbled, looking about the halls
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: PE

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage

Ryoichi shook his hand. "Indeed it was. I wouldn't mind doing it again sometime, not sure about Kiyoko though." He chuckled as he took a quick glance at his sister. Kiyoko shook Sairen's hand also.
"Y-yea, good g-game. I'm, um, sorry I snapped at you." Kiyoko muttered as she looked to the ground. This was also something that really frustrated Kiyoko - her mood swings. She really struggles to keep her emotions under control but is afraid to admit it, that's something you won't hear off the Arata twins; being afraid to say something.

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The bell has rung, all students make way to the changing area (gym lockers)

Lunch has begun, everyone please go to the cafeteria/Mess hall to get lunch.

Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Lunch

Currently/Location: Gym lockers and now she is at her school locker

Interaction: N/A

Tag: N/A

When Moka heard the bell it was lunch time, Moka headed towards the girls gym lockers and she began to change back into her school clothes. Moka unbraided her hair as well as taking the ponytail out and brushing her hair down to keep it looking nice and neat. Moka grabbed her backpack and headed out. Moka headed towards the cafeteria and she decided to stop by her locker to put her backpack in it.
Name: Ronnie

Location:locker then lunch room

Interaction:none yet

Tag: @djinnamon

Ronnie quickly gets changed into his other clothes and goes to the lunch room hoping to find his new boyfriend, Setsuna.
Melody makes her way to the locker room where she quickly changes, seeing Harmony already left, she decides to put some books in her locker, seeing her friend along the way heading the same way. Once the two put some stuff away Melody walks to Moka "Hi" she says and smiles slightly.

Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : Physical Education going to respective Locker rooms

Interactions : @iChaotic

Sairen simply smiled at Kiyoko as she apologized. She thought it was cute of her to apologize after sounds so tough before, but it was a good thing. "It's alright. I don't mind. Lai used to do that all the time when we lost our shrine. I'm used to it," she said, recalling all the times that Lairen had snapped at her in the past. Just as she finished talking, the bell rang, signalling for lunch to start. "Already? I guess we'll see each other at lunch then," Lairen said, heading out first. Sairen gestured for Kiyoko to hurry as well and change.
Name: Setsuna & Amber

Location: Hall

Current Class: Lunch

Tag: @sprouhtt , @SomaFel

Interaction: Moka

Setsuna walked out of the locker in his uniform while groaning. He walked to Moka. Amber came over after getting changed as well. Setsuna leaned against Amber with a huff , his back to Moka. " Moka , can you rub my lower back. " He asked and Amber petted him with sympathy . " My first time was like that too but it seems like he did a number on you. " Amber said.
Name: Abel Night

Location: gym

Interaction: @Flame Demon

Abel gave a smile" well thats a name you cant forget" he chuckled, then the bell rang" well i suppose there wont be any skipping class..."

he mumbled, looking to the others as they got ready for lunch. he shrugged" guess we better get going..."

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