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Voting Thread

More coin-flipping :smile9:

What do you do?

  1. Evade, remaining concealed.
  2. Remain concealed - jump out of the hole.
  3. Attack with the Force.
  4. Attack with your lightsaber.
  5. Defend and try to talk it out.
  6. Defend and verbally incite the Sith.
  7. Write in~
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What do you do?

  1. Pull yourself up out of the hole - don't worry about the attack.
  2. Pull yourself up and out - defend with your lightsaber.
  3. Drop - defend with your lightsaber.
  4. Drop - defend with the Force.
  5. Hang - defend with your lightsaber.
  6. Hang - defend with the Force.
  7. Hang - try to appeal to their mercy.
  8. Write in~
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#1, being nonchalant about it because Sith are too stupid to require real effort against. That and it'll get you out of that hole faster to not be fiddling with your lightsaber, so you'll be away from this stupid situation quicker. Oh, and don't forget to piss them off with a nice little wave goodbye after you're up there!
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What do you do?

  1. Run for the crystal door.
  2. Run for the ajar doors.
  3. Run into the dark wall-hole.
  4. [Cunning] Run just inside of the dark wall-hole.
  5. Wait at the top of the hole.
  6. Write in~
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(( Coin flip  ^;3^  ))

What do you do?

  1. Return to the temple - tell your superiors where the Sith is.
  2. Boldly walk through the ajar doors.
  3. Sneakily walk through the ajar doors.
  4. Write in~
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#4. Sneakily open the ajar doors, but don't enter; rather, attempt to spy on the sith, whom just became a bit more interesting with their last words. Perhaps they don't want to be what they are? Perhaps they're being forced into doing as they just did, seeing as they seemingly were thankful about something in regards to the events that occurred? Maybe they were thankful of losing track of you so they didn't have to kill? They were very odd in that they didn't just immediately try to kill you, after all.
What do you do?

  1. Hide in the dark tunnel, wait til the coast is clear.
  2. Wait at the doors, unarmed.
  3. Wait at the doors, armed.
  4. Rush the Iktotchi - take them off guard.
  5. Write in~
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"You need some work in your technique, young padawan," you say waiting at the doors, armed.
((You're always welcome to second other people's votes.))

What do you do?

  1. Continue talking - stay diplomatic.
  2. Continue talking - be antagonistic/aggressive.
  3. [Deception] Continue talking - be sympathetic.
  4. Attack first (with lightsaber).
  5. Attack first (with the Force).
  6. Hold your lightsaber ready - wait for them to attack first.
  7. Write in~
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((Can it just be common knowledge that anytime I get two different votes I flip a coin to decide between them?))

What do you say?

  1. Claim you want to be a Sith.
  2. Claim you want to learn about the Dark Side.
  3. Claim that you want to test your strength.
  4. Say that you want to learn more about life as a Sith.
  5. Say you want to know more about them, personally.
  6. Write in~
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#2 x #3 = #6

#6. Claim you want to know the dark side, both through conversation and through testing your 'Jedi' training against 'Sith' training.
Lol. Did you multiply? :smile10:  Too cute.

I'll go #5

Yes, I multiplied. Also, why 5? 5's Far too direct, you can't cut to the chase like that with deception. Once you start deceiving, you can't stop the deception until it's to the point the individuals are being deceived solely by themselves.

Just sayin' White, lookin' out for you if you ever try to deceive anyone for any reason~
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What do you do?

  1. Ask about how the Iktotchi became a Sith.
  2. Press your advantage; try to win the duel.
  3. Stop holding firm - let yourself loose the duel.
  4. Ask the Iktotchi if they've ever considered using the Light Side.
  5. Write in~

Had a new idea for the direction of the story. Will be interesting to see if the Quest goes that direction or not ;)  
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Yes, I multiplied. Also, why 5? 5's Far too direct, you can't cut to the chase like that with deception. Once you start deceiving, you can't stop the deception until it's to the point the individuals are being deceived solely by themselves.

Just sayin' White, lookin' out for you if you ever try to deceive anyone for any reason~

I'll be honest. I think young Sith are stupid.


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