Welcome To Andarun...

Ah, I gave my word I'll keep it :) as long as you guys tell us about the delay. I started it off cause I was afraid the excitement will fade :P

Mauvez, do you know when you'll be able to get on a computer? I don't want to torture you by making you dish it out using your phone D: I can always delay the so called adventure. I did plan for it to start of fairly slow anyways.

Savar, heys! If you've other more important stuff to do, I can wait another day or two for a full cs. But is your character a confirmed chevalier? :D

You know Ori, reading your writing kinda tingles something at the back of my mind (kinda like deja vu ish). I mean I love it. But I've been rp-ing for about 7 years now, this is the first time I'm reading someone else' work that reminds me so much of my own. The style of it. I felt it when I was reading your Cs and thought it would be just a one off thing.

I don't know, it's probably not so apparent to you now, but I've tried my hand at incorporating humour in my rp-ing. And though not exactly the same, the general feel of it is just so similar xD

Just thought I'd share :P cool stuff to me. It's a compliment basically, if nothing else.
Truly? Well my style has been adapted many times, if i see something some one does and I like it, i try to take a piece of it and, with liberal use of duct tape, add it to my style. And i have to admit you've been rping just as long as I have~!
[QUOTE="Sincerely Me]Ah, I gave my word I'll keep it :) as long as you guys tell us about the delay. I started it off cause I was afraid the excitement will fade :P
Mauvez, do you know when you'll be able to get on a computer? I don't want to torture you by making you dish it out using your phone D: I can always delay the so called adventure. I did plan for it to start of fairly slow anyways.

Savar, heys! If you've other more important stuff to do, I can wait another day or two for a full cs. But is your character a confirmed chevalier? :D

You know Ori, reading your writing kinda tingles something at the back of my mind (kinda like deja vu ish). I mean I love it. But I've been rp-ing for about 7 years now, this is the first time I'm reading someone else' work that reminds me so much of my own. The style of it. I felt it when I was reading your Cs and thought it would be just a one off thing.

I don't know, it's probably not so apparent to you now, but I've tried my hand at incorporating humour in my rp-ing. And though not exactly the same, the general feel of it is just so similar xD

Just thought I'd share :P cool stuff to me. It's a compliment basically, if nothing else.

Ah thank you, but it's fine, I'm starting to get the hang of it! I just hope I can finish it soon~!

...My phone just deleted my entire form by accident. I want to bang my head against a wall now.
in a matter of moments we got good news and bad news... I'm sorry Mauvez, my heart goes out to your struggle.
Well, do what you can, atleast the ideas are still there.
thinking about this world makes me wonder what kind of creatures lay await in it, not only evil so and sos, neutral parties to. having a fairy fluttering around would be rather adorable... excuse my outburst i'm tired and rather loopy.. but still fairies are cute.
Jorge looks good to me, love the character persona. You both (Mauvez and Savar) can skip the sample post part. I think you guys will do just fine.

Just a couple of tweaks for Jorge. By foldable steel sword you literally mean a sword that can be folded and tucked away? Pen knife style? Foldable shield I can accept, but of course, realistically it will not be as strong as a standard one. WOuldn't want to block a swing from a greathammer with that =P

The last 'actual fight' between any of the three kingdoms was a couple centuries ago. During recent times, at most there would be military poise-ing. So jorge probably would not have really skirmished against them. However, he could have skirmished with them, as there are still fights against The Wretched. Brief and temporary alliances (or rather, borderline tolerance) between the kingdom's military just for the sake of getting rid of the greater threat is fairly uncommon.

@Orikanyo , that's not really an outburst =3 There are neutral creatures indeed. And if during the Rp, you guys want to write something about seeing a rabbit the size of a kangaroo, do go ahead... But talk about how rare it is, at least... luls
Well, stranger things have been birthed by the human imagination. For example, the jabberwocky, dear god if even the slightest appearance of that thing is in this I will have to bring out the big guns... the lack of a vorpal blade would also be unsettling, since one cannot exsist without the other.

Some would say I'm being mean to the poor guy, I say it leaves a lasting impression on the woman. Besides, it's not fair only he gets to greet her, and not lady luck as well.
[QUOTE="Sincerely Me]Jorge looks good to me, love the character persona. You both (Mauvez and Savar) can skip the sample post part. I think you guys will do just fine.
Just a couple of tweaks for Jorge. By foldable steel sword you literally mean a sword that can be folded and tucked away? Pen knife style? Foldable shield I can accept, but of course, realistically it will not be as strong as a standard one. Wouldn't want to block a swing from a greathammer with that =P

Yeah it's not the strongest but it beats blocking a sword with your arm!

Folded steel, it's the construction technique. Think Japanese katanas. It's the act of taking the block of steels that's to be the sword, heating it, flattingit out to make it thin, folding it on it's self and doing it again. Often about 16 times. Usually done in such a way as to make the edges hard to hold a sharp edge and the back and sides springy and flexible. Light but very durable.
Oh okay, folded steel. Sorry, I know what you mean now. Didn't occur to me before, I just thought that all swords were made that way so it should be a given x3

Ori, when the shapeless horrors appear, the beings of true chaos, feel free to bring your wildest nightmares along ^^;

oh and Savar, you forgot the three names I requested with each CS :D See Ori's CS, you might understand.

@CaptainDorran , haven't gone through your whole post yet but I'm guessing you're on your skyship. Just in case you missed it, you cannot fly that into Haven (its in the lore part on skyships). So you'd probably have to set it down in the farthest Empire town north (if you want to give a name to that its up to you) and make your way to Haven by land ^_^ ;

Edit: Okay, the more I read the further you're flying >..< lol.. hmm let's see... Basically Haven sits in neutral territory, a crossroad between Arya(south), the Bloodsworn(northwest) and the Vanharen (the whole eastern territory). Except for merchant vessels (which require lots and lots of expansive approvals) all other skyships are barred from entering the neutral lands of Haven. I suppose, since you've already written a whole lot, you can write something about setting the ship down at some border town.

The rest of the post is excellent though! Don't get me wrong. x3 Just a detail I thought you wouldn't miss, since it is stuck together with the lore about skyships.
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I basically read sky ship and got excited :P I'll set it down by the lake when I round off the post then :3 I'll add the names too.
Your giving me absolute freedom to create the worst abhorrent abominations the world has ever seen? Your now my favorite person.
alright dorran =)

Ori, not yet. But maybe in the near future =) I also need to compile a creature menagerie. You guys are welcome to help me with that. Of course, should you actually bring those awful beasts into our rp, its your character that suffers > :D And while said creatures might push the borders of realism, our characters are bound by it =P
awww, alright alls well, I hope Mauves is having a easier time of it now, losing all your work can be rather crushing.
@Mauvez if its easier for you, just type it all out. I can help you edit the bold fonts and spacings and stuffs

I just realized it. From the porch where fyrilis is standing, it turned into a balcony (where it could still be a porch) to the tavern interior xD

Well whatever it is, we're outside the tavern. Just fyi :3
Well, it could be a balcony that opens up from the inside, making it rather open air and giving a wonderful view down the hills.
Sincerely Me] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12051-mauvez/ said:
@Mauvez[/URL] if its easier for you, just type it all out. I can help you edit the bold fonts and spacings and stuffs
I just realized it. From the porch where fyrilis is standing, it turned into a balcony (where it could still be a porch) to the tavern interior xD

Well whatever it is, we're outside the tavern. Just fyi :3
I'm almost done, I just need to work on my character's background! The problem is I'll only be able to finish later today, because I need to study...

I'm finally done with my form. I apologize if it's cliché in some parts, please tell what I can do to improve it if that's the case please, and for taking so long...
She seems alright to me, Good amount of stuff considering you had such trouble getting it here. Sorry we went abit ahead without yea, guess the hype train couldn't be stopped.
I've seen much worse, once you've seen hell no sight will make you quiver and quail.
You're almost done =D Overall pretty good. I just need you to change your 'mother's class to anything that isn't Mirani exclusive. i.e. anything that isn't kindred (necromancer, black seer, stringmaster, macabre, bonelord, deathknight) ^o^ Unless you want to be a mirani yourself =P

Other than that, both CaptainDorran and you just need to add this to your CP's for consistency sake ^^:

Iolos, Valos, Miseli

When you're done, feel free to post~ =DDD

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