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Realistic or Modern Viking Clan (Still accepting)

The Bear folded his arms disapprovingly, before nudging her back slightly with his feet. "Why would I do that?" He questioned humorously, continuing to nudge her, so she'd stop sulking. The girl was clearly old enough to hunt, and hunt well at that. But he swore she had the mind of a 10 year old. "If you want to order me about, you'll have to become clan leader..." He stated matter-of-factly, before continuing his statement. "Oh! I'll issue your challenge to Adaline next I see her." Einer taunted, now standing upright with his feet lodged onto the ground, and a mischievous look in his eyes. It wasn't his fault, Katla was just an easy mark, she really was like a child.
She sighed, and sat up "Why are you so annoying" she whined, and rolled her eyes getting up witha stumble, like that of a baby deer. "And don't you dare tell Adaline! Or I'll...uh...I dunno...Do SOMETHING!" She exclaimed with a slight shrug. She then proceeded to make her lip wobble slightly, looking at him with a childish face.
Adaline: I headed around the village for awhile. Buying some fruit and grain and sharing it with a few people. In this village we need to make sure all members are full and strong. Even more when we have training starting next week. We need to make sure that all members are strong enough to do so. As I finished that I headed back to my tent to grab my sword. Since I had time on my hands why not start practicing since I might not be able to train with the others a lot.
The thunder of heavy hooves clashed against the damp ground. Halvar had his nostrils flared an ears perked high on his head, the wolf pelt strapped to his whither swayed in the breeze, Haldor gripped the thin leather reins and the stallions cropped short dark brown mane, the splashes of white on his rump flashed through the trees like wild fire. Haldor was a skilled warrior and had helped out previously in the training of new warriors but he had a few bad habits, one was being late for almost everything. The wind blew through his short dirty blond hair and his ice blue eyes darted through the forest. As he came to yank on the right rein, Halvar took a quick turn on his heel an not even a few feet from him and his mount was the bear and a huntress who was oddly placed on the ground. Before a second blink, Haldor grasped the reins tightly an pulled back "Woah Halvar you heavy brute" The half draft mount came sliding to a halt only a few small feet from the girl who was laying in front of Einer. Haldor growled almost under his breath as he gripped the reins with a single hand now as Halvar fidgeted an pawed at the earth "What is going on here?" Haldor had a slightly confused tone as he raised an eyebrow at Einer, knowing he'd have the story for anything.
She screamed at the large beast that had stopped only a few centimetres away, the horses nose flaring as its chest heaved. She lept back, behind Einer using the burly, bear like man as a shield. "What the hell?!" She squeaked, her shy personality clashing with an angry outburst. "You tryin' to kill me?!" She sighed, going crimson as she realised that she was in fact using Einer as a shield, and the horse was... only a horse... although it 'did' almost crush her and all...
Einer shrugged, "I'm not annoying girl. You're just easily annoyed." He answered, crossing his arms with an amused smile, at how she attempted to be even more childish with her pouting, and trembling lip. He was about to tell her to stop being so soft, when he heard the unmistakable thundering of hooves crashing through the forest. Einer never liked horseman, so he instinctively drew his sword.

When Haldor tried to demand what was happening, Einer had half a mind to beat the boy to death. He hated being questioned, especially by young warrior. The hiss in his voice reinforced his current opinion on the matter. Only Adaline had the right to make demands out of him. "Mind your tongue boy!" Einer growled, more than a little angry that Haldor would even have the slightest notion that he would ever hurt one of his own. Let alone a young girl, the thought made him sick.
Haldor Was just now noticing the drawn sword an he growled under his breath, Haldor knew the Bear all to well to know the big teddy bear wasn't going to hurt her. With a heavy sigh he waved a hand "Alright fine Einer, was just curious I wasn't suspecting anything" Turning to the girl who was half scared and half angry with him, he couldn't help but chuckle "I'm sorry, I didn't realize anyone was this far into the forest, normally the other hunters stay up in the tree's I normally just need to avoid running over animals" Halvar was a battle mount and knew what a drawn sword was. The large stallion pinned his ears an shot a menacing snort toward Einer, but Haldor was quick to pull back on the reins "By Thor, Halvar would you stop, Its Einer for Loki's sake" Halvar shook out his mane an pulled on the reins, as if to give attitude back to him but then lowered his large head to the ground, grasping large mouthful's of grass, Haldor glanced to Einer "My apologies, he's not very good with manners"
Adaline: Once I had grabbed my gear I walked out and along a trail to the area many people practice swings. Since we try our best not to kill our own members we create wooden dummies to swing at. It was easier then a real human but it was better to use since once we struck it the a sword it wouldnt die or break. There would only be cuts in the wood. Plus it was easy to remake. Grabbing my sword and spinning it in my had I mad a grunting noise I swong hitting the wooden dummy with a loud blow.
Einer inhaled, internally chastising himself for the outburst, it was no secret his temper and social graces left a lot to be desired. "...Alright, you caught me by surprise... Shouldn't you be training with the other warriors?" He asked curiously, aware that this was roughly the time for training. Of course, it wasn't mandatory, though it would be the next day. Still, an older warrior like Haldor should certainly be training, rather than gallivanting through the woods on his cursed stallion.
"I HATE heights! What are you suggesting!? And im not heavy enough to make a big racket... unless i am... don't be mean" she said, fumbling with her fingers, barely looking at him. Her long red hair, used as a wall between her and the new warrior. She had drawn her arms to her chest instinctively, as if for some kind of protection. Her pale, lightly dusted face looking at the both of them, with big, green eyes. "And i thought Einer was bad" she mumbled.
Haldor nodded toward Einer, showing that he had an equal agreement, both had been caught off guard. Haldor glanced down at the black leather saddle that was atop the black wolf pelt an fidgeted with the leather "I was just on my way, I got distracted tracking a buck and then a bear ruined it" Haldor raised a brow at the girl, she was dashing but her maturity seemed to reflect that of a baby goat. Haldor smirked an checked back on the reins as Halvar pawed at the earth once more, growing impatient with the chatting. "Sorry miss, I'm not suggesting anything.. I was just pointing out a simple fact" Halvar raised his head from the ground to look over his shoulder, a quiet voice seemed to catch his attention and Haldor's gaze followed his mounts 'Ah .. Eira, a fine young lady' Haldor couldn't help himself, he was a man after all. He raised a hand to wave at her before looking back to them.
Eira lifted her chin lightly at the realization that someone had acknowledged her. She nodded curtly in return for his wave and set her bow at her back once more, taking a deep breath; the scent of the earth was strong and damp in the air today. Her fingers brushed at fur, feather, and scale of her catch and find of the day. Still, she kept quiet.
Adaline: As I started making blows to the dummy a child came up who seemed to be 8 or so. He was carrying a sword alittle to big for him and I laughed alittle. I bent down infringe of him. "Hey there. I feel like that sword might be alittle to big for you. Here follow me" I say as I took the bigger sword from him and lead him to my tent. I rummaged through a few boxes then pulled out a sword that was fit for a younger child. I then handed it to the child and smiled. "Does that feel better?" I asked him as he nodded. I smiled and ruffled his hair as I headed back to the training area and the child followed me.
Erik with another couple of children was at the brook exploring the area around as Astrid had expected in search of the legends. She wasnt angry when she found him to filed with deep relief, she rushed to him and hunged him reprimanding him for leaving away like that. She was preparing to drag everyone home before she saw movement in the brush around them. She suspected the movement were not made by humans so ordered the kids to get behind her as she drew her axe moving away from the group and hopefully whatever was out there.
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Bella rubbed her eyes, it'd been a tough day and she needed to relax. Thinking of a few places that were relaxing the best sounded like the beach so that's were she headed.

Not expecting to find anyone there she was a bit surprised to see Bjorn. Walking up to him she put a hand on his shoulder "Nice day to be at the beach, eh?" She watched the waves role for a minute before turning her attention back to him.

(Sorry it's not the greatest first post.. ^-^' )

Bjorn: As a hand was placed on my shoulder I raised an eyebrow and my body stiffened as my hand went right to my ax. When I turned my head to see who it was it was a younger girl. I then relaxed and slip my hand off my ax and crossed my arms. "Ya I guess it is. Nice place to cool down after practicing fighting and all that."
"Sure is.. been awhile since anyone's really relaxed." Bella smiled at him and tossled his hair before walking to put her feet in the water. The ocean felt nice against her feet. Looking back at him and Cocking her head "How long have you been out here?"
Bjorn: I raised an eyebrow crossing my arms. I just met the girl and I can ready tell she was strange. Not a bad strange just different compared to most of the younger girls Iv seen around the village. "Iv been out here for an hour or two. Just practicing then watching the water. Kinda hard to believe we are heading across the sea to an unknown land next summer in search of gold and all that."
Bella shuddered at the mention of leaving, she didn't know if they'd really find anything and what if we just took a bad turn out there? "I don't think I want to go. I respect the decision but what if there is nothing to be found? What if we completely miss the island or the very worst, sink." Sighing softly she watched the waves tumble over each other, thinking of things that could happen
"Well your not a warrior. Adaline wouldn't take anyone who isn't a warrior. That's why before we leave she wants the people who are staying back to know basic fighting incase someone try's to attack when we are gone. It's not till next year so we got our time and all that." I say with a shrug as I sat down on the sand with my bare back and put my arms behind my head.
"How can you stay so relaxed? It may be next year but it's still a serious situation. Many know how to fight though which is good but I don't think anyone would attack." Bella backed up a little and set her bow and arrows on the sand a few feet away from Bjorn before sitting down.
"If it's what the Gods plan then so it will be. If the gods want me to die then there's a reason for it." I say with a small shrug "Plus it's not the serious in my mind. Only a month away. Two weeks there two weeks back. It all depends on the boats she has made." I say looking over at her then up to the sky.

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