Washington High School: Student Chronicles

I did too. xD But the way my schedule is set up I only go for two classes and then go to work.

Birthday! Yay!!!! How old shall our little spook spook be?
14. *dances*

(I put the wrong age in when I signed up for RPnation, because i always click 2000 instead of 2001 OTL but hey, at least it's only one year off)
14!!! *dances with you*

Those were the hellish years. I regret my 14 year old self... So much.
its just very very awkward

i probably make it more awkward than i should tho

namely when i meet people

me in any social interaction with a stranger ever: u-uh hi there

how are you d-doing

you, er.. you like ducks? i, i like ducks! ..shit i cant do this

*runs away*
At least I managed to not go through an emo phase i guess

although im probably going through another phase and because im a stupid 14 year old i haven't realized yet

oh god please dont let it be hipster
hey guys sorry I've been so shotty the past few days at replying. I have a lot of doctors appointments coming up and there's just a lot of crap wrong w my health /:
@Melanie Teresa After Elyana was almost raped, she went with syo and the others and is just moping around somewhere. Kiel has been taken with Kory and Me via helicopter to New York, where we are all standing outside the Jones' penthouse apartment, waiting to go in with the creepster caretaker/manager person.

Amora is lying half dead somwhere where I don't even know.
ohh nvm she's still alive lol she's with Demi. once I get once my computer I'll work on a reply!

also @Kai Ghoul what are Sonny and Olivia currently doing?
I was gonna time-skip them somewhere convenient at some point. Honestly they were in the alleyway still last time they did anything.
I'm thinking about trying to join this roleplay... But I haven't done anything on these forums in what, a year? It's changed so much since I've seen it. Maybe I'll like it better this time.

I can't find where the rules and other information is, though. I'd appreciate some help.
There's really only like three rules we would go by.

• No godmodding unless people say it's cool.

• Know what's going on in the RP

• RP in the third person.

That's pretty much it man, nothing too crazy.
^ Yeah. That and, keep in mind, this is a pretty chaotic roleplay.

((also @Kai Ghoul, idk if it's the alerts messing up again but people are posting on the rp xD Sorry if you knew that, it's just that I realized we'd gone like two pages and I didnt know if you'd noticed))
Random question-

Would you guys room with your best friend in college? Or do you think you should room with someone you don't know?

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