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Violet Casing


One Thousand Club

The tale of the Violet mage is one rather popular in this land, even you yourself where told it at an early age by the elder of your tiny village. Yet still, never would you have expected to come into the presence the very man written of within this so called fairy tale. It occurred on day in the late blooming of spring as you were wondering the streets of the capital plaza located just underneath the large shadow of the king's stone castle. Making your way around the brick streets you were suddenly pulled aside by a city guard who insisted that you were of the city patrol, and now you were required to go within him in order to meet with the rest of the patrol. Ignoring any protest you displayed you were dragged along to the town gates and brought of into the wilderness reluctantly and soon enough you found yourself lost. You have been separated from the group due to the a small quarrel, and now you walked the forest alone without a clue as to where you are heading. Night had begun to fall, and you knew it was dangerous to sleep in the open in fear of predators, so you make your way in search of shelter. Soon you uncover a small cave hidden deep in the forests, and though your torch was fading it was your only option. So with a small sigh you enter the cold cave, though little would you expect to located the Violet Mage himself at the cave's ending.

~Please Note~

This rp will be beginning when your character is young. You sit in front of your villages elder, and here you will be able to be told the story of the Violet Mage.


The labeled areas are important cities where as the star is the capital, though many small villages exist between them. Rivers and streams are common to come a crossed, as are forests, mountains, and swamps. The unmapped forest is one full of troubles and dangers including the inhabitants which happen to be creatures of a more mystical nature. As such, it's not truly human ground and not many chose to venture into it.


~Follow the sit rules ( Obviously )

~Your character needs to be female.

~No marry sues.

~Be sure to give your character flaws, it'll get bored if she is perfect.

My Character Sheet~

Kage Rittet

Gender: Male

Age: Technically 21

Personality: Kage is a broken, nearly insane man just as the story describes him to be. His old and true personality has faded into his subconscious and only does it show when he isn't thinking straight or even within his dreams. He can be brutal, though he is someone who need guidance, he is unable to operate by himself.


~Height~ 6'2

~Weight~ 132

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Name: Jade Everlasting

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Personality: Jade is a kind and gentle girl with a very perky personality. She has a strong-will and a quick-temper, but in many ways is wiser than most people, especially other girls her age. She's not the flirty type and whenever anyone tries to flirt with her she blows it off.


~Height~ 5'8

~Weight~ 110

My apologies though I have only just begun to rp on this sight, so sorry if this method is incorrect.

Accepted, would you want me to go first, or would you like to?
The elder of the village sat within his old oaken rocking chair, his dulled green eyes placed upon the girl seated only feet before him. He knew already what she wished as his age worn hand slowly slid over the rough covering of a deep purple book of small thickness. A small smile played across him as he brushed some bright white hair from his eyes, opening the book to the very first page. He placed his finger under the first hand written word on the yellowing parchment before he allowed his eyes to travel back upwards to the girl in front of him. "Are you ready to begin, Jade?" He questioned the small girl with a bumpy aged voice, though oddly it held a tone gentle and kind tone to it.
Jade smiled looking into the wrinkled face of the elder with a kind and curious gleam in her eyes. "Yes sir, I am ready when you are." her voice was small and squeaking like an creaking floor board. After all, she was so young yet very interested in anything and everything that had to do with her village. She studied the purple book in obvious interest of learning whatever it held for her.
The elder cleared his old throat before he began, reading the first page in a slow and understandable manner, "Once, within this very land, there lived a promising young man by the name of Kage. Always crossing his face was a kind smile, and always he had a hand to lend. He was kind, considerate, until one fowl day this boy came upon a witch. A young girl of dark hair and fair skin, she was seen as a great beauty and none would have guessed her dark intentions. Yet none were so vulnerable as the young naive Kage." He then stopped, a pause occurring as he changed the page.
Jade's eyes were open and full of deep wonder of what would happen to this pure boy named Kage. She fiddled with her golden braids nervously. I wonder what happens next. she thought worriedly as the elder turned the page in a dramatic manner.
Upon finding the next section he began to read, "Kage was one to be easily tricked by this cold hearted woman and blindly he led himself into a life of great displeasure. The witch, slowly she changed the warm heart of the boy, crafting a makeshift monster of her own design. Eyes once innocent and bright, grew cold and corrupt. His smile, though it did remain, it became larger and almost psychopathic in its appearance. He became the very thing he wasn't." His eyes grazed over the page next to this, "Yet still the true Kage wouldn't give in, crying out every night in hopes to regain himself, to remember who he truly was, but his own cries went unnoticed... they faded day by day until one red night. They became silent. That night was a rain of velvet, of blood spreading along old roads and death was all about. All of this, occurring at the hands of the young Kage, his smile of great insanity never leaving his blood stained face." From there, he once again began to turn the page in the same manner as before.
Jade bit her lip hard to keep from screaming, the image in her mind bloody and grusome. She tasted cold and metallic blood from her lip as she gripped her braids harder, practically crush them in her hands. Her eyes were frightened. "W-What happened n-next?" she said in an even quieter voice, her whole body trembling.
Alas, he had reached the last page and quietly he began the final paragraph, "For years his blood bath continued, moving from village to village, city to city, killing all that dared to move. Yet, this couldn't last forever, so... one took a stand. One marveled as a hero stood above all else, and one day he approached Kage in the very middle of his killings. He rose a deep purple shard of glass, an amused look finding its way upon Kage's face... no way could such a simple thing kill him. Yet, as the hero managed a strike for Kage's chest, the shard entered him, breaking his skin and spilling his own tainted blood... a moment passed. Kage crumbled, falling to the ground in a sudden rush of great exhaustion... his once caring eyes closing. His face lost its everlasting smile. Yet, what preceded after this, No one really knows. Had Kage died, what had the Hero done? None know, and forevermore this tale may remain unfinished."
Jade stood up abruptly and looked up at the elder angrily. "That's it? It's not confirmed? That's not fair! You read over the ending or something. What happened next? Someone has to find out!" she yelled her blood boiling in her veins.
"No, it seems to be the ending. The hero never told" He grinned lightly, turning the book so she could see for herself, "See? Though I do assume if you wish to try, you could create the ending for yourself." He suddenly handed her the book, offering it to her with a small smile.
Jade straightened herself, her head high in the air in a proud manner. "Don't worry Mister Elder, I will finish what happened in the first place. I just finish and find out what happened to that Kage-guy." she said.
"Now don't get yourself into any trouble, you heard the story" He watched her actions with a tad of amusement, "Your welcome to keep the book if you would like."
"Thank you Mister Elder. I will do my best to find out what happened in the end and finish it. I just gotta know!" she said grinning bravely up at him, one of her front teeth was missing. She was so young, but she was determined to find out what happened; no matter what the cost.

( (So are we going to time-skip to when she is 19 now?) )
( Yes, we'll begin as she is first entering the cave. )

A draft of cold air was produced from the cave's mouth as messily rocks and stones lined the walls. Occasionally a patch of emerald or amethyst could be seen sticking out vibrantly from the black stones though it was rather hard to see with the cave being so dark, the only source of light was the glow of a long violet shackle attached to the ankle of the violet mage himself where he lay upon the cave floor in the same condition the story had left him in. The shard still stuck out from his chest, producing a matching light to the mage's shackle, it being the cause of his current sleep-like state as it locked away every ounce of power within him, keeping it stored away until the day the shard was removed from it's current place in his chest.
"That city patrol group is so rude." Jade huffed as she stormed into the forest, not realizing how far and how fast she was drifting away from the group. She soon looked around wondering where they were. I was sure they were right behind me........ she thought worriedly looking around the darkening forest suddenly feeling frightened. I've heard of disappearing here at night, and I certainly don't want to be one of them. she thought as she quickened her pace searching for shelter. Coming to the mouth of a small cave she looked at her torch, which was burning out fast. With a light sigh she began making her way into the dark gaping mouth of the cave.
In his current state Kage was unable to tell that someone was drawing near, though normally he would have no trouble finding the presence of another living being. His senses couldn't be found as his mind was scattered, he couldn't think nor could he force himself to awaken, though it was clear the mage was still alive as the slight shifting of his body caused by breathing was notable.
Hearing the sounds of breathing, and tensed up. "H-Hello? Is a-anyone in her?" she stammered timidly. You idiot, now something will definitely catch. her thoughts screamed at her as she searched the cave with aimlessly because it was pitch black.
Her voice didn't reach him, though she was close enough that anyone else would have been able to catch it if they where near Kage's position. Yet still Kage shifted a bit where he lay, causing the shining shackle around his ankle to drag it's chain along the stone ground creating a scraping sound.
Jade heard scraping sounds in the darkness and began to tremble. It sounds like a beast. Nice going Jade! she thought in fright as she drew closer to Kage. Her hands felt the walls for any sign of any bats or other creatures. Then her hand touched what felt like soft hair. She jumped back, hoping she had not something mean. But by it's heaving and shadowy form she could tell it was asleep. Going over to it she realized 'it' was a human. Where did the scraping come from then? she thought curiously then saw the chains on his ankle. Feeling great pity she took out her knife and began cutting through the metal.
Kage stirred somewhat, though it was hard for him to make out what it truly was it felt like he was being touched, for a fleeting moment it seemed as if a hand been upon his head though he couldn't be sure. He was having trouble pulling any thought into his mind, and truly it soon faded off as he nearly forgot all about it. Still he was unable to force himself into waking, the shard remained within his chest and he knew with it there his power wouldn't return to him, including both his physical and magical strength. Without either, he was rendered helpless just as he was now, it was a surprised that nothing had killed him yet, or anyone at that.

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