Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Should i wait to introduce my charrie? .0. Or could i bring her to the party and be like " Here's the new kid~!!" I just don't wanna jump in if you guys have a specific thing planned.
So my computer just went crazy. O.o

Currently on a phone.

Heading to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow. I will not be on from 10 AM-8 PM EST.
I'll be able to be on longer a little later but then I'll be going out again and won't be getting back until late tonight Eastern Standard time @SpookySneeze
I feel so bad for Syo. She's just like a third wheel girl since Butch isn't here. xD
She pretty much is, lol, but I don't have anywhere to put her. Sorry, guys. xDD

i'm laughing because I'm pretty sure Butch gets irritated with her, too


''oh god not her again''




''thats great, bye''

''nahh im gonna follow you and make fun of your sunglasses''



''please dont''

'' :) ''

and on todays episode, Syo's dad will teach you how to turn a situation awkward
guys if i have late replies, i found a sketch i hadnt finished on my computer and im doing it now xD


speaking of which

does this sketch look okay? i tried doing it from a different perspective so i cant tell if its easy to figure out whats going on in the picture or not


and yes

nevermind 'Biel' the surname should just be 'Awkward'
I feel like they're running? About to fight someone maybe? Did I get it right? Will I get a cookie?
you get a cookie, yes xD

but i mean like

the anatomy isn't confusing, is it? like can you tell its drawn from a above perspective and it isn't that she has a weird body? xDD
Look- all I know is that it looks pretty darn cool.

Know what I can draw? Stick figures?

Wanna know something about that? I can't even draw a stick figure right. xD

That works for me. Doesn't look confusing. But then again, I'm probably not the person you ask for this stuff xD .

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