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Realistic or Modern We Are Kittens! We Meow and uh...purr?


Five Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Kitty rp! ^^ Basically we act like kitties...

Hmm...a plot for the kitties maybe?

Three kittens have strayed from their litter and need to find a way back. Can they make it through the woods and find their family? Will they meet new friends? When they find their family...what will they find? Will they find their family happy or will they find their home destroyed? Will they have to journey to find what happened to their family? Only I know...but that's because I want to keep it a secret for now.
Sandjra purred as she wandered around the yard of her human owners. Her curiosity led her to a hole in the fence that encircled the yard. She put her paw through it and meowed softly. What was on the other side? Could she get out? She looked behind her at her litter mates and meowed at them.
Patches wanders outside while her litter is inside resting from playing earlier and trots over to her neighbors, Sandjra's and meows to her to get her attention and continues trotting over to play and see how Sandjra is doing. She notices the hole she was stepping into and cocks her head slightly.
Dodo saw that two kittens stray away from everyone else. Being one of the oldest he decided to check on them. As he reached them he saw a hole and instantly backed away from it. Being as curious as he is, he pawed it frantically to see if it was alive. It wasn't. Dodo looked at the other two and meowed in a scared tone.

(I'd say they can talk but only they can understand each other)
(That'd be a good idea)

Patches meows softly at him, rubbing head against his neck to reassure him everything was okay.

She wanted him to come with them to adventure.
Sandjra tilted her head and meowed. She batted her paw at Patches. She then pounced the other kitten and meowed excitedly. She wanted to explore and she wanted to do so now. She looked to the woods and meowed.
Dodo looked at the woods and then the other two kittens. The woods was something he always wanted to explore but was too scared. This might a way to get out of his scaredy cat personality. He walked over to the hole and walked past the fence.

Dodo looked around and sighed. There wasn't anything bad about this place. He walked around but stopped as he saw something move. He already was hearing some rustling leaves and tiny little creatures moving around. This place already scared him.
Patches meows excitedly and playfully paws Sandjra playfully and jumps through the hole and onto Dodo, turning around and meowing for Sandjra to come.

She gets in a pouncing stance, ready to adventure and play.
Emeree hides in a small tree, laying on a rather leafy tree branch. She is not the best at climbing, so she typically hangs around the reachable views, ranging from four to ten feet off the ground. The feline yawns as her nap is disturbed by a loud squirrel running up her tree. She hisses under her breath but decides not to chase it away.
Sandjra follows Patches, meowing excitedly. She paws at a leaf, curious. The leaf moves and she jumps back, then pounces on the leaf. She looks back to the other two kittens and meows.
Dodo looks around as he's nudged. He eyes a furry branch and starts to meow loudly alerting whatever is in the tree. "Hey! Come down!" Hopefully it was another cat otherwise the furry creature would not understand him.
Emeree hears a voice of another cat and perks her head up. She cautiously peeks out from her hiding place, wondering who would be calling to her at this time. Usually, others only appear in the night, but it was still early in the day. The female leaps down, landing on all four of her paws gracefully. She eyes a group of kittens and walks over slowly, keeping her guard up only slightly. They looked harmless.

"Who are you, kittens? Do you live in these woods? I have never seen you."

The cat looks around slowly, searching for any hint of there mother(s).
Sandjra looked at the older cat and meowed. "Sandjra and you are?"

She walked up to the older cat and rubbed against her leg.
"My name is Emeree, dear."

The female cat looks down at the kitten rubbing against her and lifts her paw away. She is not used to physically contact with others.
Dodo looked at Sandjra and sighed.

"I am Dodo and this one next to me is Patches."

He walked closer to Emeree and examined her. This is a strange cat. She's covered in leaves and is being lazy on a tree branch. It must be a grown cat thing to be lazy. He moved Sandjra behind him.

"Sandjra I ask of you to not do that as she might have diseases." He looked at Emeree and got wide-eyed. "Not saying you have any! I just don't want these two to get sick. Besides you're a stranger and we shouldn't be talking with strangers so we will be on our way."

Dodo walks past Emeree and accidently touches her with his tail making him jump up and hiss at her.

"Don't touch me!" He walks around her slowly before falling in a natural storm drain. "Help!"
Emeree watches Dodo's reactions, amused by his behavior. After he falls, she walks over to the opening and pulls him out, with her mouth, by the scruff of his neck.

"Despite what you think, kid, I am actually very clean!"

The cat sees a leaf in her fur and picks it out with her paw. She frowns at the three kittens before her.

"Fine, I won't stop you all... But the woods are dangerous. I hope you know how to fight."

She pretends not to care about their well being and hides in a bush, out of their view. She purrs lightly, hoping to be entertained by their shock.
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Patches gets excited and gets into a pounce position, and pounces Dodo playfully and pawing his cheek. Meow? "Which way, silly."

She purrs and nuzzles against Dodo, as she is a cuddler. She looks at Sandjra and then to the direction of the older cat.

Meowwww. "Come back out.. were young. Me and Dodo are young. Sandjra is 10 months." She frowns.
Sadjra meows Patches, then pounces her. She grabs her tail and starts to bat at it.
Emeree returns, walking as though she had forgotten the kittens were every there. Her eyes widen when she sees the three again, and she sits beside the two playing together. She looks down out Patches and Sandjra, wondering when she last fought someone so carelessly. Emeree meows a sigh, knowing she needs to help them learn the proper ways of being "strays."
Dodo looked at Emeree as she left. Well that's not good. Then Patches started to get his attention which made him back away. Sandjra and Patches started to play and then Dodo sighed. As soon as Emeree came back his ears perked up because they need help.

"Emeree? Are you a stray? If so, do you not like humans?"

These are questions he definitely should know.
Emeree meows an honest reply to the kitten questioning her.

"Yes... and yes. You'll understand, one day: humans are obstacles that stop you from living life to the fullest. Out here I am free to do whatever I please!"

To prove her point, Emeree runs through a patch of flowers and digs a clump of them with her claws. The only human she ever lived with hated when the pets dug in her flower bed.
Sandjra stops playing with Patches to watch Emeree. She can't understand why this older cat was playing in the dirt. She meows and paws at Dodo, as if to ask what was happening. Sandjra then looks at Emeree and meows.

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