Volanda Academy for Fairies

((gah! did i? mind reposting them? my phone isn't letting me view page 5 for some reason))
Here are all posts concerning clubs

Lillia would totally be in drama and pottery club. Mako would join a club to be more social. Probably book club

Maria's open for a roommate Also, she would recommend some form of music club. I'm not sure if band/orchestra/choir is a class option))

((Music, drama, equestrian {horse back riding}, and cooking.

I have chosen to make Maria a very active little fairy.))

(Sayuri's open for a room mate and will join photography and music clubs)

Cooking, Equestrian, and fight club for Rosa and fight and Music club for Bo

So can Lillia be in Music, Drama, and fighting club? and Mako in Photography and Book club?)

Cayde's club choices: Art, Craft & Design (personal specialization: drawing & sculpture), and (unless Fighting already includes weapons in which case i'll do that instead) Weapon Training (personal weapons of choice: Sword/projectiles)]
(Yeah that is what I put but since I had two different things, it's be Lillia = Drama, Music, Pottery, and Fighting and Mako = Book and Photography)
(I think I'm going to have Iliana join the fighting club. That's the only one I saw that I think she'd have any interest in right now. She might join a few other clubs later on, when I have the chance to ^^; )

"Nice to meet you, Rosa!" Iliana replied. She finally manaaged to kick her pants onto the floor, and then turned her attention to her shirt. "I hope we can be good friends! And that we get into classes together!" She yanked her shirt off and threw it onto her bed, and slipped on her uniform shirt. "Well, I should probably get to class! See you later, Rosa!" she said. clipping on her shoes and running back into the hallway and towards her first class. As she ran, she worked on putting on the other parts of her uniform.

(I can't remember what all the uniform entails, so I figured that would be fine for the time being. >.< )
(I think we should transfer must if not all OOC stuff to another thread and can we get a general description of the school?)

Rosa spent most of the day unpacking her thing until the room was set up in a fashion that she liked. The solid wooden bed frame had been carved intricately with magic and it still glowed with life so if it every chipped it would regrow. She had stained it with natural herbs making it a rich Mocha color that complimented the pastels. Of course she didn't touch a thing on the otherside of the room because it belonged to Illiana and she didn't want to seem rude. Her roommate had been very friendly which could be either a plus or a negative, for one thing it meant she wouldn't be mean or rude but on the other hand it meant she might want to be all buddy and talk. Rosa didn't talk very often if at all.

Midday Bo knocked on her door gesturing for her to follow. Sighing she tossed on a jacket and left Pippa in the room; the dog needed her rest. They walked out of the back of the school towards the woods, but it wasn't just woods. There was a stable ahead of them, Rosa had always adored horses but had never dreamed of owning one. "I have a little surprise for you, an earth fairy mind needed to get rid of some horses and this is what we got." With that he stopped in front of a stall and opened the door a gorgeous appaloosa mustang mare stood in the corner wearily. "They call her Stardust because of the weird marking on her face," he said looking at the shy animal.

Rosa was ecstatic and she threw her arms around her adopted brother. "You'll have to bond later because now you have a cooking club, remember you signed up," he said closing the stall quietly.

Sighing she replied, "YOu made me sign up for that."

"And now your signed up, let's go," Bo said pushing her out of the barn and back towards the school.

((ok i will update the page, and i will make an ooc forum. as for the issue with who is maria's roommate, ill switch to who had her first, hope thats ok. are there any people roomateless?))
((haha well just realized i forgot to change maria's roomate, but the occ forum is now up))

--- Merged Double Post ---

Victoria sat in a desk near the front of the room. She preferred to be in the front because she was shorter than most people her age and hated not being able to see the board because someone tall was sitting in front of her. She pulled out a blue notebook and a black mecanical pencil in case the teacher asked the class to take notes. The teacher handed out textbooks to the front person in each row. Victoria passed back the pile of books, after grabbing one for herself. She looked at the cover which read: Mythology Vol 4. The teacher told her class to turn to page 15. Victoria, and the rest of the class did so, and the first day of the school year began. ------------------------------------------- Sam made it to his first class right as the bell rang. He found an empty seat and sat down. The teacher began an introduction, which Sam hardly paid attention to. The first day of school was always so boring. The teachers would introduced themselves, go over the class rules, and tell the class what they planned to learn that year. It was always the same.
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Class began. There was a certain familiarity to the day as the purple haired fairy received her first textbook of the year.

Her true life at school began again.

A familiar spirit walked into class, right through the door. Another ghost. This one had been hanging around for awhile. She didn't mind the spirits, except when they invaded her dreams. She ignored this one for the most part, listening to her teacher drone about the syllabus.

The first day at school was always a long one.

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Classes began with the ding of a bell. Lacking a class this period, the blond-haired teacher relaxed with his feet on his desk. There was naught he could do about that, he supposed. He could teach people to fight with weapons, he could show others how to use the power he shared with them.

That was about it. He wasn't much of a lecturer. He had been a hands-on learner himself. Extending a hand, one of the swords lining his wall flipped across the room, and the handle smacked into his palm.

For now? He would wait. He seemed to be doing a lot of that, lately.

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Class had begun. The green-haired fairy nurse sighed and stepped inside her office.

She wouldn't see the students much. Students tended not to get injured unless they were in the fight club. She was going to be a bit lonely, but she didn't really mind. She left her door open, and peered through the students' medical records.

She had to be there for them. After all, what fairy would go to a human hospital?
Iliana managed to slip into her first class just before the bell rang, and made her way to the first empty desk she saw. She folded her hands on top of her desk and smiled brightly, waiting for the lesson to start. This was actually her first experience with a school with other people. Before that, her mother schooled her out of their trailer between shows. She probably wasn't at the same level as most people her age, but she knew everything her mother (and any other performers who happened to wander by, and decided to put their two cents in) thought would be useful to her. It was exciting to see what it's like to no be the only student. And not be taught by her parent.
Sayuri thanked the person who'd finally gave her directions to her class and didnt rush there.She'd already heard the bell.She sighed at the thought of being late on her first day.

(think that was me that was gonna be her room mate,other wise I can take someone else)
((we have an occ board now but i think your character is her roommate now. and I'm skipping to the end of the school day.)) ------------------------------------------- The final bell rang and Victoria packed up her bag before leaving. She walked through the courtyard intending to go back to her dorm and do her homework. It was a beautiful day and she didn't want to waste it indoors so instead she sat on the large marble edge of the waterfountain in the middle of the courtyard. She sat her bookbag on the ground againist the fountain's wall and pulled out three textbooks and three notebooks. It was only the first day but a few of her teachers has decided to give the class homework. With a sigh, she flipped open the first textbook and started working on her assignment for that class. ----------------------------------------------- Sam rushed out of his last class after the final bell rang. He noticed it was a very nice day and hurried to his dorm. Once inside he tossed his bag onto the bed and quickly changed out of his uniform into a pair of camo shorts, black sneakers and a black tshirt. He locked his dorm door behind him when he left and headed back to the courtyard. He had homeowrk in a few of his classes but he didn't want to waste the nice weather by doing his homework. He could always do that later in the day.
Well, first day homework. It was...well, fine with the purple-haired fairy. It wouldn't take too long. However, it would take loner than necessary because of cooking club. But she was fine with that. Placing her newest textbook in her bag, she walked towards the kitchen (cafeteria?) for her club.---------It had been a long day of reading. Students didnt get much, since they didn't really have time to get themselves hurt in the process of learning the class syllabus. The young nurse picked up another book for research, and waited.---------The teacher dismissed his class, and waited for all the students to leave before placing weapons back in their places. He'd been demonstrating a few things, since it was only the first day and no teacher ever let their students do much. Between explaining the syllabus and droning about nothing, there was no time to do anything else. He tried to be a little more interesting than the others, but he often felt he was just as boring as the others. He grabbed the sword he'd bent to show his name, Edgar, and bent it back to its normal shape. His day was over.
The teacher in charge of the cooking club waited for the students who joined to come it. She smiled at the purple haired girl who walked in as a greeting. She looked at the few students in the room, knowing there was a few more to come.
The purple haired fairy mumbled a greeting before setting her bag down. She looked around, noting the few students who were there.
Rosa could barely focus as she walked to the cafeteria. Bo had gone off to check out to get there schedules for the next day and pick up any missed homework. He had been really pissed when he found out she had skipped the counseling session but she had no desire to go talk about her feelings with a stranger. She really had no desire to talk to anyone beside's Bo, and that was just because she could trust him. She fluttered her wings, they were practically begging her to fly but she knew she couldn't right now. The hallways were too crowded and so was the cafeteria.
Mako headed back to the library. It would be the perfect place to do his homework. Quiet and probably empty as well. Most of the other students would be at the cooking club or in thier room or socializing elsewhere. Mako choose a table near window. This was how he got most of his sun. Through a window. He looked around to see few others. Then he got to work.
Shortly after Rosa walked in he cooking teacher looked up at the clock. It was time for the club meeting to start. "I am so pleased you have all decided to join the cooking club and I look forward to a great year together!" She beamed happily at the students. "I am going to have you all start off with a simple, yet challeging dish to make. An omlet." She walked over to the frige. "You can find all the ingredients in here." She tapped the frige before continuing. "We have six cooking stations so I would like everyone to find a partner or two to work with. The instructions and ingedients list can be found at each station."
She quietly listened to the cooking teacher before heading towards her chosen station. She just figured that someone would ask to be her partner. Truth be told, she was feeling a bit shy. She peered over the instructions and ingredient list before she got started.
Illiana walked out of her class and plopped down on the lawn of the courtyard, next to a tree. A school with other people was definitly different than being taught by her mom. It tired her out! She sighed and closed her eyes, spreading out under the foliage with no thought to the fact she was wearing a skirt at the moment. She supposed she should do her homework, but she kind of wanted to talk to the weapons teacher about a few things. Maybe he knew some cool weapons she could try to swallow that she didn't know about yet, since he knew so much about them. That could probably wait, though, since it wasn't like she would be back to performing any time soon. She didn't want to do homework yet, either, though. Yawn! Maybe she'd just rest here a bit, until she decided what she wanted to do...

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