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Futuristic We begin Again


New Member
"Next in line!"

*I shuffle with the mas of people slowly making their way towards check in, every three seconds or so a audible beep can be heard and a person is either seen going right or left. We all wanted to go right but it wasn't up to us. It was up to the machine. The sky above was dark with clouds as thunder rolled in the distance, as I shift closer to the head of the line I can see it. ARK 2, the transport ship that will take us to the mobile space station where we will live out our lives. We will either die or get the chance to pass on our genes...this is our choice...this is how humanity can survive*
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Dax sat next to Anna his gloved hand wrapped around hers, he couldn't turn his head to look at her the helmet they had slipped on him restricted his movement. Above him sat another row of people and then another and another, the ship was much larger then he thought. He could feel the engines rumbling under him but he could not hear them, he couldn't hear anything besides his own breathing. Closing his eyes he thought of his past in Wisconsin and even farther back when he was a child in Kansas. Suddenly he felt the vibrations increase as the first voice he had heard since the helmet was slipped on spoke. "Life of in 10, 9, 8..." Here we go, his hand gripped Anna's and suddenly without warning Dax felt a hand grip his other one. "5, 4, 3, 3, 1" The world slowed for a second and within another a roar that could be heard within the helmet filled his ears and a force punched him in the chest and shoved him back into the seat, Dax screamed "Holy sh......" His voice drowned out in the sound of the engines as they all lifted off into space.
Anna squeezed Drax's hand tightly. She could tell that both of them shared the same frightened, yet excited, expression without even having to look, if she could in that movement restricting helmet. She stared ahead at the rows and rows of people, all trying to survive. She wondered what their names were, who they were before all of this began. But when the rumbling started and the countdown commenced, and she'd forgotten all of that. She felt Dax's hand grip hers tighter as the voice got closer to zero. Another hand grabbed her opposite hand and she gripped it tightly, too. Suddenly the roar began and she was pushed back violently, she couldn't do anything but open her mouth to scream.
The force sent all of them back into their seats. Dax screamed in fear and excitement as the shuttle rocketed into the atmosphere. Anna's hand locked into his like a iron claw whilr the other person's did the same. "This new life will start in fear" he though but hopfully it won't end in it. Slowly but surly the engine roar slowed. Was it over? No the second phase rockets fired supplying even more force then the first.


Dax screamed again but this time the Rockets didn't last long and slowly everyone's arms began to rise slightly. They had made it and headed to their new home. Suddnly on the back of each seat a screen appeared anda women walked out to a podium with a gray back drop.

"Welcome astronauts of the human race. Congradulations, you have been the few to make sure the human race would continue. So good bye to Earth for you will never be able to see it again. As I speak your shuttle cruises towards ARK 2. Within the hour you will dock and others will enter the shuttle and help you out of your suits. After that all new arrives will go through detox, a cleaning shower and receive clothes and room assignment as well as job assignments for the next day. Once again Congradulations and welcome to your new home"

Dax stared at the screen ad it went dark. None of them would see the Earth again...what was going to happen it when humans finally kill themselves..

Tears filled his eyes but would not drip they floated clogging hus eyes. They were all orphans now but they would all be the ones to carry on the human race. Dax rested his head back and sighed. "We are free...." he thought as he drifted off to sleep.
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Anna felt her arms rise, weightless, after the extreme force that pushed everyone. She listened closely to the announcement, and felt homesick. Anna knew she'd never be able to go back home, to their farm in Wisconsin, or to the hospital where she'd spent years training to get as far as she had. Part of her wished that she could have stayed. She wanted to go to the lake with her dog again, or hold her nephew. "Goodbye, everyone..." She whispered, her voice was hoarse from the force and screaming she had done earlier.

She distracted herself from her thoughts by playing a game. She'd look at the people in front of her and come up with stories, like where they came from, what they do now, and why they are on the Ark. She refused to think about what they'd all left behind. She kept holding Drax's limp hand, unable to control which way they floated, but she knew that he'd long fallen asleep.
Chris was quickly going from place to place, looking for any faults in the system that everyone else missed. The crew was scrambling at their posts, preparing for the long journey ahead. Chris had been in space with the ship for almost 5 months now, tweaking the systems, keeping it clean for passengers on their one way trip. Testing the artificial gravity, until it was flawless, only a few places in the ship don't have it for maintenance reasons and space reasons in the crew's quarters. Chris rather liked it, every time he fell asleep, he felt like he was blanketed by the clouds, floating above the cities below.

Chris was running around going from station to station with his small notepad, noting everything was good, and any small problems that needed to be fixed. He was checking the fuel sulply and did some math on the spot, calculating how much extra fuel that can be used for maneuverability. Suddenly, Chris heard someone on the radio say, "we got passengers incoming, finish procedures and buckle down for station fuel detachment in approximately one and a half hours." He smiled as he finished his rounds and went to go report to the head mechanic with the engines' status.
A low beep sounded inside of Dax's helmet and he awoke slowly. At first he was confused to where he was but quickly remembered. Anna still held his hand gently and he smiled squeezing it softly. The beep sounded once more before a radio frequency opened up.

"This is shuttle to ARK2 we are aligning to dock now."

"This is ARK2 to shuttle your looking good shift 2 degrees to your starboard. Your drifting a bit"

"Roger ARK2"

After the driver of the shuttle stopped talking the frequency was left open and he could here hundreds of people talking to each other all ovwr the ARK to prepare for departure.

It took a few minutes for the ship to dock and a small bump could be felt through the shuttle when it happened. The cabins lights snapped on. Dax smiled as he tried to look around but the dam suit wouldn't allow him too. He could see further down the rows doors opening and people in jumpsuits floating through into the cabin and began to unbuckle and help people out.

"Please be patient everyone we will get to all of you in a bit. No need to worry, you made it to the ARK your safe now."

The com clicked off as the woman stopped talking and Dax waited patiently to be let go. He should be second where Anna was first in the row. But that is if a door opened close to their row.
Anna took a deep breath as she listened to the radio frequency. She couldn't believe that they'd finally made it. Watching the doors open, was to her, like watching their new lives begin. She studied the people in jump suits helping the others out of their seats and waited patiently for the door to open by them. She couldn't wait to get out of the restrictive suit. She wanted to see the faces of those around her.

It took a long time for the door to open near her. The man in the suit helped her out of her seat and she was guided towards the door.
Panic sat in as Dax felt Anna's hand was removed for his. He tried to struggle to see but could not. Dax tried to stay calm but it wasn't till a man floated down in front of him and smiled and unhooked his suit from the seat did he calm down. Without saying a word he helped him up and pushed Dax towards the door. Dax looked around and saw that he was one of the last ones. The door lead into a translucent tube and his jaw dropped. The ARK2 was huge and beautiful. She was long with several massive capsules attached to a rotating center piece probably simulating earth's gravity. It was so huge he couldn't even see the front.

The man lead Dax into a holding room with other men where they were removing their suits so Dax followed along and stripped to his under clothes and floated in the Room with the others shivering. Gravity slowly settled in and they were gently set onto the floor.

"Please line up at the door and take turns going through to use the detox area." A plesent female voice spoke.

Dax moved to the nearest door and as soon as it opened he walked through.

They removed his underwear and he was sprayed with chemicals and warm tepid water. After this they allowed him to take a hot shower. Dax moaned in pleasure for he didn't know how long it was since he had taken a hot shower. After the shower he pulled on the clothes that were left for him. A thermal suit with a jump suit to zip over. As he left a few other men were entering the showers. Out of the shower room he was lead to a huge conference area with a clear top. He looked around and noticed that not just passages were here. Engineers, doctors. Botinists, gentiles, all of then we're also set in their own little areas. Dax walked down rows of chairs in search of Anna.
After giving his notes to his boss, Chris went into the conference room. There was not really anyone there yet, so he grabbed his snack he was supposed to eat with his dinner last night and started munching on it. Completely relaxed as everyone started pouring in. Most of the pre-chosen workers sat on the far side of the Conference room, where Chris and a few other sat scatterd thought the entire area. Civilians started pouring in. A few of them sat next to him, but he stretched his feet out. He was prepared to enjoy the show.
Anna loved the shower, and was very upset when it was over, but she kept that to herself as she was lead to a large conference room with the other women that she'd been with during the detox. Passengers were still pouring in, and she stood on her toes to try to spot her husband. She didn't recognize any of the people that were already seated. Her heart started pounding in her chest and her hands felt clammy.

Oh, god....what do I do now? Where is he? She didn't have any idea where they wanted to put her. She noticed the rows of pre-chosen workers, doctors and other professions. She stood close to the wall, surrounded by people who were taller than her, and felt lost in the crowd. When she finally spotted a break in the crowd, she took it and stood in between the rows of chairs. She saw a familiar head of black hair and ran towards him. "Found you!"
Dax yells in surprise and jumps spinning around to look at Anna. Before he could say anything most people had turned to look at him, his face turned a bright red in embarrassment.

"Anna! Don't do that!"

He laughed nervously and hugged her keeping her close, a second later he broke the hug and led her to two open seats. After sitting down Dax smiled and kissed Anna's head gently.

"You always did know how to make a entrance and embarrass the hell out of me. Did you enjoy the detox? Besides the burning chemicals the hot shower was wonderful!"

As Dax asked his questions a tone rang through the room and a announcer tells everyone to find a seat and prepare for the opening ceremony. Dax frowned because Anna and him didn't get to talk but he knew they would get to talk later, he took Anna's hand and turned to the stage as almost everyone had taken their seat and a woman strode out to a small podium and smiled and waited for everyone to become quiet.

" Welcome everyone, I am captain Steel. Within a few hours we will leave our home and head towards our destination."

At that a star system appeared as a hologram above all their heads.


"We will be heading to Kepler-47 c, it is a cold world but a world where we could live. This trip will take sixty years due to our prototype engines. During that time we must work together to survive and hopefully we will all get to see our new home together. Tonight will be festive, enjoy the relaxation and get to know people but tomorrow we get to work. In everyone's rooms will be a data band that you will wear on your wrist at all times. It will have your work assignments on their as well as a bunch of other goodies. Until then enjoy and I hope to get to know you all as the years go by"

At this she claps her hands and behind her the wall opened to reveal a giant translucent sphere with modules as big as skyscrapers circling it. She then took a step to the edge of the deck and jumped into the sphere area and began to float into zero gravity. Immediately everyone cheered and stood. Dax smiled and hugged Anna again and watched as people rushed to the sphere and food as it was wheeled out for everyone to eat.
A cold world...God she hated the cold. She leaned into Drax. Well, according to the woman, she wouldn't have to see it for another 60 years.

Anna watched the spheres, wide eyed. She'd never seen anything that large before and was still in awe of how large the Ark is. She hugged Drax, and refused to let go of his hand after. She'd gone way too long without seeing his familiar face. As the people rushed towards the stage, Anna tried to catch glimpses of the other doctors she would be working with. It was difficult to see them in the large crowd. She pulled Drax with her to the end of the lines to wait for food. "This is gonna be great!" She smiled.
James hoped his son was alright. He had been taken to the nursery just after the detox. Despite the dry space good being surprisingly tasty James couldn't not think of him, and his wife.

Why are you even worrying? James is fine.

But his wife wasn't, the wife who'd he'd left behind.

Their were plenty of couples on the ship, they wanted it because it pretty much garenteed births, heck, there was even a couple hugging just across the table.

60 years... That's one heck of along time, I'll be over 100, if I'm still alive that is and little Jamie will be 60 years old!
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Chris finished his snack, and lazily, he slouched in his seat. He had been eating dry add water food for ages now, he didn't really want to eat anything else. Initially, his plan was to head to his bunk, and eat from his stash of dried food, but instead he figured it would probably one of the last times he would eat fresh food for a long time. Knowing that, Chris jumped from seat to seat, heading to the buffet hopping through small gaps of people. For Chris, the long periods of time in zero gravity, increased his timing skills so he didn't run into anyone.

Finally, he hoped next in line for food, it was like a thanksgiving dinner, there were roasted chicken, turkey, juicy steaks, stuffing, but those didn't matter to him as soon as he noticed the one food he couldn't enjoy as much dried, fresh apples. With his mouth watering, he stealthily grabbed more than he was supposed to.
Dax's stomach growled as he saw the food. The smell was intoxicating; he quickly filled a plate and shuffled down the buffet line. He hadn't had food this good in a long time. After exiting the line he waited for Anna and then went to sit down at a empty table to eat. He looked around at all the people. Mst had gotten in line for food but some decided to explore the ship or just go into the sphere of translucent material. It would have to be stronger then glass....it's not plastic....ah it doesn't matter as long as it holds.

"This food is amazing Anna! This place is amazing I can't wait to see its farms."

Dax looked around as he ate humming softly with the satisfaction of the food. He saw a man take more then he should of in line and smiled. We deserve this day, we all worked so hard to get here. We can splurge a little bit.

Anna filled her plate, her face was beaming. She grabbed all of her favorite foods, worried that this might be the last time she would get to enjoy something this extravagant. Dax was next to her, filling his plate as well. She sat down next to him at an empty table.

"Look at this!!!! They had pudding!" Anna stuffed a spoon full in her mouth, grinning at Dax. "I bet the farms are amazing, and I bet the hospital is stocked with a whole lot of high quality gadgets!"

The room was filled with people humming and grinning with excitement. She ate until her stomach was bursting and laughed with Dax, holding his hand the entire time and wondering when she would be able to finally get to meet all of the new faces around her.
Chris started snacking on one of the apples in his arm. The juice spraying into his mouth, flavor exploding. He looked around, scanning the room for someone moderately interesting to talk to. After a few seconds of scanning, he noticed two kids, they seemed around Chris's age. He smiled, curious about them, he approached the table. Chris knew he had to meet at least one person, and there aren't a ton of good options that wouldn't end up in a long boring conversation. "Mind if I join you guys?" he asked before taking another bite of the apple he was eating.
In those final moments before launch, while the engines below the ship revved and whined, Charley closed his eyes and tried to remember the faces of all those he was leaving behind. Only one discernable face came to him, it was that of Howard Stine's, the man who had - for the last 4 years - treated him like a beloved son. The rest of those he tried to imagine, such as his mother's and father's were blurred and vague, already long since forgotten before this endeavor.

Along with the face came memories of a long and unforeseen bond beyond that of any ordinary friendship that the two had shared, memories of a new life that Stine had given him that he never thought possible, and - sadly - the realization that it was all over now.

The image, and accompanying memories, were suddenly blown away from him with a bang and roar as the engines fired and the ship launched. Charley rattled in his seat as the ship rumbled beneath him with great severity; he was unable to move, constricted by an over-encumbering suit, and still had his eyes closed. As the speed increased more pressure was pushed against Charley and his suit; the pressure eventually became so great that he no longer rattled in his seat but, instead, became completely locked against it. For a moment the engines quieted and the pressure let off, and Charley thought the ride might be over, but then a second, shorter, kick from the engines hit with even greater force.

When the ship slowed at last a number of screens turned on to play a victorious message of greetings and congratulations.

"Welcome astronauts of the human race and Congratulations! You have been selected as some of the few to make sure that the human race continues. Say "goodbye," to Earth for you will likely never see it again. As I speak your shuttle cruises towards ARK 2. Within the hour you will dock and others will enter the shuttle and help you out and aboard your new home. After that all new arrivals will go through detox, a cleaning shower and receive clothes and room assignments as well as job assignments for the next day. Once again Congratulations and welcome to your new home."

Charley realized he was smiling when the video had ended, it was an unintentional sort of smile, but a smile nonetheless. It might have been a reaction to the thought of a new life or, maybe the idea of a complete second chance on who he could be... Then again, perhaps it was just a reaction to the gasses that filled his helmet to put him to sleep for the rest of the flight, who's to say.
Even James couldn't ignore the delicious food, A rich roast and then an even richer pudding was more then enough to satisfy his appetite, so he decided to go to the dorms.

Luckily there were arrows leading the way there, so despite his useral navigation skills, James was able to get there.

When he entered the dorm there were allredy several people there but it wasn't full, so he quickly chose a bunk he liked best, and quickly found a locker with his name on it, containing a space suit, spare clothes and a computer.
Dax looked at the guy and smiled

"Sure sit there is plenty of room"

This was the guy that hat taken more then what he was supposed to. It wasn't a bad thought just a relization.

"My name is Dax and this is my wife Anna, I am a botinist and she is a nurse. What do you do?"

Dax finished with his food and set the plate to the side to take a full look at this man. He was much really pale and somthing was off...had he Been up here longer then us? Then how long he seemed completly at ease in the ship.

Anna watched the man approach and took another bite of her pudding. She smiled softly as Dax introduced her to the stranger. Studying him, she realized his skin was pale and felt somewhat concerned, until she remembered that they would all look that way after a few months in the ARK. The crowd of people in line for food was thinning as people grabbed their food and went to their new living quarters. Maybe they'd have to share with another family. Or, maybe they would get one of their own.

She snapped her attention back up to the newcomer and listened.
Charley awoke as the ship was docking with the ARK2; his eyes didn't want to open, the tired weight of a long sleep heavy upon them. He struggled fervently to open them when suddenly his helmet began to beep. It was one long beep, and when it ended his facesheild lit up and began to blink green. His faceshield continued to blink, there was a release of a cool air - or scentless gas of some sort - from small vents within his helmet. The scentless substance flooded in and Charley choked and coughed, like a breathless swimmer coming up for air. Whatever it was lifted the weight from his eyes, removed the stiffness from his muscles and even granted him some clarity of mind. By the time the vents shut off he felt more awake than he had when he had first boarded the ship.

Short bursts from the ship's stabilizers periodically jetted on and off as the final few meters between it and the ARK2 were closed. The ship hit into the ARK2 hard, rattling the passengers one last time. The sound of rushing air echoed loudly through the cabin as the two spacecraft locked together.

When Charley was helped from his seat and suit he was sent to a detox station, there he was stripped down and cleaned. The process wasn't terribly uncomfortable, or unreasonable, but still Charley didn't like it. He couldn't say why, or even think of why, he didn't like it so he tried to let it go.

Charley was led from the showers with a large group of like-dressed passengers, to a conference room that was quickly being filled. There - in that room - everyone congregated together, finally able to look at one another and see the faces of those who had made the long journey with them. Before anyone had a chance to talk however, a speech was given, as well as a presentation. It gave some of the final details about the trip they were on, and how things were meant to be for the next 60 years.

When the speech ended the new passengers were let loose to eat, socialize and explore some of their new surroundings. Charley grabbed a modest meal for himself, found a seat among the rest and began to eat. He wasn't sure how to feel about everything just yet, it was a lot to take in, especially for someone still trying to let go of so much.
Chris gulped down the bite he just took, "thanks," he said down and unloaded all of the apples in his arm onto the table, creating a small pile. "It's nice to meet both of you, you can call me Chris, I'm a mechanical engineer," Chris responded. He noticed the two of them noticing the paleness of his skin and smiles looking at his arms, "weird huh? This sort of thing happens sometimes when you eat a ton of pre dried food," he took another bite of his apple.
Dax watched this man and smiled as he unloaded his pile of apples. When he announced himself as a engineer his eyebrows shot up.

"A engineer you say? So that pale skin isn't just from the pre dried food. You have been up here a long time. I'm guessing you do internal work. So...you have been up here for what? A year? Maybe two?"

Dax saw the shifts of Chris's body compared to his own. His wait had shifted through out is body. He was pale and slightly lengthier, was this how they were all going to be. Tall skinny creatures?

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