Washington High School: Student Chronicles

it was just a thought i had

and it would tie in nicely

cause i have these two characters

they were actually going to be used in a comic but i occasionally use them in rp

and i was like ''imagine if i removed the part where Rin is a robot, made her a normal human, and put her into this RP with Dork #2''

and then i was like
If y'all are down for going to a crazy ass high school in East Oakland; I would create a whole freakin school board of directors bahaha
Yeah, it's a big transition doing things like that. It's all good either way, let me know what you guys want before the event ends though.
Just a random question here… ARE YOU ALL OUT OF SCHOOL OR SOMETHING? I keep coming home to fifty bajillion new pages.

Meanwhile, I have to have study hall to even be able to look at my phone, much less type a post.
Im in school where either the teacher doesn't care if I'm on my phone or I don't care how the teacher feels.
im at home

i just got back on

i have to go for a shower but i'll come back, re-write the CS (cause i had to abandon it) and yeah
can i just get a quick recap since i had school and a million pages have somehow managed to appear since i looked this morning

i get the feeling this might just be a daily thing

until school ends of course
Dys said:
can i just get a quick recap since i had school and a million pages have somehow managed to appear since i looked this morning
i get the feeling this might just be a daily thing

until school ends of course
@SpookySneeze !!! You're needed! xD



Chad leaves the car

Solana, Zori, Syo and Elyana go off somewhere

Zori leaves them for a bit to fight off some people to help them

they leave

butch is still alive apparently

everyone freaks out over that and then he's like ''wait you fuckers left zori there alone''

so then he goes after zori to help

zori is fighting a guy

butch helps him fight the guy


butch and zori collectively beat him up

syo obtains the sword because ''oooh, shiny''



also there are two new characters

check duh character thing

so my char still has kasha in the car with him right

waiting for the moment that chad's like "o yea kasha's in a car with some dude"
what page?

i'd liek to see exactly what it said.


i could give some really callous answer like *doesn't answer*
found it

i'll copy paste it

''So..'' Kasha turned away from the window slowly, ''Where exactly are we going, then? Are we going back for him?''
im debating on making a character that'll exist solely as a deus ex machina

really random question

have any of you all heard of e-dubble?



idk if you all would like him or not



^that's the first song i ever heard by him

look up "e-dubble freestyle friday" if you want any more good shiz by him

i think they actually have a video with all of them on them

is good mang

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