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We The Werewolves

Phoenix smiled back, the first time that whole night. She leaped out of the car and turned into a slim amber colored wolf. After Finn spoke into her head she nodded and took her pack in her mouth. We need to get to the other side of these woods because I would appreciate it if I didn't spend the rest of my life as a wolf. She spoke into his head. To be fair Phoenix did enjoy being a wolf, but sometimes she couldn't control herself. She would end up killing a house pet, or even once she killed a man in his own house.
Awww. why don't you like it? Oh, yeah. Never mind. The man. Okay, let's go. Finn started to leap into the woods, jumping over the logs and bushes.

(( I have to go. I will be back tomorrow. Bye.))
Phoenix followed close behind his muscular form, every now and then checking behind them to see if they were being followed. Running in her wolf form was extremely fun for Phoenix but she was growing tired, Finn.
Yes....? What's wrong? He stopped and looked around. He sat down on a pile of leaves and grinned lopsided, with his tongue hanging out, at her. He wagged his tail and cocked his head. Are you tired? You look tired.
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Oh my god you are such a dork. She laughed into his head, but yeah I need to sleep. Do you think I can do it in wolf form or should we find a motel or something? Phoenix asked, slowing down her pace until she caught up with Finn and sat down.
We probably should sleep in wolf form. But oh, never mind. Let's just find a motel. We got enough money. I don't wanna sleep as a wolf. It makes me uncomfortable. Let's eat and go back to the car. Then we can drive into the nearest town. Does that sound safe to you? Finn looked at Phoenix and grinned again. He winked and morphed back to his human form. Finn looked in hi bag and frowned.

"Okay. I just just realized that we don't have any food. Let's go back. You can sleep in the car."
Phoenix transformed back into her human form, arching her back as she stood up. "Wow I haven't done this in forever." The young girl stretched her arms and sighed, "Okay sounds good." She changed into her wolf form, picked up her pack, and began running back towards the car. It was about 20 minutes before they reached the dirt lot where they parked.
Finn opened the door of hi scar, hopped in, and waited for Phoenix to get in. "So, let's go!" He started the car and backed out back onto the road. They drove for about and hour before they reached a small town called Jefferson Creek. Finn found a cheap motel and as he checked in, he asked Phoenix, " One or two rooms? Your choice." He winked and waited for her answer.
Phoenix climbed into the car with a quiet sigh. Soon she was sleeping, her head resting on the side of the door and tiny squeaks emanating from her lips. When the car stopped the tired blonde sat up and rubbed her foggy eyes. The two of them headed into the motel lobby and began checking in. When Finn asked her, "One or two rooms?" and winked at her, she laughed tiredly and nudged his shoulder. "Uh one room please." Expecting a dumb smirk to be on his face she then added quickly, "It's cheaper."
" Okay. There are two beds." he smirked. " Unless..... Na. " He laughed watching the disgusted look on her face. " Okay, lets go." He had bought one room and they walked over to Room 47.
The key on the door buzzed as the card was slid in. Phoenix gently opened the plastic door, and she dropped her pack onto the ground. With an over dramatic sigh she through herself onto the hard bed. "Ahgg." But it seemed like as soon as she got the chance to sleep comfortably, she couldn't. For the next couple of hours she just lay there, staring at the ceiling with a blank look on her face.
" You still awake?" Finn asked from the other bed. He growled and morphed into his wolf form. Then he jumped off the bed and laid down on the floor. He got up again and circled around a few times. Then he laid down again. He whined and looked up at Phoenix as to say " This is really uncomfortable."

He morphed back into his human form and sat on a chair. " I'm creeped out. Those guys scare me."
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"Ya." She whispered distantly. The boy before her suddenly turned into muscular wolf, and she sighed. The young girl understood that he was uncomfortable and so was she. "Change back and come here." Phoenix said quietly and patted her bed.
Finn stepped over to her and sat on the bed. " I'm worried for my parents and sister. What if they get hurt?" Finn shook his head and sighed.
Phoenix sat up and replied with a hint of sadness in her voice, "Don't worry, it's best for them that we left." She then thought to herself, My father will understand. He knew the troubles my mother went through.
Finn sighed again and sat down back on the chair. " This is more comfortable than the bed. Not as rock-like." He smiled and put his head back, soon after, falling asleep. He dreamed of the men hurting his parents and sister. It was a nightmare.
The next morning Phoenix woke up covered in sweat from the horrible dreams she had the night before. The young girl got up and walked into the bathroom where she began taking a shower. Once she was done she got dressed once more and approached Finn to wake him up.
Finn was shook awake by Phoenix. He looked up and grinned. " Hello, Sunshine! You look great! Nice and freaked out! Did you sleep well? Looks like it."
She gave a half-hearted laugh and smacked him on the side of the head, "Get up ya dork." Phoenix began digging through her stuff when a knock sound at the door. Horror played across her face, but she then relaxed when a womens voice called in, "House keeping!" She then replied, "We will be out in the next 30 minutes!"
Finn's heart started beating as he heard the knock on the door. Then he calmed down when he heard it the the cleaning lady.

"Few. That scared me." He got up, stretched and walked across the room to his bag. " I'll be right out." He walked into the bathroom and changed into some not smelly, clean clothes. " Ahh.... Fresh and clean. Okay, ya almost ready? I am. Let's go."
"Okay sounds good." Phoenix grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder before opening the door. As soon as she stepped out she called over her shoulder, "I'm going to drop off the keys, I'll be in the car!" The smell of fresh cut grass reached Phoenix and a smile grew on her face. "Ah." She whispered. The young girl returned the cards and made her way back to the car. Hopping into her seat, Phoenix noticed how nice and quiet it was in this small town.
Finn stepped out the door and grabbed his bag. He watched Phoenix stride up to the office and grinned. Ahhhh. I want some coffee. I feel like I need to wake up some more, he thought.He got into the car and stretched out, touching his hands to the car ceiling.
"Where to?" She asked. "Would you like to try to get to Arizona by nightfall?" Phoenix offered, then adding, "I think we would be able to stay there awhile... They won't be able to catch up with us." Finn and Phoenix had spent many nights planning out their escape just in case the men that stalked them ever did attack, and now that is was in action Phoenix felt extremely ready.
Phoenix rolled her eyes and leaned back into her seat. "Okay whatever. But I want a muffin." Her stomach growled hungrily as she mention food out loud.

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