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We The Werewolves

" Okay, I'll get three muffins, one cup of coffee and one croissant. Yum." Finn smiled and looked at Phoenix. " You want anything other than a muffin?"
"No." She replied as they drove to the coffee shop. "Do you mind if I come in?" she asked, hopping out of the car and onto the hot asphalt.
" No, not at all. I'll pay." Finn walked into a small cafe and as he opened the door, he froze. " Phoenix, look at the counter. He knew we here coming here." A balding man with a large mustache was buying a cup of coffee at the counter. It was ne of the men that was trying to kill them. " Let's back out of here slowly. He hasn't seen us yet."
Her cheery mood crumpled as Finn spoke. Backing up slowly and turning around, Phoenix made her way out of the shop. Fear seared her insides, every inch of her was quivering, but she knew if she freaked out now Finn would think it was his responsibility to make her feel better. And she sure as hell did not need that.
" Where do you thin you two are going?" asked a deep, gravely voice behind them. Finn whipped around and saw that the man's partner was standing in their way to the car. Finn peeked at his car and saw that another man had started it and was beginning to drive away. Dang it! I left the keys in the car! he thought to himself. He looked back at the man and said, " Dude, we are just trying to get a cup of coffee! Geez! Would people just mind their own business?" The man growled and raised hi fist to hit Phoenix, but Finn grabbed the man's wrist and held it. " Do not hurt her." he growled.
Phoenix put her hands up to block her face but felt no blow. When she looked up she saw Finn holding the wrist of the giant man before her. She then took the opportunity and kicked the man where it hurts most. He doubled over in pain, shouting swear words at Phoenix and Finn.
Finn grinned then frowned as the other man started to walk their way. The man that Phoenix had kicked was back up, looking as angry as ever. " Umm. What do we do?" said Finn looking at the girl next to him. " Wait! I know! WOLF!!!" he jumped into the air, turned into his form form, and kicked the man with the coffee in the face. He bolted out the door, not waiting for Phoenix. Then he turned back and saw that she was stuck in-between the two men.
Phoenix had attempted to go wolf but the angry man before her grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her. "Help!" She screamed, hoping Finn or a passerby would hear her cry for help. Even in her top-fit condition Phoenix couldn't shake the man holding her. He kicked her in the back, knocking her to the ground.
Finn looked back and saw that the man had gotten a hold of Phoenix. He heard her cry for help and leaped back, in his wolf form, onto the man's back. He sunk his fangs into the man's shoulder. The man roared in pain while the other man pulled out a gun and pointed it at Phoenix. " Stop struggling. Do not move." he ordered in a deep, gruff voice.
Phoenix git the ground with a grunt, her body almost giving out on her. She looked up to see Finn attack the man by biting him, hard. Suddenly, A double barrel gun was being pointed at her chest. Fear boiled inside of her, making her hands shake, but she still had her courage. Phoenix glared at the man holding the gun and said, "If you hurt me he WILL kill you."
" Yeah right." the man laughed. Then as his finger went to the trigger, Finn leaped up and hit the man square in the chest. The man gasped as the wolf's fangs went into his neck, but then Finn howled as the gun went off. Finn fell to the ground and lay there, panting in pain. The bullet had hit him in the shoulder and he was bleeding.
Phoenix gasped in horror as she watched Finns body fall to the ground. The man that had shot him was laying on the ground in a pool of blood, obviously dead or soon to be dead. The girl approached Finns bleeding body and ran her fingers through his blood-matted fur to find the bullet hole. Once she found it she sighed with relief. It had grazed his left shoulder and done no damage to anything else. "We need to go." She whispered. The man who was in their car got out and ran away.
Finn groaned but got up, turned into his human form and walked toward the car. " Can you drive Phoenix? I don't think I can."

Once they were in the car, Finn asked, " Still hungry? Sorry that you didn't get your muffin." Then he growled and clutched at his shoulder.
"Yeah." She replied as she stood up and made her way to the car. When she hopped in, the car was already running so when Finn got in she started driving. Without any breakfast and still hungry the two drove for about 6 hours before entering New Mexico.

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