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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

The sound of running water woke Olivia out of her dreamy sleep. Groggily she rubbed her eyes and looked around, taking in her surroundings. Fuckin' A, she had gone home with Sonny again. Sure they didn't sleep together seeing as she was on his couch, but she still spent the night. Her and Sonny had been getting waaay too comfortable lately and Olivia wasn't sure how she felt about that. The loud ringing of her cell phone caused her to groan in pain.

Super hangovers weren't super at all. She answered the phone trying to sound as pleasant as possible.

"Officer Isaaks." She greeted. The person on the other end was none other than her boss. "I want you and Sonny to take a day off. You both worked very hard last night, just enjoy today." He commanded. "Aye aye captain." Olivia started before her boss hung up.

"Rude..." She muttered under her breath.

(( @Kai Ghoul is this post cool with you? that Olivia crashed at sonny's xD ? ))
Syo rubbed her eyes groggily as she exited her house. In truth, she looked ready to fall asleep.. but she knew she needed to get outside. Back at the house, Syo had felt restless, and she figured going for a walk might fix that.

It was still fairly early - before lunchtime - so there were very few people still walking around..For once, Syo was pleased. It was kinda calming.

The sound of his mother's talk show woke Zori up the next day. He let out a groan, rolling around in his bed with a sigh. It was too early for this. Too early after everything that had happened last night.

"Damn people... Damn Killer for killing Butch..." He mumbled, stuffing his head under his pillow. He went still for a few minutes before finally forcing himself up. It took him a while but Zori managed to get himself ready and dressed for the day. But instead of his usual routine of going downstairs to eat breakfast with his parents he instead stayed in his room.

Dark eyes stared at the phone in front of him and after a few minutes of contemplation he finally sent a text out to his friends that had been there last night.

Hey guys. How about we all meet up today... Just spend a day relaxing instead of the usual craziness huh?

He pressed send and dropped his phone on the bed, waiting for any response from anyone. He wasn't sure if he;d get one or not but he at least wanted to try.



Solana's eyes flickered over to the small girl who was running around.

"Momma the butterfly!"

An older woman came over to the small child and smiled, giving her a small pat on the head. "I see it sweetie. Isn't it nice?"

"Yeah!" The child agreed.

Why in the hell had Solana done this to herself? She had been sitting here the whole time, wondering the same thing but no matter how many times she tried to get up she found her legs heavy. So here she continued to stay, staring at the children who were playing in the park. Happy and without a care. What did they have to worry about?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Her phone buzzed and she looked at it, noticing that Zori had sent out a group message. Get together? No craziness? Solana liked that. She replied that she was up for whatever everyone else wanted to do before putting it back in her pocket. Now to torture herself some more...
Regan was sleeping soundly, wrapped up in her blankets. Her parents had already gone to work so she was home alone. Her phone was next to her on the bed so she felt the vibration when it went off. She groaned loudly and stuck her hand out from under the blankets and felt around for the phone. She squinted at the screen and read the text Zori sent in a group message. She replied that she would join in then she dropped her phone back on the bed. She lay there for a couple more minutes before groaning once again as she got out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom.
Fishing the phone out of her pocket, she read the text that Zori had sent.. A calm, peaceful day without the normal craziness was exactly what she needed.

''shure. where r we goin, then??''

Yesterday's events had left her feeling tired and depressed.. meeting up with some familiar faces sounded appealing to her.
Zori smiled when he got three replies. Now he was waiting for Elyana, Kiel, and Joe. He wondered what that one kid's name was from last night. He figured he should have asked when they were at the police station but he didn't. Oh well. The guy probably went to their school. He'd wait until then.

He began pressing away on his phone as he exited his room, ignoring his parents and leaving the house. Fresh air was needed.

I don't know. Does anyone have a preference as to where they want to go?

He pressed send and shoved it back in his pocket, sighing.
Regan went in front of the mirror and her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of her hair. Last night it was nice and straight but now it looked like a mixture of curly hair, straight hair, and a bird's nest. She quickly hopped in the shower to wake herself up and washed her hair. When she got out she saw another text from Zori. She put her clothes on then decided to text him back. 'Not sure. maybe we could meet up at the park or something?"

Regan looked around the room and sighed. Just being in the house by herself was making her feel miserable.
Saddien wandered out the cafe a bit zoned in deep thought for plans that night and bumped in to a pole she blushed deeply and rubbed her head "I-i need to play attention.." she slowly got up and head for the school "Maybe i can just hang in the court yard for now." she smiled at the thought of sitting under a tree and reading a good book
Zori nodded, opening the door to his house.

"I'm going to the park!" He shouted inside.

"Don't do anything stupid!" His father shouted back causing his mother to laugh. Zori groaned, slamming the door shut and walking off.

Meet you all there then.

Solana had been ignoring the phone but felt she knew where they were going when she saw Syo sitting at a bench a few meters away. Forcing herself to stand, she walked over to her and sent a small smile. "Good morning Syo." She greeted.
Anthony got home, said "Hey" to a, still, half-naked Aaron, and freshened up with a shower and a quick shave. He would've went for a nap, or something. But, he had to go meet up with Mel and he was already late as it was. Anthony put on fresh clothing and then he left his house. It was about a six, or seven minute walk to the bench that he met Mel at the previous night.

Anthony saw her sitting there already. "Hey, sorry I'm late. I was really busy this morning." Anthony greeted her.
Saddien sat under a tree and smiled at the silence and sighed after readying a few pages of her book she slowly fell asleep and laid on her bag like a pillow
Syo glanced up, spotting Solana. She was about to call out to her, when she noticed how.. strange she looked. Maybe strange was't the right word.. she looked tired, worn down. ''Hey, Solana. You.. you okay? You look kind of, er.. tired.''
"It's all good." Mel said smiling at Anto, she held out his iPod to him, "Here, good as new."
Anthony's eyes grew wide. "Woah. You're pretty good. I can't even see where it... where it broke." He said as he gently took his iPod from her hands. He looked at it from the front, from the back, and from the sides- but, he couldn't notice any scratches or anything. It really did look brand new.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it." Anthony thanked her as he slipped the device into the back pocket of his trousers.

"Can I do anything for you? I've got some money, if you want it... or..."
Mel jumped up, "Oh, no! My treat!" She said smiling. She never really did anything for pay, money had no use to her.
Solana smiled at Syo but the smile faltered when she heard the question. Did she look that different? She thought she'd been hiding her feelings pretty well. Oh well.

"Yeah I'm alright Syo." She said with a smile, sitting down on the bench. She noticed a girl sleeping and made a mental note to make sure the girl's things weren't tampered with.

"Why, do I look weird or something?"
''It's just that you look a bit..'' She didn't want to say anything that might offend her. ''..Under the weather, I guess.'' Solana did look kind of ill, but it wasn't just that.. she seemed kind of anxious, too. It wasn't visible at first, but sometimes, she let it slip. ''Y'know, if there's anything, like.. going on at home, you can tell me, you know?''
Solana turned away from Syo, biting her lip. Dammit, why did Syo have to be so observant? Solana couldn't bring herself to tell them, any of them (excluding Zori. Of course he found out) what exactly had happened to her. She was afraid of their judgement no matter how many times Zori told her it would be alright. She didn't want to be rejected,

"N-Nothing's going on at home." She said after a few minutes, smiling widely at Syo. "Everything's all good! My mom has just been working a lot more and I'm a bit worried over her health." She lied, shrugging.

Zori continued to walk, humming to himself as he saw the park in the distance. He realized he didn't have to walk- he had a car. But it was already too late.
"Uh, no, I only live down the street. Thank you for the offer, though." Anthony said. He felt like he should leave, but, he wanted to learn a little bit more about Mel before they parted.

"What school do you go to?" Anthony asked as he shoved his hands in the the front pockets of his trousers. It was a bit chilly today.
Mel nodded, "Washington High. What about you?" She had changed into an oversized sweatshirt and shorts, her hair was up in a messy ponytail.
''Ah..Okay.'' Syo said doubtfully, unsure of what to do. Solana didn't seem like the lying type, but she still felt that she wasn't telling the whole truth..She didn't want to push her though, it might make her uncomfortable. ''Well, I was just going over to the park to hang out with Zori and Regan.. you coming?''

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