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It was a cavalcade of voices and conversations, all trying to figure out what was happening more or less. Making request alongside his, getting to know one another, and some of them passing along compliments. It was all just noise as Koda continued to assess the situation and calm himself down. Not to mention the heat in his chest that kept drawing his attention, each heartbeat sending the warmth around his body. He coughed to clear his dry throat, a small plume of smoke releasing before it faded into the ventilation above. Even as he expelled the smoke the feeling continued to build up again, but he held in the unnatural sensation as the robot started reading off its rules.

Koda listened with his arms leaning in between the bars, head pressed to the edge of the cage so he could have a somewhat clear view of robot. When the cage opened he stepped back and made sure nothing was coming towards him before exiting towards the cages. One person threw themselves out violently, barely hitting their knees before sprinting to the lockers. He threw open most of them before Koda was able to make it out of his cage, but it made it easier for Koda to find his. As he walked over he'd struggle with the new metal feet, occasionally wincing as the steps sent spurts of pain up his leg.

Like most Koda struggled trying to get the pants on the new feet and had to lean against the locker for support as he did so. They were just some old combat pants, more then a few deep pockets along the side and well worn to allow flexibility. It was while slipping on the shirt that Koda began to notice his lack of hair, rubbing a hand over his bare chest and surprised by the smoothness. Then he ran a hand over his chin and up over his head, sighing deeply as he realized how far the loss extended. There was even a basic green cap in the locker that wasn't his, Koda putting it on as he wondered if the Doctor had a cruel sense of humor. Beyond that he listened to the robot and left his various weapons in the locker. Worse comes to worse he'd find something around them to use, but he wouldn't disobey these rules unless he knew he could get away.

Looking between the groups he struggled for a moment, wondering which to approach. He wasn't usually a smoker, but then again he could tell when someone was flirting and wasn't looking to step on any toes so soon. Taking a deep breath he decided to close up his locker and lean against it, slowly crossing his arms against his chest. Maybe it was the operation, the collar around his neck, or the fiery sensation seeping into him, but despite his propensity for it Koda didn't feel like conversation at the moment. Instead he turned the hat backwards and adjusted it til it was comfortable, waiting for the robot to begin their tour.
The next hour was interesting at least. As soon as the smokers were done the robot announced that it was time to move, a brief tour of the "armoured blimp" proved to all that they were in a large building capable of flight. Food was served and even had enough to hand out packed lunches for the road... pouches of mush and pills said to provide everything in a full meal and as the robot said, roasted meat and vegetables of some kind. In case there was cannibals in the cast it didn't taste human, but it didn't taste like regular meat one would hunt in the badlands.

Many robots seemed to hover and keep an eye on the guests as they passed, led back to the rooms with lockers and cages and told to ready up.
"Dr Finnibus will address you all on at the Drop De--....
Will address you all at the jump deck"

The robot was now being followed by two others of the same design, the three ensure every one has their gear.
Including weapons, ammo, jet board and parachute
(And whatever else you had in the locker)

It was with the eight of them looking down at the badlands like gods, monsters and people looked like ants (if you could see any from this height) and with the blimp turning everyone got a decent view of what they would most likely be attacking...
It was the remnants of a factory from the old war, a structure still standing made of concrete and steel with multiple additions added on over the years.
Recently however (In the last month anyway) was the smoke bellowing from the top of it as if the factory was back up and running.
The psychos that live here are a somewhat notorious gang in the Bad-lands.
"The Damned" as they called themselves.
Certainly one of the largest gangs around due to leadership and location.
Known mostly for being the only raiders dumb or perhaps smart enough to utilize the zombies and mutants as tools or weapons.
Just a old world factory full of violent idiots yea?

Well apparently Dr Finnibus believes something different.
"can you hear me?"
The robot buzzed with the crazed doctors voice
"You might know this is the base of the Damned, they only just recently however started production of something. I believe it is a old friend of mine who has taken leadership over the psychos and has them on scavenger hunts for his ill conceived evil idiotic plans to one up me!
While I could drop a bomb or two on this eyesore and be done with it. I believe there is to much inside that factory that can be used for it to be destroyed.
Resources, perhaps derelict equipment or even original models of... nevermind your mission is the following...

Kill or run the Damned psychos up out the place.
Kill the leader of the Damned, if it isn't a red haired man named Gerald wearing power armor then that weasel is most likely being held captive and forced to repair the equipment. It is important that the leader of the gang is dead and that betraying piece of shit Gerald is dead to!!

I am sending along three helper bots to accompany you in this task
More importantly you have been given a parachute and a Speedam Jet board. The parachute is a last resort. Simply click your feet out of the board and pull the string on the backpack to float safely down. But the board should work fine.
Your feet lock into place from any side so stand how you like.
The front foot controls speed while the back foot controls direction.
I have BB shields installed into each board so even if you fall directly down the device won't break and you won't die. Worst that happens is your ankles turn to dust and you recieve whiplash but we already fixed that already..

I would come show you how to fly the board myself by I am old and the collars would choke you out if we were to stand to close together.
Remember the collars, if i think your working agaisnt me ill press a button that makes your head dissapear into a red mist... do as i say when i say it and your death wont come from me"

With four robots and eight people standing outside high in sky with wind blowing, you only hear the and can be heard via the collar that is picking up your shouting and their rattling. While being a bomb it is also a walkie talkie apparently... Neat.

With eight people locked into boards with magnet feet Eagle was a tad nervous on how they were supposed to fly.
"how we supposed to steer this thing with no handles or wheel?"
"with balance sir, I imagine any can learn quickly. After all Dr Finnibus himself was able to ride the first prototype when he was only a awkward child with two literal left feet"

The robot answered but Finnibus was quick to interject
"Doctor doctor confidentiality Cuddles.. Send them now quickly!"
The robots force everyone off and three of the helpers bots leave cuddles alone saluting dramatically with music playing from his speaker.

Eagle felt his feet stick in place as the shock of being pushed caused him to brace for the fall. The board burst to life with sparks of blue pulsing from the bottom of it and blue flames spurting out the pipes on the back.
Eagle was in a bad corkscrew spin heading downwards with audible "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!"
until he crouched down and managed to level out. Balance and coordination came easy to the young man, even on a rocket board it would seem.
His weapons rattle and slap in their holsters, the breeze whips his face while the sunglasses stay on his face due to wind pressure or fear of heights.
Y'all been pushed off the blimp a decent way from the factory. You could choose to fly there but it's probably better to sneak closer on foot and break in at night

But if you was to fly way up and over who'd spot a person when a Big ass blimp is usually the only thing in the sky.
Dexterity determines how quickly one gets the hang of flying. Like how fallout never explains how to control power armor (we just get told it's difficult)
The board directions should require more text but I have shit to do and no time for writing instructions on a device that won't be real in my lifetime.
Hibiscus Hibiscus RottenVale RottenVale Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin Prizzy Kriyze Prizzy Kriyze proudnoodle proudnoodle Sir Fungus Sir Fungus Femboy Femboy

The walkie talkie collars pick up your characters ramblings and shouting so potential plans can be discussed before you hit the ground.
As Ryan jumped out of the blimp, He let out a yell of excitement as he clicked the board to his feet, it was a hard concept to grasp on how to work the thing, so he just stayed in free fall for the most part. His rifle over his shoulder flowed in the wind while his adrenaline sparked him to life, he decided to do a few flips just to show off before his Speedam hoverboard finally shot to life, causing him to move in all sorts of directions, causing him to scream loudly “HOW DO I WORK THIS THIIIIING!?!?!” He yelled as he spun in all sorts of direction, he quickly decided to just ditch the damned thing and go with the parachute, Ryan moved a ways away from the factory before pulling his parachute open, gliding slowly but surely to the ground.
Once he hit the surface and the parachute covered him, he quickly let go of his parachute pack and shuffled out of the parachute, laughing maniacally “Ooooh man that was amazing, hadn’t felt a rush like that in years...” He sighed finally as he lay on the ground, determining the next course of action, the best thing first would be to try and find everyone first, better to do something like this with a group then alone, after all, he couldn’t really sneak that well at night anymore due to his fucking glow.
”Maybe I can find that...Texas looking guy, he seems to be knowing what he’s Doing.” Ryan said to himself, as he began to start walking around the perimeter.
tuckson headshot.png
Tuckson Decovo
Location: Airship ---> Area outside of factory
Status: Anxious

After a short while the robotic assistant rounded them all back together again and gave them a brief show of the blimps interior. On the way they passed a few corridors leading down to unmarked closed doors, possibly something to ask about assuming they would survive whatever the doctor had planned for them. They were seated in a medium sized mess hall where they were served their meals, some sort of meat and what he hoped were vegetables. Tuckson ate his in silence, focusing on keeping the food down and wishing that he had grabbed some of the dried jerky from his locker. After they were finished with their meals the robot lead them back to the locker areas with the instructions to prepare themselves. Grabbing his holster secured it to his waist and did a quick check of the revolver. Noting no problems with it he loaded the cylinder and holstered it before grabbing the hunk of metal and parachute, and once everyone else was ready followed the bot as it took them to a place called the jump deck.

In the distance Tuckson could barely make out what looked like an old worn out factory as the voice of the doctor crackled from the robot and explained the situation. He couldn't help but grimace when the doctor told them they would have to kill their leader, even if he knew why. 'Hopefully we can get through this without having to kill too many. If I can get to this Gerald guy before things go south I can try and convince him to lie low when everything dies down.' He was suddenly brought out of his thoughts as the man who identified himself as Eagle was shoved off by one of the robots. Another soon followed and soon Tuckson felt the world fall out from underneath him as he began hurtling towards the ground. The wind stabbed at his eyes as his glasses were practically torn from his face forcing him to squint his eyes and give a muttered curse. Spreading his body out so that he was falling slower a brief sound of an engine roaring to life was the only warning he got before the board roared to life and spent him spiraling towards the ground.

Gritting his teeth he slowly brought the board underneath him and carefully brought it to level. Now descending towards the ground in a shaky but controlled manner he turned and tried to find his other companions. Unsure how exactly the collars worked he shouted out "Try and get the board underneath you, lower your center of gravity and shift your waist!" He wasn't sure if anyone had heard his advice as they descended, all he could do is hope that they either figured out these devices or could reach their parachutes in time.

Interacted with: NeonFlow NeonFlow RottenVale RottenVale Prizzy Kriyze Prizzy Kriyze proudnoodle proudnoodle Sir Fungus Sir Fungus Femboy Femboy (For the call out)​
mosa card.png

Mosa had a somewhat fine time eating and trying to calm herself down from her new situation and lifestyle, but that probably wasn't going to last long. Even after the brief tour, she still had no clue where anything was or what anything was, it was all just appearing as a chrome blur in front of her, giving her all sorts of confusing vibes. She also still wanted to know for what ridiculous reason she was blue for and how that was supposed to be helpful. She found herself being taken, along with all the other prisoners, to what seemed where they were going to drop out of. It looked way too high, way dangerous, and she felt terribly unprepared for the whole thing. She was given all her things back, along with the board and a parachute, but she still wasn't confident on just going down. "Do you mind if we maybe get some practice?-" she tried to ask softly, but finding herself ignored as they were already thrown out of the airship.

It had been only a mere few seconds of falling as Mosa found herself kind of just staring back up at the giant blimp that was slowly beginning to shrink in her view, the ground starting to approach miles away. Her first attempt to try and actually use the board didn't work, at all. Nor did the second. She was slightly starting to panic and was hoping it would just be easy to figure out, but it was like she didn't even know if it was on at this point. She looked dowj, which wasn't really a good idea, as she got a grasp at how fast she was actually beginning to plummet to the ground, panicking and fumbling trying to use the board to stop her descent when she heard instructions yelled from somewhere else. "Try and get the board underneath you, lower your center of gravity and shift your waist!" was exactly what she was told, and she tried to follow through, moving and attempting to balance upright as she tried. She saw and felt her fall cease for a moment as she got the hang of it... only for a moment. "Thank you!-" she tried to call back excitedly before realising, she wasn't actually that good at this hoverboarding thing.

She hit the ground, luckily from where she had the board slow her, she wasn't all that far above the ground after all. It would've also probably helped even more if she could have pulled her parachute cord in time to not get hurt at all. Mosa managed to essentially land on a small hill which she ended up somewhat smoothly rolling down into a small ditch which caught her rather than slamming into flat, hard terrain, which wasn't all that bad except for the dirt. "I... want to go... home... " she huffed as she pushed herself up, feeling achey in a lot of places and bruised from landing on her dumb butt, but overall she didn't feel like she was gonna die. Except her skin, it looked worse than before. Maybe it was just her or the lighting, but she looked a stronger blue than she was on the blimp. It appeared to be fading slowly to its original tone, but now she was just left with more questions. And being stuck alone in the badlands looking like an alien freak that literally fell from the sky probably was not a good thing either. "Uhh, is anyone else here? That won't stab or shoot me preferably?... " she asked softly, speaking up slightly as she slowly stood up, looking at her dirty coat before the environment around her. It wasn't with her or on her, or in the ditch. Mosa glanced up the small hill she landed on and didn't see anything either.

She let go of her gun at some point on the way down, and she has no idea where she dropped it.
talking to: Femboy Femboy
Mentions: Everyone

As Ryan trudged through the area around him, he heard several of his companions landing upon the ground, thankfully, so far, sounded like no one was hurt, going closer to the nearest voice, He kept His eyes and ears open. Pulling the bolt on his gun back and disabling the safety, he made sure he was ready for combat, had it been necessary, he then quickly ran out of a bush, aiming his rifle ahead of him down a trench at Mosa, realizing who she was, he quickly put his weapon down “Oh, Uh, Sorry bout that.” He coughed, slinging his rifle back over his shoulder And sliding down, using his robotic arm to pull back some of the speed by digging the fingers into the dirt. “You alright?” He asked, waiting for a response as he continued to look around everywhere else. Yeah, now was definitely a good idea to try and assemble the others, with everyone in different directions, they needed as many people to take this factory, stealth was good, but due to the side effects of the experiments on everybody, that wasn’t gonna be an option.
Ryan looked back to mosa, noticing that she had been covered in dirt, he pulled out a spare bandana and offered it to her “Here, it ain’t much, but if you wanna get some of the dirt off, use that.” He then thought for a moment as he spoke aloud, unaware of his walkie-talkie collar “If only we could talk to the others somehow...”
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Carmine was positively bursting at the seams. With hands trembling from excitement he tightened the buckle at the back of his head, keeping his mask in place. His stomach may be full for the first time in months, but suppressing the urge to shoot something for this long was mentally exhausting. With the promise of action on the horizon he couldn't help but hasten his step, only to have to his route corrected again and again by the robots. He'd been fully supplied with ammo now, and if you listened closely you could hear the clicking of a revolver cylinder slowly being spun somewhere beneath his clothes.

At the jump deck they were lined up to look down over the badlands. A crooked smile formed under his mask as Carmine felt the wind stretch out its fingers and play with his clothes. In spite of all the things he'd done up until now, he'd never seen the badlands from this perspective before. Before them was a factory in the distance, alive and kicking judging by the smoke bellowing from its towers. That was their target. But Carmine did like a loyal dog and stayed as the Doctor slowly laid out his instructions. Only when he heard the instruction to push them out of the ship did he react. And with a robot pressed against his back he took a running start and leapt.

Only when he was already in the air did he attempt to slap the hover board onto his feet; a stunt that nearly caused him to lose grip of it, but luckily the magnetic feet worked wonders and the board clicked into place. "Like riding a skateboard." He hummed to himself, ignored the profanities and screaming coming through his collar. The burst of blue of flames first had him off-center, but he leveled out quickly and started experimenting with his balance and foot positioning. Suddenly he caused a drastic acceleration to knock him into a spinning free fall. "HAHAhahaha this is GREAT!" he roared into his collar. Like it was second nature to him, he planed out once more and crouched down with his weight heavily tilted forward, then attempted the maneuver again. The thruster at the back sparked into high gear again and catapulted him forward through skies towards the factory in the distance. "RACE YOU THERE!"

Only when he was approaching the factory did he notice the calm chattering over the collar's radio and sent a glance over his shoulder. Looked like the rest of them chose to make landfall instead. He shrugged. He'd already gone this far, there was little more he could do about that. Instead he shifted his gaze back to the factory and redoubled his charge. The roof was the clearest target to land on from here, but depth perception wasn't exactly his strong suit. Better to just ram something than actually try to land here, he figured. Little figures could be seen there. Ants. Bandits. Berries, ripe for the picking. It wasn't terribly obvious to him, but they seemed to be staring up at the blimp in the sky rather than the incoming ballistic missile of a person. Still, at this height? Carmine opted to crouch down as low to the board as he possibly could, make himself small to account for air resistance, then turn the acceleration down until the board fell silent and he was simply sliding through the air on momentum alone. His trembling fingers reached within his clothes as he zeroed in on a figure on one of the lower rooves. One, he thought.

The bandit looked down and met eyes with Sketch only a moment before they collided. He never had a chance, as a flash erupted from the activation of the BB shield, slowing Sketch's fall to nonlethal. They tumbled across the roof until Sketch took control of the momentum, slid into a crouched stance. A flash of sharp movement accompanied his sudden stop as eight surprised bandits surrounding him on the roof looked on as their now former ally arced through the air in two different directions. As the upper and lower half hit the roof Sketch spun around and unloaded a dozen bullets from his SMG into the closest bandit. Lights flickered as the first few were intercepted by some off-brand energy shield, then the following ones had him toppling backwards to never get back up. As muzzle flashes lit up the area and a series of vulgarities and curses filled the air behind their deafening bangs, Sketch dove in behind an industrial-sized ventilation system. In the distance he could see one of the robots that followed them off the blimp approaching, and the crooked smile behind his smile grew.

His heart banged in tune to the gun shots, and with thrill in his tone he shouted into the collar. "Hey, y'all are missing out on all the FUN! Get your asses up here already!"

[Interacted: All of ya's, get in on the action!]
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The tour was long and monotonous, with little end in sight. Each hallway seemed to stretch endlessly and there was always some "fun facts" the doctor had to share about the rooms. It took what felt like hours to see the entire blimp, but the food provided was at least worth the wait. Satiated and geared up, the robot took them all to the launch pad. Along the way three new robots joined them, silently filling in at the back of group as they walked after giving them all their gear that was leftover in the lockers.

Koda couldn't see what everyone was looking at down the hatch, the land a blurry mess from this height. Instead he listened as intently as he could, getting ready for their mission by strapping on his gloves, tightening his satchel, and putting each of knuckles in opposite pockets. The pistol was put behind his back and he secured it in his belt, making sure it wouldn't slip. Lastly the knife was slipped into a sheathe in his boot before he stood back up. 'The Damned... I think we've had some of them in the compound. Didn't know about the mutants though, glad they didn't bring them in.'

Running them out of the factory sounded easy enough, but someone in power armor was a cause for concern. That and the mutants around the factory looked like a large wave around the building, constantly shifting as they moved. Koda was leaning over the edge as he tried to see the factory when the robots approached, closing in on the group. Dramatic music blasted behind him and Koda only turned to see a robot arm pushing him over. The metal feet found the magnets, clicking in just as he tipped past the threshold. "What the hell!?"

A mix of screaming came through the collar, barely making it to Koda past the sounds of the air whipping past him and the boosters roaring to life. The engines were forcing him past their objective, Koda trying to recover his bearings before his flight pattern. It was a downward spiral that curved every so often, broken up as Koda pushed on the front, back, and sides to get any sense of control. The Doctor's voice came through, "Try and get the board underneath you, lower your center of gravity and shift your waist!" Koda listened to the advice, using one hand to grip the side of the board and shifting downwards.

It was still a rough ride, but Koda managed to steer the board towards the ground.
"I think I got it!" Koda found the smile from the ride forming, but it quickly left as he got closer to the ground. "Wait! How do I stop it!?" Was all he got out before the board ran him into thick brush, the BB shield forming around him as he landed and a useless parachute billowed out harmlessly behind. A thick plume of dust erupted from the landing and left Koda laying flat on his back. "Hey, y'all are missing out on all the FUN! Get your asses up here already!"

"Yeah... I'll do just that." Koda groaned, slowly picking himself up from the small crater he formed. He picked up the board, doing his best to walk quietly towards the entrance. There wasn't much in way of cover, but Koda was able to find a large boulder about a few hundred feet out. "I don't know where y'all are, or if y'all can hear me," Koda looked at the large horde in front of him, "But anyone have a plan?" They were all lumbering, slow, and endless from where he watched the horde, but Koda began to think. "I've got something in mind, but I'm open to suggestions."

((Let's get it!))
Interacted: Sir Fungus Sir Fungus Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin Femboy Femboy Prizzy Kriyze Prizzy Kriyze proudnoodle proudnoodle NeonFlow NeonFlow RottenVale RottenVale
tuckson headshot.png
Tuckson Decovo
Location: Airspace of factory - Factory rooftop
Status: Exasperated

The air whipped at Tuckson, blowing his hair all over the place as chatter began pouring from the collar around his neck. it was difficult to see exactly where his companions were landing, however from the sounds of it one of them must have hit the ground pretty hard. He honestly expected at least one of them to slam into the ground, part of him was surprised he wasn't already trying to pick himself out of a crater, but what was unexpected was the thin blue line that streaked towards the factory at breakneck speeds. Was one of them trying to head straight into the factory? Slamming into the ground was one thing, there was always a chance of landing on a patch of looser dirt that could help lessen the impact, but this was a metal building that would give no cushion whatsoever. "Whoever that is pull the hell up! We're going to have to scrape you off of the building if you don't move!" The person either didn't hear him or didn't care enough to pull up as he quickly slammed into something on the roof of the factory.

The sound of muffled breathing and gunshots soon followed, along with a rather euphoric sounding voice telling them to get in on the action. Dammit, there went any hope they had of getting inside the factory without causing a scene. Glancing between the factory and the ground in front of it, Tuckson let out a soft curse as he spoke into the collar
"Shit, he's pinned down. I'm going to try and provide backup, everyone else try and get to the factory as soon as you can." Having gotten a decent enough understanding of how the device his feet were attached to functioned he shifted his back foot so that he'd come in at a more level angle and began his descent towards the roof. As he got closer he could finally start to make out the situation, the man who introduced himself with his name and former nickname was engaged with seven bandits in a firefight. The bisected corpse of one of them laid on the ground as the two groups exchanged gunfire from behind their respective cover.

Thanking the fact that it seemed the bandits were all focused on his companion Tuckson managed to slowly bring himself down onto the roof. Unfortunately the loud clang that the metal board made slamming into the ground was loud enough to draw the attention of two of the bandits. The two turned to Tuckson and it was with a startled shout that he dove behind a large vent as bullets began to whiz around him. Taking quick breaths he drew his revolver from it's holster and with a quick press of his thumb the hammer was cocked and ready to go. Quickly peeking around the side of the vent he spotted a route that would put him next to his companion while also giving him a decent amount of cover. There was a brief pause in the bullets coming at him and with one more quick check he made a break for the new cover, revolver barking out as four shots pinged off metal pipes and vents.

Sliding in behind a series of pipes Tuckson got into a crouch and began making his way over to his masked companion. "What were you thinking?! Rushing in without any of us, it's like you want to get killed!" Blindly firing two more shots over the top of his cover he opened the cylinder and let the discarded casings fall to the ground with inaudible plinks before loading another six rounds into it. A voice came through his collar again, this one asking if anyone had a plan in mind. "Current plan is to try and not die. Other than that, I've got nothing." Another hail of gunfire echoed around them, the bandits shouting curses and instructions as they began spreading out in an attempt to flank them. Three quick shots came out to force an approaching bandit to dive back behind his cover as Tuckson was beginning to regret only carrying his revolver. In a firefight like this with multiple people trying to kill them a revolver wasn't the best weapon to use. It took a bit of time to reload, fired slower than the other's weapons and he ran the recoil of firing multiple shots made it difficult to hit anything. While that wouldn't be a problem in most cases, firing off a few rounds and using that opportunity to flee, running away wasn't an option this time. "We're outnumbered here. We need to get off of this roof!" He called out to the man beside him, blindly firing off another two shots towards the bandits.

Mentioned: Everyone, via collar
Interacted: Prizzy Kriyze Prizzy Kriyze , Hibiscus Hibiscus
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eagle bang card.png
Eagle was absolutely stunned as he soared through the air. Moving faster then he ever had before, no bike car or train could match this feeling... Like being able to balance on a bullet or rocket, it felt like Eagle was riding death in a physical form.
A fleeting moment,
Fear of the unknown,
A explosion consuming all it reaches in fire,
The Speedam board is what the space age grim reaper would ride...
Eagle Bang was ready to steal that laser scythe and take the title of Death for himself.
The rush of adrenaline buzzing throughout his body forcing Eagle to do anything to survive.

Though the noise in his ears was loud as the wind and the surging hum of the board emitting energy was constant. The collar spoke to him like the other riders were right next to him shouting.
Some landed before him, others gave helpful advice, more flew straight into the target location to say hello to the locals via bullets.
Not a bad opening stratagem, the badlands is usually a shoot first questions later place but for a ambush from the sky to work it requires more then two people and a robot.

Tuck, Sketch and helper 1 (a robot like shown before) are quickly pinned down by psychos and maruraders. Gunfire sounds off from various directions and the more stab happy of the mask wearing Damned ran across the rooftops searching for strangers to slice.
"Don't look at me during!!!"
A psycho wearing nothing but a gas mask, and jeans lept from a vantage point falling with a spiked metal club. With a impressive swing the psycho swatted the robot to the ground and a blue flash protected the psycho from fall damage.
"Its a stromboli bucket"
The psycho laughs as he swings his club from side to side trying to fling the remains of helper robot from his weapon.
Three more psychos jump down with blades and bats. Each landed safely like the first with a blue flash except for the one with a machetemachete who breaks his leg on impact due to not wearing a shield.
The four psychos laugh and shout crazy phrases as they begin to crowd Sketch and The Doc.
Prizzy Kriyze Prizzy Kriyze Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin

The others to land outside the factory would find a horde. Zombies impaled or tied to the fence surrounding the perimeter. Mutants leading zombies in swarms outside and in, fixing the fence with bodies and throwing the dead onto a rather large corpse pile.

Mosa and Ryan would find themselves within shouting distance of Koda who was inspecting the horde. For any keeping a keen eye on the Damned or any who have dealt with zombie hordes before sneaking past the shifting wall of dead seemed easy but messy.
Simply cover yourself in the guts of the dead
(Not on open wounds or open anything really)
And you could shuffle past if you make little noise.
Femboy Femboy Sir Fungus Sir Fungus Hibiscus Hibiscus

The mutants guarding the two main gates would be more difficult.
Seven feet of calloused green skin and muscle mass stood ready to open the chain link and shove zombies out of the way for scavenger trips.
With three fences protecting the factory from the badlands.
On the inside is mutants and humans. Maruders and psychos if you count them as human anyway.
The inside gate was full a of zombies and mutants.
The last gate is bigger and sturdier, built over time to keep zombies and worse out. The Damned let zombies inside the first gate but never the inside where the factory is...

To reiterate,
Two mutants stand at each gate.
(Basically this)

For all those riders in the air...It's about time to land, just gotta try and steer that direction you wanna end up.
RottenVale RottenVale proudnoodle proudnoodle
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