Welcome To Andarun...

haha, np. Far future wise, the npc's might be even more mysterious (insert teaser here). for the most part, at that time, you would have to play your character literally like an rpg, haha.. where you interact and expect a response. I shall do my best to be a good playmaster then :P

As for now, sure, no problemo =D WIll post sometime tmrw (tmrw for me). I might have a friend joining us, before we set off :D
basicly what i've been doing so far xD (I love dem jrpgs and rpgs alike) And really? i wonder what kind of friend (*3*)
basicly what i've been doing so far xD (I love dem jrpgs and rpgs alike) And really? i wonder what kind of friend (*3*)
Really? Damn... do convos appear better? i'd hate to say it but were pretty alone in this it seems. Sadly.
A pity really, I quite like helping in world building.

@Sincerely Me just to say, since your alerts are all wonky I did reply to the thing.
Yup =) I do get alerts from the main thread. FUnny enough. Also, I think if you post with your phone, it doesn't alert me. The few times i notice you double posted, are the times I didn't get any alerts.
ah i shall try to not do so for the OOC, if i do post in my phone I'll tag yea.
Hey Ori, I'm kinda bogged up with stuff till the end of the week. I will try to get a post in if I can, but just thought I'd let you know.
No worries exams have appeared for me, so I'm kinda busy to, I can wait don't worry!
@Orikanyo I understand you totally have no obligations continue this or even start again, but I'm just going to ask out of courtesy. I'm thinking of either restarting or continuing, City of Magic. Would you be interested :o ?
City of magic? I appologise it's been awhile, plus focusing on a essay at the moment, but I'm willing to listen.
Detailed - Welcome To Andarun... This one.

Fantasy based RP based on the Andarun world which I created. You may or may not remember.

Welcome To Andarun... This was your character.

I was thinking of restarting the RP. If you were interested in joining in since you were once part of it, I do have the option of continuing from where we left off. But if you're busy, that's totally fine ^_^ ;
I have time, just abit of work to do is all.

If you will have me I shall join.
Ooo! Great! It's fine, won't be expecting a post every day :D you want to continue where we left off or start a new? I'm planning to open it up to a couple of other new players anyway. Also, you'll be helping your original character?
I'm open for anything! i actually finally remember this now :P

I think I'll still be using Felix if were simply continueing.
Holy shoot this was a full year ago, small wonder i forgot.
Yay!! It's all coming back! (The memories :D )

Humm.. I'll leave it up to you to decide if you want to change your character.. I'm totally fine with Felix in case it sounds otherwise. Story wise, I think I'll continue from where we left off and kinda sneak in an opportunity for whoever else wants to join in.
[QUOTE="Sincerely Me]Yay!! It's all coming back! (The memories :D )
Humm.. I'll leave it up to you to decide if you want to change your character.. I'm totally fine with Felix in case it sounds otherwise. Story wise, I think I'll continue from where we left off and kinda sneak in an opportunity for whoever else wants to join in.

Hey, its no worries, you came back and seem quite chipper, so I'm all good.

trust me, i've had some folks be all "umm yea.. if you wana come back and stuff that'd be cool." right motivational that, seriously, could ask for abit of cheer or happyness.

Regardless, time to continue the antics and tomfoolery that is Felix's lucky streak... or was it unlucky streak? Either or, I am present and available!

Ah yes, I do believe it is.. your turn? or is it mine?
It's mine! It's mine! I'm gonna have to do a quick read through of what went on to get a jig of things, then I'll post after sleep and work :P was about to head to bed actually >..< (should be in about 20 hours from now)

But yeah!! Really excited to get it going again! Thanks for your willingness!!
[QUOTE="Sincerely Me]It's mine! It's mine! I'm gonna have to do a quick read through of what went on to get a jig of things, then I'll post after sleep and work :P was about to head to bed actually >..< (should be in about 20 hours from now)
But yeah!! Really excited to get it going again! Thanks for your willingness!!

hey, no worries, a pity we have such a time difference but, hey, what can yea do, lets see this story unfold!

plus, 20 hours is alot of thinking time, especially if your job is boring :P

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