War of the Brethren (Light and Dark)


A professional writer is a amateur that never quit
Character Acceptance Here: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/5549-War-of-the-Brethren-(Light-and-Dark)-Character-Sheet?p=202844#post202844

There was a Angel in heaven who was called Ramiel. Ramiel was the Angel of Death. His job was to take the lives of people who's time had come. However, after seeing the darkness and hatred the humans held towards each other and the earth, his love for them began to fade. It wasn't long after this that he began to hate the humans. His hatred for their greed consumed him and it wasn't long until he began to take the lives of those who were not ready. God didn't like this. And demanded Ramiel only take the lives of those who he was told. So deep in the darkness was Ramiels mind that he turned against god.

No one thought it possible. But Ramiel had killed god (god of time and space) (( in this story their are many gods, like Greek god. God of destruction, god of winds etc. the god of time and space was the god who ruled over all. ))

So angry were the gods and angels at Ramiel that they demanded Michael kill him. But instead Michael refused. Michael instead said to Ramiel. Your mind has become tainted my brother. Your hatred for man kind has consume you. I don't believe you are broken, merely bent. You my brother must now learn to live and love as a human. To be able to accept them despite their many flaws and injustice acts. It was then that Michael sealed Ramiels powers and scythe away and exiled him from heaven.

After this it wasn't long until heaven ran into chaos. Without time and space the world began to degrade. The gods bickered over who would take the thrown. But it was no use. As the gods slowly turned against each other, the demons began to attack. And so a new war began. It wasn't long until the war spilled down onto earth. But hope was not lost. Michael found a way he might be able to bring back god! To stop this war and save all of their worlds. And so he has set off, down to earth. The earth was still young, ruled by kings and surrounded by smaller towns and villages. The small towns all lite by candle light, battles and wars fought with swords. The world hadn't come very far. It still had much to learn, and much to create. Michael sought a god. A god who had been lost on earth over a 1000 years ago. Only this god could help him restore order!

The night was cold, the harsh winds blew rapidly over the valley. The only thing to stop the harsh winds was a small town, its buildings short and rustic. The small town laid at the bottom of the valley. Their wasn't many people there. Only a few houses looked livable. The rest had collapsed at one point or another. To see a village like this wasn't unusual anymore. Ever since the war had found its way on the earth, these plains became the battlefield. Some demons would offer sanctity to the humans. Pay us and we will protect your village. Many humans found this offer tempting. And even more accepted. Most of these contracts fell apart within the first year. But still some stood in place.

Micheal stood tall at the top of the valley. His golden hues carefully watching the town below. Their was no movement, no life to be seen. Perhaps this village was abandoned? Michael sighed. He raised his hand lightly, gently pushing this golden hair from his eyes. His hair was short shinning radiantly against the moonlight. He sighed heavily again as he took a step forward.
His Long black cloak tied tightly around his torso. Its whipped hard behind him as the wind came over the valley. His thick cloak was plain, barely held together by a small rustic set of three buttons. Under the cloak hung tight fitting black pants with several pockets on each side and a snug fitting shirt with a slit to the right of his shoulder blade. All of his clothes where solid black, worn from the harsh environment. He carried a short silver sword on his right hip, with what seems like ancient script carved into the blade. Its grip is worn and wrapped in what seems like old cloth. The blade held lightly against his waist by a small piece of string. With ever step he took the blade moved.

He walked slowly up to the village, its condition seemed only worse the closer he got. He stood for a moment looking at the closest house. He raised his hand lightly brushing it against the building side. The home riddled with mold, its foundation cracked from the bottom up, branching off like spider webs as he looked up. The roof had half collapsed in on itself. He frowned slightly pulling his hand from the wet wall. He clenched his fist and walked forward travelling to the towns center. The closer he became, the worse the conditions seemed to be. Rigid cloth's held over some windows while others had collapsed in and had no windows at all.

To see all this famine made him sad. But this wasn't why he was here. And as sad as he felt for the humans, he couldn't step in. There was no time. He wondered about the town quietly, looking, searching for something. But what could possible be here? This deserted town. Not even the wild animals took haven in it. As he wondered about, a building caught his eye. This building seemed to stand out for it unusually good condition. Its walls seemed clean and the foundation barely cracked. Michael took a moment to gaze upon it before walking towards it. The front opening had no door, the only thing blocking his view was a small cloth hung over the door frame. He pushed the cloth aside with his wrist as he took a step in the home. The inside seemed clean. A small bed sat on the floor with a flew rags set on top of it. There was no doubt those rags were used as blankets. A few shelf's still hung on the wall and the moonlight peered in through holes that riddled the roof. Michael quickly looked around checking under the bed and brush for something.. Anything. Could someone still live here? He thought as he searched the desolate home.

(( @Uncultured-Buffoon))
Sara ran a finger along her left wrist, over an indent in the joint caked in scabs and raw, red skin. She hissed as her nail dislodged a scab from her wrist with a sharp jerk. At this rate there would be little scars marking her imprisonment and the promise she had been forced to make to the demons. She decided to let herself bleed out and sat on her hands, refusing to touch the wounds. The last thing she needed right now was a reason to be reminded of her being blackmailed if she ever found something to get her mind off of what had happened. She was more ashamed than she was anything. She was Sara Jerrison for crying out loud! She had worked hard to get the reputation she had, and it was all thrown away for what? She couldn't quite remember what had happened when she was captured. She must have been asleep. She had already found herself staying up for days on end without the burden of finding some...archangel boy. Now she hadn't slept for a whole week. While she wasn't a demon and didn't need sleep she forced herself to do so. It was an incredible form of relaxation and Sara was always ready to do something that made her adrenaline fly through her veins.

What was his name again, Michael? Sara leaned her head on the side of the window, bringing her legs up to the windowsill she sat on. The window wasn't a window, simply an opening in the cement wall. The top was also sagging with whatever was coming down above it, but this gave her a nice view of the small town. At least, as nice a view as one could get. Sara had seen different kinds of houses for 200 years and now was the first time that she was ever reminded of her childhood. She used to pity the humans and their weak homes, but this was just ridiculous. She was unsure of whether to give the angels or her own kind credit for this one, so she blamed it on both sides. As she scanned the town below her with cold grey eyes a flash of blonde hair caught her attention. Her feet hit the floor with a smack and her heart's instinct to begin beating faster took action. There had already been 3 false alarms and she had to kill whoever wandered in here looking to loot, she prepared to let herself down another time. Nowadays with all the stress being put on her people their intel was all but reliable. Nonetheless, she grabbed a katana that had been mounted above the now destroyed fireplace and inspected it. It wasn't common for people to have belongings from overseas, and especially not a working katana like this one. It looked polished and well kept, like the person who owned it never used it. Sara guessed that either the human owning this didn't realize it had value or they were thrown out of their house in such a sudden, horrible manner that they had left. Eh, who cares, Sara thought, sliding the black strap connected to the katana over her shoulder. One man's loss is another man's treasure...or something like that I think.

Sara jumped through the window she had been sitting at and sprinted towards the place she saw the blonde head walk into. She was good at running long distances so this across-the-road skip was a breeze for her. She was brought to a white cloth and took a deep breath, prepping herself for whatever would come. With her right hand she gripped the katana strap and with the other hand she pulled the cloth aside. The room behind the cloth was small and quaint, but it was obviously abandoned. Whoever lived there before was probably doing okay in their life. The blonde man seemed to be looking for something, or someone, judging by the way he dipped his head under the bed and swept his arm through it. Sara opened her mouth to say something but it was uncharacteristically dry and she swallowed, wondering what was wrong with confident 'ol Sara.

"Whatever you're looking for you won't find it." She informed the man subtly.
Michael slowly searched the room, being careful to not miss even the smallest hiding spot. He slowly placed his fingers on the wall tracing them against it. He looked down at the bed. The only place he hadn't checked. He kneeled down carefully shifting his weight to his right knee as he laid his other knee to the ground. He slide his slender fingers beneath the rigid bed. He lifted his fingers easily as they sat pinned between the floor and bed. The bed lifted slowly, leaving only enough room to stretch his left hand beneath it. He shifted his hand carefully under the bed, his palm facing down as he felt it gathering dirt and dust. I wasn't here. He sighed to himself.

Michael's eyes widened at the sound of a strained voice. He paused, his hand slowly being pulled from underneath the bed. He turned his head only slightly to look upon the foreign voice. He placed the bed back on the floor quietly, trying hard not to disturb the lingering silence. As he turned the only part of his face revealed was his piercing amber eyes. The moon light shined brightly into the home, its glowing light bring out the radiance in Michael's eyes and hair. His eyes locked onto the women. She looked weary, her long red hair faded by excessive amount of dirt. He stood up slowly, turning his body towards her as he lifted his weight from the ground. Dirt and dust fell from his hands and cloak as he stood. He glanced at her for only a moment more before giving her a warm smile.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize anyone lived here.." He paused for a moment. It felt strange to break the silence. His voice almost seemed to echo against the walls. He glanced at her katana, which was gripped tightly in her hands. He could feel it. The Aura illuminating from the sword. This was what he was looking for, he needed that sword. But he couldn't just take it from her.

"I hope I didn't intrude" He said smiling again taking a step towards her.

"My name is Micheal. Whats yours?" He asked as his voice once again broke the deadly silence. It seemed weird to him he hadn't sensed her. She couldn't be human, but he never held bias against the different species. If she was truly a threat. She would have attempted to strike him down already. Her radiant beauty seemed to glow in the dreary home, the dust slowly finding its place on the ground as he asked her name.
Her velvet cloak swept the ground as Janice hurried forward, keeping her head low as the wind blew back her hood, letting it fall daintily to her shoulders. Pure white locks tumbled to her waist, revealing fair skin and dark, warm eyes. She was a woman of average height, about five feet and seven inches, not short, but definitely not tall, either. Some said she was pretty, others said otherwise, although she did not care what those people thought of her. All she cared about was getting through this world without being killed by something, by someone supernatural, which tended to nearly happen quite often.

Sighing, she shook her bangs out of her eyes, pulling her cloak tighter around her shoulders and walking faster. Slung across her shoulder was a bag, rather small, and bulging with different fruits and herbs, her only true source of food. Yes, there were a variety of small animal scurrying about in the woods, but Janice did not have the skill, let alone the will, to kill such creatures. Not that she had any weapons anyways. When it came to fighting, she was utterly and completely defenseless, a fact of which she was unsure on whether to be satisfied or unsatisfied with. Currently, she did not need weapons, and she prayed she would never have use for them. But, per usual, the universe loved turning around and proving her wrong on her ways of surviving. Apparently, it would be impossible to live without a battle or war around every corner, at every turn. A fact that Janice despised.

Yet this fact is undeniably true, which she could see plainly as she pushed aside the white cloth that was the door to her home, then froze. Her bag dropped to the ground with a large thud, fruits spilling out and rolling across the dusty floor. Two people stood inside, a woman and a man, a demon and an archangel. The woman, also the demon, was holding a sword in her hand, pointing it towards the man, the archangel. For a moment, Janice was petrified, uncertain on how to react. There were two quite powerful supernatural beings in her own home, and she wasn't sure who was good and who was bad. So she stood there, frozen and terrified, dark eyes wide with shock as she opened and closed her mouth, then letting out a small shriek.
(( If I do something that doesn't fit in, or that you do not agree with. Don't be afraid to disregard my starting post lol, I'm semi new to this, and reading what everyone has posted it seems you are all very experienced. So I hope I can keep up.. I am also not sure if I can have NPC control on a minor level for short amounts of time. Oh and don't be confused at first, it is not the same building you are all in. I thought that may be a little crowded of a start ^^, and I may have been a little extreme with " woods " by calling it a forest X D.. desolate plains, and unforgiving timber? <--- Edit.))

" YES! finally, yes! Oh how I despise this forest! " Haru yelled, obviously uncaring of whether or not she awoke those who owned the disgusting little thorp she had found. After days of wandering through the unforgiving, parasitic forest she had found a clue to civilization at last. But even better then that.. She had potentially found someone to entertain her malicious desires.. It had been awhile since she had contact with humanoids, and she was still regretting letting the last one live.. The one who pointed her in this hellish direction.. She would take great pleasure in taking her anger out on the inhabitants of the humble little thorp.

" Whoever, or whatever you are! Go away we can, and will defend ourselves if need be! " A raspy voice yelled from inside the built-in-a-day shelter. " We " Haru thought.. Then smiled. " Please! It's been so long, I'm lost and all alone, I just need food, or maybe some shelter for the night, you must help me, or I'll die for sure! " Her voice suddenly changing to a whiny pitch... With a hint of sarcasm.. Though not easily detectable. An older human poked his head out from the animal hide flap, scanning Haru carefully before retreating back inside. " Go away, there is a village just east of here, it's only a few miles away, we have no room for you, let alone foo-. " He was suddenly interrupted. A very brief short lived tantrum had swelled up within Haru as the words reached her ears, and before he could finish.. He was screaming as if he had gone back to being a young child again. A dark blue tentacle pierced through the hide at a terrifying speed, wrapped around his leg, and violently drug him out before flicking him face first into a nearby tree. Suddenly another voice.. A shriek exploded from the thorp. A female... The old mans fate was also her own.. An older woman roughly the same age..

" That's better.. I'm going to use this tonight as much as it sickens me.. " The couple.. Who were very poor hermits, husband and wife.. Lay weeping at the base of the tree bleeding from their foreheads, dazed, and not yet able to move.. " Oh stop it. " She said, looking at them with amusement. " I barely even hurt you yet.. But it's your lucky day! I am extremely exhausted.. So I'll get the last of what you can give me, and be heading to bed if you don't mind... " The last of what they can give her..? Well that would be the helplessness, and agony that the eyes portrayed when a humanoid was close to drowning..

A tentacle sprouted from each palm, and slowly wrapped around the necks of the couple.. Gently lifting them up, and mysteriously began to pulsate, and form a clear like substance around them both.. ( The same bubble they are both in. ) Their eyes revealed knowledge of what their fate was about to be, as the clear bubble began to slowly fill with water.. Haru stared into their eyes unflinching, with an enormously huge smile, wide eyed, not wanting to miss a moment, and far too happy.. How could someone be so happy about something so horrible..? As the pain and horror in their eyes became more and more apparent, the wider her smile, and eyes grew... Oh how she missed that look! Never again would she go so long without it.. She loved inflicting pain on these insects, vengeance.. For the bites, and stings they have given her... " You can SCREAM.. If you want to, HAHA,haha..HAHA!! " She cackled with obvious insanity..

The water finally begun to reach shoulder height within the bubble, but then something unexpected happened.. Something that quickly took the smile away, And Harusuns eyes portrayed shock, and confusion, instead of sadistic amusement.. The couples eyes had both softened, and were looking deeply into each others gaze, and they were touching.. Embracing one another.. Excepting death, and... seemed to show no regrets, no panic, no anger towards their killer. Just... Peace..

" NOOO DAMNIT! NOOO!! AAAWH!! " Haru screeched! The bubble imploded sending the couple flying into the far away brush.. " You aren't even worth the ENERGY!! You stupid, meaningless, old, wrinkly... Ugh! " It hurt Haru to see this.. Something she has never felt.. Especially during a ritual she enjoys.. How dare they ruin this moment for her... Whether they survived the brush impact at their age or not.. She didn't care in a wounded state, and at an old couples pace, with a village that is miles away.. She knew she would have time to rest, and rest she did..
A nasty snarl illuminated from the forest located directly behind the bush that the elderly couple has been thrown. The seemingly silent and dark forest seemed to move, it's shades shifting in the small moon light that only barely reached threw the thick tree branches. The sound of cracking branches from beneath the creature echoed as the figure stood. The sound of a large thump added to the crackling as the creatures paw hit the wet ground. Glowing in the moonlight, the creature slowly immersed from the shadows. It's feet were large, large enough to leave a quake with ever harsh step the beast took. Any human could easily sleep in its indent with room to spare. The foot seemed odd. Its foot resembled a wolfs, but not just a wolf. A bird to. The the top of his corse paw was as a wolfs. But it's toes seemed to branch off hugging the ground with a eagles clench. It's razor sharp claws digged harshly into the ground as it sank into the moist dirt. Corse Jet back hair covered its paw, it's dark claws riddled with barely noticeable veins.

A second paw merged from the forest, a loud thumping sound echoed harshly throughout the small town. This paw too sank. The moonlight slowly crept up the beasts legs as its head emerged from the darkness. The beasts Golden eyes pierced threw the darkness as it stood. It's shoulder blades stood seven feet tall, as its head creeped out of the darkness. It's head hung low as it pulled its ears back to express its angered look.

It snarled again showing its long sharp fangs. The beasts long corse hair covered its body, dampened by the moister in the air. The hair was short on the sides with long pieces of hair laying over them that seem to spout from its back. The beast slowly looked down to the elderly couple. Fear filled there eyes once more as the beast lowered its snout towards them. It seemed like a big gust of wind hit them as the beast breathed hard threw its nostrils, it's tail slowly going back and forth in the shadows. He beast flinched slightly as it opened its mouth letting its long tongue roll out. He ran his tongue lightly against the elderly couple. Heavy drewl and sober hit their faces as his tongue ran across them. The beast looked at the elderly couple then snapped a glare at the women who had hurt them. The elderly couple dared not to move. The slobber seemed coated with a small amount of blood. The beast blood. The beast peered down upon them, as there wounds seemingly vanished beneath the excessive bloodied droll.

The beast stepped forward again, his displeased eyes locked on the women as he walked past her. He didn't seem to have interest in staying. His heavy steps continued as he headed away from the village. While the beast disliked this women he had found something more important. He could sense an angel near. The beast had been lost on earth for so long. It had to find this angel before it disappeared. The beast swede his head towards the women once more. The women's head must have felt like it was cracking as a horas voice seemed to echo only inside her mind "hurt them again.. Ill kill you...." The beast was a pusher. Able to force his thoughts into others minds to communicate. It was his only way of communicating in his beast form. And though the beast knew this women had to be ruthless, powerful and cruel. He hoped she would heed his warning and not stir up trouble.
(( An excuse to use HUDDA!! Woot lol. ))

Harusun kneeled down, preparing to enter the thorp. But before she could lift the flap time seemed to stop, and she was frozen in place as the loud snarling, and thumping started up from near where the couple had landed.. She turned around and stared in confused, disbelief as the giant creature made its entrance.. " Hudda? " She muttered.. Engrossed in the majesty of the creature. " hurt them again.. I'll kill you.... " Normally this threat would have bothered her beyond belief.. But it only sparked her curiosity, and disbelief further. She had met many strange, sinister creatures before.. But this large wolf was something worth investigating. A large, wolf, eagle thingie? That can speak directly to her through.. Some form of telepathy? It must have higher intelligence.. But even more amazing, and confusing.. Was the fact that the old couple she had wounded seemed to pop up, and waddle away at an incredible pace for the amount of damage they had sustained.. " Hudda, hudda? " She muttered again, her eyes darting back and forth from the fading figure, and the healthy elderly couple..

Her fatigue seemed to vanish, and was replaced by an overpowering thirst for knowledge.. It was heading in the direction of the village the old man had mentioned.. Oh this could be exciting maybe it was going to lay siege to it? But that didn't make sense, why wouldn't it have eaten the old couple.. Let alone maybe have been the one to heal them.. It seemed that way anyway, she didn't know for sure if the creature had anything to do with the couples recovery.. For all she knew they healed themselves, but it was very coincidental.. It didn't seem malicious, yet it was a vicious looking creature.. OH how her mind was overflowing with questions. Forget resting! She had to follow it now! She followed the beast, making sure to keep a polite distance...
((Lol. Your character makes me laugh))

The beast walked slowly, pushing against the harsh winds. The gusts whipped his hair about as he lifted his head. He glanced back. The women seemed to be following slowly, being sure to keep her distance. Her rigid appearance made her appear weary and un-rested. He couldn't help but wonder why she was following him. He thrusted his head back to look in front of him, small droplets of water began to fall hitting lightly against his face. He sighed heavily threw hes nostrils. "How long do you plan on following me..." Hes voice once again echoed in her thoughts. This time his voice seemed a bit less painful. He tucked his ears back in an attempt to hear if she would respond. His hearing was incredible. Someone could be on the other side of the city whispering and he could pick it up. His harsh foot steps slowly turned into sounds of sloshing mud. His feet covered in dirt that splash up to his knees. The rain had grown heavier now, perhaps he should find shelter? This idea didn't go well over his mind. If he waited to long he might miss the Angel, and he refused to stop if it meant losing his possibility of returning home.

He missed heaven. The earth was so dark and desolate, its rain cold and its sun beating hot. Compared to heaven, there was nothing good to compare. He wondered how much time had past since he had come to earth. He had slept for so long. Betrayed by the God he had come here with, his body sustained to much damage. There battle was long and gruesome. In the end he became mortally wounded and in order to survive was forced into a deep slumber. He'd only been awake for a few days. The women and that older couple were the first creatures, or should he say humans he'd seen. It angered him that the world was still the same. People killing and hurting other people. This place was always so dark, yet despite this he couldn't hate the humans. It was only there nature, to be born in a world so dark. He found it only natural that their nature changes to fit it. Perhaps this polluted world would eventually change his nature too?

His mind soared threw the possibilities that came to his mind. He glanced back at the women again. Perhaps It he could ask her the date? It couldn't have been to long could it? He looked up at the moon, rain hitting his eyes as he pondered the question in his mind.
" Rain... Useful in case things got.. Hairy. " she thought, and grinned at her own cheap little internal joke.. " Maybe after this creature begins to bore me, I can find satisfaction in those pretty eyes of his..? Oh maybe he will howl! An intelligent howl, exchanging information in this sense! The perfect scream, the eyes showing that desperate misery that I crave! A creature of this size, and power! Oh how ashamed it would be to lose to a small creature like me, it would have the most beautiful look I know it would.. " But something even better hit her then.. Perhaps it would project it's agony straight into her mind through telepathy.. A direct link to its pain.. She was almost drooling pondering the possibilities..

" How long do you plan on following me..." pierced into her mind.. This frightened her as she suddenly had a new realization, she began to wonder if the creature could read her thoughts.. If so, she knew this could quickly become a dangerous endeavor.. But he seemed unflinching, which hinted to no.. Or just a very tactful creature, or simply wasn't too afraid of her.. " Until you begin to bore me! You may not be aware of this, but you aren't an everyday sight! May I ask of your orgins?" She yelled into the wind, while the creature had large ears, she wasn't sure how well the hearing was, and with the rain.. Yelling still seemed a good idea.

She kept her respectful distance, and the rain drops seemed to avoid her completely.. Coming to less than inch, and seeming to slightly change direction before impacting.. No matter how many drops seemed to close in on her, she remained dry as a vipers scale..
His ears flinched as she yelled. The rain seemed to drain out her voice, but to him it was unbelievably loud. He pulled his ears forward for a moment. This women was strange, she seemed to be lost in her own thoughts. He shot a glare at her for yelling. He pushed threw her mind again "It's not necessary to yell.. I can hear you just fine... " He said angrily as he shook his head violently in an attempt to shake her voice from his ears. "... I'm not from this plain (Dimension/Universe/Planet).. if that's what your asking.. " He said, his voice less harsh then before. He kept pushing forward, quickening his pace.

He should hurry. The next town is close, but this rain seemed to drowned his sense of the angel. This worried him. A piece of dust or water seemed to seep into this nostrils. He choked up for a moment before letting out a loud sneeze. He breathed hard threw his nostrils again, his hot breathe became visible as it hit the cold air. The beast stopped, and found himself looking down upon a town. Here was the village, that was quick, could he have walked to quickly? He peered behind again to see if the women had kept up. The rain had slowly began to stop. A gust of wind whipped his hair back again as he turned to the women.

"I am Zehel... And you are?.." He stood silently as he pushed his thoughts, his ears being pushed in a curious position. Water dripped from his thick coat. The moonlight shinned against the water like sparkles on his skin. He stood tall in his stance. He needed to go. He glanced back at the small village. He could feel the angels presence. He had found him. A way home.
" Oh! My apologies I didn't mean to ye-.." She purposefully yelled again.. " Oh sorry... " She lowered her voice and grinned obviously amused with herself. She noticed the village closer now, and the anxiety returned. She was hoping the villagers would soon notice and be fearful of this large beast, and maybe an entertaining fight would be witnessed. "I am Zehel... And you are?.." She moved a little closer showing absolutely no fear, but still far away enough that it would be hard to surprise her with an opening attack. Or so she figured anyway. ( Twice its body length away. ) The glare made her very happy, as did the ears, and the new curious positions.. It was more evidence that advanced emotions could be portrayed..

" Maybe I'll help the villagers after awhile, and be considered a hero for awhile.. After they weaken him, I'll swoop in and drown him! I'll get what I need from them, and move on.. After having some fun of course.. " She thought.. " My name is Harusun... I have no title, because titles are for glory seeking fools. What you see is what you get. MY TURN!.. Did you heal those insects back there in the forest today, and if so.. Why? " She looked into his eyes, changing to a calm, and collected stare.
He snarled at her as she asked him a question. Her arrogance annoyed him. He whipped his head back and began to walk away from her. This was a typical human personality, full of themselves. He could feel her dark intentions. He walked slowly threw the town. It had small corridors that forced him to squeeze threw the buildings. His wet hair brushed the side of the building. His tail whipped hard against a near by building causing its foundation to crack and its walls to collapse in on itself. He glanced back at it. Oops. He thought to himself as he edged forward. He decided to ignore the women. Nothing good would come from talking to her.

He paused for a moment hearing a loud shriek. He paused for a moment. Hes eyes fixed on a house. He could feel the angels presence there. The same place of the shrieks origins. He snarled and showed his fangs in the direction of the small home. He wondered if he should approach. He thought for a moment, despite disliking this women following him, she had a point. Mortals weren't used to seeing beings in this form. Perhaps its best to take on a different form? He weighted the options in his head. If he changes into a human form he would be more vulnerable. But if he stays in this form, he might scare the mortals. He sighed in contemplation.

He edged forward. It would be best to stay in this form. Mortals might run. But an Angel wouldn't. The Angel must know he would never hurt him. Zehel stood in the middle of the road watching the building. It seems there was 3 figures in the small home. He stood silently watching. He felt it would be a better idea to stop and wait to see what happens.

((After your response we will have to wait for uncultured response to go anywhere with it. She's being slow ;) ))
Harusun leapt in front of Zehel between him, and the building he was facing, still keeping a minor distance but getting brave.. Her eyes Bulging, obviously annoyed at Zehels actions. " That wasn't very polite you know.. You could really make someone angry, you don't seem to understand that you are at my mercy now! A simple scream or two, and this village would be all over you I'm sure! I would be among those slaying you. I guarantee it! Now answer my question, did you heal those insects or not!? " Her tone was cracking a bit, it was apparent that it was hard for her to control her emotions, you could almost see the steam rising from her ears, as she began to twitch slightly..

(( I will join the Guild wars one later, but I want to see who joins, and let the storyline play out slightly before I come in.. ))
Zehel turned his head to look at her, his eyes scanning her as she stood. Dry huh? This women couldn't be a normal human. He teared his eyes from her gaze. You could tell by her tone that she was annoyed. He pulled his lips back, giving his snout a grinning appearance. He shook his head rapidly, slowly, his shaking made its way down his long large body, his hair being whipped back and forth. His damp coat threw the water all around him. His demeanor was much like a dogs, though it was obvious he meant to drench her.

He carefully outstretched his paws and laid down on the damp floor. His front paws lay folded beneath him, holding up his rather large head. His back legs tucked underneath his rather large exterior. He glanced over at the women who stood rather close. He adjusted his weight uncrossing his paws then recrossing them once more. In one swift motion his tail swept underneath her feet, her body veered backwards and she fell hard on her butt. Closing his eyes his voice appeared in her mind once more. "You asking me if I healed them, is like me asking you if you injured them... " He paused for a moment to judge her reaction.

"They are human-beings.. Not insects.. Just as you are a human.. So are they" He huffed and rested his head lightly on top of his paws, once more staring at the small home. His eyes fixed on the door frame. He sighed "I'm very aware that the human's would fear me... But your confidence in your ability to beat me is.. lets say over justified. If you were truly able to beat me.. Then you'd be able to sense that only three other people are present in this village. And among those only .. one is human." He smirked again "Other then you that is.." His eyes reached back to his pupil, his head steady in place as his golden hues locked with hers. "Has this world hurt you so much that you find it justifiable to prey on the weak?.. And your own kind no less." He paused for a long while before his voice echoed one more time "You could attack me a thousand different ways.. And in the end. I wouldn't kill you. Sometimes all people need is help. Is that what you need Harsun?"
(( I'm not sure if I am suppose to respond at this point.. But if so here it is! If not ignore it X D ))

The spray of liquid came less than an inch of impacting with her body, before mysteriously.. Changing direction at the last second, and seemed to slide off of some invisible shield.. Haru was amused by his attempt to get her wet.. " Look at that, he is observant too, I wond- " Her thoughts were interupted as the beast swept her off her feet in a flash of unforseen dexterity.. There was no time to react before she hit the ground, fear.. An emotion not felt for sometime swelled within her. As soon as she hit the ground, a high pressured burst of dark blue liquid exploded from her palms. Blasting her a short distance away from Zehel.. She landed on her feet with very apparent grace.

As his speech was entering her mind, Immediately, two opposing forces within her head were at war! " Wait Haru haru! Listen to what he is saying something is wrong here! KILL HIM!! HOW DARE HE SHOW SUCH INSOLENCE! No! He's too fast Hara, he's too intelligent! This isn't wise! STOP WASTING TIME, HE WAS GETTING BORING ANYWAY, ARE YOU SCARED NOW OF LESSER CREATURES? Are you.. A WEAKLING LIKE THE REST? " The louder voice as usual, was easier to hear, and well.. She agreed with it. She was already annoyed before this, there was no way she would investigate todays interesting gifts any further.. She would take his life now! It was time to see those pretty eyes fade before her..

~~ " I wouldn't kill you. Sometimes all people need is help. Is that what you need Harsun?" ~~

"Yes! I do need your help! You wasted potential, mutt!! If you deny that they are insects, then you are just as stupid, and disposable as they are! Never compare me to those WEAKLINGS! I will show you now! HAHAHAAAAA!! " Her eyes widened in a very disturbing bloodthirsty fashion that would make even some demons envious.. Then raised her arm above her head, closed her fist, leaving only her index finger extended.. Particles in the air seemed attracted to the tip as if it were it's own planet..

I need your help in quenching my appetite, I want to hear your THOUGHTS SCREAM DELICIOUS DESPAIR! " she drew back her hand, and made a slashing motion... SUDDENLY what was just minor particles, and nothingness in the air, was a rapidly expanding thin but very pressurized line of dark blue liquid, it seemed to be aimed at his snout, controlled by her movements, still connected to her finger. At the same time, the palm of her other hand.. Facing towards the sky, seemed to be summoning water particles in the same fashion, only instead of a whip, a small orb was forming... ( The whip is, sharp pain disorienting, water in the nose kind of attack X D.. Sting/particles.. The orb is the water ball which will be thrown after the success, or Failure of the first slash of the water whip. )
Zehel's eyes widened in surprise as water seemed to burst from her palms. He watched her carefully as she landed gracefully, only a short distance away. Her face seemed odd, as though a thousand different thoughts conflicted in her head. Zehel couldn't help but wonder what could be going threw her mind. The air became thick and dry, as though the moister in the air was slowly being stripped away. He took in a deep breath, the dry parched air made his mouth only seem dry.

This women commanded water much like a water sprite, but unlike water sprites, her personality seemed bi-polar in its nature. He watched the water as it seemed to rapidly expanded becoming a pressurized line of dark blue liquid. As she gestured it towards his snout, he became angry, snarling as he revealed his long, sharp fangs. This women reminded him of a God he once knew. The resemblance in their nature was staggering. What could be wrong with this women that she'd become so violent in her responses.

Zehel looked to her in anger as she seemed to summon a water orb to her hand. In a instant, he vanished. This creature who found it difficult to even edge threw the buildings without causing it to collapse had literally disappeared. As the women stood in the alley way a large human hand found itself wrapped around her neck, long nails that seem to grow coarse and sharp extended pressing lightly against her throat. Behind her head you could see two golden eyes the pierced threw the darkness. There standing behind her was a man, his long black luxurious hair hung low to his lower back, his skin pale white seem unaffected by the cold.

This man wore no clothes, his bare skin exposed to the cold winter night. The man spoke "I grow tired of your games..." His voice deep, filled with anger. This wasn't just a man. He was the beast, his voice sounds just the same as it had in her head. This was his human form. He tilted his head slightly to look at her as he whispered "Attack me again... and I'll break your arm.." His voice was cold in its nature. He said he wouldn't kill her. But he never said he wouldn't injure her. He didn't wish to fight, so perhaps being in the form of a human would calm her down some. Humans never took likely to his true form.

Zehel stood silently waiting to see her response. He's body was well defined, to a human it was perfect, a highly built muscular man. He's appearance made him appear no older then 25, though the way he talked made him seem much older. His demeanor was stern and serious, which seemed inappropriate considering he was naked. But Zehel never understood that. In Heaven the body wasn't something to hide. And he felt he was naked in his beast form, so why would a human form be any different. Human customs were always so strange to him, he after all was just a animal.

((Your fine, as long as these characters don't meet up with the ones in the house we can keep going. If uncultured doesn't respond today I will make her character "Unconscious" To continue the story. And I have to laugh at this naked part! This is hilarious! HAHAHAH))
" Wha-! " she yelled, her bloodthirsty eyes were a thing of the past, as genuine confusion, and mild terror replaced it.. She stood stiff as a board in his grasp.. Her eyes slowly moved to the side attempting to get a look at this new form.. " His claws are around my throat.. His filthy claws.. My throat, HOW!... Hudda..? Is he.. Nude..? " She thought, and once connecting the dots.. Was forced into blushing.. This was checkmate, she knew it. Even worse it was checkmate to a human! Even if he was a muscular absolutely gorgeous human, it was degrading nonetheless! She made a mistake when underestimating this one. But it wasn't long before she was convincing herself otherwise.. " If I could just... No even if I sent him flying he would only take my throat with him.. It's an illusion, that couldn't have happened, that was unreal. It's a trick that's all! yes!

With one hand wrapped around the hand around her throat.. She struggled slightly, made a fist with the other, and attempted to slam it into his exposed.. Jewels...
Arms cross, wind blowing my hair to look as flames licking the sky, Persephone watched. The air was dry, yet her position was unmoving. She watched from above, a steep cliff giving her an over all view from miles afar. This abhorrent village was her next victim. It didn't belong in the world she was shaping, so it was to go. As many of the small, unimportant civilizations as before. But, her plans had suddenly changed. She could see the happening of a narrow battleground. On closer inspection, her instant reaction was a small smile, creasing her peach colored cheeks, and settling a spark into her ice eyes.

How curious.

Persephone hadn't seen Zehel since Daico decided to explore the world, and how humans had converted it. Though, Persephone could not feel Daico. Her first thought was death, accounting for the mortality stricken upon the gods, though she thought better. The question still stood; What were Zehel's intentions in the ruins of civilization?

Persephone smiled once more. But this time, it was sly. It was a sign of pleasured thinking, yet not of sexual manners; She had soon devised a plan. He was a lost guardian of her people. To gain his devotion would add to her power, giving her an upper hand on events to come. Though she knew not of these events, or if he was even still willing to continue his existence in the eyes of his gods, but the alluring woman still thought it possible. Even with time against her, as it lay in shambles at her feet, being the goddess of Restoration she was the knowledgeable choice as next to charge. To grow a great amount of power and present herself before the others would only add to her chances.

The thought gave Persephone great pleasure. Her head rose gently, power emitting from the very way she held her body. To the darkest of creatures that stood behind her, in her league, her human form was almost as grade as her goddess form. She looked to be the height of human beauty; golden skin contoured her voluptuous figure, a peach blush raised her cheek bones on a delicate, heart shaped face. Her cold eyes were held within thick, dark eyelashes and a set of angled maleficent eyebrows. Her lips, naturally tinted as red as a rose, were thick and well defined; parted slightly, they exposed pearl white teeth not many see. Her hair, length laying past the small of her back, was a glorious red fire that never faded; vibrant on the darkest or gloomiest of days. It was always gently pulled back from her face, not a strand moved from it's desired place. Everything of her mortal body screamed delicate, beautiful, and venerable. Yet... her power still emitted from this weak body. She had taken an accustom to wearing the colors of green and blue, suiting the color scheme of her presence perfectly. She was the breath of air in the first days of spring.

Even her smell told of her place. The wind that threatened to push her body off the cliff took her scent, swirling it through the air, the city, the forest at her back, the creatures at her side. Everything around her seemed to take it up in gulps; for even the dead of cities, and the darkest of underlings wished to breath in the restoration. The restoration of the spring, of old bones, of an invigorating burst of life. She was what many craved; this, she knew.

The dark creatures that followed her became restless, wishing to do what was natural to them; to mask the light.To kill what was left of the old, tattered humans so their goddess could bring new life to it. They wished to fulfil what she command. Yet, she stood still, watching. These creatures looked at one another, questioning her lack of action. Was there a change of plans? A new threat? Did they somehow already fail her? At the thought, they all suddenly became very startled, falling to their knees and bowing before her as she faced away. They said not a word, but one, one all of the creatures knew was in favor of Persephone, stood by her side. This creature was one of her favored. He looked to be remains of a human and a cat, with a hunched figure of mostly long limbs. His skin stretched over his body, as if too tight. His cat like eyes, an envious green, glanced nervously at the goddess. the scraps of hair left on his head flopped with his unnaturally pointed, long ears. Standing beside the goddess belittled him with no need for words; his grey complexion holding no contest to her. He wrapped his arms around Persephone's leg, looking up at her, a sign of concern.

Her eyes glided down to him, filling him with a sudden happiness to be even recognized by her grace. A smile proved this gesture further. But she spoke not a word; She was waiting for her presence to be known.

Aren let the temporary madness of battle rage through his voice for a few more seconds before calming down somewhat. Around him were the littered corpses of demons, some recognizable . . . some not so much. Blood was spattered everywhere, and none of it was his own. Aren slid one hand through his mane of red hair as he took a deep breath. This had hardly been a worthy challenge, even with numbers greatly in their favor he hadn't broken a sweat.

"More . . . I require greater battles."

He set off through the forest, leaving the clearing of gore behind him.
Zehel watched her carefully as she struggled. A gust of wind hit the alley causing his black hair to whip behind him. "Calm Dow..." His words cut off my her attempt to punch him. He grinded his teeth as he wrapped his left leg around her grabbing her hand that attempted to hit him, with a simple pull he whirled her around to face him. He held her wrist tight as her head seemed to beam red.

In a swift movement he pulled her forward locking her lips with his. This lasted for a few seconds before he released his grip on her wrists pulling away. He had seen a man once do this to a women. When he asked the god Daico why, she told him that a kiss was a way to calm someone down. A way to say thank you, among other things. He hoped that this action would too calm her down. His eyes which glowed golden hues in the dark faded to a jet back that matched his hair. He took a step back, his feet sinking into the damp ground. He gave her a kind smile "are you calm now!?... " he asked as he brought his hand up to push his hair back from his face. The moonlight hit his face, his skin light and tanned. He stretched his fingers by his sides the sound of them cracking echoed in the large hall way. His long wolf like nails slowing retracting back so his hands seemed human once more.

Zehel stopped for a moment taking a deep breath threw his nostrils, the smell of death penetrating his nose. His seemingly black eyes flared up with golden hues once more. He took a step back from harusun, his lips pulled back to reveal long fangs starting to form. The center of his back seemed to rip as he lunged forward, the sound of bones cracking and reforming once more. His hands seem to stretch as his black hair seemed to forced its way from his skin. His jaw forcibly extended forward to for a wolf like jaw. His body heaved over harusun landing in the street in front of him. His body once again covered in coarse hair, his long snout breathed hard in the cold parched air. The beast once again stood in the street way, his eyes gazed up to the peak of the valley. There stood a women his eyes locked with hers.

His eyes widened in surprise. Persephone? Why was she here? He seemed confused and flustered, his gaze still locked with hers he seemed to completely over look the army that stood just behind her. He shook his head prying he's eyes from hers. He growled at her slightly before his light voice floated to her mind. "Persephone it's been a while... " he kneeled down slightly lowering his head towards her. As a guardian he had respect towards the gods, his allegiance to them never unwavering. Even with Daicos betrayal, he still couldn't hate her. He raised his head standing straight locking with her gaze once more. His allegiance with the gods was strong, but Persephone made him uneasy, as long as he'd known her, her nature was unlike any god, and since she had found a place with hades her personality only seemed to become more volatile. But she wasnt always like that, she was innocent once. He's voice once again rang in her mind "what brings you here!?..." He asked glancing back at harusun.

((Buahahah. Still cracking up over here! Next post ill bring Michael and company back in, for some reason I don't see uncultured responding. Such a shame.))
(( Omg lol, I don't even know how to type her reaction to that X D... ))

DAGGERS.. For the seconds that felt like hours, all she could do was glare, A mix of anger, with shocked confusion, and embarrassment, taking turns on display within her eyeballs with every twitch as the seconds drug on.. She didn't seem to notice him transform, or leap over her.. Harusun stayed in place unflinching.. No thoughts, nothing.. She had never felt, or experienced anything like this confusing turn of events.. Uncertain of how to react... Finally, her mind came rushing back..

" Um.. What.. Erm... Hudda..? You should.. Kill him now..? You should most certainly not stand here like an idiot that's for sure.. Hara? " Hara jumped up, shook herself off like a wet dog, then twirling around she raised both arms above her head, summoning particles to both palms.. She walked very slowly in the direction of Zehel, her eyes fixed on him, paying absolutely no attention to the goddess in the skies above. Her arms still raised, gathering more and more particles as she slowly moved in his direction.. Smirking, in a fashion that seemed more forced then anything. Like someone who is losing the conversation but wants you to think they still have the upper hand.. One eye was shut a little more than the other, but both eyes were afflicted by a bad case of the twitches.. She was exploding inside, and there is only one thing to do at that point.. Throw everything you got at the problem.

" That was.. Unforgiv- Nice. No.. It was despica- Nice.. NO it was not nice! It was.. It was.. Ni- NO! KILL HIM NOW!! " These thoughts were poisoning the darkness in her mind, it was time to kill, or die trying. This venomous bite could not go unpunished..

(( You got her mind on the ropes now! It will take her a minute to reach you, and of course she may have been standing there for awhile too, before she turned around to see you looking at the sky. Which should give you both time for conversation? :o ))
Persephone raised an eyebrow. Had he no knowledge of the war? Her eyes glued to the girl behind Zehel, conjuring something even Persephone could not see. This bothered her. What was this strange girl? She was not as powerful as Zehel, this was clear. He showed no signs of distress from her presence... but showed annoyance.

Her eyes held his once more, jaw tight. The beast knew nothing. Persephone wondered if luck was with her once more. She could mold his mind, tell him the stories she depicted so he would stand by her side. War, my child. Her honey-sweet voice echoed to his mind, resting like silk over his thoughts. Persephone knew not of who he was now, yet still showed great dedication to his gods. Being your quarrel here. There is much to tell you, and I am curious of this creature you have found.

The army at her feet were still restless, seeming to vibrate behind her. Her favored tried to silence them, but they were agitated. She glanced back at them from over her slender shoulder, and they sat silent. A smile slipped over her features, and she gestured to the city before them. "Go." She spoke. The command from the goddesses lips were simple, and as quiet as the wind. Through such a small command, the goddess created a second of silence. Then erupted screams, war cries, as they leaped forward, dropping down the cliffs from ropes, swarming to the city. The sight gave Persephone great pleasure, watching her minions do as she asked of them. Obedience. This is what she wanted.

Her almond shaped, ice eyes glided to Zehel once more. Leave this village, and come to me. This ruin is to be cleansed. Was the last thing she spoke to him, before breaking eye contact and looking o her favored. He sat by her side, watching the others. He was tired, and weak from previous cleanses, this was evident. To this, Persephone delicately touched his forehead with her fingertips, and in the space a golden light sparked, glowing and absorbing into the underlings skin. This sign would be compelled by many, and commented on her generosity to such a small creature. But this was for her benefit, as well. To have something in the greatest of conditions empowers her, and comforts her when uneasy.
"Death wears a welcoming mask, indeed." Zepher spoke softly, eyes scanning the two sides of the fork in the road. Neither looked appealing to take, one too dark to keep a proper vigilance in place, the other offering no shelter to hide behind in the case of an attack. However, it also meant he'd see it coming, and that was far better than being caught blind. Shifting his ruck sack back into position he resumed his walk. The place he was going wasn't far off, possibly ten, fifteen minutes of walking at worst. But, given the ever numbing ache in his legs worst was the most likely outcome.

Keeping his head tipped low, his eyes stayed ever moving. Demons, humans, he cared to run into neither and was not in the mood for conflict or death. He had enough blood on his hands that needed not the help of others to cover his flesh. Even if it wasn't nearly enough of demon origin. Something was breathing. The soft crackle in the low bushes told him it was nothing more than a fox or a rabbit, far from a threat. Shaking off the odd feeling he was missing something, he moved on.
Zehels ears arched forward as he heard her, her soft lips almost seemed as lite as a whisper "go". His eye's widened, as her small yet dark army seemed to run towards the small village, their small incessant screams bothered his ears. HE took a step backwards, his head shaking as he did. Almost as though he didn't believe what he was seeing. He looked up to the goddess as she pulled her attention from him, his voice rang. "What war?..." His eyes moved from the goddess as Harusun drew closer. His demeanor became more angry, he growled vigorously at her his fangs snapping towards her. "Stop now.. Or I will break you.. " His voice sharp in Harusun's mind, his anger over flowed. Dripping from his fangs, dropped thick saliva, his cheeks pulled back in a threatening manner.

The demons closed in. He didn't know what to do. Attack them? Or go to Persephone? He was so confused. How long could he have possibly been sleeping for a war to have broken out. For the human realm to be in such dismay. He kept his glare at harusun as he pushed his voice once more towards the goddess. "Tell me, or I wont let your minions pass..." Hes tone was serious, straight to the point, with a hint of annoyance. He waited for a response. His mind racing, what to do. Was that Angel still here? Could he trust her?


Michael turned his head in surprise as the women screeched. His golden eyes met with hers. He paused for a moment before he felt movement besides him, the women with the katana became startled, turning her blade towards the women. Her speed was incredible, but to him, it seemed to pay out in slow motion. He grinded his teeth and in one swift movement caught the blade in his hand, its sharp exterior cutting into his exposed palm. He quickly formed a fist with his left had punching her hard in her stomach. As the air left her body she collapsed to the floor. He turned his left hand slightly to catch her, his right hand still gripping the katana as her hand fell from it.

He set her body down on the floor carefully, his hand protecting her head. Perhaps he hit her to hard? He looked at her with mild concern before looking up to the human who had stumbled upon them. He set the katana down on the floor as he smiled "Are you ok?.." He asked his angelic voice breaking the acquired silence. As he sat there the katana seemed to glow, 7 glowing strings the seemed to rise from the katana. The strings carefully wrapped around his hand. They glowed brighter for just a moment before bursting like fireworks, leaving no trace of there existence. He stood slowly to look at the women, she seemed to be in shock. His eyes watched her carefully, filled with worry and concern. He had collected a piece of "Gods" grace. He should just leave but he didn't want to leave this women alone with a unconscious demon.

He gripped his right hand as his blood dripped to the ground. The wound wasn't to deep. Thank goodness. He closed his eyes. He could feel a evil presents veering towards them. Had the demons found him? Hes eyes seemed to find themselves glaring that the cloth in the doorway.

((@CharChar45 Your good to go, for now Uncultured is out. Sorry Uncultured. Your just falling to far behind. Let me know if your gonna join back in

[MENTION=4602]Harusun[/MENTION] darn right I did! :P ))
((yay, now I can stop feeling awkward sitting and reading everything lol))

Another scream passed her lips as the katana sped towards her, her eyes widening in shock as she flinched back, acting on reflex and holding her hands in front of her face. Briefly, she stood there in that cowering position, her eyes squeezed shut as her whole body trembled. Then, hesitantly, she let her hands drop to her sides, her fingers shaking slightly as her eyes fluttered open, looking to the man, to the angel, then to the demon, who now lay unconscious on the floor. She watched blankly as he pulled what looked like seven, glowing strings from the sword, pursing her lips in a thin line. Per usual, the supernatural had caught up to her again, catching her in it's deadly grasp. And now, there was no way out.

"Are you okay?" She blinked as he spoke, hearing the sense of purity in his angelic voice. Of course he would be pure, she thought to herself, shaking her head, he's an angel. Literally. As these thoughts raged in her mind, she seemed to finally realize that she had not yet answered his question, but simply stood there, staring at her feet, going back and forth with herself. "You're bleeding," she pointed out, wanting to smack herself for making such an obvious statement. Yet, her voice did not hold that cruelty or crude nature that some humans had, it was sweet and kind, one of a woman of gentle nature and a motherly care for others. "I thought angels healed quickly." Words were just spouting from her mouth now, a frightened ramble that usually occurred often after seeing something supernatural. By now, most would think she would be used to it. But, she never had grown used to such a "gift."

This time was no different either, especially when a chill ran up her spine, a shiver of terror. Something more was out there, something dangerous and deadly that she did not want to face. Slowly, almost as if she was in a bubble of water, Janice turned and faced the doorway, her eyes wide as the noises approached, quickly and swiftly. She took a single step forward, her breath rapid and palms sweaty from fear. Did she want to see what was out there? Most likely, no. But curiosity was her greatest enemy, always leading her into situations she otherwise would not attend. Raising her hand, she pushed aside the ragged white cloth considered her doorway, freezing once she saw the horror coming towards her home.

There were hundreds of them. Maybe thousands, all swarming the village, coming down with ropes and screaming war cries. They weren't human. They weren't ones of light. They were, from what Janice could tell, the undead. Threatening her home, the life she worked so hard to build up. So many of them, and only one of her. Unless the angel wished to help defend her home, a fact she doubted. The best option here would be to run, to flee, to hide in the trees of the forest, searching for another life to live. In a blur of movement, Janice spun away from the opening of her home, facing the angel for just a moment before running past him and pulling a bow off the wall. Laying on a table nearby was a sheath of arrows, which she picked up just as hastily, swinging them over her back. Escape. That was all that mattered currently.

She sprinted towards the doorway, then stopped, hesitating briefly. She then faced the angel once more, her dark eyes meeting his with friendliness. "May I ask, if you know, what, exactly, is out there? What am I running from?" she paused, then continued, "And may I ask your name, and why you came here?"

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