We, The Forgotten

Amber smiled and then nodded. "Yeah." she said and then kissed his cheek. She looked around and then held herself up by one arm and then reached to grab her book. She dragged it back to her and smiled glad it wasn't a dream. She pushed it back smiling and then turned back to honovi and hugged him. "How long have I been sleeping?"
"Hm...I'm not sure I know." he said, thinking about it for a moment. He looked outside, looking at where the sun was. "If I had to make a gues...an hour, perhaps?" he said, before turning back to Amber. "I'm not entirely sure, though. It could have been longer, or much less time. Telling time by the sun is not completely accurate."
Amber nodded and then smiled. She slowly sat up and then looked around. "Well, I agree with you, maybe an hour." She said and then giggled. "Sorry to make you wait so long....I guess I was just so worn out." She said looking at him. She wondered if he got any sleep.
Honovi shook his head. "I don't mind." He sat up as well, and smiled at her, chuckiling. "Although I kind of sound like a creep saying this, I kind of enjoyed lying next to you, waiting for you to wake up. You looked so peaceful and adorable."
Amber blushed a bit and then looked down. "I see...creep." She said giggling as she pushed him away. She smiled showing that she was joking. "I don't mind, you make a great heater." She chuckled and then smiled at him. She leaned down and kissed him.
The siren had watched the others leave. She rose to her feet, standing calmly and looked out to sea. The breeze blew her long golden hair out behind her. She flapped her wings a little, in order to glide over to the beach. Her bare feet touched soft sand, and she slowly walked along the shore. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, trying to ignore the fact that she was held a prisoner. It was good to pretend for a little while.

"You have a hosue here?" the boy asked, curious. It wasn't any good to hang around outside at the mercy of the elements for too long, no matter what he was. And yet, I know exactly where 'mum' is. She's joined 'Our Lord'. Not like we ever call him that...
"Well, I'm glad I could be useful to you." Honovi joked. He laughed, and then kissed her back. He knew she had only been kidding. The more time the spent together, the better he was learning to tell when she was kidding about something.

"Yup." Kora replied, walking towards the huts, hoping he'd catch her drift to follow. "They're not much, though. One-room hut make wfrom stuff we found around the island. Better than nothing, though, huh?"
Amber smiled and pulled back. She looked at him and then looked out. "Do you still want to go swiming?" She said pushing her hair behind her ear. She looked down noticing she still had her shorts on. She was to tired to change, she put her hand to her mouth giggling about it.
"Sure, I'd love to." Honovi replied, pulling back as well. He smiled at her, offering his hand to her. "If you still want to swim, then I'd live nothing more than that." Truthfully, he was also eager to feel the rush of the water around him again. It had been much too long since the former sea-dweller had went for a swim, so once his body got a taste of its former home, it wanted more.
Amber grabbed his hand and then smiled suddenly running out tugging Honovi along. She giggled and then stopped right where the waves rolled in feeling the water on her feet. However she pulled to hard on Honovi and then made him ram into her. She yelled out as she fell back. She giggled the water making her hair wet again.
Honovi laughed, running after her toward the water. When she stopped, however, he was not expecting it, and knocked them both over. "Woah!" he yelled, as they fell into the water together. The angle he had been being pulled at had not been one which might have made an awkward position for the two, but he was still slightly embarrassed as he sat up in the water and looked at her beside him, equally as wet. "Sorry about that. I wasn't expecting you to stop." he said, laughing and blushing.

(By the way, my router's messed up, so I'm only going to be on until around 6, when the library closes. Hopefully, I'll have internet access at home by the weekend. ^^; )
((I'm making Benoni/Richard sound so naive as a child...))

"That's fine. It can be like the cabin I went camping in!" Truthfully, Richard hadn't liked the trip too much. There were too many friendly park rangers trying to make their stay comfortable, and quite frankly, he would've been much more comfortable alone.
Amber sat up pushing her hair out of her face. SHe smiled at him and then splashed water at him. She giggled and then looked at him. She ran off before he could splash her back. She turned around and then waved. SHe smiled having fun and ran deeper into the water.
"Good. We don't need any whiners." Kora said, continuing to lead toward the gathering area. "Just keep your hopes up. It'll make our time here more pleasant for all of us."

Honovi laughed when Amber splashed her, and was about to splash back, when she ran away. He stood up and ran after her. "Of no you don't! No fair running before I can slash you back!" He chased after her a huge smile on his face. He was not going to give up until either he splashed her back, or she gave up and stopped running. Maybe both.
Amber looked at him and then giggled. "I learned a new trick." She said giggling. She shifted into a seal but her clothes shifted with her. She swam fast past him splashing him again with her tail. She turned human winking at him. "I can shift my clothes now, thanks to that book." She smiled at him.
Honovi stopped for a second, looking at her, than frowned in mock-jealousy. "Lucky. I can't even shift at all right now, because of leaving my skin in the hut. You better not cheat with that." Then he smiled, and walked toward her, calmer. "But seriously, that's really cool. It's great you can do that now. I just wish I could do that, too." He reached his arms out, offering her a hug in congradulations.
"We'll be leaving soon. I know we will!" Richard said. He mentally frowned, though a hopeful smile remained on his childish face. This act was obnoxious, though it would certainly help him in the long run. Besides, his parents had once told him that it was his best act. He needed to be at his best here. He didn't ask Kora if they were close. Like she had said, they didn't need any whiners. And he certainly could not act whiny after what he'd shown of his non-self so far.
Amber looked at him and then ran up to him and hugged him. "Thanks." She looked up at him. "I'm sorry maybe I shouldn't show off." She put a finger up to her mouth and then slightly bit down on it. She wished she could help Honovi but there was nothing she could do. She sighed a bit.
"Dunno." she replied, without turning around. "This island is kind of hard to see from above, with all the forestry and stuff, but I haven't heard of any huge developements. Then again, I don't really talk to a ton of people here, so it's possible someone found something, but hasn't said anything yet."

Honovi wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. "It's fine." he told her, still holding her close. "As far as I understand, my kind has never been able to shift with any clothing not part of their seal body. I'll just deal with it the way I always have: keeping my pants nearby at all times. You really should not feel bad about making an amazing discovery."
Amber looked at him and then smiled. She leaned up and then kissed his cheek. She smiled and then snuggled into him happily. SHe closed her eyes. "Ok." She said happily and then set her head on his chest smiling. She loved being so close to him.
Honovi rubbed her back again, and rested his chin on the top of her head. "So, did you want to come out here to show me that, or do you want to splash around some more?" he asked, hoping not to ruin the mood, but realizing he probably would. "Because, it I wasn't so nice, you would be the perfect target for payback right now."
Amber looks at him and then giggles. "Well if you weren't so nice...I wouldn't do this." She said pulling away and then kisses him. She pulled back and then blushed a bit smiling at him and then dove under the water.
Honovi laughed again. "Playtime it is!" he announced to nobody in particular, before diving in after her. Now that they were back to this game, he was definitly going to get her back for splashing him before.

(This is probably my last post for today. See you all tomorrow. :[ )
Amber looked to see he was chasing her and then swam faster, She came up for air and then dived down faster. She turned to look at him and waved. She was having fun.
Honovi continued to chase her. "Don't think you can outswim me!" he said, a competitive smile of his face. "Remember: I grew up in the water!" This was a bit of an empty threat, though. Despite the fact he grew up in water, most of his skill was conected to his seal form. At least for the time being, he didn't swim any better than any other human in his land-walking form.

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