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Voting Thread

Taking a personal day, sorry for the delay.

Take your time, Jaye-money. It doesn't take long to do (I would die laughing if you spend hours thinking up a post), so personal day away. Take TWO DAYS!!
What do you do?

  1. Crawl down the hole.
  2. Read some of the tomes.
  3. Try to open the first door.
  4. Try to open the second door.
  5. Try to figure out the meaning of the first plaque.
  6. Try to figure out the meaning of the second plaque.
  7. Write in~
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((No prob ^3^  ))

Solve the riddle with your:

  1. Wisdom
  2. Cunning
  3. Historical Knowledge
  4. Mystical Knowledge
  5. Intelligence
  6. Write in~

(( Bonus points for Writing In the answer to the riddle, FYI. ))
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What do you do?

  1. Cautiously head down the corridor, stopping before the floor drops out.
  2. Head up to the door at the end of the corridor, Force Jumping your way there.
  3. Read some of the tomes.
  4. Try to open the first door.
  5. Try to figure out the meaning of the first plaque.
  6. Write in~
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What do you do?

  1. Prepare with some Force power buffs.
  2. Draw and ignite your lightsaber.
  3. Force Jump up out of the hole, towards the door.
  4. Force Jump out of the hole, back towards the room.
  5. Stay in the hole, remaining quiet.
  6. Stay in the hole, calling out and initiating communication.
  7. Write in~
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What do you do?

  1. Use the Force to buff yourself.
  2. Draw and ignite your Lightsaber.
  3. Force Jump up at them and attack with the Force.
  4. Force Jump up at them and attack with your Lightsaber.
  5. Force Jump up at them and try to restrain them with the Force.
  6. Stay in the hole, remaining quite.
  7. Stay in the hole but call out and communicate.
  8. Stay in the hole and try to use the Force to hide yourself.
  9. Write in~
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#9. Force Jump out of the hole, attempting to get past them faster than they can react.
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Lol. What. Are you questioning my judgement?

White, you know it's my job to question you on everything. I can't have my sis running around making judgments without at least seeing the other half of it in the event she may wind up somehow wrong~

Plus, blame the Jaye guy for randomly inviting me xD

Plus, my option still plays off the idea 'Sith are so simple,' in that it assumes they won't be able to understand you suddenly going around them and being gone ^~^
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White, you know it's my job to question you on everything. I can't have my sis running around making judgments without at least seeing the other half of it in the event she may wind up somehow wrong~

Plus, blame the Jaye guy for randomly inviting me xD

Plus, my option still plays off the idea 'Sith are so simple,' in that it assumes they won't be able to understand you suddenly going around them and being gone ^~^

You better not kill our character sis
Plus, blame the Jaye guy for randomly inviting me xD

I'm always on the look out for people who may be interested, and you liked a post. Thus~~

Unfortunately I'm now at an impasse. I'm inclined to favour a write in (as I'm always inclined to favour that option) however I'm unsure of where you're running to? Like, are you running further into the ruins or out of them or...?

Anyway, I will probably just flip a coin to choose between them in the end :3
I'm always on the look out for people who may be interested, and you liked a post. Thus~~

Unfortunately I'm now at an impasse. I'm inclined to favour a write in (as I'm always inclined to favour that option) however I'm unsure of where you're running to? Like, are you running further into the ruins or out of them or...?

Anyway, I will probably just flip a coin to choose between them in the end :3

Further in, that or just in general another area where one can evade enemy sight.

As for likes, anything White posts that I love, I give it a like. Granted I don't stalk her like I did Sukiyaki, so I don't really read much of her posts, but I do get the notifications like any good stalker would get for someone they have eyes on :x
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What do you do?

  1. Remain concealed and quite.
  2. Remain concealed but call out to the Sith.
  3. Use the Force to buff yourself.
  4. Force Jump up and attack with the Force.
  5. Force Jump up and attack with your Lightsaber.
  6. Force Jump and run from the Sith.
  7. Force Jump up at them and try to restrain them with the Force.
  8. Write in~

I literally flipped a coin and it landed on 8#.
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1. Remain concealed and quiet. Maybe if you do this, you can anger them enough to the point they'll either leave or do something stupid. Your lightsaber is still ready though, able to be ignited at moments' notice.

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