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Fandom War of The North OOC

I'd like a spy type character. Someone based on sneaking and stealth. I'm still narrowing down my pokemon choices. Here's what I got so far;
Flapple, because, well, disguise as an apple. Could easily be placed and overlooked in many indoor settings, and even a variety of outdoor settings. Plus, it's super cute!
Kecleon, cuz, well, Kecleon.
Geodude would be excellent in any rocky environment, or places where rocks can be overlooked.
Sudowoodo, similarly to Geodude, can just imitate a tree. Not as easy to place into small areas, but still a fun thing to play with.
I don't know how Rotom would work in a medieval setting, so it likely wouldn't work well, but still a thought.
Ekans is capable of silent movements and can sneak around, even if people are present, and hide in small spaces.
I'm partial to bug pokemon, so I also have Ribombee and Durant on my list. Both are small, though Durant would probably be the least stealthy here. Ribombee is fast and can make a quick escape if needed. Neither are probably well suited, but I like them and think they're cute. <3

Last is Pumpkaboo. Sorry, I like pumpkins XD. I'm not super hip on the newer generations, so I don't know if they can disguise themselves as a pumpkin, but, pumpkin. 'Nuff said.

I thought about Ditto, but it just seems like too much of an all-rounder that can do anything. Not sure how I feel about it.

Any thoughts on these?
Durant is so cute!!!! Also im ok with you using any of those. The royalties of the Ceacuria Kingdom primarily water based pokemon since they are based near water. idk if that is any help for you. It is in a medieval type setting so i dont think rotom would fit well in this setting.
Because my concept is an enemy soldier with sympathy for the opposing side.
He knows what they’re doing is morally wrong, but he was conscripted to the army, so he has to fight.

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