Watefords Academy for the Magically Gifted {RP}

(Soooo sorry, its just hectic to keep up with all the goddamned ONE LINERS! I've been avoiding this rp like the plague because of it. If i leave, its because i cant stand some rp styles. its just ACK! Here's my belated reply [MENTION=2482]Lily[/MENTION] [MENTION=27]bettsyboy[/MENTION])

Tahl flashed her a smile, continuing to scratch Helix's head before stretching and laying down on the bed, his shirt riding up slightly to reveal a surprisingly well toned torso. 'I can manipulate the weather. When i was a kid it used to like respond to my emotions, but now i'm learning to control it better.' He explained, flashing her a sidelong smile. He liked this girl. She was nice. Helix seemed to be helping calm her down. 'So do you have any pets?'


Nikita shook his hand hesitantly. Why was he being so nice to her? No one was ever nice. 'i'm Nikita. You can either call me Kita or Niki.' She informed him with a strange edge in her voice. This guy confused her a little. It was difficult to think when he was speaking. his accent washed over her like a wave. 'Its okay. So you just got here, yeah? I got here maybe an hour ago. this place is like sooooo huge. And apparently full of pedo's.' She commented blatently.
Alaura couldnt help but take a peak at his torso, and she liked what she saw, sh glanced away and smiled "That would be cool to chamge the weather" she sat by his feet and smiled noddig "I have a parrot called aladin." Aladin would be out or asleep now
"Well, it'd be easier, I used to have to wait for my sister Naomi to translate, but, well, that's a long story that I don't feel comfortable sharing, I'm sorry. Yes, being taught how to speak the English language could work out for me, waaaay easier to understand the teachers. And if you where wondering what my powers are, besides having wings, because any fool with a natural set of wings can learn to fly. I can sort of read minds, it's on and off. Gives lots of headaches. I hate it. I can also kind of move things with my mind, not easy. I once hit myself in the head with a frying pan because of it. Due to my grandfather, I can breathe underwater, and thanks to my dad, I can kind of manipulate electricity and storms. Who do you think my father and grandfather are? And, oh, I have a cat named Yoko, I found her recently, an abandoned kitten," I said all that in Japanese, of course, and then I looked down, and Yoko's right there, making me smile and I picked up my little furry ball of kaiwaii. I looked at Moonlight, and listened to what she had to say about what I had. Yes, I do speak with mouth fulls at times.
"I know many languages. I can use telepathy to an extent. Your grandfather would have to be someone who is of the waters or the sea. As for your father, I suspect him to be Zues," I said in perfect Japanese. "Hello, Yoko," I greeted the kitten, switching instinctively to the cat tongue.
"My father, indeed is the God of Skies, and storms. And somehow, my uncle, and grandfather is Poseidon. I don't understand that myself, but oh well. But the wings, well, I honestly don't know why I have them. It's sweet though, being able to fly. I like it in the sky. And yes, I'm half Jap, half Greek, and 3/4 God. If I mess up, I could kill myself. I mean, there's a move I've heard of, that only a descendant of Zeus can do, to where you basically shock their heart into ashes. Not one of the people rumoured to have performed the move have lived. I aim to be the first, but I should learn to control my powers first. And also, what are your classes? Mine are History, Powers, Chemistry, oh sweet, Engineering, then a study hall, and lunch after that, then I've got Avian studies. And did you just speak to my cat?" I said all that in Japanese. Man, why am I telling soo much about myself to this girl? Why? She's not a thing like. like.. I forced myself to think the name, a name that meant so much to me, that still does, because the person who held the name jumped infront of a bullet for me. Raven.

Yoko tilted her head to Moonlight, and meowed. It meant nothing, saying as she was less than a month old. Sadly, her mother was killed by a wolf. If James hadn't come along when he had, this little kitty wouldn't have survived.

( Out of character, I stole the name Yoko from Gurren Lagann. xD And does your character have a theme? That goes to whoever reads that. I don't know why, I just like to have themes for my OC's. )
*rune sits there confused and angry finally snapiping he hits a stone pillar and beaks it completely tears stream down his eyes doubting he is even being noticed, his heart feels like ice and his soul like death, hed never felt so depressed before..all because of the cruelty of the people who killed the one person he ever really loved*rune wispers through his tears:why even bother living..ive got nothing now...

"Nice no meet you Nikita.. thats a really nice name" he said smiling, even blushing a little bit.

Michael laughed out loud at her saying the school was full of pedos "ha ha! ha! ha! ha! isn't every school?" he sighed, coming closer to the dorms "so, only been here for an hour huh? and you already know where the dorms and all that are?.. quick learner" he smiled, she was cute and smart, he felt happy that unlike the other cute and smart girls he's known, she wasn't a ***** as well... but then again, those girls weren't smart...

they got to the dorm house, Michael looked at a small note in his pocket "uhh lets see.. i'm in room 302 on the... third floor"

he sighed "well, its not like i'll be changing or anything, wanna come up with? or do you have some other things you gotta get to?"

Alex's eyes went wide "totally awesome! i wish we shared some classes, that would be so cool!" again she had a hhuge smile on her face... it was somewhat unsettling.

as they walked along, Alex opened the door for them to go outside, she took in a deep breath when she got out "aah, old habit that, i always take a deep breath when i come outside, even if i'm only in for a couple of minutes" she put her hands on her hips, stretching back, which ended p showing a little bit of waist, before leaning forward, then she put her hands behind her head as she walked, winking to some nearby guys as they walked by, the guys showed no interest "so, you don't do any sports or anything? wow, i couldnt do that... i need some exercise"

Kira shook her head. "Nope, they don't allow me to do sports so I have to exercise on my own if I feel like I need it." She shrugged. "That's pretty rare but if I do get that urge I usually just come outside and jog or do yoga or something." She wasn't huge into exercise, but yoga was fun sometimes, especially when you got weird looks from passerby. "So where are you from, anyway? There's people from all over the place here."

Prude went to history, feeling as lonely as ever. Why was it so hard...? She was smart, and was surprised to see that she knew more than 80% of the class. Her last school was upper-class... But these were older children! No.... Teenagers! She was a teenager.... Yet... She felt so young. She walked out of history triumphant, and noticed Rune crying next to a snapped pillar. Prude's eyes radiated surprise, and she ran up there immediately.

why even bother living..ive got nothing now...

"Oh my gosh.... Are...." No. Of course he wasn't ok! It was lessons, though... She was late for geometry! She disliked maths, though. And she had an excuse...

"It's lessons..." she whispered faintly. But why would it matter, when he was in such a mess? "Rune... If you need to talk about anything, I'm here... Just remember that." Prude disliked most men, but she hated seeing this man so unhappy...

"I have geometry now.... I have to run. But I'm always here, you know?" she said, softly, as she ran off to geometry. Maths wasn't her favourite OR best subject, and most knew more than her... It was depressing. She focused, though, determined to be the best no matter how young she was.

*rune sat on the ground having completely not noticed prudence(he has occasional flashbacks where he cant tell whats going on in reality)having flashed back to the day he returned to the dark forest only to find it had been burned down by the terrorist order he had defeated and along with the forest the woman he loved, calysto , had been killed. He had searched for days through the rubble and only to find her dead body, he was never the same after that, he snapped back to reality and could tell someone had been near but he didnt know who, he took a bottle of wine from his bag(of course he isnt allowed to drink looking 16 but he breaks occasional rules) he takes a long drink and puts it away now not crying* rune:well...ive got to get to class*he walks twards his next class, knowing he would get a scolding for not showing up to his last,but he knew a scolding wasnt his worst problem, who had seen him? Would they keep it a secret they saw him like that? He had so many questions running through his head that he couldnt pay attention throughout any of his classes but once he got out he went and sat on the same pillar he broke putting on a fake smile*(as for powers class, he conjured a blade that could cut without any real force and created a whirlwind in class to show the extent of his simple finger magic, he wanted to make lightning but knew that was unpredictable with the desks having metal)
Namida shrugged. "Sure, why not?" she smiled and walked into the cafeteria, holding the door open, waiting for him. "Well, you'd better hurry before I close the door on ya." she pressed, gesturing him to hurry up. She started to eat a strand of spaghetti while she waited. She swallowed and tapped her foot impatiently. Namida licked her lips but remembered there was a person there. She blushed and looked away. "Wait..." it had just hit her. "Your other half growls?" she questioned. She tilted her head in confusion. "Are you part lion? Tiger? Bear?" she asked. "Oh my." she muttered.
He chuckled to himself and moved the jacket a bit, showing the scar up his body. "I am Brett. Brett Bearheart and I'm named that for a reason." He smiled and passed her. "I'll be right back." He went and looked at one of the kitchen staff. A plate was quickly brought out with a full platter of steak. He walked back out to Namida and pointed to his food. "My breakfast." He chuckled, more to himself as he blushed with embarrassment. He looked at Namida. "But yes, my twin spirit is referred to as Warclaw. Has saved my life a few times but the price was companionship." He looked away still blushing shyly. He then looked at the tables. One was empty nearby. He gestured towards it. "Shall we sit?"
"I get spagbol, and you get bloody steak? I get it, you're probably half bear but you don't need to have steak!" she said in disbelief, sighing. She sat down at the one free table. "You must have a great life then; all I can do is make illusions." she blushed and smiled awkwardly. She looked around a picked lazily at her food. Namida took a small bite out of the pasta and thought of a really bad joke she'd seen one time. "What do you call a fake noodle?" she asked. "An impasta." she smiled at her lame joke and took another bite. Namida sighed and pushed her food away. "I'm not hungry right now." she said tiredly.
He chuckled to himself again, a little harder this time. She was a riot. He started to eat his first steak with fork and knife. He was eating rather quickly but had no problem with it. "You see, that's the thing," he paused to swallow, "I'm not half bear... technically... but I do have a bear's appetite... So... these two steaks, barely do the job... I could probably eat a whole deer right now and I'd gain little weight... and the weight that I gain would turn to muscle extremely quickly..." He continued eating and when she made the comment about him having a great life, he slowed down on his eating. "I wish my life were simple, even with this so-called "ability". It's more like a curse really; scaring people off and those that do brave to get to know me, usually meet my alternation in a not-so-nice manner. I'd much rather be an illusionist than an essential spirit bear." He took another bite. "Truth is, I'm a loner. Always have been. I'm that odd ball that no ones really got to know in school." He shrugged and kept eating, already almost finished. When she made the cheesy joke, he chuckled. "Good pun." He smiled and finished his meal. He pushed the plate to the side and looked at the food she didn't eat. He then looked at her. No denying, he wanted that food, but she should eat more than just a small fraction. He blushed slightly. "You should eat the rest, or at least try," he said with a kind smile.
"Eh, being the illusionist isn't all that great either." she shrugged. "Most of the time it's about memories; I have no good memories." she glared at her plate of food and shook her head calmly. "Nah, you can have it. I stocked up my stomach before I came here." she pushed the spaghetti over to him. "I insist." she said, blushing ever so slightly. "And I'm a loner too. You're not the only one. Normally people ignore me or they try to know me and I kind of push them away. I just have more things on my mind than making friends. So I guess your reason is a factor of need more than want, though. Personally, I'd like to see how angry you can get. I deny that little fume session out there was your greatest agitation. I think I'd like to see this little bear spirit thing; Warclaw was it?" she asked.

Prude was slightly annoyed that Rune hadn't noticed her, but shook it away. He was in a right state.... Something really bad must've happened in his past. She walked out of geometry, and punched the air as she found out that it was biology next. Biology! The best subject EVER! She ran to class, and earnestly sat at the very front. Her heart still ached.... Her last science teacher was the best ever, and no one could replace him... She tried to keep herself from crying, but it was hard... But she could tell that she had impressed the teacher. She knew more than 95% of the class, and smirked inside her head. She loved showing people that she was cleverer than them. She went through the whole class in the same way, answering nearly all of the questions she was asked and learning whatever she could. She left the class happily, and found out that they had a small break. She thought about seeing Rune again, worried about him. He had been drinking... In school! She frowned, and began looking for him.

*rune sits on the pillar using grass as target practice for his magic, one time he sent a small bolt of lightning at one but it turned around and went into his true silver(alot more valuable than any gold)locket, he decided then that it would be a good idea to stop, consitering zeus likes to turn lightning against him to tick him off, he jumps off the pillar and walks around campus bored, he pulls out a soda(somehow ice cold0.o and he didnt use magic on it wich is strange lol) and takes a sip, he throws it away and keeps walking*


Prude finally caught sight of Rune, and ran towards him just as he threw away a soda can. She slowed down as she neared him.

"Uh.... Rune?" she asked, frowning. "A-Are you ok?"

Are you ok? What a stupid question! Of course he wasn't ok. She hated seeing people unhappy. And Rune definitely was unhappy. No. Depressed. She frowned, pondering what had made him feel this way. She usually disliked men, especially old teens, but... She couldn't ignore Rune.

"No, that wasn't the most agitation I've suffered, trying to keep him in. I've suffered through much more where I almost burst entirely. Yes, he is Warclaw, but I would much rather not show him. His persona is not mine and he's very... hostile. To say the least." He took her plate and ate it quickly before he continued. He then pushed the plate aside and leaned back in his seat, his scar showing as it ran from his heart up his chest, neck and across his face; around his eye. "If you want to see him, stick around and wait for someone to really set the bear off." He chuckled to himself. "I can show you what else I can do. Have a bear spirit has it's perks. You know how I was walking through the hall with my eyes closed?"
*rune looks at prudence*rune thinks: oh my god! Was she the one who saw me? Great, here come the rumors, women always spread them...

Rune:u-um yeah im fine...just got hit with a small bolt of lightning...i need a preak from trying to use my powers*he chuckles*

Prudence frowned. Fine?

"No... You're not fine. First of all, you just got hit by a bolt of lightning!" She huffed with laughter. "Ok, then you have to consider the fact that you were drinking in school, and then you.... Well... You're um.... I can just tell that you're not ok. You know, it never does you any good to keep bad feelings bottled up inside. You just have to let them go, tell someone. I won't tell anyone else, but.... I know that something's wrong..."

Rune:i-i....ok, do you know why i came here? My original home...my family...and my entire race, is dead, slaughtered by an evil tyrant...i went to a far off place called the known lands...and after a long time i became a adventurer there....then everything in my life went wrong again...the order of maglir made their move...a terrorist order who was working slowly over thoulsands of years...they destroyed everything...but i ended them at the battle of serpents pass...i thought the one place i had felt happy was safe, the dark forest...the elf calysto lived there...i honestly liked her and planned to tell her when i returned...but when i came back all of them where dead*his voice cracks and tears well up in his eyes*rune: they where all slaughtered ....i didnt have any home to return to really...so i came here because i heard people might accept me...but ive never been accepted before...not when they know about the risk of having me around....*he looks at his locket*the lightning was nothing....a dragon once breathed fire in my face....u dont know how ticked i was at that...but lightning isnt really that damaging to me

As Prude listened to Rune's story, her blue eyes grew wider, and she put on a touched expression. She was right about him having a bad past... She felt for him. Why... Why did she dislike men, anyway? Why? You don't choose to be born male or female. Hating the opposite gender is as bad as the opposite gender hating your gender. Why was she so ignorant...? But Rune....

"I-I'm sorry..." she said, finally. "That's.... Awful." What to say? Awful? It was ten times as bad as awful? Appalling? No... Worse than that. Abysmal? No! No words could describe how.... Horrible Prude thought Rune's past was. All the words she needed to say were expressed in her face. Except... She smiled.

"I accept you."

"Oh. Quite a scar there." she felt weird looking at it, she may have had some scars of her own. Both physical and mental. But the weren't worth showing, especially around Brett. She stared at it for a couple more minutes. "Wait a second... you don't have a shirt on... oh I feel so stupid I was just staring at your chest and you didn't have a shirt on and gah!" she placed her head on her arms and leaned against the table, not wanting to show the incredible blush she had right now. How did I not notice he had no shirt on until now? she asked herself. Her nails dug into her skin and she bit her lip. I'm an idiot sometimes. she admitted mentally.

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