Wanderlust - Out Of Character

Yaaaas. Though creepy crawly things come out at night in the desert. Random fact. Small scorpions are more poisonous than large scorpions
Must add my two cents into this conversation-

Can we please do the strip club thing? I'm dying of laughter over here thinking about all of the characters' reactions to being taken to a strip club by Charlie. xD
Ugh :< I'm sorry the post is so short but it'll get longer once they hit Vegas! I wasn't sure how to extend it without having Cage starting to talk to himself like a crazy person lol. And woo strip club!
Give me a second.

I have work in a few and I need to finish the posts I didn't finish yesterday due to me passing out at 8:00 p.m.

On the bright side...I got good sleep and now I'm up at 7:47 a.m. and not groggy!
Almost done with the post! I had to come and pick my brother up so I wasn't able to post =S

But it should be up in an hour or two!

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Bahumbug my internet went down D=

I can't post until I figure out what's going on. Time warner people are not being helpful at all >_<

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After losing the writing about 3 times, fighting with TWC, picture surfing and music scouting, I'm done with the post!

It's a plot post so feel free to mention anything as to what your character might have done along the road. Watched a movie, fallen asleep, had a conversation, played a game, secretly read Jerylin's comics, borrowed Felice's make up, pulled a prank on William, made faces at Charlie, ate the entire fridge *Ehem Cage*, you name it!

You can include Jerylin in whatever activities you need an extra person for, just don't overwhelm her xD

If someone want to play a game just mentioned playing a game and if anyone wants to join they can add "my character also played a game" or whatever.

You all are smart you'll figure it out =P

Anywho I'm done rambling!


Oh P.S.

I knew I was forgetting something Times are just approximations. They don't have to be on the dot, although knowing Jerylin she would have rushed everyone to make sure the times were spot on.


I'm looking at stuff to do in Vegas, just so we don't wander off like headless chickens.

If the group does hit strip clubs, would you all prefer to separate depending on sexual preference or stay together and go to a gentlemen's club?

If the group seperates I'm thinking male lovers and female lovers each having their own little night of naughtiness. No explicit content of course.
LOL. I'd love to see William going to a strip club. And no worries, Cage shall be strategic about his eating habits so he can have food for tomorrow too.

I don't mind either. I think separate might be more fun since it's easier for girls/guys to bond.
Hey guys!

If you've noticed, I posted an itinerary under the Setting/Locations tab.

This is a list of activities that can be done through out the trip.

This isn't a strict schedule and Mittens and I wont be bombarding you to follow it strictly

(Jerylin might though xD no need to pay attention to her)

I tried to keep this as realistic as possible in regards to distances and locations, but there's still be some wiggle room for RPing fantasies.

I just didn't want a person to travel 30 miles in a blink of an eye

So the group will be staying in Vegas for 3 days.

I've divided the days up in Gambling, Bachelor/Bachelorette night, and tourism.

Characters can step into Casinos any time they'd like and go to nightclubs as they please.

The itinerary is just to keep some sort of order going on and not run around like mad men.

Somethings to keep in mind with the Itinerary

  • Times are there as point of reference.
  • Timing includes walking downtime (Meaning the time it takes to get from point A to point B)
  • I will not stop you from doing activities in order to "Get to the next one on time."
  • Activities can change so if you want to go to a bar instead of a ride, by all means!
  • The Itinerary is just there in case we run out of things to do or say.
  • Anything can happen after the last event (Sleep, go somewhere else, drive away)
  • Things marked as optional can be missed by character (Meaning they slept in/ are recovering from a hangover)
  • Other things can be missed as well, but who wants to miss out on fun? That's why the optional activities are there for!
  • Food can be acquired as we go, there isn't a limit in the places that the characters eat.

Hope you all enjoy the activities and if you see something you like that isn't there or something you don't like that is there let me know and we'll discuss changes.

I believe that is all, if you have any questions feel free to ask!

Oh P.S. Jerylin will be dragging everyone's butts down to the Hot Air Balloon ride no matter how groggy or hungover they are.

That can not be missed. xD

Nessie approves of Felice's taste in music!

She needs to make me a playlist xD

Where did everyone go?

*Tries to lamely get everyone to post*

Hey y'all! I will be out of country for twelve days, if need it be I can reply but I'll be on mobile so it would be a rather short post (that meets requirements of course). I will be checking up here from time to time when I am free but overall I will be busy.
LifeNovel said:
Hey y'all! I will be out of country for twelve days, if need it be I can reply but I'll be on mobile so it would be a rather short post (that meets requirements of course). I will be checking up here from time to time when I am free but overall I will be busy.
Thank you for letting us know!

Where are you going? If I may ask?
Oh fun!!!

I have family over there...distant family, but still xD

I've yet to go though, my mom says it's beautiful!

Hope you have a great time!

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