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Voting Thread

Nah, they're not stupid; just naive, don't actually know much about the world. Can't really call someone stupid for not knowing what they've never been presented or exposed to.

#1 as well.

Very good point Tmo. I'm very biased against the dark side =P
Very good point Tmo. I'm very biased against the dark side =P

Meanwhile I embrace the dark side every once in a while. Which leaves me to ask if I'm sometimes evil because I embrace the dark side on occasion, or if I embrace the dark side every so often due to being evil at times. Which do you think it is? Because I definitely have no clue which it is.
Meanwhile I embrace the dark side every once in a while. Which leaves me to ask if I'm sometimes evil because I embrace the dark side on occasion, or if I embrace the dark side every so often due to being evil at times. Which do you think it is? Because I definitely have no clue which it is.

It's both. No one is immune to having a piece of evil within them. The stick is whether you embrace it into the dark or turn around and walk away.


I can tell you here from the light side it's not easy, but at the end of the day, it's so worth it.
It's both. No one is immune to having a piece of evil within them. The stick is whether you embrace it into the dark or turn around and walk away.


I can tell you here from the light side it's not easy, but at the end of the day, it's so worth it.

Honestly, the dark side is harder. Have to keep up this villainous act, gotta do evil things, and most of all friends are far and few. It's the problem with people's views on dark vs light, everything's about dark being evil and light being good, when in reality, neither is better than the other. Wish people would realize that true 'dark side' people just want to be left to do whatever they want to do, nothing more nothing less.
Honestly, the dark side is harder. Have to keep up this villainous act, gotta do evil things, and most of all friends are far and few. It's the problem with people's views on dark vs light, everything's about dark being evil and light being good, when in reality, neither is better than the other. Wish people would realize that true 'dark side' people just want to be left to do whatever they want to do, nothing more nothing less.

Exactly. Which is why the light side is more difficult. It's harder to NOT DO whatever you want, than to just throw caution to the wind. It is harder to consider other people than to only care for yourself. It is harder to follow rules than ignore them. Would it be harder for you to stay home doing what you want everyday, or get up at 7 to make it into work by 9? It's Impulse VS. Control and control is without a doubt the harder of the two.
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Exactly. Which is why the light side is more difficult. It's harder to NOT DO whatever you want, than to just throw caution to the wind. It is harder to consider other people than to only care for yourself. It is harder to follow rules than ignore them. Would it be harder for you to stay home doing what you want everyday, or get up at 7 to make it into work by 9? It's Impulse VS. Control and control is without a doubt the harder of the two.

That's just it, it's not impulse. Impulse isn't doing what you want to do, it's doing whatever your body urges you to do, which often times isn't what you want. When I say do what they want to do, I mean enjoy something they like doing. It's hard to do that, honestly, because you have people forcing you to follow these rules, expectations forced upon you to be something you're not, do things you don't want to; while physically speaking, it may seem harder to follow rules, mentally, it's most difficult to do only what you want to do and nothing else, because at some point or another, somebody's going to shove rules down your throat and tell you that you either follow them, or you get severely punished. That punishment is harder to deal with than following the rules, when all you really wanted to do was enjoy what you wanted to do without any restrictions.

That's what's wrong with people's views on the dark side, they think that everybody on the 'dark side' is evil, corrupt, wants to destroy everything, when anyone truly on the dark side is simply trying to escape the limitations forced upon them by other people, so they can be what they want to be, and do what they want to do. But they get punished for it, all because of being lumped together with all these other people who do evil things, try to kill people, destroy lives, etc. 

Why not just let us be what we want to be? Why must we follow your rules that you impose on us? Why can't you just leave us alone, so we can leave you alone? Because that's what it truly means to be on the dark side, to be your own person free of the rules imposed upon you by self-righteous ignorant politicians who thinks that the only answer to the question of how to make everyone happy is to make everyone suffer under the same rules, require them to pay money simply to live, and have to commit their entire life to achieving a dream that isn't even theirs, but the dream someone else.
That's just it, it's not impulse. Impulse isn't doing what you want to do, it's doing whatever your body urges you to do, which often times isn't what you want. When I say do what they want to do, I mean enjoy something they like doing. It's hard to do that, honestly, because you have people forcing you to follow these rules, expectations forced upon you to be something you're not, do things you don't want to; while physically speaking, it may seem harder to follow rules, mentally, it's most difficult to do only what you want to do and nothing else, because at some point or another, somebody's going to shove rules down your throat and tell you that you either follow them, or you get severely punished. That punishment is harder to deal with than following the rules, when all you really wanted to do was enjoy what you wanted to do without any restrictions.

That's what's wrong with people's views on the dark side, they think that everybody on the 'dark side' is evil, corrupt, wants to destroy everything, when anyone truly on the dark side is simply trying to escape the limitations forced upon them by other people, so they can be what they want to be, and do what they want to do. But they get punished for it, all because of being lumped together with all these other people who do evil things, try to kill people, destroy lives, etc. 

Why not just let us be what we want to be? Why must we follow your rules that you impose on us? Why can't you just leave us alone, so we can leave you alone? Because that's what it truly means to be on the dark side, to be your own person free of the rules imposed upon you by self-righteous ignorant politicians who thinks that the only answer to the question of how to make everyone happy is to make everyone suffer under the same rules, require them to pay money simply to live, and have to commit their entire life to achieving a dream that isn't even theirs, but the dream someone else.

That's the Jedi Vs. Sith argument for you. That's basically it. Just like how there aren't really bad Sith who want to do terrible things. There aren't really righteous Jedi who want to keep everyone in line. There are Sith who are very respectable and follow good lines of teaching on the importance of being individualistic. There are Jedi who are very haughty and go down the sad road of forcing everyone into their standards of "pure".

Still. It's an act of balance. The individual vs group order. If a Sith's idea of "me-time" is going on a murdering spree, there will be Jedi there to stop them. If a Jedi's idea of order is oppressing a misbehaving nation, there will be Sith trying to free them. I don't think the average Jedi would kill a Sith over wanting to bake cakes. I don't think the average Sith would kill a Jedi over stopping their car while they help an old lady across the street.

Total order is unproductive and no fun. Total chaos is extremely dangerous and...chaotic. It's not good to be at the end of either side.

TMO though, xD. Impulse exactly means doing whatever you feel like doing. The word you're thinking of is probably urge. Bodily urge.
TMO though, xD. Impulse exactly means doing whatever you feel like doing. The word you're thinking of is probably urge. Bodily urge.


  1. [COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)] a [/COLOR]sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act.

[COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]Basically, not what you yourself actually want to do, more of what your body or mind urges you to do before your conscious choice on what you want to do. So basically before your own moral input or personal preference, AKA it's your instincts and/or primal urges.[/COLOR]
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  1. [COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)] a [/COLOR]sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act.

[COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]Basically, not what you yourself actually want to do, more of what your body or mind urges you to do before your conscious choice on what you want to do. So basically before your own moral input or personal preference, AKA it's your instincts and/or primal urges.[/COLOR]

=P Okay. I abhor semantics so you win
That was incredible. I'm so glad I added Kiyoko to this RP, if only for discussions like this.

You're making me blush >///<

White, please make Jaye stop! I don't like it when people make me blush >///<

Blushing aside though, I'm the one who's glad to have been added. I get a place that's just so perfect for butting heads with White over here, something that I don't have much room to do elsewhere because of how busy every other thread makes both me and her in regards to what's being talked about with others, as well as what's happening in-RP. Being able to straight-up butt heads and build upon each other's understanding of something through a perfectly-paced RP, which has a perfect set of options to choose from each post to boot, is just so much fun and enjoyable.

Though I think it could be even more enjoyable if we tried butting heads with you about some things too, because I know you're dying to be a part of this silly little nonsense me and White enjoy whenever we get the chance~
You're making me blush >///<

White, please make Jaye stop! I don't like it when people make me blush >///<

Blushing aside though, I'm the one who's glad to have been added. I get a place that's just so perfect for butting heads with White over here, something that I don't have much room to do elsewhere because of how busy every other thread makes both me and her in regards to what's being talked about with others, as well as what's happening in-RP. Being able to straight-up butt heads and build upon each other's understanding of something through a perfectly-paced RP, which has a perfect set of options to choose from each post to boot, is just so much fun and enjoyable.

Though I think it could be even more enjoyable if we tried butting heads with you about some things too, because I know you're dying to be a part of this silly little nonsense me and White enjoy whenever we get the chance~

You make me tired  :ClosedEyesFrown:
!!! Now who's making who blush.

I'm glad you're enjoying yourself here. I certainly hope White feels similar sentiments.

And. I will consider your offer of butting heads. I do enjoy a hearty discussion/debate.

What do you do?

  1. Press your advantage; try to win the duel.
  2. Stop holding firm - let yourself loose the duel.
  3. Ask the Iktotchi if they'd ever considered using the Light Side.
  4. Ask how someone like you might become a Sith.
  5. [Cunning] Shake up the routine of the duel - use the Sith's own skills against them.
  6. Write in~
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#5 + #4 - #3 = #6.

(Although more representative of the status of each option at hand would be #6 + #3 - #4 = #5, seeing as #4 is the one that's not directly stated by the Jedi.)

#6. Tell them what it's like on the light side; see what he thinks of it. See if he's ever been interested in the light side to begin with. Meanwhile, take the lead in the duel, using his own skills to see his response. Perhaps, by giving verbal hints toward the topic of wanting to become a sith, you could get him to tell you some information through showing 'skills' similar to those of one?
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I swear I'm seriously flipping a coin each time, I'm not just picking Kiyoko's. Though, Kiyoko's 6# included White's 5# so... all's good? «eh heh»

What do you do?

  1. Doubt the Sith's claim - challenge them to pit one of their powers against one of yours.
  2. Doubt the claim - offer to show the Sith a Light Side power.
  3. Ask about the 'vessel being strong enough'.
  4. [???] Strike harder - try to win the duel.
  5. Stop holding firm - let yourself loose the duel.
  6. Write in~
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^ Thus options arise which I leave for White to pick, for I'm not going to be the one to make a choice in which attempts intentionally sway another's opinion or siding. Not my place to tell people whether they should be light side or dark side, red or blue, left or right, positive or negative, etc. etc. That's for them to decide on their own. If they ask for demonstration or reason as to why something is a viable option though, and only then, I would give my statements, considering that they want information and I have said information, with them the one who's in the end choosing their side without any real influence from me; merely information on an option they're looking at.

Thus my rant ends. I really need to learn to hold back the ranting when it's not even prompted for by anything >///<
#1. Just learning a dark side power doesn't do you any wrong. Plus, you're the one trying to make someone else basically do the same by teaching a light side ability. Plus, maybe this'll give you more insight in how to deal with the dark side.
What do you want to teach?

  1. Force Heal
  2. Force Stun
  3. Force Valor
  4. Force Empathy
  5. [???] Ask to be taught first
  6. Write in~

((FYI - I'm actually in the process of helping my sister move house - a house in which I am currently residing in. Not only are we juggling all the people needed to move a household interstate but we're also dealing with three stir-crazy children. It's kinda hectic. Also, once we've moved in about 2 days time, I will be catching up with several partners whom I have not seen in over a month. And then it's Xmas time and I work at a supermarket. So. If I'm not doing my usual schedule or quality, I am fore-apologising for that and request that you cut me some slack.))
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#1 + #2 + #3 = #6. Write-In~

#6. Present the options of Force Heal, Force Stun, and Force Valor, allowing him to pick which he wants to learn.
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I kinda used both your votes? Also FYI tomorrow will almost certainly not have an update. I will be on my feet all day and I predict it to be a tiring one. Tomorrow is moving day  ^3^

What do you do?

  1. [???] Learn the power
  2. Bargin - say you'll just learn the theory
  3. Refuse - tell them to pick something more 'grey'
  4. Refuse - refuse to learn any dark side power
  5. Flee the scene
  6. Write in~
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