Wanderlust - Out Of Character

MittyMittens said:
I'm gonna start working on my reply now since I won't have a chance until Tuesday night to do it if I don't tonight, so if you are working on your's Nessie, go ahead and post it, I'll change mine accordingly if I'm still typing it up.
Oh and I may push everyone's characters out and towards the next venue, but I think everyone has been pretty lenient about having their character played a bit .
You may do to Jerylin as you please!
Posted, I hope all of you are ok with it. If you absolutely hate the plan I'll rewrite my post but I figured it was better than aimlessly wandering the casino
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MittyMittens said:
Posted, I hope all of you are ok with it. If you absolutely hate the plan I'll rewrite my post but I figured it was better than aimlessly wandering the casino
Poker will be Jaxson's specialty~

I'm hoping this is still alive! I've been super busy and actually just started coming back on here. If this is I'llgez up a post some time next week. Finals week is this week so I'm focusing on that. But that month after I'm all yours... Unless I'm working xD
JujuBee said:
I'm hoping this is still alive! I've been super busy and actually just started coming back on here. If this is I'llgez up a post some time next week. Finals week is this week so I'm focusing on that. But that month after I'm all yours... Unless I'm working xD
Still here but my mom has me slaving away all day =S

This is why I have second thoughts about coming home for breaks.

Yeah I think most of us are under finals or just getting out. Well get this rolling once again while finals are out of the way for most of us =)
Still Alive!

I've been forced by the authorities Aka Parents to do a form of unpaid manual labor Aka Cleaning spree

They should be away this weekend and I'll have the place to myself so I'll be playing catch up before they enslave me again!
Hey guys!

Sorry I've been MIA

My mother did the worst thing possible. She disconnected the Internet.

My brother failed a class cus he didn't do his homework so as punishment she took away the internet. Sadly that affected me as well.

I'll be back in my apartment by Monday so I'll be back for good then!
@NessieAlways @JujuBee

And everyone else in this RP

This rp moves a bit slow, which is normal in my opinion. While we continue this rp I have made many other stories to RP to and invite you all to take part and join me and Mittens.

If you'd send me a pm showing interest along with your skype username I will lay it all out for you.

Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you
Wow. It's been such a long time since I've been on this one. If this is still going on then I'll definitely show up a lot more and write more posts since I pretty much disappeared.

I miss my Ralphie
-rolls into the role play- Hey so it's been a while. I've been MIA, sorry about that. Is this still ongoing?
I'm still alive if everyone else is too!

Just been hectic with school and all =S

Haven't been able to get on as much as I like, but I'm hoping that will change soon!
Really wish I had seen this earlier. I loved this roleplay.

If anyone here would ever like to rp with me or possibly restart this or something just know I would totally be down for it.
I'm still here and I could probably bring back mittens and bear

Idk about the rest of you guys...

Who's still here?
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Hey guys!

So after some stalking check up on people...

I've come to realize that @MittyMittens @JujuBee and @BrownBear are still hear

Life novel hasn't been seen since February and Fire Polaris hasn't been seen since March. Everyone else dwindled away with time =S

So here's what we can do. We can continue this Rp with just our characters, I can try recruiting for this again and pretend the new characters have always been there, or I can completely restart this and use whatever experience I have gained during the absence to carry this out to its full potential.

What do you guys think?
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-rolls in- Hey all! Still alive and always ready to roll with this one. I think it might be a little hard to try to recruit but if we get joiners, I'm down for that option. Restarting might be easier but I'm down and ready with any options. ;D I just got to figure out a way to fix my notifications. D:
Well it would be more of an intimate setting if we kept it to four but others sound nice too but then again it might be hard to just jump them in.

But in other words- I have no idea and will happily follow along with whatever you three decide.
FirePolaris said:
-rolls in- Hey all! Still alive and always ready to roll with this one. I think it might be a little hard to try to recruit but if we get joiners, I'm down for that option. Restarting might be easier but I'm down and ready with any options. ;D I just got to figure out a way to fix my notifications. D:
I think all notifications are whacked. I get notifications days after it should have been sent.
FirePolaris said:
-rolls in- Hey all! Still alive and always ready to roll with this one. I think it might be a little hard to try to recruit but if we get joiners, I'm down for that option. Restarting might be easier but I'm down and ready with any options. ;D I just got to figure out a way to fix my notifications. D:

I'm so glad you're back!!!!

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