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Fantasy War of the Magi [OPEN] (Character Creation and OOC)

She's alive by certain definitions. Also, we go to school with people with god like powers. I imagine holy magic stands a decent chance at bringing her back to life. Healing might do it. Who knows what other will pull such things out later?
She's alive by certain definitions. Also, we go to school with people with god like powers. I imagine holy magic stands a decent chance at bringing her back to life. Healing might do it. Who knows what other will pull such things out later?
Well as a litch she can't fully die unless her soalis destroyed and she keeps that in the gem on her Grimoire and she keeps that in a magical storage dimension so by certain definitions she's technically immortal lol
Too bad you go to a school where it seems everyone can teleport or create portals, allowing them access to said dimension at will. Those lovely safeguards might keep it safe from mortals, but not your classmates.
Too bad you go to a school where it seems everyone can teleport or create portals, allowing them access to said dimension at will. Those lovely safeguards might keep it safe from mortals, but not your classmates.
Umm that's true though they would have to know where to locate said dimension still though it's worth considering maybe it would be better if she keeps in on her from now on at least then she ould keep an eye on it and protect it herself
Possibly. At least I can use my ability to worry and think of how things could go wrong to help others. Yay for silver linings.
Yeah I did think about it briefly but brushed it off since we are preparing for war against mortals and students shouldn't be trying to kill each other so I never really thought about it again lol but on second thought but that doesn't mean they won't steal it to threaten her like I have your soal soi own you type of deal we already know one student who isn't shy about keeping slaves lol
Yeah I did think about it briefly but brushed it off since we are preparing for war against mortals and students shouldn't be trying to kill each other so I never really thought about it again lol but on second thought but that doesn't mean they won't steal it to threaten her like I have your soal soi own you type of deal we already know one student who isn't shy about keeping slaves lol
Sekhemi *cough*
Yeah. The student body is not particularly friendly to each other. Many of them seem to have deep seated issues with each other. Some of them have been put aside for the good of the war, but others haven't. And there isn't a great deal of respect for autonomy being shown from the top, so it's not like there is an impression that anyone here would object to one student taking another as a slave or anything.
Yeah. The student body is not particularly friendly to each other. Many of them seem to have deep seated issues with each other. Some of them have been put aside for the good of the war, but others haven't. And there isn't a great deal of respect for autonomy being shown from the top, so it's not like there is an impression that anyone here would object to one student taking another as a slave or anything.
I mean we are just potential soldiers for them so as long as they send their students slaves to fight they may not have any reason to care lol
Name: Wisp
Gender: None
Age: Unknown
Species: Will O' Wisp
Room Number:
Alignment: True Neutral

Personality: Wisp is a friendly but extremely shy Will O' Wisp. It tries its best to be helpful and resist its nature to trick and mislead others. All it wants to do is try and make the world a better place. It will help however it can if it can figure out how to help.

Bio: TBR

Main Magic: Shape-shifting Magic (Able to change it's form and properties)
Sub Magic: Enchantment Magic (Able to enchant inanimate objects with various properties and elements)
Natural Abilities: Possession: Able to possess any non living object or item
Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Name: Mimi (Pronouned Me - Me)
Pet Age: Unknown
Pet Gender: Female
Pet Species: Slime
Pet Apperance:

Pet Personality: Mimi is long time friends with Wisp. She tries her best to help it and boost its confidence. She knows that they aren't the most social beings but she believes once it gains confidence in itself it will learn to grow more social. Mimi is kind, patient and understanding. She believes, if given the opportunity and tou try hard enough, you can adapt to any challenge.

Pet's Main Magic: Adaptation Magic (Adapts the the environment and changes it's properties to survive)
Natural Abilities: Absorption (Able to absorb anything, such as Magic and take on its properties. Sometimes gaining its Magic temporarily.
PharaohAtem PharaohAtem also it'll be quite funny. Rose and Cherry will just be waiting for each other to go, hoping to be dead last.
Lol well Rose has walked to the far corner behind every and set up a little workshop while watching everyone else go first she's not just sitting back hoping others go first she's working on on one of her two main gaols making artificial soldiers for the war since if we send in artificial soldiers our own guys won't die while she works on trying to find a peaceful way to end the war

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