Washington High School: Student Chronicles

good question, actually

it'd be better with a best friend for me, but that's 'cause i hate strangers

if you're not a socially awkward person, i dunno..i mean, i haven't gone to college yet, so i don't really have any advice on that.
Yeah idk.

I would love to room with my best friend but then again at the same time I don't want to. I'm actually trying to pull away from that group of friends and I know that if I room with her she'll bring in the others and I don't want that so I'm just all iaulvjbeflkajerlgakjef
so rpnation gave me a reward thing cause its my birthday and

did they seriously just use a 'the cake is a lie reference''

iT'S 2015
I've been thinking, maybe I ought not to join this roleplay.

I have other things to attend, other loyalties, and as I've thought about it, I don't really think it's a great time for me to commit to something like this.

Although, before I leave, I thought I might wait for any opinions... Or responses. In case anyone has some reason that they feel I should not leave. Because part of me doesn't actually want to.
If you want to leave, that's understandable ^^ it's kind of at a confusing time

that said though, you're perfectly welcome to stay, since you don't need to know all of the events of the rp to join in
JujuBee said:
If a part of you doesn't want to then why are you forcing yourself to leave?
To respond to this: Not so much forcing myself, but I have another roleplay I need to be with. Not on these forums, somewhere else, with friends, it's going inactive after so long... Basically, friends need my help. I hoped to join this as a pass-time, I haven't rped in sooooo long, but now I think about it, summer is coming, and there's a good chance that I'll need to be around to make the most of this summer to get things up and running again. I'm so concerned because if this roleplay falls, I may loose contact with very old and good friends of mine...

To respond to the next remark, that's good to know, I was a bit worried about that part. I'm still not quite certain that I'm leaving...
Yay happy birthday :D @Kordxna , I have been putting my architectural skills to good use and have been drawing a plan of the NY penthouse. I'm almost done and then we can properly rp so you know the surroundings :)
Happy birthday spooky!! I was hella busy last night at a party, but now I'm back! I'm glad I only missed an epic pillow fight. ((Yes, I read 3-4 pages of this amazing pillow fight; all hail the champion Syo.))

Btw @JujuBee , I would choose my best friend anyday. With my luck, my roommate would be a slob, and it would make me wanna fight him :( some people are just nasty people in general.
Yo, I'm back! Thanks guys ;u;

I have to go soon for tea and stuff, but I will be online, and i'm writing a post up right now
Happy birthday Spooks! also guys fuck I'm sooooo behind cause now my main roleplay is back up but I would like to try to stay consistent with this one as well. can someone fill me in please?
All you really missed was an epic pillow fight. Your character should still be in the house sleeping or something lol.
I'm back, sorry guys! ;O; I can RP now

i didnt want her backstory to be overly angsty but at the same time i needed her to have a reason to have ran off and stuff so


i hope it didnt seem too.. mary-sue ish?
Nah I don't think it did seem too mary-sueish.

I have this one website I go on to make sure my characters aren't mary-sues
@Kordxna @Kai Ghoul @Kordxna next to Kiel's bed watching him whilst he sleeps. Guys I really need your input and advice on what I should do.
Don't ditch him then. Just keep him on and RP as if he were there. But not like actually conversation.

Have Jojo interact with the others and when Mel comes on she can just pop Kiel in like he was never gone. *shrugs*

Idk if that makes sense xD
yeah, what Juju said xD

Besides, it's not like Kiel was the only character there with him, right? There's Kordxna's character and all that

the roleplay doesn't revolve around romance so Joe interacting with other characters that arent love interests is fine xD

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