War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Alk pressed one hand to his face, moving closer so that she was in his line of vision. She gave him a saccharine smile and a squeeze of the hand. "I figured as much... I don't think you would have stayed otherwise."
Gerard looked at Alk with shocked admiration in his eyes. He had expected her to curse him or blame him but she did neither. He pulled her face with his free hand towards his to kiss her. "I'm sorry. What should we do?" he muttered.
"You said it yourself: we have to fight." Alk didn't think there was anything else they could do. She didn't know when or how they'd get Lucifer back, or even what Diaboli would do to Gerard if he chose to stay here. Almost everything was the same as before, uncertain and depressing. Almost. Now, at least she had Gerard to hold her up. She began pulling him back down the hallway.

They followed their original path to the armory, slowing to a stop just around the hall. A lot of the students were gathering there, selecting their weapons and armor. She turned to the boy, worry flashing across her face. "You do what you must, but if anything happens, promise you'll come find me?"
"I will." said Gerard with assurance in his eyes. He entered the armory. Without drawing suspicion, Gerard grabbed hold of two longswords. Without mercy or second thought, Gerard killed every student in the armory, helping him earn a few cuts and scratches. He equipped himself with an armor to conceal his bloody clothes. Replacing the bloody swords with clean ones, Gerard exit the armory. He walked back upto Alk. "Let's go hear the word of command." he said as he held her hand and began marching outside. "Why are you letting me do this?" he asked.

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Amare stood on the wall looking down at 300,000 demons roaring for blood. "Ready yourselves!" he shouted.

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Valentina sat on her horse, it was faster travel from her the academy to the battle grounds. She watched from a cliff, the perfect view. "Okay.. First time leading.." She said to herself in a nervous tone. Letting out a heavy breath, she put on a determined face.
"It's for Lucifer," Alk reasoned, but she had still grimaced nonetheless. Luckily, a new bow had been crafted for her and she'd had to pick it up in the workshop down the hall rather than go into the armory with Gerard. The sounds of battle from that room hadn't been quiet per say, but she ignored it nonetheless. She didn't want to think about it as she complacently followed the boy now.

The two made it out into the courtyard, but everyone was already piling out. They marched out with the rest of the troops. The students were anxious and rowdy, for many of them it would be the first large battle they fought in. At some point it had become too much, and Alk had lost Gerard in the crowd. She searched for a while with her eyes, but as Amare gave his orders, she knew she had to focus.
Gerard could see Alk from the corner of his eye as the distance between them grew. Gerard noticed Filius on top of the wall. He needed to get to him to gain some credible information. But Gerard knew that he wouldn't trust him. Making his way through the crowd, Gerard grabbed hold of Alk and placed his arms around her as he headed towards the wall. "We need to speak to Filius and know his battle plans." he said.

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With slight reluctance, Alk nodded. Every time she went along with Gerard she knew she was committing treason. She tried to rationalize that they both did what they did for the sake of Lucifer and the hope that he may be safely returned to them, but she couldn't help feeling nervous about it all. Nevertheless, she would have better positioning on the higher ground that was the wall and she also was curious as to Filius' plans as well, since they had missed the commencement in the courtyard earlier.

And so, Alk and Gerard waded through the crowd and to the top of the wall, where the god stood.
Pausing in his footsteps, Gerard turned Alk to face him. His fingers played with her hair as he gazed into her eyes. He gave her a deep, passionate kiss before saying, "Alk. You don't have to betray your side for me. Do what you believe in." Gerard kissed her again before giving her a piece of paper. "It has my address. Finding you might be difficult for me after things end so I want you to do that." He continued treading towards Filius with Alk beside him.

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"Gerard, Alk! You stay within the wall, in case of a breach, Calvin is on the field with the vanguard, be prepared" Amare commanded as he pointed out to the large army approaching.

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Gerard nodded his head. He could do more damage now. His eyes suddenly fell upon Pippin. He realized that Lucifer was supposed to kill the boy and if he didn't... There were only to probable answers. He was either killed by Diaboli or captured by Deus' forces. "Have you seen Lucifer?" he asked Amare trying to sound non chalant.

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"Lucifer.. Lucifer is no longer with us." Amare responded with as much grace as he could

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Gerard's face dropped on hearing Filius' answer. His body felt devoid of emotion. "He told me tell you that he was sorry for not being a good friend." Removing his armor, Gerard started walking away. He looked at Alk and nodded his head. She could stay if she wished but Gerard didn't have to anymore. "Find me." he muttered to Alk before he ran away from the war. Away from Lakeseed. He didn't want to find out more about his cousin's death. As Gerard ran his eyes fell on Anise. He didn't know her but she felt really familiar. Shaking his head, Gerard continued running until he was far away from the encampment. Looking to the ground, Gerard continued walking in sorrow.

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Gerard walked swiftly as he looked at the ground. His path was suddenly blocked by a hooded figure. Gerard's eyes shot wide open on seeing the person who blocked his path.

"Y-You are alive?" stammered Gerard.

The figure responded with a nod before scrutinizing the surroundings. He dropped the hood letting his blue hair brush against the wind.

Gerard didn't need much time to know that Lucifer had played a farce to fake his death.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because Anise deserves to be free. She could never be free if I was alive." replied Lucifer with a tough face.


"She's alive?"

Lucifer replied with a curt nod.

"But.. how are you going to live with that?"

"We have to just pretend that neither of us existed. Eventually, we can forget."

Gerard turned his head wondering if he should head back to Alk.

"Alk's strong. She'll survive."

"So. What should we do now?"

"Stay away from these Gods."

Gerard nodded his head and began walking as Lucifer followed suit.

"How did you survive?"

"I shouldn't have. There's this spell I read in Deus' book to heal me in five minutes. I never understood it completely but apparently it heals you from any attack you undertake in those five minutes. I had accidentally cast the spell but it helped me come back to life after a couple of minutes."

Lucifer thought of the moments he spent in Amare's room when he was in the shower and Anise lay in the bed. He could have made her understand everything but he chose not to. He controlled the urge to embrace her again. To kiss her again. To tell her that he loves her.

"Always be honest."
said Lucifer with sorrow in his voice. Gerard patted his cousin's back as they continued walking.

"You know that she will accept you if you go bac--" Gerard's words were cut off as Lucifer interjected.

"I had the best moments of my life with her and I can never forget her. But I think I have moved on."

"Moved on? Yeah, right." retorted Gerard wondering about the time Lucifer lost his mind and tried to kill Diaboli when he found out about Anise's death. "Anyhow. Where are we headed?"

"To Axe's. The Gods won't find us there." said Lucifer confidently.

"I hope this war ends soon. Alk will be delighted to see you are alive."

"I know. I need to look for a special blonde who keeps changing her hair color to represent her change in mood." replied Lucifer, chuckling.

"Apparently, she has gone missing. I dropped off a hint about me being alive at the house where she stayed with Emyre. Else, I'll have to go through a lot of trouble to find my Layla James."
he added sardonically. She was the daughter of a famous businessman so tracking her wouldn't be a difficult tasks. Even if she were hiding, Lucifer would just have to look around for a cute little devil with a big mouth.

"So. Why did you get the tattoo back?"

"So you won't impersonate me."

"That makeover was totally pointless, wasn't it?"

"N-no... They caught me because I wasn't as beaten up as you were."

The cousins quarreled and talked as they traveled back home.


(That's it, I guess. They are both away from the War. I have things to take care of so I won't be able to role-play much anymore. It's been a pleasure to role-play with you people. Hopefully, I can continue role-playing after things settle down.)
(Due to the possibility of consequence being completely disregarded in the future, this post is to be disregarded itself)

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(I just did that so that there is a possibility for Lucifer to come back if there's a sequel. I didn't mean to tarnish your idea of action and consequence. I'm truly sorry if I did. Besides, I ensured that it didn't affect the plot or the situation. He is still dead to everyone else.)

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Sonnie sat in a tree looking out at the battle. She absently mindlessly started messing with the tree's bark. She tried to look for Calvin. "Where are you?? I want to make sure you're safe." Sonnie Said under her breath.
Calvin was on the battlefield with the vanguard, ripping demons asunder. The battle was growing fierce, he was smooth, he was taking them down 3 at a time. Suddenly he was swept up, and into the city by a certain familiar demon. Jealousy, the Demon Lord, out for revenge. The two began fighting, Calvin was holding his own well, going blow for blow with Jealousy. "Worm! I'll show you what real power is" his voice began to turn into a grown "The power of a demon lord!" He roared as he ripped from his skin to become a hideous monster. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1402814994.596866.jpg.477821f0976ade38b0f12f9d3cab5711.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20608" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1402814994.596866.jpg.477821f0976ade38b0f12f9d3cab5711.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Sonnie sighed. She scooted back against the tree trunk. "I hardly know him and I already like him.... Samantha (Her real name), you're pathetic..." Sonnie looked down at her lap.
Valentina commanded the demons into 4 groups. One to the left, to the right, back and front. This way it would be more organized, well sort of. The front group of demons charged for the front line of short range while the side group attacked the long range which were on the wall. Slowly, the demons started to clean up the humans. Valentina gave a smirk to the back group of demons as they cleaned up the fighter whom survived the first wave of demons.
"Lady Valentina. We're prepared to breach the wall!" One of the demons hissed delightfully.

Calvin began trying to battle the demon lord jealousy, but his power had risen greatly. He proceeded to pummel Calvin.

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"This was easy.. But I believe this was too easy.. Thank you for reporting to me, please go as planned" she intruded to the demon, still on her horse. "I shall join in the battle in a moment" she concluded, hand on staff and a will of fire burning in her eyes.

(This will be my last post of the night. Going to sleep. Bye bye)
Jealousy continued tossing Calvin around with ease laughing and roaring. He then threw him off of the wall, and into the tree Sonnie happened to be sleeping under. The tree was torn in half with the impact.

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