Wanderlust - Out Of Character

Mmm wouldn't it be cool if we could have our characters have a little firework fun...




That awful moment when you realize you've lost track of everyone else's position.


But I shall persevere! > :|

Read through the recent posts, pull up the RV map for cross reference, and give some educated guesses.
LifeNovel said:
Mmm wouldn't it be cool if we could have our characters have a little firework fun...
Maybe when they get to the canyons and camp out?

Jaxson can even do the honor of bringing out the pyrotechnic fun.

Trignome said:
That awful moment when you realize you've lost track of everyone else's position.

But I shall persevere! > :|

Read through the recent posts, pull up the RV map for cross reference, and give some educated guesses.
Lets see here...last time I checked...




Charlie-Driver's seat



Minx-Still by the window?

William-Just entered so by the door??

Cierra-Just entered so by the door also???

Matthew-He greeted Jerylin last and she was by the kitchen so I'm gonna go with kitchen????
Yeah Raphael's still in the dinette. He's not gonna be moving much. Probably sticking to his little piece of territory in the Rv xD .
Hey guys, I am sorry to say this but I will be dropping off the RP. As of right now I am only able to RP during weekends (And a few times during the week) due to rough studying sessions that by the end of the day leave me exhausted (I had no idea I would be having these back when I signed-up), meaning interactions with Matthew would become extremely limited and I would have a tough time keeping up with the story's current plot. I've already talked to Always about this, but I feel there's no way to successfully make it work. I am sorry to say this so out of the blue, but I feel it's for the best.
Okay so there's good news and there's bad news. The good news is that I'm loving how this roleplay is going already xD The bad news is that I won't be able to post for another week. Tomorrow I'm going on a church mission trip to a far away land that most likely won't have access to good wifi. Depending on how good my phone data is, I might be able to throw up a post before I go to bed one night, but no promises. I give full permission for Nessie and Mittens to control Cierra whenever they think she needs to contribute to the story. Sorry for the late notice, it's been a busy week here with the Fourth and relatives staying over. Hope to see you all soon!


Also, @The Servant its totally cool with me, I understand how busy life can be, especially when it comes to studying. It's been fun getting to know ya for a little bit and I hope everything goes well for you!
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ShatteredSoul said:
Okay so there's good news and there's bad news. The good news is that I'm loving how this roleplay is going already xD The bad news is that I won't be able to post for another week. Tomorrow I'm going on a church mission trip to a far away land that most likely won't have access to good wifi. Depending on how good my phone data is, I might be able to throw up a post before I go to bed one night, but no promises. I give full permission for Nessie and Mittens to control Cierra whenever they think she needs to contribute to the story. Sorry for the late notice, it's been a busy week here with the Fourth and relatives staying over. Hope to see you all soon!

Also, @The Servant its totally cool with me, I understand how busy life can be, especially when it comes to studying. It's been fun getting to know ya for a little bit and I hope everything goes well for you!
Thank you for the heads up Soul!

Have fun at your mission trip and change lots of lives!
[QUOTE="The Servant]Hey guys, I am sorry to say this but I will be dropping off the RP. As of right now I am only able to RP during weekends (And a few times during the week) due to rough studying sessions that by the end of the day leave me exhausted (I had no idea I would be having these back when I signed-up), meaning interactions with Matthew would become extremely limited and I would have a tough time keeping up with the story's current plot. I've already talked to Always about this, but I feel there's no way to successfully make it work. I am sorry to say this so out of the blue, but I feel it's for the best.

I'm sorry to see you go. Our posting requirement was only 2x a week but I definitely understand life gets busy. If you ever decide you want to come back just let us know and we'll pick you up at a stop or something.

And I feel horrible for leaving, but if I stayed my posts would be extremely weak and lacking of details. Nevertheless, I will most likely still read the RP (If that's okay of course) to see the characters interact with each other. This is an amazing RP,maybe one of the most organized and well executed ones I've ever seen, and even if I am not part of it I want to see it reach far. Good luck managing the RP Mittens!
@The Servant

I completely understand and you're of course more than welcome to keep watching! Best of luck to you as well
I wasn't going to post again until Cage( @FirePolaris ) did since Felice addressed him specifically. Some people may be waiting until the next destination is reached before posting? If everyone wants to check in and gives a heads up that could be helpful
I'm just waiting for everyone who hasn't posted to post since Jerylin isn't speaking to anyone in specific anymore and I don't want people to fall behind.
No biggie! Didn't mean to rush you, just letting everyone know why I'm not posting.


Also, totally off topic. Just letting everyone know it's that wonderful time of year known as Shark Week.

Hey all! After the FIFA World Cup today (YAY USA), I got a little bit busy and now I'm dying to hit the hay. I'll get a post up by tomorrow and hopefully I'm not delaying anything. :(
I apologize for the brief absence, but I was waiting till the next destination before posting.

At present, having my character actively seek conversation seems illogical, especially considering his relations with 1/3 of the group.

I wanted to save my posting opportunity for when he actually interacts with another character/NPC, because otherwise I'd end up trying to extend a single action of "he sat down somewhere" into several paragraphs of silent observations, crammed full with every adjective under the sun.

In short, I want to refrain from writing any filler material, since I don't think it'd be very kind of me to force everyone else into reading a long, rambling mess that culminates into a fruitless search for significance.

I say that now, but inevitably I will slip into my bad habits. I take this opportunity to apologize in advance.

...Although, I am tempted to situate William in the conveniently empty passenger seat, just so he's not standing in front of the door the entire trip.
Trignome said:
I don't think it'd be very kind of me to force everyone else into reading a long, rambling mess that culminates into a fruitless search for significance.
But I love reading your ramblings ^_^


Understood. In that case we're just waiting on @xx0mittens0xx and then we can do a time skip to Vegas!

Unless someone wants to have filler conversations on the way over there. We can have one huge collab post of the ride over there.
Yeah a timeskip to as we just arrive in vegas would be good imo

Have that last bit of conversation before parking

.... maybe by then someone will be sitting next to charlie in the drivers seat

Btw charlie takes requests!
Speaking of requests...

*Hides face in shame* I've never been to Vegas, so...

Any requests/suggestions of where to go and what to do in Vegas?

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