Other Voting for RpNation

You know, this isn't a hatchet exclusive thread, if someone else wants to comment on this slowly losing battle, you're welcome to it

1148 to 321
I would LOVE to see us grab that first place spot, but as it looks with these last few numbers, we're fighting a losing battle.

I try my damnedest to vote twice a day from three different spots, but it drives me nuts to see how quickly those guys are creeping up on us and how quickly we're falling behind.

With the amount of people we've got on throughout the day and evening, ours numbers should really be higher.

Just my two ¢ents on the matter.
For those of you who haven't noticed, we've officially fallen to third place. Looks like Valucre is on the rise.
Thank you to the new faces for your ready support.

816 votes to go

It's too bad there isn't a way to track who clicks the vote link so achievments could be given to regular voters
765 votes to go.

By my guestimation, Eternal Wars will claim the top spot in the next two days.
Well my guestimation was off by a day. As of now, Eternal Wars is 3 votes away from top spot.

For us: 736
Voting for the site, RpNation here

There's a sticky note at the top of the shoutbox that provides the link as well. Currently it's rainbow colored.

It is official, Eternal Wars is number one. For us, 736 votes to go. Don't give up.
Well this puts to rest the vain hope that EW would get lax in their voting

748 to rise

However, there's no reason we can't get back up to spot number two, a baby step in the right direction.

724 to that.
The site allows you to vote 1 time per IP address every 24 hours. This means that if you are voting from your home PC at lets say 10am, your next vote wont count until 10am tomorrow.
Site owner stated 12. When I vote in about 14 hours my second vote never counts. I know 24 hours for sure =)
760 votes to go. I know we lost some ground because the link was busted for a little while there. Let's get back up on the horse!
I think the number one website has not obtained any ballots since I began monitoring the statistics. People, we're a website so fast paced we accident our shoutbox

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