Welcome To Andarun...

no worries, bloody school has me by the hair.
Okay sorry guys. Just discovered in being whisked away to a moor in South England with no internet. I'm sorry I couldn't warn you sooner team :'( See you soon I hope, have fun!!
Aww, no worries. A last min notification is way better than none. Guess I'll just remove your character or something.

Have a good one!
Aww, sorry to hear man, have fun! In truth I've always wanted to visit England again, when not shackled and chained by school teachers... I hate school trips, espeacally when you've payed 2500 to go there.
[QUOTE="Sincerely Me]Aww, no worries. A last min notification is way better than none. Guess I'll just remove your character or something.
Have a good one!

I'll be back in a few days, but if you can't wait, don't :)
Oh! A few days. Pfft! It sounded like a month long thing or something LOL.

We'll just assume your character's tagging along quietly then
[QUOTE="Sincerely Me]Oh! A few days. Pfft! It sounded like a month long thing or something LOL.
We'll just assume your character's tagging along quietly then

I imagine he would be very wary of Felix. Not saying or doing much when he can't actively avoid the guy.

I might get off another post today, idk.
@Sincerely Me I read that sometimes alerts don't work, so just in case it didn't I am posting here to let you know my character profile is ready for approval :0/5::1/5::2/5::3/5::4/5::5/5:( ;) )
....God don't tell me my notifications of these threads didn't appear until now. I completely forgot to join in....
...well good that i called for you. Don't worry, were a patient bunch it seems.
not really, were pretty much jsut waiting on your girlie to appear and make Felix die from a continuous nosebleed. hes used to people more dressed.
@Varie Saw your profile, I like how you wrote out your sample post as your character itself. I suggest you put that bit under your character background. Just cut and paste =) So its more likely people will read it. Then just write 'see above' in the sample post section. But that's up to you. Love the character! Just a couple of things to clarify. The first is kind of a reminder, Saelas' lack in physical strength (though not speed and nimbleness), so take that into account when we get to any fights (you likely already know this but just to make sure ^^). 2nd you're not gonna have a particular animal companion as an enchanter? Not that you have to, just asking =)

Once that's done, @Beowulf and @Varie , one last thing to make your CP's complete! ^_^ have a look here, you guys missed something:

Character Background: (Character background. 4 Lines)

Sample Post: (Just link me one of the best posts you've ever made =])

Also, please dont be offended if I ask you to change things~and please post your character application in the appropriate tab, along with the three names of the three Calaseld~

And since we're all stuck here in the same OOC but in the same world...! It doesn't make sense if we're ALL strangers :D People of the City of Magic! @CaptainDorran, @Orikanyo @Mauvez meet the Stormlord's Pendant people! @Beowulf , @Varie @easilyoffended

In case any1's curious, Stormlord's Pendant takes place about 20 years prior to City of Magic
Ah, i see, nice to meet you all.
Character Background: (Character background. 4 Lines)

Sample Post: (Just link me one of the best posts you've ever made =])

Also, please dont be offended if I ask you to change things~and please post your character application in the appropriate tab, along with the three names of the three Calaseld~

Read it again~ I'm not talking about your bio or sample post =)
@Sincerely Me Thanks (' :) ) I have edited my profile to add what I missed. I think she is not the type at the beginning of this role play to have a close bond with anyone, person or animal. I think she also is more suited to eventually become a Dreamcatcher, but not at that level yet. I forgot to ask though, can Enchanters become Dreamcatchers eventually or is that by birth?
That's it! You're set =D They can become that eventually, not necessarily by birth =) Unlike Planeswalkers for the elves.

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