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Realistic or Modern Warzone- Rise of the hero- CS


"Honey!!! Wheres my Supersuit?"
View lore and rules first
Warzone- Rise of the hero- Lore & Rules


Faceclaim: (preferably anime but all will be welcomed)
Name: (you know your name right)
Age: (Minimum is 16, maximum is 40.)
Gender*: (optional)
Sexuality*: (optional)
Alignment: (you good, bad, or Neutral.)
Personality: (at least a 5 sentence paragraph.)
Bio: (at least a 5 sentence paragraph.)
Powers*: (Not everyone needs powers.)
Skills*: (You dont need to be skilled but most people are good at something.)
Tech*: (not everyone has them but it can be useful.)
Relationships- (doesnt have to be a romantic one. You can be friends, brothers, employees, or bosses.)
Ambitions: (what does your character hope to accomplish.)
Other: (anything else i missed.)

Warzone - rise of the hero - OCC

Main thread
Warzone- Rise of the hero
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Name: Maxwell Atori
Age: 29 yrs
Gender*: Male
Sexuality*: Heterosexual
Alignment: Neutral
Personality: Maxwell is an emotionally detached man who does whatever is needed to further his goal at the time. He lives in his own world, above the law, above reproach, above everyone and everything. In his eyes the mind is God and his is superior to all others. The only other people he seems to regard with even a little respect are fellow genius level people. Even then he views them as chess pieces to be moved around the board.

Bio: Maxwell was born to Augustus and Maria Atori. The sole heir to the families vast fortune Maxwell had everything he could ever ask for. He seemed a normal child until he was 10 and something changed in him overnight. His emotion seemed to be gone and he began to display and incredibly vast rate of learning. Each year his I.Q doubled, his memory grew better, he began to think faster and more accurately. He finished highschool by the time he was twelve. By the time he turned 19 he had already attained several degrees in business, robotics, economics, law, and medicine. It was the same year he left the college that his parents died in a tragic plane crash leaving him to inherit the families vast fortune and company. Ten years later Atori industries had grown to 50x the net worth it was before. Taking up a third of the economy in Megapolis his company has done many great things for the city, but it has just as many secrets...

Hyper intellect - Maxwells IQ has grown to almost immeasurable proportions. He can process information faster than a super computer and is skilled in nearly all forms of science fields of study. He is several hundred steps above the likes of Einstein and Stephen Hawkins.
Due to his accelerated learning abilities a shorter list would be what he isn't skilled in. He cannot fight to save his life, he never felt a need to learn how to, he cannot pretend to care about something, is a dreadful actor, cannot dance, and never learned to drive.
Tech*: Maxwell builds the gadgets. He can create any kind of tech that is available and a few that aren't.
Relationships- TBR
Ambitions: Unknown...

Other- is a germophobe who fears most human contact.​
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Name: Ebony Maximus
Age: ???
Gender*: Male
Sexuality*: ???
Alignment: Neutral

Personality: Ebony is an enigma, only occasionally showing up to deal with high class magical threats. He is also known by all magic users as he is the guardian of the Wode Stone, the source of all magic in this universe. He seems to show mostly apathy towards things but is particularly fond of magic users.

Bio: No one is Sure if ebony is even a real living thing, not even himself. There have been tales of the incarnations of the guardian since the wode stone fell from the sky and brought magic to the world 5000 years ago. The guardian is always changing however. Dying and being reborn in a limitless cycle. Each rebirth becoming another person who is simultaneously the same. Each time forgetting the life before and only knowing that they are the guardian of the wode stone. Tasked with protecting the stone from wicked beings who would use its power for evil and training up and coming mages.


Magical augmentation- Unlike most magic users who use a specific kind of magic Ebony uses the energy of magic itself to augment his attributes, items, and teach mages to use their particular magic.

Magic shapeshift- Ebony can Use magic to shift his form. Gaining the powers associated with the form he takes. Be it an angel with light magic, a demon with dark magic, or even embodiments of nature such as wind elementals and beasts. He also uses the ability to shape shift into other people gaining their physical appearance and abilities.

Teaching- Ebonys power set allows him to be one of the best teachers available for heroes.

Mystery solver- ebony is rather intelligent and good at putting clues together. Paired with his knowledge of magic he can even solve problems that dont have rational solutions.

Tech*: N/A

Relationships- He is kinda a friend to any who use magic. He is also fond of heroes, particarly those who use magic. He is very cruel to those who are wicked and considered one of the largest obstacles to villains who use magic.

Ambitions: To keep the Wode stone safe from evil for all eternity.

Other: The Wode stone is located in the wilderness reserve, while ebony is usually found around it. He is known to project his mind into the dreams of those who use magic.​
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Name: Willow Palakal

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Alignment: Good

Personality: Willow has a strong sense of right and wrong and is very protective of those beliefs. She also has a very cynical outlook on life and remains emotionally withdrawn and serious , but still maintains a strong love and bond for anyone she can call a friend. Willow has trained herself to be stoic and level headed allowing her to utilize her powers efficiently. Willow is not one to take on life and it’s problems alone. She prefers to aid others who share a similar goal allowing her to keep her mind focused. Despite her tendencies for blind loyalty she is strong willed. Once you gained her trust it is hard to loose , it is in one's interest to not push their luck.

Bio: Willow was angelic as a child, always fighting for her parents attention, always trying to make them proud. She was always a good girl,such a behaved child they would say .Only good, never smart never talented,never gifted, just good at being told what to do. What choice did she have,they weren't her real family. She was adopted as a toddler. She was enrolled in the best schools given the best opportunities. She would never be able to make them proud,not like her brother. He was the eldest,their true bloodline. He was perfect at everything. Straight A student, a talent for the family business, popular and admired. He was everything she could never be.

Following his tragic death she knew that she had to be everything he lived up to be. She never had his brains or talents but she could be aid in having her father's dreams be fulfilled,by being the guinea pig to an invention him and her brother had been working on. A Technology was infused with her brain giving her enhancements in her physical form as well as abilities. Unlike an android who lacked humanity,or a cyborg who held limitations, she became bionic. Her bionics could grow and expand as she did. She became her only limitation. Her strength and weakness determined by her own mind set and skill.

Powers: Pretty much all of her body has been bionically enhanced ,she could use her spit and vocal cords as a weapon if need be. Besides the physical aspect she is now able too :

Bionic gps and navigation

Mental database

Force field-she can’t use any of her abilities when using this.

Energy blast- a small draining explosion of energy that radiates from her whole body.

illumination -she can make her body glow

Skills: She has had training fighting,coding,hacking,and first aid. She received these from her father before taking on her bionics.

Tech: Bionic suit. She is durable,but could use some help from the heavy hitters. This suit takes at around 40% of heavy hits and strong blast damage.

Relationships- Maxwell Atori business partner. Well her father is,she is just her fathers assistant.

Ambitions: to live up to the legacy her brother left behind,and defend those who can’t defend themselves.

Weaknesses : Willow possess bionics, which are enhancements not adjustments. She doesn’t have crazy super strength or speed or agility, she has enhancements to them. She can’t just do anything. If she doesn’t already have an ability then it can’t be enhanced. She had to learn how to code and how to hack,how to fight. She has to train in running and strength. Her bionics are apart of her, they get weaker when she does, stronger only she puts in the effort. Any thoughts of willow’s brother can slowly break the control she tries so hard to maintain. She had a complete fusion with the bionics. Even the secondary parts of her brain ie:breath,blink,and basic fight or flight instinct as well. If she allows any of these secondary thoughts to take over like freezing when taken over by fear or causing herself physical harm like not eating or sleeping it can result in a lost of control.
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Name Ma “Catty Ma” Catarina

Age 28

Gender Female

Sexuality Heterosexual

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Competitive, sarcastic, battle-hardened, battle-hungry, ill-tempered, sadistic, psychopathic, and withdrawn. These are all words used to describe Ma "Catty Ma" Catarina, to name but a few.

Ma was, under most analyses, a high-functioning psychopath incapable of conjuring up empathy for anyone. Perfect for the military. This description, is however, no longer completely accurate. Overtime, her condition has worsened due to the state of the world ever slowly dwindling into chaos. She found herself disenchanted with the military, the crowd control, the emergency responses. The only time she ever felt alive is when armed criminals made an appearance, and where she could finally let out a little bloodlust, if carefully controlled and hidden.

Ma understands that her ability to mimic society and its trends was paramount to her surviving and living a comfortable life. No, she understands just fine, she simply no longer cares.

She feels no remorse from killing, innocent victims or not, and most likely relishes in the feeling of death. She'd kept this desire in check most of her life, but now she embraces it whenever she can, however she can.

Despite this, her military career has inspired some amount of discipline, and she limits herself, mostly, to criminals. However, a important aspect of this is that she doesn't care what kind of criminal someone is. She's just as likely to torture or murder another serial killer as she is to torture or murder a scammer.


Ma is a Chinese-American woman of approximately moderate height in her early to mid-twenties. She has amber-brown eyes, a slightly tan complexion, and typically keeps her plum-colored hair in a loose ponytail, with rather large bangs falling onto her forehead. Due to her military service, Ma keeps up her physique, sporting a slightly muscular build, which she doesn't conceal in the least. On her right upper arm, she has a tribal tattoo, reaching all the way up to her neck.

Her wardrobe typically consists of a pair of military jungle boots without socks, very short cut-off jeans, (turned into Denim Shorts) and a black crop top, leaving her belly exposed. She never bothers buttoning up her pants, and instead, uses a antique US Army webbing belt to keep them up. She also sports a pair of brown leather cross-draw shoulder holsters to store her twin Berettas in when she isn't using them. She also typically wears a pair of fingerless black gloves. In colder conditions, she resorts to something a little warmer, including a warm hat, a lined brown coat, full gloves, a horizontally striped miniskirt, leggings, and brown boots.

Her stunning looks is not lost on her in the slightest, and she frequently uses this to manipulate people to get what she wants, even if it cost them their life, which was a rather frequent occurrence.


Born to parents unknown, Ma has been alone her whole life. The orphanage she grew up in was underfunded, undermanned, and overwhelmed. It's safe to say that her living conditions swiftly fell to the wayside. She proved to be a resourceful one, however, as a young girl recognizing that she had a certain feminine charm that, if taken advantage of, could provide a place to sleep and food to eat. Her clients were never cruel to her, offering her many a time to come with them permanently. She always refused, being drawn to her birthplace within the Western district of Megapolis. It felt as if a part of her.

Eventually her luck with clients ran out, and she soon found herself trapped under the weight of a rather insufferable, pudgy man with balding white hair, who disregarded her very humanity. More often than not, she awoke sore and with visible bruises across her body, even cuts some days. No one asked, for there was no one to ask. She was, as always alone. And her desire to stay, well, it'd left the moment she met that man.

She'd always wanted to kill him, and eventually others. Practically everyone, really. They were all so worthless, disregarding her. How dare they! A beautiful, exquisite diamond amongst rough, blackened coal, forced to violate herself simply to eat. It was inhumane, it was beneath her. Her hatred, her bloodlust, her desire for suffering, grew ever stronger.

It took years, but she finally saved up enough money to move away from the Western district and up to Central. There, she applied for a military contract, demanding that she be placed in their infantry or whatever unit saw the most combat. They accepted her, and her new life began.

Ten years, ten long years serving her city. She'd become tired, dissatisfied. She had a lovely house, a lovely husband (at least, people said that), and even a dog! But none of it mattered, as it was all for appearances sake. She wanted none of it. What she wanted... was more blood. But she knew she didn't have the means. Sure she was a capable fighter and experienced in all manner of weaponry, but she needed something... more.

She later received that wish. Without rhyme nor reason, her abilities manifested while out in the Western district, as she'd been browsing their motley collection of merchants, accidentally blinding a homeless man and deafening a trinket salesman.

While not having control of her abilities and with no explanation as to why or how they came to be, she realized something. She realized this was her extra bump. That extra push towards murder.

That same week, she resigned from her post, left her husband, and disappeared into the shadows of Megapolis.

Months have passed and no word of her has been made, where has she gone to? And what will she do?


Ma is capable of manipulating light and sound to varying degrees, two abilities that make her a more effective (and terrifying) hunter.

Sound Manipulation:

While not capable of producing her own sound waves, she can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force. She uses this ability to deafen opponents, throw them off their feet, and cause confusion. Ma also uses this as her primary method of information gathering, namely by the means of torture.

In terms of creating shock waves, the range is severely limited, to that of a few feet. This ability is very much for close-quarters combat.

These manipulations have the potential to create large scale vibrations, which effectively destroy weaker materials such as plywood and can cause some damage to concrete, and potentially some metals.

She has shown the capability of limited voice manipulation, being able to mask her voice to the point that it’s completely unrecognizable.

Sound Amplification:

One of her more favored applications of sound, Ma frequently increases the strength, duration, and potential of sound to its fullest, with the effects varying based on the original effects of the sound that she amplifies. She has used this to amplify her voice as well as cause mass confusion.

Sound Absorption:

Ma can absorb sound waves, while removing it from the source. Effectively speaking she can mute an entire area, something most effective within buildings or tight spaces. She is capable of applying this to herself most effectively, muting any sound she may make. Combined with her ability to summon total darkness, she is an uncanny hunter.


Ma can emit sound waves and use the echoes that return from various objects to locate and identify the objects. Alternately, she can use ambient sounds to do the same. She is a capable of using this ability while muting herself, allowing her to see in total darkness and be unheard.

Light Generation:

Ma has been shown to emit light of various intensities. She can only produce this light from her body, however she can isolate to whatever part of it that she chooses. Her hands can act as a dull lantern or as a powerful spotlight. She may even create light brighter than the sun, effectively blinding anyone she uses it against.

She is capable of flashing it momentarily, while combining with amplifying sound, thus creating a flash bang like effect. Her eyes are also capable emitting light as well, and rumors have it that her eyes can even change color based on her mood.

Light Absorption:

Ma can absorb visible light or its partial wavelengths, while removing it from the source. Thus, she can essentially cause outage of lights within a respectable radius. However, this is not limited to artificial light, she is also capable of blocking out light coming from the the sun. Again, this area is limited, and therefore best used in buildings to her advantage.


· Ma is unaffected by loud noises or different frequencies, rendering able to use her abilities without ill effects.

· Ma is unfazed by blinding lights, and therefore is able to manipulate it without ill effects.

· Ma’s vision is capable of functioning with or without any light source being present. This affect is achieved through echolocation.


·Echolocation requires active concentration, which can tire her out rather quickly. Thus, she can only use it in bursts, allowing opponents the opportunity to strike between bursts of sound.

·If her opponents wear polarized sunglasses, her ability to blind them is limited. And while she can produce a light brighter than the sun, this takes extreme effort and she is liable to pass out immediately after. Thus, she rarely, if ever, does this.

·Just like any other human, Ma can become tired, injured, and killed like anyone else. She has no enhanced strength or durability, and using her abilities tire her out just as much as running a marathon would. While certainly mentally tough, her body has its limits.


Due to her time in the military, Ma is in excellent physical shape, experienced with a variety of weaponry, and an experienced fighter in the martial art of Tai Chi. She is easily capable of taking down most regular untrained humans within moments, which happen to be her primary targets.

She is also naturally manipulative and charismatic, skills she has been honing her entire life.


Typically, just her sidearms, ammunition, serrated knife, and a standard issue, collapsible baton. Given her situation, it’s ill-advised that she carry anything she can be tracked by.

She has cut off all ties with her previous relationships.


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Name: Solar Lux Antarctic
Age: 21
Gender*: Female
Sexuality*: Heterosexual
Alignment: Neutral
Personality: Solar is often known for her loud, outspoken character obvious even from a distance that one neighbor once thought they own a parrot; her voice is known for driving the next-door neighbor's dog insane, setting off car alarms and frightening several drivers into pulling over because it reached a pitch akin to a police or ambulance siren. She also has a noteworthy temper which is similar to a volcano: unexpected, destructive and with many disasters. She has a disturbingly unusual high comfort level when it comes to killing or violence, especially where animals are involved; she brutally beheaded a rat with a shovel and left its head to "Send a message to the other rats", and then set off for church yet she's entirely terrified of insects. She is very comfortable with death, on account of a couple of her relatives being butchers. She is an excellent markswoman, often just using one hand and never missing a shot. Solar is a terrible driver, though she is oblivious to this.

Despite her temper, Solar has a more prominent gentle side. She has come to the aid of her rivals, even consistently feeling compassion towards or helping people who try to make her life miserable (or in the first case even kill her). She has repeatedly expressed extreme disapproval in attacking or hurting anyone unable to defend him or herself. Solar knows what she wants and how to get it. She is good-natured, fun-loving, and compassionate, but also extremely prideful and at times manipulative. Altogether, Solar is full of passion and zest for life.
Bio: Solar was born in the support and guidance of a peculiarly young couple; Valais and Safire. She has other siblings, including Ura and two brothers. Having lived in a poor and crime-filled village, she is seemingly used to doing manual labor and usually implies violence as a resolution to problems. She states that she had her own machete when she was a child and has considerable comfort in killing animals due to relatives who are butchers. Crazy traditional, Solar strongly believes in superstitions and that her family is cursed because her great-great-grandfather made a contract with the devil, causing several of her relatives to end up in jail.

When she was younger, she received a letter addressed to her sister Ura with an opportunity to leave for the Central/Downtown district. She used the letter and ends up leaving instead of her sister. This would later cause friction between the two. Her family mentions that she had been deported twice back to where she came. She also stayed in the Southern/rural area and Northern/Suburban area for some time, both of which she became wanted by the police. Until the events in which she was wanted in Northern/Suburban area for leasing/renting an apartment which her roommate turned into a brothel after she left. Once she returned to the Central District things slowly began to change for Solar she tricked or you could say conned a man to give her more than 12 million using them to open her own casino which was simply a cover-up for her illegal drug trading.
Powers*: Voice Manipulation;
The user is freely capable of manipulating their voice, allowing them to control their voices to imitate sounds of creatures such as animal noises and explosions or increase or decrease the tone of their voice.
Telepathy; User can read/sense another person's thoughts, communicate with them mentally and/or affect their minds/thoughts.

Skills*: Hand to hand combat, Guns can't miss a shot, Manipulation, Con artist, Physically strong, Surprisingly a great cook (although she doesn't bother)
Tech*: Solar doesn't know how to work with technology and always needs help to use a simple device although she knows where to get them and how producing most. Although she has still shown that she knows how to fix a damaged electronic.
Tara (best friend)- personal assistant and one of Solar's best friends. She is happily married (somewhat) with a 9-year-old boy.
Ambitions: Money, family, friends
Other: (anything else i missed.)
Name: Vaughn Coriel
Alias: Pharaoh
Age: 27 yrs.
Gender*: Male
Sexuality: Bi sexual.
Alignment: Chaotic good
Personality: Vaughn is a very relaxed and peaceful individual who rarely seems to grow irritated. His calm optimistic demeanor gets the better of alot of people easily getting under people's skin as he will maintain a happy outlook even if the world around him is on fire.
He keeps himself occupied with his heroing doing it as a full time job, and paying his rent with his Veterans bill money. He seems to have no fear whatsoever and does his best to encourage others to bring the best of themselves out.

Bio: Vaughn was born to an unknown woman in the western district projects. His biological mother died when he was only a few months old and he was a adopted by a gang of runaways and orphans. It was rough growing up there having to steal and fight for each meal. Ot wasnt until he was 17 that he found his purpose as A member of the Megapolis. Military force. The first five years he spent enjoying his new life he was a hero, something he had always wanted to be. It wasnt until he was deployed to the Egyptian conflict four years ago that he really became the hero he that he wished to be. It was there that he found one of the Six Wode shards and was blasted to near death by a missile. He barely survived the weapon taking several wounds to the face and chest and gaining 3rd degree burns over 55% of his body and losing his memories. Yet in that state of near death he was approached by Ahmenhotep the greatest wizard to have ever lived in his era and an old guardian of the Wode stone. The Old Egyptian Wizard brought him back from the brink and gave him a destiny that he sought to master . He spent the next four years dealing with various forms of threats throughout the world, finding the other Shards and having to best the sacred beasts found within. He now stands as a powerful hero, having just returned to megapolis after regaining his memories via finding the Sixth wode shard. He returns home finding nothing is as it was. Megapolis had deteriorated into chaos and has decided that he will fix this himself if need be.

Wode Shard magic enhancements- Vaughns powers come from the various wode shards each one grants him an additional ability and increases his magical power exponentially.

Shard of the Pharoah- 0659aea5a0bece0c38266260b267219e.jpg
The first shard he found right before being blasted to near death. It holds the pharoahs of old. It passively grants him no special powers but once activated he gains his suit and the abilities associated with them. It brings him to the peak of human physical potential and allows him to summon phantasms of those who wore the suit before him. While these phantasms do not have a real physical form they look very very convincing and bear the exact same proportions as vaughn allowing him to use them to fool his enemies. It also grants him a minor regenerative ability that can allow him to heal from any non lethal damage in just under a week.

Shard of the Scarab-
The shard holding the sacred beast Galdur the Scarab a giant insect which once attacked egypt only to be sealed by the pharaoh Ramses . It grants vaughn the ability to make force fields in various shapes. These force fields are not unbreakable but are still about as hard as reinforced steel.

Shard of the Jackal- 968d4e86404d4e3cf6d7c22771589d80.jpg a shard holding the sacred beast Akun brother of Anubis. He attempted to destroy his brother and take humans ability to go to the afterlife But was sealed by Ahmenhotep the first Pharaoh. This grants Vaughn the ability to become a phantasm. Using this power he can become both intangible and invisible at will.

Shard of the Eagle- 8cb20a2031fc0495029a1bc102454629--tattoo-studio-dungeons-and-dragons.jpg
a shard containing Ealan daughter of Isis. She came to egypt and made a bet that she could beat Young pharaoh tutankhamun in a race. Though she technically won she was sealed away for cheating as it was to be a foot race and she flew. She grants Vaughn the ability of subsonic flight with a top speed of 600mph!

Shard of the Crocodile-
1739598dfbff065f10bb3ba95e6776e5--monster-design-humanoid.jpg the Shard containing Bantu Son of Set. This shard grants Vaughn the ability to absorb any energy he can identify beforehand, transfer it into magical energy and store it for future use. Bantu is the most dangerous of the five beasts having killed Pharaoh Tutankhamun in battle and getting sealed away by his successor at the cost of the successors life as well.

Shard of the Serpent
7aa37bf120e781a7e5e96d7c910abf4e--mythological-creatures-mythical-creatures.jpg the only shard containing a beast from another pantheon. The serpent stone contains Gorgan the sister of medusa who fled greece and went to conquer eqypt. Instead she was sealed in the stone by Pharaoh Cleopatra. Granting vaughn the ability to focus his magic energy into toxic blasts of magic venom. He can choose wether the venom is paralytic or corrosive either way minimal contact with the skin can trigger the effect.
Skills*: as a soldier vaughn is a skilled hand to hand combatant and marksman. He also was in the occupation of explosive ordainence granting him insight into bombs of almost all kinds. Since attaining his powers it has been nearly a nonstop battle trying to deal with the sacred beasts and the egyptian military simultaneously granting him impressive skill and experience with his diverse set of powers.

Tech*: While not in his suit he carries a government .40/70 pistol which packs a whollop. Unfortunately it vanishes when he suits up.

Relationships- Open to requests.

Ambitions: Vaughn has wanted to be a superhero since he was a kid. Now that is he hopes to be the best one he can be.

Other: The wode shards can be used by others which is Vaughns greatest weakness. They are located all over his suit The eagle stone in his chest, the scarab stone in his forhead, the Crocodile stone on his belt, the Serpent ston on his left bracer, the jackal stone on the right. The only shard that cannot be taken is the pharaohs shard as that shard transforms into the suit it self. While the suit is inactive it is in the form of a pendant. Even if the pharaoh shard is stolen only Vaughn can wear the suit and use its powers.

Woe to those who take the stones of the sacred beasts. You may use the powers they grant you, but they will slowly corrupt you transforming you into the sacred beast. Once the transformation is complete you will become the sacred beast itself and effectively lose your life. Whats worse once a stone is stolen it cannot be gotten rid of in a mundane manner. If thrown it will appear back in the throwers pocket. If given away it will return to the original owner by killing the new one in a freak accident. The only way to rid yourself of the stone is for vaughn to place it back in its slot on the suit.​
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Name: Willow Palakal

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Alignment: Good

Personality: Willow has a strong sense of right and wrong and is very protective of those beliefs. She also has a very cynical outlook on life and remains emotionally withdrawn and serious,but still maintains a strong love and bond for anyone she can call a friend. Willow has trained herself to be stoic and level headed allowing her to utilize her powers efficiently. Willow is not one to take on life and it’s problems alone. She prefers to aid others who share a similar goal allowing her to keep her mind focused. Despite her tendencies for blind loyalty she is strong willed. Once you gained her trust it is hard to loose , it is in one's interest to not push their luck.

Bio: Willow was angelic as a child, always fighting for her parents attention, always trying to make them proud. She was always a good girl,such a behaved child they would say .Only good, never smart never talented,never gifted, just good at being told what to do. What choice did she have,they weren't her real family. She was adopted as a toddler. She was enrolled in the best schools given the best opportunities. She would never be able to make them proud,not like her brother. He was the eldest,their true bloodline. He was perfect at everything. Straight A student, a talent for the family business, popular and admired. He was everything she could never be.

Following his tragic death she knew that she had to be everything he lived up to be. She never had his brains or talents but she could be aid in having her father's dreams be fulfilled,by being the guinea pig to an invention him and her brother had been working on. A Technology was infused with her brain giving her enhancements in her physical form as well as abilities. Unlike an android who lacked humanity,or a cyborg who held limitations, she became bionic. Her bionics could grow and expand as she did. She became her only limitation. Her strength and weakness determined by her own mind set and skill.

Powers: Pretty much all of her body has been bionically enhanced ,she could use her spit and vocal cords as a weapon if need be. Besides the physical aspect she is now able too :

Bionic gps and navigation

Mental database

Force field-she can’t use any of her abilities when using this.

Energy blast- a small draining explosion of energy that radiates from her whole body.

illumination -she can make her body glow

Skills: She has had training fighting,coding,hacking,and first aid. She received these from her father before taking on her bionics.

Tech: Bionic suit. She is durable,but could use some help from the heavy hitters. This suit takes at around 40% of heavy hits and strong blast damage.

Relationships- will edit

Ambitions: to live up to the legacy her brother left behind,and defend those who can’t defend themselves.

Weaknesses : Willow possess bionics, which are enhancements not adjustments. She doesn’t have crazy super strength or speed or agility, she has enhancements to them. She can’t just do anything. If she doesn’t already have an ability then it can’t be enhanced. She had to learn how to code and how to hack,how to fight. She has to train in running and strength. Her bionics are apart of her, they get weaker when she does, stronger only she puts in the effort. Any thoughts of willow’s brother can slowly break the control she tries so hard to maintain. She had a complete fusion with the bionics. Even the secondary parts of her brain ie:breath,blink,and basic fight or flight instinct as well. If she allows any of these secondary thoughts to take over like freezing when taken over by fear or causing herself physical harm like not eating or sleeping it can result in a lost of control.


Name Ma “Catty Ma” Catarina

Age 28

Gender Female

Sexuality Heterosexual

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Competitive, sarcastic, battle-hardened, battle-hungry, ill-tempered, sadistic, psychopathic, and withdrawn. These are all words used to describe Ma "Catty Ma" Catarina, to name but a few.

Ma was, under most analyses, a high-functioning psychopath incapable of conjuring up empathy for anyone. Perfect for the military. This description, is however, no longer completely accurate. Overtime, her condition has worsened due to the state of the world ever slowly dwindling into chaos. She found herself disenchanted with the military, the crowd control, the emergency responses. The only time she ever felt alive is when armed criminals made an appearance, and where she could finally let out a little bloodlust, if carefully controlled and hidden.

Ma understands that her ability to mimic society and its trends was paramount to her surviving and living a comfortable life. No, she understands just fine, she simply no longer cares.

She feels no remorse from killing, innocent victims or not, and most likely relishes in the feeling of death. She'd kept this desire in check most of her life, but now she embraces it whenever she can, however she can.

Despite this, her military career has inspired some amount of discipline, and she limits herself, mostly, to criminals. However, a important aspect of this is that she doesn't care what kind of criminal someone is. She's just as likely to torture or murder another serial killer as she is to torture or murder a scammer.


Ma is a Chinese-American woman of approximately moderate height in her early to mid-twenties. She has amber-brown eyes, a slightly tan complexion, and typically keeps her plum-colored hair in a loose ponytail, with rather large bangs falling onto her forehead. Due to her military service, Ma keeps up her physique, sporting a slightly muscular build, which she doesn't conceal in the least. On her right upper arm, she has a tribal tattoo, reaching all the way up to her neck.

Her wardrobe typically consists of a pair of military jungle boots without socks, very short cut-off jeans, (turned into Denim Shorts) and a black crop top, leaving her belly exposed. She never bothers buttoning up her pants, and instead, uses a antique US Army webbing belt to keep them up. She also sports a pair of brown leather cross-draw shoulder holsters to store her twin Berettas in when she isn't using them. She also typically wears a pair of fingerless black gloves. In colder conditions, she resorts to something a little warmer, including a warm hat, a lined brown coat, full gloves, a horizontally striped miniskirt, leggings, and brown boots.

Her stunning looks is not lost on her in the slightest, and she frequently uses this to manipulate people to get what she wants, even if it cost them their life, which was a rather frequent occurrence.


Born to parents unknown, Ma has been alone her whole life. The orphanage she grew up in was underfunded, undermanned, and overwhelmed. It's safe to say that her living conditions swiftly fell to the wayside. She proved to be a resourceful one, however, as a young girl recognizing that she had a certain feminine charm that, if taken advantage of, could provide a place to sleep and food to eat. Her clients were never cruel to her, offering her many a time to come with them permanently. She always refused, being drawn to her birthplace within the Western district of Megapolis. It felt as if a part of her.

Eventually her luck with clients ran out, and she soon found herself trapped under the weight of a rather insufferable, pudgy man with balding white hair, who disregarded her very humanity. More often than not, she awoke sore and with visible bruises across her body, even cuts some days. No one asked, for there was no one to ask. She was, as always alone. And her desire to stay, well, it'd left the moment he met that man.

She'd always wanted to kill him, and eventually others. Practically everyone, really. They were all so worthless, disregarding her. How dare they! A beautiful, exquisite diamond amongst rough, blackened coal, forced to violate herself simply to eat. It was inhumane, it was beneath her. Her hatred, her bloodlust, her desire for suffering, grew ever stronger.

It took years, but she finally saved up enough money to move away from the Western district and up to Central. There, she applied for a military contract, demanding that she be placed in their infantry or whatever unit saw the most combat. They accepted her, and her new life began.

Ten years, ten long years serving her city. She'd become tired, dissatisfied. She had a lovely house, a lovely husband (at least, people said that), and even a dog! But none of it mattered, as it was all for appearances sake. She wanted none of it. What she wanted... was more blood. But she knew she didn't have the means. Sure she was a capable fighter and experienced in all manner of weaponry, but she needed something... more.

She later received that wish. Without rhyme nor reason, her abilities manifested while out in the Western district, as she'd been browsing their motley collection of merchants, accidentally blinding a homeless man and deafening a trinket salesman.

While not having control of her abilities and with no explanation as to why or how they came to be, she realized something. She realized this was her extra bump. That extra push towards murder.

That same week, she resigned from her post, left her husband, and disappeared into the shadows of Megapolis.

Months have passed and no word of her has been made, where has she gone to? And what will she do?


Ma is capable of manipulating light and sound to varying degrees, two abilities that make her a more effective (and terrifying) hunter.

Sound Manipulation:

While not capable of producing her own sound waves, she can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force. She uses this ability to deafen opponents, throw them off their feet, and cause confusion. Ma also uses this as her primary method of information gathering, namely by the means of torture.

In terms of creating shock waves, the range is severely limited, to that of a few feet. This ability is very much for close-quarters combat.

These manipulations have the potential to create large scale vibrations, which effectively destroy weaker materials such as plywood and can cause some damage to concrete, and potentially some metals.

She has shown the capability of limited voice manipulation, being able to mask her voice to the point that it’s completely unrecognizable.

Sound Amplification:

One of her more favored applications of sound, Ma frequently increases the strength, duration, and potential of sound to its fullest, with the effects varying based on the original effects of the sound that she amplifies. She has used this to amplify her voice as well as cause mass confusion.

Sound Absorption:

Ma can absorb sound waves, while removing it from the source. Effectively speaking she can mute an entire area, something most effective within buildings or tight spaces. She is capable of applying this to herself most effectively, muting any sound she may make. Combined with her ability to summon total darkness, she is an uncanny hunter.


Ma can emit sound waves and use the echoes that return from various objects to locate and identify the objects. Alternately, she can use ambient sounds to do the same. She is a capable of using this ability while muting herself, allowing her to see in total darkness and be unheard.

Light Generation:

Ma has been shown to emit light of various intensities. She can only produce this light from her body, however she can isolate to whatever part of it that she chooses. Her hands can act as a dull lantern or as a powerful spotlight. She may even create light brighter than the sun, effectively blinding anyone she uses it against.

She is capable of flashing it momentarily, while combining with amplifying sound, thus creating a flash bang like effect. Her eyes are also capable emitting light as well, and rumors have it that her eyes can even change color based on her mood.

Light Absorption:

Ma can absorb visible light or its partial wavelengths, while removing it from the source. Thus, she can essentially cause outage of lights within a respectable radius. However, this is not limited to artificial light, she is also capable of blocking out light coming from the the sun. Again, this area is limited, and therefore best used in buildings to her advantage.


· Ma is unaffected by loud noises or different frequencies, rendering able to use her abilities without ill effects.

· Ma is unfazed by blinding lights, and therefore is able to manipulate it without ill effects.

· Ma’s vision is capable of functioning with or without any light source being present. This affect is achieved through echolocation.


·Echolocation requires active concentration, which can tire her out rather quickly. Thus, she can only use it in bursts, allowing opponents the opportunity to strike between bursts of sound.

·If her opponents wear polarized sunglasses, her ability to blind them is limited. And while she can produce a light brighter than the sun, this takes extreme effort and she is liable to pass out immediately after. Thus, she rarely, if ever, does this.

·Just like any other human, Ma can become tired, injured, and killed like anyone else. She has no enhanced strength or durability, and using her abilities tire her out just as much as running a marathon would. While certainly mentally tough, her body has its limits.


Due to her time in the military, Ma is in excellent physical shape, experienced with a variety of weaponry, and an experienced fighter in the martial art of Tai Chi. She is easily capable of taking down most regular untrained humans within moments, which happen to be her primary targets.

She is also naturally manipulative and charismatic, skills she has been honing her entire life.


Typically, just her sidearms, ammunition, serrated knife, and a standard issue, collapsible baton. Given her situation, it’s ill-advised that she carry anything she can be tracked by.

She has cut off all ties with her previous relationships.



View attachment 388057
Name: Solar Lux Antarctic
Age: 21
Gender*: Female
Sexuality*: Heterosexual
Alignment: Neutral
Personality: Solar is often known for her loud, outspoken character obvious even from a distance that one neighbor once thought they own a parrot; her voice is known for driving the next-door neighbor's dog insane, setting off car alarms and frightening several drivers into pulling over because it reached a pitch akin to a police or ambulance siren. She also has a noteworthy temper which is similar to a volcano: unexpected, destructive and with many disasters. She has a disturbingly unusual high comfort level when it comes to killing or violence, especially where animals are involved; she brutally beheaded a rat with a shovel and left its head to "Send a message to the other rats", and then set off for church yet she's entirely terrified of insects. She is very comfortable with death, on account of a couple of her relatives being butchers. She is an excellent markswoman, often just using one hand and never missing a shot. Solar is a terrible driver, though she is oblivious to this.

Despite her temper, Solar has a more prominent gentle side. She has come to the aid of her rivals, even consistently feeling compassion towards or helping people who try to make her life miserable (or in the first case even kill her). She has repeatedly expressed extreme disapproval in attacking or hurting anyone unable to defend him or herself. Solar knows what she wants and how to get it. She is good-natured, fun-loving, and compassionate, but also extremely prideful and at times manipulative. Altogether, Solar is full of passion and zest for life.
Bio: Solar was born in the support and guidance of a peculiarly young couple; Valais and Safire. She has other siblings, including Ura and two brothers. Having lived in a poor and crime-filled village, she is seemingly used to doing manual labor and usually implies violence as a resolution to problems. She states that she had her own machete when she was a child and has considerable comfort in killing animals due to relatives who are butchers. Crazy traditional, Solar strongly believes in superstitions and that her family is cursed because her great-great-grandfather made a contract with the devil, causing several of her relatives to end up in jail.

When she was younger, she received a letter addressed to her sister Ura with an opportunity to leave for the Central/Downtown district. She used the letter and ends up leaving instead of her sister. This would later cause friction between the two. Her family mentions that she had been deported twice back to where she came. She also stayed in the Southern/rural area and Northern/Suburban area for some time, both of which she became wanted by the police. Until the events in which she was wanted in Northern/Suburban area for leasing/renting an apartment which her roommate turned into a brothel after she left. Once she returned to the Central District things slowly began to change for Solar she tricked or you could say conned a man to give her more than 12 million using them to open her own casino which was simply a cover-up for her illegal drug trading.
Powers*: Voice Manipulation;
The user is freely capable of manipulating their voice, allowing them to control their voices to imitate sounds of creatures such as animal noises and explosions or increase or decrease the tone of their voice.
Telepathy; User can read/sense another person's thoughts, communicate with them mentally and/or affect their minds/thoughts.

Skills*: Hand to hand combat, Guns can't miss a shot, Manipulation, Con artist, Physically strong, Surprisingly a great cook (although she doesn't bother)
Tech*: Solar doesn't know how to work with technology and always needs help to use a simple device although she knows where to get them and how producing most. Although she has still shown that she knows how to fix a damaged electronic.
Tara (best friend)- personal assistant and one of Solar's best friends. She is happily married (somewhat) with a 9-year-old boy.
Ambitions: Money, family, friends
Other: (anything else i missed.)
Excellent job you guys all of your characters accepted we should be able to begin soon.

I have a few things to do first and later today i will write the opening post.
Name: James Striker
Age: 37
Gender*: Male
Sexuality*: Straight
Alignment: Neutral
Personality: Has no ambition or personal goals other than accomplishing his mission. Right and wrong are just words to him he will do whatever it takes kill whoever it takes to accomplish the mission. Although he does have a since of compassion for the genuinely innocent, unfortunately that is very rare. A born solider, everything looks like a nail to this man and he is the hammer.
Bio: Striker was literally made to be a solider. Born in a test tube he was created by Augustus Atori to be a private assassin for atori industries. By the time he was nine he had mastered three different types of martial arts. At eleven he had achieved his first kill. From that point on he was tossed into the deep end. Working in the shadows under the employment of the most powerful company in the world, by the time he reached adulthood he had over one hundred confirmed kills and was directly responsible of the collapse of two governments that opposed atori industries. When Maxwell took over atori industries things took a change for the weird. Striker began to lead a squad dedicated to locating and capturing “abnormalities”. These included; people who developed super powers, alien technology, and magical items, all done in secret within the shadows of the night . He has been doing this for ten years now and is regarded in hushed whispers as a type of boogeyman, who is believed to be super natural and a myth.
Skills*: A master of over one hundred styles of martial arts 27 of which focus on different types of weapons, a world class marksman, a master of stealth, anatomy, espionage, sabotage, psychological warfare. He is also a world class detective, a master of disguise, a expert hunter and tracker, survivalist, hacker, and boast a genius IQ of 230. In depth knowledge of the human brain, medical training, skilled with poisons, vehicles, explosives, lock picking, diving, parasailing, piloting, scouting, cooking, critical thinking, dancing, singing, has two degrees in engineering and metallurgy, and has a secondary career as a scientist in atori industries RnD department.
Tech*: As a maximum level clearance of atori industries he has access to nearly all technologies produced by the company and due to his close personnel relationship with maxwell atori even those that he doesn’t have clearance for he can get his hands on it if he asked.
Relationships- maxwell atori- best friend/employer/ward
Ambitions: to accomplish whatever mission is given to him.
“Kill confirmed”
View attachment 388583
Name: James Striker
Age: 37
Gender*: Male
Sexuality*: Straight
Alignment: Neutral
Personality: Has no ambition or personal goals other than accomplishing his mission. Right and wrong are just words to him he will do whatever it takes kill whoever it takes to accomplish the mission. Although he does have a since of compassion for the genuinely innocent, unfortunately that is very rare. A born solider, everything looks like a nail to this man and he is the hammer.
Bio: Striker was literally made to be a solider. Born in a test tube he was created by Augustus Atori to be a private assassin for atori industries. By the time he was nine he had mastered three different types of martial arts. At eleven he had achieved his first kill. From that point on he was tossed into the deep end. Working in the shadows under the employment of the most powerful company in the world, by the time he reached adulthood he had over one hundred confirmed kills and was directly responsible of the collapse of two governments that opposed atori industries. When Maxwell took over atori industries things took a change for the weird. Striker began to lead a squad dedicated to locating and capturing “abnormalities”. These included; people who developed super powers, alien technology, and magical items, all done in secret within the shadows of the night . He has been doing this for ten years now and is regarded in hushed whispers as a type of boogeyman, who is believed to be super natural and a myth.
Skills*: A master of over one hundred styles of martial arts 27 of which focus on different types of weapons, a world class marksman, a master of stealth, anatomy, espionage, sabotage, psychological warfare. He is also a world class detective, a master of disguise, a expert hunter and tracker, survivalist, hacker, and boast a genius IQ of 230. In depth knowledge of the human brain, medical training, skilled with poisons, vehicles, explosives, lock picking, diving, parasailing, piloting, scouting, cooking, critical thinking, dancing, singing, has two degrees in engineering and metallurgy, and has a secondary career as a scientist in atori industries RnD department.
Tech*: As a maximum level clearance of atori industries he has access to nearly all technologies produced by the company and due to his close personnel relationship with maxwell atori even those that he doesn’t have clearance for he can get his hands on it if he asked.
Relationships- maxwell atori- best friend/employer/ward
Ambitions: to accomplish whatever mission is given to him.
View attachment 388582
“Kill confirmed”
You know striker is in.
By the time he turned 19 he had already attained several degrees in business, robotics, economics, law, and medicine.​

Before I can submit an application, there is a certain standard I'd like to see in a roleplay I'm in the process of joining. I'm just curious as to which tertiary education service would allow a nineteen year-old to complete a minimum of, as I've calculated, 17 years of full-time study plans. This is after taking into account possible double degrees involving both a Bachelor of Business and a Bachelor of Economics to be completed at the same time, and the required Honours following a Bachelor of Engineering to specialise in robotics (most likely in software or mechanics). A Bachelor of Medicine (and Bachelor of Surgery) also involves special requirements. Do you think this laxed approach to tertiary education would be internationally recognised? I certainly wouldn't IC.
Before I can submit an application, there is a certain standard I'd like to see in a roleplay I'm in the process of joining. I'm just curious as to which tertiary education service would allow a nineteen year-old to complete a minimum of, as I've calculated, 17 years of full-time study plans. This is after taking into account possible double degrees involving both a Bachelor of Business and a Bachelor of Economics to be completed at the same time, and the required Honours following a Bachelor of Engineering to specialise in robotics (most likely in software or mechanics). A Bachelor of Medicine (and Bachelor of Surgery) also involves special requirements. Do you think this laxed approach to tertiary education would be internationally recognised? I certainly wouldn't IC.
The education he received is based off of the fact hat he finished his primary and secondary school before he made it into his teenage years. With the funds, time and resources available he was able take multiple simultaneous courses. Also keep in mind that the current education system drags things out to increase the amount of money paid to them. Megapolis isnt like that, they take a more hands on approach and work at the pace of the individual. So he was able to condense the 17 years into just 8.
Also very few things are internationally recognized in this world due to constant warfare between nations. Alliances and politics are far more fluid.
The education he received is based off of the fact hat he finished his primary and secondary school before he made it into his teenage years. With the funds, time and resources available he was able take multiple simultaneous courses. Also keep in mind that the current education system drags things out to increase the amount of money paid to them. Megapolis isnt like that, they take a more hands on approach and work at the pace of the individual. So he was able to condense the 17 years into just 8.
Before I can submit an application, there is a certain standard I'd like to see in a roleplay I'm in the process of joining. I'm just curious as to which tertiary education service would allow a nineteen year-old to complete a minimum of, as I've calculated, 17 years of full-time study plans. This is after taking into account possible double degrees involving both a Bachelor of Business and a Bachelor of Economics to be completed at the same time, and the required Honours following a Bachelor of Engineering to specialise in robotics (most likely in software or mechanics). A Bachelor of Medicine (and Bachelor of Surgery) also involves special requirements. Do you think this laxed approach to tertiary education would be internationally recognised? I certainly wouldn't IC.
i finished high school when I was 16 my friend finished when he was 14 he only continued because he needed the social skills i started college at 16 and im now 19 with a salary job and i'm able to work on million dollar equipment, i will retire at 39 if i want. My friend is even further ahead than me and he is much younger. I'm not even that smart I just dedicated my time probably. I'm sure a super genius would easily be able to finish grade school ad highschool before his teens. y friend is the smartest person I know and he is not even a genius. You also can complete degrees by testing out of them, I never went to class for my core classes so my first "semester" was like 1 and a half months. Either way . We could live with an education as advanced as the current western culture one and he could still accomplish such things. For example his medical degrees : You can test out on microbiology and pharmaceuticals just by testing and then only have to go two a months worth of labs.
I actually finished all four years of high school in one year... I graduated with a 3.0.... I kind of slacked off in the last semester. (I was so excited to graduate early. ^_^ )

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