Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Pissshh, my school is worse. This guy at my school got tazed 3 times, (once in the back, another in the ribs, and once in the neck) by our security guards for attacking one of them, before getting sent to the hospital and then to jail for assault of an officer.

Page 70!!! Woooo!! Partyyy! Also, can today in the rp be friday? Cause Juju (who is absent atm) and i were thinking one of Alex's friends, most likely kassidy, would throw a party that night, everyone invited.
Just bringing this to light, but this thread was created on the 15th, it's the 28th. It took us 13 days to reach 70 pages.
xD . It's alright. I wasn't sure if she put it up.

But I wanted to let you know just in case it's a sensitive subject for you two.

Party+Alcohol+The sexual tension between the two= Drunken night together ----> Solana not being innocent and an expecting mother.
damn son, that's some drama right there

yeah, there's no sensitive subjects here for me, so go ahead xD (maybe the party would be an excuse for Syo to actually dress up and not like she just rolled through a hedge, too)
Oh okay! I just wanted to make sure you two knew and so it wasn't like a huge: "What in the what?" xD
Oh yeah, def! Alex is an athlete so since Zori is one he'd be going. He'd drag Syo and Regan with him xD

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